Monday, March 30, 2020

Sweet Sweet Water.

Sweet Sweet Water.

I have burned herbs and ordered the spirit of the place to fill my cauldron with fresh water. The crows sang and the owls hooted, long moons danced above my head and the spirit still did not fill my cauldron.
So, in the end, I took a big cauldron myself and flew over the trees until I reached the river. Halfway through I have found my guardian spirit devouring flowers and ignoring the heavens, I continued my way to the river to fill my cauldron with fresh water.

Once I have reached the riverbank my spirit has found me there again, in the middle of a cold night the spirit accompanied me, and once there the spirit asked me, why do you need freshwater?

- That I know and you clearly do not have to know - he replied to the old spirit - I know why I need the sweet waters of the river and I have come to look for them, without them I cannot complete what I am doing.

So after much thought, the spirit helped me collect the water and returned home with me, where I could finally finish doing what I was previously doing, just in time for the new moon.

 Copyright © 2015 by Elhoim Leafar De Jesus

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Nature Of Magic Is Always To Adapt, Protect And Survive.

Remember witches, the nature of our magic is always to adapt, protect and survive.

In recent months we have been dealing with changes for which many of us believe we are not prepared, even people like me who are used to working from home, we have had to adapt to a new model of life, where now, going outside It has become a complete taboo.

To be honest and entirely transparent, my conscience has been experiencing a complete regret in recent weeks, not only for the loss of so many people around us but also for the irony of what is happening. Many of us in the pagan and metaphysical community have spent a lifetime trying to empower and care for nature under "whatever the cost", for centuries our world has been mutating and being cruelly abused by our own, and now suddenly, from one day to the next, an epidemic that seems to have come out of nowhere (since not even the scientists and epidemiologists themselves seem to agree on its origin), has begun to infect and decimate our brothers.

It is a disease that does not distinguish color, sex, race or religion, and if it is decimating us little by little, in the process the trees have begun to emerge with the arrival of spring in the north, the streets are completely empty, wild animals are entering the cities, there have been sightings of swans in Venice, spontaneous snowfalls in Madrid, deer entering the towns and cities of New York, while squirrels and other animals seem to be completely free, more than normal.

Mankind's carbon footprint is being erased day after day, here in New York the days are getting colder and colder, to the point where we have had hail storms and drizzles of up to two continuous days in the middle of spring.

It is as if nature finally has a chance to heal that wound we have caused, and in the process, it is taking control of everything that really belongs to it. Unfortunately in the process, we are beginning to disappear, and if it is not just the number of deaths per day, I also speak here about the enormous amount of emotional damage that we are receiving in the process.

The Churches have closed, we can survive without them, after all, our first gods were venerated in forests, rivers, and caves more than 20 thousand years ago, without the need for structures, buildings, tithes or human intermediaries.

Whatever happens, we are adapting, and that is what we have done for thousands of years, but especially the metaphysical community. During the last two thousand five hundred years the community made up of magicians and sorcerers, as well as all those who have been partially or descendants of the pagan tribes, we have adapted, 99% of our ancestors were pagans who worshiped the gods and spirits of nature, they venerated them from the corners of their caves, and we are doing it again, we are resuming the cult of the old deities from our small concrete caves.

It is quite sad and heartbreaking to see that it has taken an epidemic to realize the enormous damage we have done to nature, and just as sad is to see that it has taken an epidemic to return to the roots of our worship.

We do not know when or how this situation will end, but if we know something, it is that for hundreds of years witches and wizards have survived by hiding, adapting, learning to evolve in the process and surviving extermination, because that is what the Magic does, it adapts to everything no matter what happens, and the more nature heals, the more we feel that our connection with the spirit of the earth is strengthened, thus our power is also strengthened.

During the next weeks, I will be a little more dedicated to sharing with you, not only from my blog but also from other routes. I have taken these circumstances as an opportunity to be closer to my dear readers, you who are one of the three reasons why I continue here, you who write to me daily and are attentive to my work, to learn with me and to allow myself to enter in your homes and hearts with each email, so stay tuned to my networks because the next few weeks I will be sharing with you several new online workshops and even several free courses in Spanish and English.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Animals of the Goddess

The Animals of the Goddess

Hugs from a distance dear reader, here a new post for you, this post was entirely written, edited, corrected and registered in May 2015 for my first book "Wicca! Love & Soul: Teachings and Experiences About Love, Life, and White Magic", unfortunately, it did not give the final cut for the book due Because this already had a lot of material (more than necessary to be published), so I have chosen to share it with you, but perhaps it will be included in another book later.

Multiple animals are linked to the Mother Goddess (the feminine side of nature) and many others are linked to the King God (the masculine side of nature). Below I will briefly mention some of these, either for their cultural association with the moon or by their relevance in pagan culture and Wiccan mythology.

In sorcery and magic, it is a good omen to carry with you a silver talisman with the figure or drawing of any animal of the goddess, in this way you will receive the guidance and care of the forest spirits if necessary.

The spider

One of nature's most eccentric creatures, as mysterious as it is beautiful, and as feared as it is insightful. The spider is associated with the occult arts, old age, mystery, and the occult, they represent the balance in nature and serve as minor messengers of the spirits of nature, they are in a way, the messengers of the messengers.

The Owl.

Not only has he been linked to the goddess Athena since the mythological Age, but Owls also represents wisdom, intelligence, calm and vigil. The owl represents fear of the dark and the unknown, however seeing an owl is considered a good omen, a message from the night that tells you to "go home and take refuge in it."

The dolphin

It is one of the most intelligent creatures in the animal world, they have an outstanding intelligence and also instinct, they are messengers of the waters and they are not as docile as they seem, they represent that wild side of the sea that is willing to be domesticated through affection and good understanding. Dolphins are associated with the spirits of the sea and act as messengers for them, hearing the sound of a dolphin at night means that the Goddess is riding on the waves.


The rabbit is linked to Easter and other religious traditions, both Abrahamic and pagan. The intelligence of the rabbit is always underestimated, it is one of the most respected creatures in Asian culture, to the point of having been elevated to the status of a zodiac sign in the Chinese horoscope.

Remember that an amulet with the drawing or the shape of a rabbit attracts awareness and ingenuity to solve all kinds of situations.

