Friday, March 13, 2020

Magic & Sorcery for Beginners with me (Part II).

Sorcery for Beginners II

For those who wonder this.

Hugs to you who wander here, through this tiny and prosperous virtual corner that does not stop growing. Last week I published the first part of this series (CLICK HERE TO READ IT), and I promised to share the second part this week with three very simple rituals that I personally suggest and invite all my teachers/followers to do.

While these are very simple rituals, they fulfill the necessary purpose for each and every one of the practitioners along the way. Also, here I will share some other tips that I suggest to my followers, readers, and magicians in general.

In this post you will find:

  • Three Essential Rituals for new magicians.
  • Information about online stores and my recommendations.

  • The first three rituals.

Here I put the rituals that I personally suggest everyone perform when they are beginning in magic and sorcery. Combining here two important elements that many more advanced practitioners forget to teach, intention and purpose.

  • The new moon ritual.

The first night of the nearest new moon, light a white candle and an incense stick of your favorite herbal or floral fragrance. Close your eyes, place both hands on your chest, and breathe deeply and slowly three times while keeping your eyes closed.

Make use of this moment of calm to clear your mind, focus your energy, feel the movement of air in your environment, channel the energy around you. This is what I like to call a sacred moment, a moment of connection with the most sacred in you, yourself, your spirit, your soul and your own energy.

That moment of complete silence, with each slow breath you take, a part of yourself is trying to reach others, so for a moment, your physical body, your mind, and your spirit are synchronized connecting as one.

Then open your eyes, place both palms of your hands open in front of you, visualize the flame of the candle and let the energy flow from your hands to the fire. If you have not done it before, with this exercise that “first emanation of energy” that you do, is essentially the energy blocks that you are releasing yourself. It is as if you were consciously releasing the stagnant water from a well in order to reach the treasure at the bottom (your own energy).

At the end of this ritual, you will feel exhausted, maybe a little dizzy and it is normal, you have just completely drained a huge part of your energy that was acting like an old skin soaked by time. Since then, just as when your body discards everything it no longer needs, you will absorb much new cleaner energy with the new moon.

  • The personal Charm bag.

Yes, I wrote a whole magical book on Charm bags (CLICK HERE) because it is one of my favorite forms of sorcery, is practical, intimate, easy to load, use and recharge, especially suitable for beginners. And as your magic and learning become more complex, your rituals and amulets will be too.

I always recommend to my followers to choose a Monday night to perform this talisman. With a mixture of thick salt and rosemary, perform a ritual circle of three feet to six feet in diameter, in the center of the circle burn a little incense, light a red candle, also place a saucer with salt and a glass with water.

Fill a sack of felt fabric with a small piece of amber, a piece of crystal quartz, a strand of your hair tied with red ribbon, some cinnamon powder, white sage and bay leaves.

Bless this amulet within the circle by making prayer out loud to your personal pantheon. Close the cloth bag with everything inside and keep it close to you, either under your pillow at night or in your wallet during the day.

This little talisman will give you greater confidence in your power, unlock your magic skills and also protect you against the envy, the evil eye and the evil intentions of the people in your environment.

  • Smudge the place

I always recommend it, use the method of your choice, I like to combine equal parts of sage, palo santo, frankincense, and eucalyptus in a cauldron, I set it on fire, and I move it throughout the house as a votive incense for the spirits.

This combination cleans the energy in the place, changes the eonic vibration of the environment, raises your mood, and drives away evil spirits.

I personally clean my house with this method every Monday and Thursday in the morning. You can simply use sage incense or holy stick in the corners. You can clean with a mixture of rose water and clean water from a nearby river with a few drops of holy stick oil, or rub a handkerchief moistened with sage oil and myrrh in the door and window frames.

About the new age and esoteric Stores:

Although I always choose to suggest to my followers that they acquire their implements for the practice of magic and sorcery in a nearby esoteric or botanical shop, sometimes these can be, or more distant than desired, or many times they are more expensive than online stores.

For no reason, I am going to recommend you to use Amazon, but if you are a regular Online shopper, if I am going to suggest here a brief list of online store options in which I personally usually acquire some products, or I simply know their owners and them that these are trusted magicians and sorcerers who do a good job.

If with something I am very critical it is with the magic stores, I like to distinguish properly the Botanics (more focused on voodoo, hoodoo and folk magic), the esoteric stores (where the fort is the books, tools, and workshops live) and the boutiques (more influenced by the new age movement). So here I will leave for you the links to my favorites and most recommended, if you are a blog reader, you have an online store (not phone shop) and you want to be added here, please let me know.

In the third post (next week) I will write about... 

  • My experience with online communities.
  • About fairs, events and workshops live.

And remember, you are not reading this from the vision and perspective of an expert but from another seeker of power and wisdom like you.

Elhoim Leafar 


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