Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Four ways to empower your Clairvoyance.

Four ways to empower your Clairvoyance.

Hola Hola dear reader! Here I continue the line of the recent previous posts “My Seven Incenses”, and “Seven Combinations of Herbs & Flowers ready for your rituals”. You know that I am dedicated to practicing a rather eclectic form of sorcery, and yes, I really like to draw outside the lines, especially if this inspires others to develop their own power too, and that is a fundamental part of my personal mission.


Clairvoyance can have many interpretations, and all of them can be very confusing, each interpretation will depend on the background, study, and experience of each person, so here I will first explain to you that it is 'from my point of view' without encouragement to contradict None of my colleagues, and I will recommend some of the methods that I usually recommend to my followers, either in my books or in previous chapters of this blog.

It can be defined as an “extrasensory” faculty, ability or perception to perceive, understand or channel other realities, realities that (for different reasons) cannot be seen by all people.

These other realities may be the spiritual world, the world of dreams, limbo (inhabited by souls in the process of departure), and even other alternate realities that are less understood, or that are less accessible to our human world in general. , such as those darker worlds populated by souls in sorrow and darker creatures (the lower worlds), or according to some mediums and psychics, those worlds were the manifestations of your emotions, your fears, "demons" and others live entities

From my perspective, or at least in what I have learned, to be a shaman you must be a medium and a sorcerer (and not a medical witch who is something different), and to be a good medium (one of the good ones) what it is better than the individual is a clairvoyant, otherwise, he is only a person who is using his body to move spirits from one side to another, and that is not bad, but it is not precisely a clairvoyant.

Clairvoyants can manifest their abilities in many different ways, either entering other worlds from dreams, visualizing the future or the past in their visions, or receiving any kind of sensation beyond their main six senses (vision, smell, hearing, intuition, touch, taste).

Clairvoyance, birth or practice.

Although many clairvoyants are born with this gift and it is not long in manifesting it since childhood, others develop it as more adults, while many others have a greater difficulty in developing this quality, but that does not make it impossible, in fact, while clairvoyants born with this gift seem to have a fairly wide capacity to develop it, those individuals who learn to develop this gift over time, can develop a wide and complex variety of psychic senses as well as greater control of these, either with exercises Meditation constants or with various magical ritual methods.

Below I share some of the methods that have had the greatest results in my readers, followers, and students, you decide which of these you want to try. There are many other methods, but I have only placed here those that have been tested by different individuals and seem to have good results over time, either manifesting in dreams, or having clearer visions, and even guessing the future or developing greater empathy.

Four methods to properly empower this gift.

The most important thing you should know here are two things, the first one, that you do not feel frustrated if you do not see the results after the first few days because this is like learning to dance or sing, it is not something you learn from scratch in one day Second, constancy is everything, so be consistent and dedicate yourself to practice, the results are worth it.

Here I propose to you four different methods to empower your vision, but as always, if this post reaches 500 views, it will not take long to share other interesting tips on Astral projection, out of body experience, and the magic behind your dreams.

In each post, I also recommend a book, and as always, some products from different stores and botanicals that I recommend you try because they are very good.

The Four Ways

Also, Several colleagues of mine are publishing some new titles, so I invite you to take a look at them, they all sound interesting, and each one of them is a special book in its own way, so take a few minutes to choose your favorite, well here is to for all tastes.

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