The Toad or the Frog

It has been revered since ancient Egypt as a sacred creature, symbolizing fertility and associated with femininity, ingenuity, and maternal care. They have a strong influence on folklore, in Europe, it is said that toads attract rain, while in South America they are associated with the fertility of women, and also with the appearance of diseases, for the Egyptians they represented the renewal and The reincarnation.

The hummingbird

It is one of the most exotic and elegant flying creatures that exist, as an animal totem they are perhaps the most difficult spirits to invoke, and this many shamans and sorcerers know. They are considered noble spirits of nature that take this form to protect the natural passages, it is said that where the hummingbird goes, the oldest fairies are gathered.

It is not only associated with mysticism and intuition, but also with communication and femininity.

The snake

This creature is under the protection of both, both the mother Goddess and the king God is a messenger from the underworld and the spirit world. Their skin is one of the essential implements in sorcery and witchcraft, they are associated with renewal, mystery, the oldest secrets and everything that is unknown.

In Amazonia (the Amazon), the venom of snakes is widely used to carry out the preparation of "Uwajiwa", a magical herbal ointment that is sprayed on trees to ward off evil spirits, and the oil that is extracted from their skin has healing properties, its bones are used for divination and its eyes to curse, protect and heal.


It is linked to the mother goddess in her role as the moon goddess, they are guardians of the forest and the balance that lives within it, they live in perfect harmony with all the spirits of nature for whom they are highly respected, they are the messengers among the moon goddesses and the spirits that inhabit the forests. In the shamanic tradition, they are considered the guardians of sacred wisdom and the incarnation of the old shamans of each tribe.

The cat

Perhaps there is no other animal as associated with witches as cats, but they are also highly respected in ancient Egyptian folklore where they were associated with Bast, the cat-headed goddess. They represent wisdom about what is hidden, mystery and mysticism. They live between worlds, they are fully aware of all the events that occur in their environment, they act as guardians between our world and the world of the spirits, nothing is hidden from their eyes and they are also faithful guardians of the homes of the witches.

The Fox

Just like the toad, the fox is also associated with the moon and the rain, American folklore tells that the fox is a shapeshifter, they are not easy to tame and it is easier to hear than see them. Foxes are highly respected in Native American culture as well as shamanic myths.

It is said that when a fox crosses the path of a small child, it is because this child is one of their own that has been born among humans, and it will only be a matter of time for the child to grow up and look for his herd.

The wolf

The wolf has a special mention in this category.

The wolf is one of the creatures associated with the moon for centuries, either for its nocturnal song or for its typical iconography (the wolf and the moon), however, the wolf is one of the solar animals, an animal under the protection and guide of the god consort, the son and faithful companion of the goddess. The wolf is one of the few nocturnal animals of the king God and is also his messenger, the wolves howl at the moon to sing to him at night what the sun cannot tell him directly.

Blessings & Light to all.
With true love, ElO.

  Copyright © 2015 by Elhoim Leafar De Jesus

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Healing with the Mother Goddess + Natural recipes for you.


Healing with the Mother Goddess/Mother Earth
+ Energy visualization exercise
+ Recipes to boost your immune system.

Greetings and Hugs to all the readers who walk around here. You will have noticed that our world is changing and facing these complex times of adversity, it is a time when we depend more on ourselves and on our own effort than on the efforts of governments and political leaders, the power to overcome this adversity is not in their hands, but in our own hands.

In times of adversity, faith, hope, and work in unity are our first allies, that is why we must focus our efforts on it during these times. Because without faith in what we do, without hope in what we can achieve and without the valuable power of teamwork, it is quite difficult to achieve our goals, especially when they are aimed at something that goes beyond us.

I am not going to take sides here criticizing the actions of any individual, each one decides how to take care of himself and in what way to do it, if you believe that the best thing is isolation and nothing else, good for you, if you believe that filling your bed with Crystals is the best for you, good for you, if you consider that the healthiest thing is to go outside with great care not to touch anything, good for you, if you consider that exercising in the sun is the best for you, Good for you, I am not a doctor or specialist to criticize anyone.

I'm just going to leave you here a couple of tips that I personally think you could apply to your personal care routine, and from my heart, I hope they are useful to you.

Faith in the Goddess and the old religion.

Faith in the Goddess is not something new as many believe, the old Indo-European cults believed in a matriarchal society where the woman (the life-giver) was the incarnation of the Mother Goddess in our world, but the reconstruction of the goddess in our Times, thanks to Wicca and Neo-paganism, has helped a lot to promote their cult in the current times.

While the male God is more associated with wild animals, the sun and daylight, hunting and the impulse that creates life (as well as sperm), the Mother Goddess, or Moon Goddess, is linked to plants. and the depth of the forests, the moon and the cold nights, the movement, the evolution and the change that occurs in everything that has been created, as well as the ovule that ends up transforming its interior to give life to a new being.

The Goddess is the healer par excellence, and while the father God (through the sun) nourishes the plants and herbs that we use for our medicines, it is the mother Goddess who teaches us the process of healing and use through these plants.

Except for its association with the moon, perhaps more modern thanks to Wicca, the mother goddess has always been more associated with the earth, the rivers, the mountains, while the god has been associated in Amerindian and European cults with the sky, the sun, and the stars as if in some way the God were the human body, the Goddess would be the precious heart that beats in its center and on which everything depends.

That is why at this time I share a ritual (not complicated) to channel the healing energy of the Goddess and her blessings, below, I share with you two tips that I like to do at home to boost the immune system.

Healing Ritual with the Mother / Mother Earth Goddess

You need

  • A white candle (purification)
  • A red candle (activation and strength)
  • A Green Candle (Healing and Earth Energy)
  • Peppermint, peppermint or basil incense
  • A bowl half full with a mixture of clean soil and a little salt
  • A glass with water
  • Rose petals


In daylight hours (after sunrise and before sunset), clean and organize a space to carry out this ritual.

Close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly several times feeling that you are connecting with something greater than you, a force greater than you, a force older and wiser than you. Now with your mind's eye visualize a halo of white light that is externalized through your skin, from the feet this halo of light is externalized through your skin and rises throughout your body to your head.

Once this halo of light has completely covered your body, take one more deep breath, inhale slowly, hold the air inside you for a few seconds, and now slowly open your eyes, as you do so, exhale that air from within you, and Visualize that halo of white light that has entirely covered you, expanding around you and covering all the space around you, now give this light shape, and visualize all this light forming a circle around you.

Visualize that this circle revolves around you forming a sacred, pure and protected space, this is your protected space, where you are healthy, safe and protected against all evil and against all adversity.

Now, without ceasing to visualize the halo of light, sit on the ground, spread the rose petals around you to symbolize nature, light the incense and the candles in front of you reciting:

“With each light that I light, a part of me heals, something in my environment heals, someone in my environment heals”.

Moisten your fingers with the water and proceed to spray it with your fingers around reciting:

"With each drop of water and each particle of light, I consecrate this space as a protected space and a sacred space."

Now pick up the earth and salt with your hands and use it to cover your hands and feet very carefully, reciting:
“With every gram of earth, I connect with it, with every gram of clean salt my connection with it, with every gram in I connect my hands and feet with it”.

Now close your eyes again, take a deep breath and recite:
"This sacred space is protected and blessed, because a part of the goddess dwells in it, a part of this space is mother, and that mother in this space is mother earth who takes care of me and protects me from the inside out ”.

Open your eyes, stand up, visualize the halo of energy coming back to you, coming back to you, integrating back to you, this sacred and healing energy returns to your interior, and now the healing power of mother earth resides in you, such and as it always has.

Let the candles and incense burn to the end, and then sweep the entire ritual east-west. Properly clean the space, and repeat this ritual whenever you want.

For your Immune system in times of crisis.

(Or for every day)

These are two fairly simple recipes that many perhaps know, the problem is that many know them but few put them into practice, I always recommend this to my readers because it is a very common recipe in my native country, and honestly, I think you do too. You should, and not just rely on powdered vitamins and pills.

Recipe #1

Fill a jar with drinking water, wash with cold water, and cut equal parts pineapple, cucumber, and ginger, add two sliced lemons, add all of this to the jug with water, and place in the fridge for about an hour.

You can drink it continuously as an accompaniment to meals and in the middle of the day.

Recipe #2

Boil water and brew three cups of green tea (unsweetened), add this to a large pitcher, and add slices of lemon, orange, and ginger, two tablespoons of honey (preferably organic), and top off the rest of the pitcher with hot water Mix well with a wooden spoon and store in the fridge.

Two glasses of this mixture a day will do wonders for your immune system.

So be it, Elhoim Leafar.
© All rights reserved.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Magic & Sorcery for Beginners with me (Part III).

Sorcery for Beginners II

Greetings and Hugs, for those who are following this line of the post, here is the third part, for those who are new here, and still believe in strange things like coincidences, and think that perhaps they have come here by some chance, here I leave the links to the FIRST POST and the SECOND POST.

On this occasion, I am going to share with you a little more information for those who are beginning in witchcraft and for those who are looking for some type of information related to practical wizardry and daily magic.

About online communities.

The digital world is quite complex and is full of options for all tastes and searches, including holistic search engines. On the Internet, you will get enormous ease from online stores, which offer all kinds of items, books, and articles, to quite interesting character profiles and complete groups of "Coven Online".

Usually, due to my experience and part-time work as a publicist, I am a high critic of the use of social networks, I strongly believe that people should focus more on having real friends in the real world and more integrated into their real community, that to focus and waste so much time in online communities, but that yes, not for that reason I am a complete enemy of social networks, I only consider that they should be used with some moderation, limit the daily or weekly time in them, and not spend whole hours checking Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Social networks, as well as everything that is created by the hand of man, has its own pros and cons, social networks may well be a double-edged sword or a tool that takes you in the direction of personal development and empowerment professional.

Coven virtual and holistic groups have, as well as everything on social networks, their pros and cons, some of which I am going to break down here for you.


  • They help you meet more people in your community who are looking to grow like you.
  • They invite you to participate in events, workshops, online rituals and conventions.
  • They inform you about recommended books and podcasts on the subject.
  • You can meet in these communities with true experts on the subject who wander there from time to time.
  • They help promote teamwork and participation.


  • They are a mine of Haters and Egolatras who are looking for a place to vent their personal traumas.
  • They attract many phonies who are just looking to make money or fame (or both) at the expense of the novice and inexperienced faith.
  • Many people join the groups but never participate and are only there to be.
  • Some individuals tend to get used to these online communities, and seeking to relate to them, they spend more time fully involved in the internet, worried about their number of followers and likes in each photo, than living the real world.

If you realize, the pros and cons are extremely important, that is why in these online communities you must delve very carefully, and therefore, I am going to give you some recommendations on how to join them and what to do.

  • Looking to join 2 or 3 communities, a mistake that many individuals comment on these Apps, is that they seek to join all the communities, virtual coven, and possible online groups, but they do not participate in any, then only the numbers increase, and these groups become They end up filling up with 1k, 2k or 10k members, but they only get one or two new posts per week. It is like going to eat at the trendy restaurant, waiting hours to enter, once there you meet thousands of people, but no one talks to each other, no one orders food, and no one knows the food.
  • Search for communities where you have contacts and known colleagues so that when you arrive you can encourage conversation, so you will not feel alone, and you can start by posting a post related to what they both like.
  • Be participative, if you are going to join a group, join and participate, make a commitment to yourself to participate in these as if it were a convention that you attend every week, greet the other members, respond to posts, share your ideas, be respectful of others and share posts, videos, podcasts and links related to the group's theme.
  • Care about community empowerment. Be participative in a positive way, encourage others to participate, find your friends there and motivate them to talk in the group, to hold meetings in various places, or even to hold talks and online forums. If you notice that everyone in the group values ​​the work of a common member, a common author, a common blogger, talk about your work and respectfully share your views on it.

I hope you follow these tips and they will help you if you wish, I invite you to join and participate in my online groups on Facebook, I have two small groups of which I am the administrator, and I am always looking for collaborators, if you wish, here below I leave you the links, also, if you have downloaded the Telegram application, I am forming my own online tribe, where every week I am sharing tips and videos (twice a day) about magic, rituals, techniques, videos, links to posts and podcasts, etc…

About fairs, events and live workshops.

Already in these times it is rare to get "closet witches", it is quite rare, but not unusual, not impossible, we live in a society a little more open than that society that our ancestors lived and for that, we must thank. Today we have gone from those long chains of internet forums and mail chains to having online and live events and workshops.

Society, at least in most countries, has a slightly more open mind, or at least the new generations have a more open mind, and thanks to this we have a long list of events and annual conventions held in different countries.

For example in Mexico, they have the march of the witches, and throughout Latin America, it is celebrated, with increasing popularity, the Pagan Day and the day of the Goddess, while here in the USA, in addition to these famous days, we have a multitude of events throughout the country, such as the HexFest in New Orleans, the WitchsFest USA, and the WitchsFest Parade, which are held on the same day in NY City, the TempleFest USA in New Hampshire and many more.

These events and workshops give each and every one of the members of the metaphysical community the opportunity to meet and interact outside the digital world with other members of our holistic community in each city, allowing us to meet others like us, or At least, with our own point of view, they offer us workshops with the best authors, magicians, conjures, and fortune-tellers of the moment, as well as a diversity of small physical stores where we can acquire all those magic and holistic items that are not easy to find on the internet, as well as books, amulets, talismans, incenses, handmade candles, and all kinds of magic items to complement your rituals.

Conventions and events are extremely important for three reasons:

  • It is the place and date where the majority of possible members of the metaphysical community and the holistic tribe gather in the same place. It is there where you will find your new friends, colleagues, participants, and members for that coven that you are looking to realize and all kinds of individuals interested in the spiritual and mystical search.
  • Public conventions and events, such as WitchsFest USA, which take place on a street open to the public, a whole weekend in the eyes of all, are a way of telling the world "here we are, we are not leaving, and here we will continue" It is a way of publicly and proudly honoring all those who preceded us, and it is also a way of making ours one or more days to gather our own without fear of being persecuted.
  • These events are also the ideal place for dozens of creatives and merchants who are looking to offer their handmade merchandise at a good price to an audience that perhaps does not know them, that is where you will find everything from organic handmade soaps and lotions based on vegetable oil, to wooden wands, bags of herbs and flowers of all kinds, crystals and gems, books and all kinds of charms made by witches and wizards who come here to offer them to you.

These events and conventions have hundreds of participants every year, and your attendance at these events is perhaps more important than you think because it is in this way that you show your support for others like you, it is more important to make an effort to attend to these events and support your community, that you continue to make an enormous effort to follow and support those artists and strangers who do not know who you are but who still follow you on Instagram.

Remember buy your magical Items in the next new age and esoteric Stores:

For no reason, I am going to recommend you to use Amazon, but if you are a regular Online shopper, if I am going to suggest here a brief list of online store options in which I personally usually acquire some products, or I simply know their owners and them that these are trusted magicians and sorcerers who do a good job.

If with something I am very critical it is with the magic stores, I like to distinguish properly the Botanics (more focused on voodoo, hoodoo and folk magic), the esoteric stores (where the fort is the books, tools, and workshops live) and the boutiques (more influenced by the new age movement). So here I will leave for you the links to my favorites and most recommended, if you are a blog reader, you have an online store (not phone shop) and you want to be added here, please let me know.

In the 4th Post (next week) I will write about... 
  • Enchantments and enchanted items.
  • Protection Ritual for you and your loved ones.
  • Ritual to honor the protector spirits of the family.
  • Ritual to close old portals in the house and clean the energy.

And remember, you are not reading this from the vision and perspective of an expert but from another seeker of power and wisdom like you.

Elhoim Leafar 


Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Money is not everything, but if you want to live fully during your time on this physical plane, it is best if you have certain resources. And many of those resources are only acquired through an energetic transaction.

Money - from bills and coins to checks and electronic transfers - is a physical manifestation of your inner abundance, energetic expression of your own karmic and individual wealth. The better you understand it, the better your access to that abundant life will be.

In this workshop, we will create a magical atmosphere and speak openly about that relationship that is so difficult to understand, the relationship between Witches and Mages with money. We will answer such common questions as, "Why is it so difficult for many members of our community to get it?". Especially when we can make money flow in the lives of others, what is wrong with those prosperity spells we are doing ourselves? Is it acceptable to ask the divine for assistance for ourselves?  What mistakes are we making when evoking money in our own lives?

We will open this short talk with a ritual (Simple for you to replicate at home) to attract money, and we will speak openly about the topic.  We will close with a brief ritual to conjure abundance and good fortune.


Monday, March 16, 2020

Sage & Palo santo.

Cleaning with white sage and Palo santo.
What are they? What do we use them for? How do we use them?

Hugs for you who have arrived here today, here I leave you the first post of another of these small series that I like to make (maybe it will be three or four this time), in this case selecting certain herbs that I mention commonly and that maybe You want to know better.

Palo Santo & Sage.

Palo Santo is an aromatic wood from South America (Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela). Palo Santo is considered sacred and medicinal since the Pre-Colombian civilization and used in religious and shamanic cults.

Sage is a common plant from North America. The special oils from these plants are very useful in those rituals to clean and purify people and environments.

Both plants, the safe and the holy stick are known in the wide world of mysticism for its healing and energetic uses. While the Native Americans considered the sage a sacred plant that could literally save the souls of individuals with their good energy. The Mayans and the Aztecs picked up the sticks of holy stick to burn them as sacred offerings to calm the rage of the vindictive spirits.

Six simple recipes for any beginner.

Both plants can commonly be used in various forms, such as dried herbs, as incense (in wands and cones), as an essential oil, and even as aromatic prepared water to perform "clean" and magical works.

  • For the realization of "clean", the witches native to South America usually burn a mixture of holy stick and eucalyptus, or holy stick and peppermint. The idea is to move this smoke around people in order to scare away evil spirits, bad thoughts, and spells imposed with bad intentions.
  • To clean the energy of a place, white or yellow candles are anointed with sage essential oil or holy stick and lit at noon.
  • To purify the energy of a location, the name of the business and the address of the premises are written three times on a white candle, the candle is lit and a mixture of sage and rosemary are burned around it, in order to clean the energy and unlock the money.
  • To protect small children and babies against psychic attacks and evil spirits, a felt bag filled with dried sage leaves and crystal quartz is placed under the child's pillow.
  • To nullify the effects of a magical work that is buried in a nearby garden or park, a deep hole is dug and a bunch of sage mixed with fresh milk is thrown there.
  • To perform a personal cleaning bath and purify your own energy, you can add to the shower water a blend of sage essential oil or holy stick (or both together), a tablespoon of pure honey, and a bunch of petals of White roses.

Here I add (as always I do) some items for you from different local stores:

From Omen Psychic Parlor & Witchcraft Emporium:

Friday, March 13, 2020

Magic & Sorcery for Beginners with me (Part II).

Sorcery for Beginners II

For those who wonder this.

Hugs to you who wander here, through this tiny and prosperous virtual corner that does not stop growing. Last week I published the first part of this series (CLICK HERE TO READ IT), and I promised to share the second part this week with three very simple rituals that I personally suggest and invite all my teachers/followers to do.

While these are very simple rituals, they fulfill the necessary purpose for each and every one of the practitioners along the way. Also, here I will share some other tips that I suggest to my followers, readers, and magicians in general.

In this post you will find:

  • Three Essential Rituals for new magicians.
  • Information about online stores and my recommendations.

  • The first three rituals.

Here I put the rituals that I personally suggest everyone perform when they are beginning in magic and sorcery. Combining here two important elements that many more advanced practitioners forget to teach, intention and purpose.

  • The new moon ritual.

The first night of the nearest new moon, light a white candle and an incense stick of your favorite herbal or floral fragrance. Close your eyes, place both hands on your chest, and breathe deeply and slowly three times while keeping your eyes closed.

Make use of this moment of calm to clear your mind, focus your energy, feel the movement of air in your environment, channel the energy around you. This is what I like to call a sacred moment, a moment of connection with the most sacred in you, yourself, your spirit, your soul and your own energy.

That moment of complete silence, with each slow breath you take, a part of yourself is trying to reach others, so for a moment, your physical body, your mind, and your spirit are synchronized connecting as one.

Then open your eyes, place both palms of your hands open in front of you, visualize the flame of the candle and let the energy flow from your hands to the fire. If you have not done it before, with this exercise that “first emanation of energy” that you do, is essentially the energy blocks that you are releasing yourself. It is as if you were consciously releasing the stagnant water from a well in order to reach the treasure at the bottom (your own energy).

At the end of this ritual, you will feel exhausted, maybe a little dizzy and it is normal, you have just completely drained a huge part of your energy that was acting like an old skin soaked by time. Since then, just as when your body discards everything it no longer needs, you will absorb much new cleaner energy with the new moon.

  • The personal Charm bag.

Yes, I wrote a whole magical book on Charm bags (CLICK HERE) because it is one of my favorite forms of sorcery, is practical, intimate, easy to load, use and recharge, especially suitable for beginners. And as your magic and learning become more complex, your rituals and amulets will be too.

I always recommend to my followers to choose a Monday night to perform this talisman. With a mixture of thick salt and rosemary, perform a ritual circle of three feet to six feet in diameter, in the center of the circle burn a little incense, light a red candle, also place a saucer with salt and a glass with water.

Fill a sack of felt fabric with a small piece of amber, a piece of crystal quartz, a strand of your hair tied with red ribbon, some cinnamon powder, white sage and bay leaves.

Bless this amulet within the circle by making prayer out loud to your personal pantheon. Close the cloth bag with everything inside and keep it close to you, either under your pillow at night or in your wallet during the day.

This little talisman will give you greater confidence in your power, unlock your magic skills and also protect you against the envy, the evil eye and the evil intentions of the people in your environment.

  • Smudge the place

I always recommend it, use the method of your choice, I like to combine equal parts of sage, palo santo, frankincense, and eucalyptus in a cauldron, I set it on fire, and I move it throughout the house as a votive incense for the spirits.

This combination cleans the energy in the place, changes the eonic vibration of the environment, raises your mood, and drives away evil spirits.

I personally clean my house with this method every Monday and Thursday in the morning. You can simply use sage incense or holy stick in the corners. You can clean with a mixture of rose water and clean water from a nearby river with a few drops of holy stick oil, or rub a handkerchief moistened with sage oil and myrrh in the door and window frames.

About the new age and esoteric Stores:

Although I always choose to suggest to my followers that they acquire their implements for the practice of magic and sorcery in a nearby esoteric or botanical shop, sometimes these can be, or more distant than desired, or many times they are more expensive than online stores.

For no reason, I am going to recommend you to use Amazon, but if you are a regular Online shopper, if I am going to suggest here a brief list of online store options in which I personally usually acquire some products, or I simply know their owners and them that these are trusted magicians and sorcerers who do a good job.

If with something I am very critical it is with the magic stores, I like to distinguish properly the Botanics (more focused on voodoo, hoodoo and folk magic), the esoteric stores (where the fort is the books, tools, and workshops live) and the boutiques (more influenced by the new age movement). So here I will leave for you the links to my favorites and most recommended, if you are a blog reader, you have an online store (not phone shop) and you want to be added here, please let me know.

In the third post (next week) I will write about... 

  • My experience with online communities.
  • About fairs, events and workshops live.

And remember, you are not reading this from the vision and perspective of an expert but from another seeker of power and wisdom like you.

Elhoim Leafar 


Thursday, March 12, 2020

Our Collective Ritual of 2020.

Monday, the 16th, our remote Collective Healing Ritual. Hugs to all.

For all the members, readers and followers who are in my WhatsApp, and for those who are not, this Monday the 16th we will carry out our collective healing ritual. Below I leave you the necessary implements and the time, it is like all the rituals we do, simple but effective.

If for some reason you cannot do it at the same time, you can do it during the same day before midnight, although synchronization is important, the willingness to do things is much more, the important thing is to do it.

Why we do this Ritual?

Every year I offer two rituals in the Blog to perform each one at home, manifesting the best and most beautiful of our energy, all together on the same day, working at a distance for the same purpose. This year I committed myself to perform at least four rituals collectively, this is the first of this 2020.

We are a total of 23 participants so far, or at least that is the number of contacts that participated in the previous ritual. If each of us performs this ritual on the same day, a small but very consistent wave of healing energy will cover our different cities, if you want to contact me directly, remember to write me a direct message in Twitter/IG/FB to request my phone number.

The next ritual of this 2020, will be a ritual for Abundance and Prosperity in about two months.

Day and Time of our Healing ritual:

Monday, March 16, 2020 (the same day that we used 2017 and 2018).
18:00 Hrs / 6Pm (New York City time).

  • Three candles (can be white candles, soy candles, honey candles or bait candles).
  • Three small sheets of paper with a Pentagram drawn on each one.
  • Frankincense or myrrh incense (pure, in sticks or in a cone).
  • A glass of water.
  • A dish with clean soil.
  • A dish with coarse salt.
  • Myrrh and eucalyptus essential oil.
  • Colored chalks.


Prepare and clean the room where you will perform the ritual, turn off the phone a few minutes before to avoid all kinds of distractions. With the chalks, draw a protective circle on the floor where you can sit with all the implements, around the circle draw several arrows pointing out from the circle. If you were to perform this ritual together with someone else, try to make the space as comfortable as possible for both of you.

You can burn (this is optional) a little sage a few hours before the ritual, in order to clean the eonic energy from your environment. Put all the implements inside the circle and take a previous shower with cold water, and add a little of your favorite essential oil to the shower soap.

15 minutes before the ritual, proceed to recite several times in a low voice "this space is clean, this space is sacred", recite it as many times as you feel necessary, enter the circle, then light the candles and incense.

With a pencil writes behind each of the pieces of paper, the names of three loved ones, no more than three, no less than three, in total will form nine people. The names that you choose only you will know, smear your hands with a few drops of the essential oil, rub your hands between them and then rub the paper on both sides with the same oil.

The next step is to hold one of the staves in your hands, recite the following enchantment and burn the stave with the candle flame, once the stave is consumed, place it on the plate with earth and pour a little salt on the. Repeat with the other two staves.

*"O Great Healing Spirits that inhabit this earth
O great forgotten spirits of the land,
Come here where you are welcome and are summoned
Get here with blessings and gifts
Here where you are welcome and are summoned
Come here to cure and heal
Be you the cure against all evil
Be you the healing that my loved ones need
Be you the sacred energy that cures and prevents all evil
Thank you very much today and always for the cure you give us.”

Once you are done with this part of the ritual, dip your fingers in the water and spray a little of this water on your surroundings by reciting:

"Everything is still clean, everything is still pure,
and all this place is sacred space,
All the healing energy that inhabits this circle,
now protects this home and cure the spirit".

The next thing is to step outside the circle and start erasing it from the inside out in complete silence, to allow the energy you have generated to manifest outside of it. Collect all the remains of the ritual, mix them together in a bag and throw them away from home.

Remember that in magic and sorcery the elements that have already fulfilled their function, such as the remains of candles and ashes, are like bodies that have been left without a soul, and we should not save them.

*(Contrary to popular belief, the important thing is in the power of the message, in the correct use of its words, not in the rhyme, but if you want to replace this enchantment with your own in rhymes, that's fine, just try to keep the structure and message).

Hugs to all, we read soon.

From Elhoim Leafar Made With Love.

Magic Rituals for Health.

Three Magic Rituals of my grandmother and my mother for Health.

Hugs dear reader, thank you for walking a few minutes in my little virtual corner. Here I share three rituals that we perform at home, the first of which is widely used by my grandmother in the Amazon, especially performed for tourists. The next two belong to my mom and she taught me how to use them to assist her from time to time with her clients.

Healing with rocks and plants.

Although this ritual is commonly performed in the surroundings of the Orinoco River by the healers of the region, it has become very popular lately among other groups, so it is a pleasure for me to share it without any prejudice in this regard.

This ritual consists of finding a nearby river or any natural source of freshwater, submerging your feet in the water momentarily, closing your eyes for an instant and taking a deep breath, imagine a white light that comes from the bottom of the water, maintain this vision for a few moments while you breathe deeply and feel the river water running between your feet.

After a couple of minutes open your eyes, look down and extract three stones from the river, it is your decision which one to choose, once you have them with you proceed to store them, let these stones dry in the sun, rub them with coconut oil or coconut water and place these items on a plate next to a white candle. At the end of the three-night count, return these stones to the river, not by throwing them into the water, but by burying them near the shore, to allow "Asire" (the river's healing mother) to take those evils back to land.

This ritual is very popular with tourists to absorb the discomforts caused by some disease, it is also widely used to combat some serious diseases. Its most popular use is among people who are receiving chemotherapy because with the intake of medicines they cannot ingest certain herbal preparations or hot herbal teas and certain fruits.

Coconuts and Candles for Obatala that never fails us.

Obatala is the Orisa of Wisdom, Health and of everything that is pure, healthy and “purifying”, he is the father par excellence of all healers and the African deity who cures all ills.

Although the initiates in the Afro-Caribbean cult have their own stricter and secret rituals. A ritual that is always performed for the uninitiated, consists of the painting of two white coconuts using white eggshell powder. Two white candles are lit in honor of Obatala the healer, a few leaves of white sage or peppermint are burned as votive incense, the coconuts are passed several times by this smoke, and then they move around the entire house and in all its corners.

Traditionally, after several hours, the coconuts are blown, throwing them on the ground to "destroy" any discomfort or disease that they have absorbed, although that is the traditional thing, my mother always affirmed that doing this only moved the discomforts of the house of one place to another, because by bursting the coconuts they released the evil back. So she proposed to keep the fruits under the beds for at least two nights in a row and then throw them in the trash without breaking them.

This ritual is used to absorb all physical and spiritual discomforts in the home, as well as to prevent the appearance of illnesses and health complications that are not visible.

Working directly with the god of disease.

This ritual is for those individuals, who although they are not initiated in any specific mystical current, wish to prevent these diseases, for this you need to go through a nearby cemetery and collect some soil, you can store it in a glass jar with a lid. Cemetery land has a number of important properties and elements in the world of mysticism, but we will talk about it later in another post.

The Ritual.

Sakpatá or Azojuano, is the deity of virulent diseases, venereal diseases, viruses, skin conditions, smallpox, leprosy, plagues, and misery.

Better known in modern times as Babalu Aye, he is one of those gods as revered as feared, he is associated with all diseases but also with his cures, he is invoked to implore the recovery of our loved ones, but also to end the enemies health.

A simple but effective ritual to win his favor is to lay a piece of purple or red cloth on the ground spread a good amount of the graveyard soil all over the cloth, and serve a piece of bread, a handful of raw or sardine meat, a handful of rice, a whole handful of lentils, 17 grains of corn, a pinch of guinea pepper and a tiny crystal quartz stone.

Along with this, serve a glass of red wine and a glass of water, light a red candle in the name of Sakpatá or Azojuano, pleading for his favor and healing, to keep away all the diseases and discomforts that are under his control in exchange for this. small offering, let him know that in your home his name will always be respected and that whenever he requires light or food he can come here to ask for it.

When this candle is completely consumed, you must fold the cloth and tie it with a cord as if it were a little bag, and bury this offering somewhere, which may well be a park, a cemetery, a beach or some nearby forest. Once the offering is completely covered with earth, pour red wine above the earth.

In its oldest version, this ritual was performed directly in a small hole in the cemetery, but that is not only "inappropriate" but also unethical for many people, therefore we only use the land to take advantage of its energy that is already charged.

From Elhoim Leafar Made With Love.

Modern Sorcery & Old Magic, by Elhoim Leafar.

Modern Sorcery & Old Magic, by Elhoim Leafar.

Hugs to all the readers who came to this little virtual corner, the place where I feel more like sharing my ideas and the occasional experience.

In this short post, far from debating trivialities like "what kind of magic is better?", I am going to focus on making clear some ideas on the subject that I would like to share about it, especially towards my followers and readers who are keeping me positive. busy in the course of the day.

Remember that in this post, as in all the posts on this blog:

  1. We do not seek to please anyone, simply to clarify some points of view from the practical.
  2. There are no editors, so the ideas are written as they should be, completely "raw" and without filters.
  3. This post is written by an individual who was born in a tiny Amazon town next to the Orinoco River, was raised between the cities of Caracas and Cumana in Venezuela, and currently resides in another city different from the world, if your vision and mine do not match, that is completely normal.
  4. In this as in all my blog posts, I do not seek to sell my ideas to anyone, my job is not to convince you, my job is simply to make others understand my position regarding certain topics so that they know and understand that thinking differently does not It means being isolated, you can think differently from the rest and still be part of a civilized society.

Now yes, entering the matter, we are going to define certain points for your understanding.

Modern Sorcery vs Old Magic.

Do you remember Merlin the magician? Imagine Merlin for a moment, the old man with the long beard, the king's advisor, a well-known alchemist and sorcerer who guarded the folklore of Camelot, cared for the holy sword of Excalibur and fulfilled practically all characteristics of a druid.

Merlin revered the forests in order to win the favor of the old spirits, read fate in the stars and clouds, so he would be prepared for all events. Merlin studied folklore in order to understand the past, taking care of King Arthur, to whom he gave advice when necessary, since being the King's guide allowed him to fulfill his greatest task, protect and bring prosperity to the kingdom of Camelot.

Now let's analyze for a moment the practice that was carried out by the witches of Salem and New Orleans, in the US. They were mostly women who lived repressed because of a society that did not understand them, and slaves who unfortunately suffered the contempt of a class and racist society (the latter has not changed much), and therefore, in both cases, resorted to the spirits and the old deities to ask for protection, in a time when everyone came against them, to pray for protection, in times much more difficult than ours, to pray for love, because for young women, marrying a young man was the best way not to be “sold” by his parents to a wealthy man much older than them for economic gain, as well as prosperity, veneration of his ancestors, and even to become pregnant and thus ensure the well-being of the family.

I do not know much about the historical origins of witchcraft and voodoo in North America, that is not my area, and even if I studied it, it is not for me to carry out that analysis. But what I do know well, and could say that it corresponds to my area of experience, are the origins of these practices in the Caribbean and the Amazon.

Umbanda, Quimbanda, Palo Mayombe, Candomble and Santeria have gained enormous relevance in Latin America in these two recent decades. While Amazonia has become popular among tourists who go there to perform Ayahuasca sessions and Cocoa ceremonies at a good price. Cuba and Brazil are the destinations of all those magic seekers who want to enter the esoteric world of Afro-Caribbean mysticism.

All these recent practices have ended up merging with each other to the point of being almost impossible to differentiate, however, although superficially they look quite similar to each other, internally each of these comes loaded with a whole historical legacy, which walks through the first times of the slaves that were brought to the Caribbean from Africa, until the fusion that naturally arose from the practices of these men and women from Africa, and those natives * of South America.

Now, taking distance from the whole historical issue. The practice of magic in old America was very different from ours, it was more based on the connection with nature, on the study of clouds and stars, on divination methods, on the veneration of the dead and the ancestors, and in daily practice, as well as in the constant study and oral transmission of folklore.

The old witches used natural, single-colored, homemade candles, lighting them to win the favor of spirits, venerate the spirits of the night, ward off evil spirits, ask for protection and happiness, or ask for any kind. of wishes.

The witches of New Orleans and Salem gathered the herbs in the forest to prepare ointments, medicinal oils, and burn them as votive incense to the spirits. In Latin America, specifically in Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, and Venezuela. Shamans and witch doctors healed with herbs, ointments, and oils, burned herbs to dispel illnesses and evil spirits, and animal sacrifices were the order of the day. All this without mentioning the human sacrifices that were historically contemplated in Central America and Mexico.

The Magic of our time.

Yes, it is very different from the more traditional methods, but it is not "plastic magic" as some call it, although many "neo witches" are more focused on collecting books and buying a hundred herbs and beautiful bottles of oils on Amazon to post very nice photos on IG / FB. Out there you can find many great magicians and sorcerers who make use of these facilities to instruct others in the magical art of sorcery, to form appropriate Coven for the performance of rituals collectively, for the veneration of the ancestors and various gods, to conjure powers and consecrate various rituals.

Of course, the witches of the old-time did not use glitter in their spells, they did not decorate their altars with mirrors because they would rather remain hidden, they did not have two thousand different incense fragrances or used colored candles, all their candles were white and white.

But just as everything in the world continues to advance, sorcery has also advanced, and we who have had the opportunity to embrace this change can now perform magic (which at least I consider) much more powerful. Complementing our candles with symbols that direct all the energy to a more specific goal, incenses that evoke the power of our purpose, and we place all kinds of oils and herbs in our shower soaps to include small rituals of love and protection.

We have the opportunity to do all that magic that our predecessors did not have, we have the opportunity to carry out our practice openly and in broad daylight, and that has led us to study new and different techniques that combine different types of magic in one more modern, more complicated, more complex, and richer sorcery.

For the witches and wizards who preceded us, surely it was also a great change, having to go from the fires of a huge bonfire and a cauldron in the middle of the forest to working with candles between caves and huts to get discretion.

Is Truly Old Magic?

If you have had the opportunity to read the greatest magic and sorcery books ever written, such as the "Greater Key of Solomon the King", "The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King", or "the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage". You will know that those great magicians used a quite complex esoteric science, rich in symbolism and with long and very well structured rituals, their rituals were more based on ritualism and less on "that's what you attract" and these more modern elements.

Those books were loaded with enormous symbolic, kabbalistic, esoteric and astrological knowledge at the same time, all of them not to mention Saint Cyprian the witch-sorcerer "Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic", which was more based on direct practice and less on theoretical study, without stopping being one of the great books that every magician, sorcerer, and sorcerer should have in his library.

All of the above are examples of powerful magicians and summoners who were true idealists and pioneers in magic, and those practices they carried out several centuries ago still remain with us, intuitively linked to hundreds of more modern spells and rituals that we can find in the books of many modern authors.

While for many who call themselves "real witches" the modern magic seems to make little sense, or see it as a modern excuse to make money, these same individuals should discuss two important things here, the first, which probably all those magicians were also considered by theirs as "very advanced for their time", as well as those of today, and second, that everything in this world, absolutely everything that is created by man, and that includes from the sciences and the philosophy, even religion, and art, everything is linked to money in one way or another, because it is the way in which the universal law of exchange takes shape in our hands.

While many modern authors may seem quite extreme in their practice, and many other individuals are more focused on "practicing to look cool." There are still very good authors out there who combine magical modernism with traditional sorcery, achieving very good results, not only good books but also beautiful rituals rich in cultural symbolism and elements typical of traditional magic, which combine with each other to give good results, all these, fruits of his incredible study and years of practice.

Now, it is not to forget an important factor, all the magic that today many people superficially classify as "modern magic", in two or three decades it will be rather classic, which will inevitably influence the practice of many other magicians and younger and more modern sorcerers.

Note: Regarding the use of the word "indigenous", I must always repeat this to avoid the discomfort of the readers (especially American whites who often reproach me for the use of these terms), where I come from the words like black or indigenous, they do not have no negative connotation, in fact, my sisters call me black for love, and we call my nieces "negritas" (little girls), I am the whitest of my brothers and my two grandmothers are native to the Wayuu tribe in the surroundings of Venezuela, the words like "Indian" or "Indian" are not offensive to us.

From Elhoim Leafar Made With Love.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Bark of black pine

Bark of Asiatic black pine 🌿 It was the central part of our ritual to venerate the ancestors several days ago, the Japanese believe that the spirit of this tree is a direct door to the world of the ancestors.

A red ribbon "cures" the tree against diseases caused by the world of spirits.  It also prevents the evil spirits from entering our world from the world of the spirits, the fruits and flowers at the foot of the tree are a tribute to the gods of the earth, and as a gift, the tree let us take part of its bark that would have  fallen to the ground

 I will use this bark to make a beautiful talisman to dissipate the vindictive spirits and bury it in the garden behind my apartment.

Seven magical ways to Improve your “workplace” if you work from Home.

Responding to my readers, here I share Seven ways to Improve your “workplace” if you work from Home.

Hugs lover, thanks for always coming to my virtual corner. This time responding to your emails as I have been doing lately, I share some information required here.

Working from home is not an easy task, and when you also have a formal part-time job like me (publicist and marketing consultant) it is quite easy to get distracted between one thing and another. About 90% of my work is done from my laptop at home, and I only leave home for work reasons between once and twice a week, either for meetings with clients of some small brand, with entrepreneurs and creatives, or t some magic and sorcery workshop in a local store.

When you work from home it is extremely easy to get distracted. You can move all your furniture and do some feng shui, you can turn off smartphone notifications, or you can set an alarm, all this I have done in the past, but distractions continue to appear.

Obviously, this depends on each individual and not all minds are equal, for some, it is easier to focus on work during the corresponding hours, in my case, I am usually doing several things at the same time, such as taking care of my nephews while I study for college, or attend a workday with my nephews because nobody else is there to take care of them.

In my case, I am so used to doing several things at the same time and keeping myself busy, that if I am reading a book while I exercise in the gym, I simply get bored.

So for this, I have created a series of small magical rituals that help me keep my mind focused and avoid distractions, these work for me, and I hope they work for you too.

  • Pyramids help focus and distribute the flow of energy. That is why I like to keep a small red paper pyramid next to my laptop, activate the energy of knowledge and avoid minor distractions.
  • I use yellow candles to calm and focus the mind. If you have witnessed some of my videos in live via IG / FB, you will have noticed that there is always a candle burning around me, usually white or yellow. Every day when I sit down to work I light a yellow candle and a myrrh incense cone, the candle to make the thoughts flow and the myrrh incense so that “these thoughts” that I am placing in writing, are prosperous and bring fruits.
  • A glass with water, lemon and honey. Not only is it a healthy practice to drink it every day, but it also prevents me from getting up every five minutes to look for something in the freezer, because it calms my anxiety and decreases my appetite. Perhaps this is the least magical of all my rituals.
  • Blessing the hours is always the right thing. Since I sit down to write and plan until I finish, I not only place a timer for 175 minutes in which I do not take the phone, I do not answer calls, I do not check Media, I do not get up to write at all, but also, always I recite "Thank you Obatala for these productive hours today", even before you start. Clearly, you can change the name to the deity or angel of your personal pantheon.
  • The crystals for harmony. I like to keep a small crystal bowl with pieces of quartz and black tourmaline near my workspace, to dispel distractions and absorb anxiety.
  • A tiny pentagram for when all else fails. If you still feel you need something more radical, I have shared this trick earlier in my books. I make a simple drawing of a pentagram with the words "focus", "prosperity", "attention", "intention", "purpose", on each of the tips, I cover it with some essential oil of camphor and roses I keep it under my keyboard permanently.
  • A sprig of lavender. In any store or botany, you can find a full bouquet of lavender for a very good price, but with a twig, it is enough, I like to place it on the computer to bless with wealth and success the result of all my work.

I suggest you follow any of these methods, look for the one that is most useful for you, you do not have to follow them all, for some it may be easier to dedicate all your workspace to elaborate certain rituals and methods, but I understand that not for everyone it is like that, so look for the method that best suits you.
