Thursday, January 30, 2020

Healing the Healers

Healing the Healers
A job that someone must clearly start doing.

This is one of those constant posts that I do simply to make catharsis on certain topics that seem complicated to me, and more importantly, I think it is always important to make clear my position on certain topics.

What is a Healer / Healer?

A healer is a person whose social function is to heal others, not only physically (doctors, nurses and herbalists), but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually (psychiatrists, psychologists, and priests), the profession of healers is quite old and practically native to the early days of man in Africa (the origin of mankind) being the first healers those first herbalists and doctors who learned day by day with proper practice.

With the advancement of humanity (technology, psychiatry, and medicine) the profession of healers has been greatly eclipsed in society for a long period of time, but this has not been a problem for it to re-establish itself again in the modern world.

  • The three kinds of Healers.

This is not an official list or anything like that, it is simply the personal guide that I maintain to distinguish the healers with whom I work and conduct workshops in a conventional way.

  • The physical healers.

From doctors and nurses to herbalists, acupuncturists and masseurs, people who try to heal a physical condition from each of these different points of view. Most of them study long workshops and courses in specialized academies to be able to carry out this worthy profession.

  • Empathic Healers

Psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists, and even writers specialized in the subject who study the diseases, conditions, and contraindications of various methods and treatments, as well as traumas of origin, harmful or self-destructive beliefs, and all kinds of problems that must be resolved to through the strength and understanding of one's own mind as well as the dreams and individual experiences of each individual.

  • The holistic healers.

Here I like to include two different categories of individuals who seek to specialize in the study, and the practical application of the most traditional methods of healing, from the spiritual healing that is transmitted from generation to generation (yerbateros, witch doctor and shamans), and those Holistic healers who combine magic and shamanic work to confront a higher type of healing, which may well be very similar among them, such as the "carudaros" in Brazil, the monks healing Tibet, or those who specialize in healing through of various energetic methods, such as the laying on of hands, the energetic prayer and the inner cure.

What is the problem with this new wave of healers in Social media?

Although the work of healers today is once again having an impact due to the social recognition of mental illnesses and "ancestral traumas", this can easily lead to, and in fact is already doing (as is the case with witches), that it becomes a fashion trend of which many want to be part, and unfortunately, they take the fast route to do so, reading one or two articles of the wikipedia, with excerpts from certain books, and from there they begin a work of “spiritual healing” which lacks both fundamentals and experience, as well as knowledge and practice.

Many of these "Healers of the new wave" tend to gain attention through social networks, either by repeating the typical beautiful phrases of a Persian poet, or some famous Brazilian author of self-help books.

The problem with these inexperienced Healers is not only that their work focuses 100% on online courses and virtual workshops that lack entirely practical foundations, but also ruin the good image of the rest of the healers that we focus on Do a good job helping others. And if all the above were not enough, an inexperienced Healer does not know the basic principles of holistic medicine, so it is only a matter of time for his own generational traumas and emotional wounds to end up bleeding on the wounds of other people seeking healing and infecting those wounds with their inexperience.

"If a healer does not heal his own wounds first, it is only a matter of time before he begins to bleed on other people's wounds."

The self-healing

Self-healing is a curiously difficult process, no matter how much we talk about this issue it is always difficult to put into practice and many times our own ego does not let us carry it out properly, that is why the best way (at least for me) of Performing a good self-healing work is primarily in a group, it is an appropriate way to recognize those individual patterns that have not yet healed for one reason or another.

Healing yourself without a second opinion is just as appropriate as taking your own Tarot deck and seeing your future for yourself without the opinion or assistance of someone else, it is a stubborn and unnecessary work that usually does not lead to reaching good results.

The best way for a healer to be properly healed is that he first recognizes what are those emotional and spiritual patterns that are causing some damage, and after working properly on them, seek the support of a collaborator, someone who can provide a second opinion and that in some cases, can help you carry out a deeper and more complete healing.

While a healer does not stop bleeding his own wound, he will continue to show an open wound that infects others in each ritual act and in each healing session.

So you have to be very careful with these “commercial healers” who are really only looking for fame and making some extra money, copying the work worthy of others.

Elhoim Leafar

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

My Seven Incenses.

My Seven favorite incenses and their different uses.
+ Recommendations below as every week.

Greetings and hugs to all readers who walk here, continuing the line of recent posts, here I will share my seven favorite incenses and their uses.

Incense is often used in its different presentations to achieve three objectives:

  • Aromatize the place in a less chemical and a much more traditional way.
  • Positively change the energy of the place and its eonic frequency.
  • Venerate some specific spirit or deity.

Now, the incense can be acquired in various presentations, although the incense in the form of wands is usually the most popular and offers a greater variety of fragrances, the cone-shaped incense leaves less waste and is practical “cleaner”, in fact, it is My favorite presentation, from my point of view, the way it burns and releases the incense is usually much less aggressive and that triangular shape, stimulates energy better by raising the frequency around it.

The energy of the incense is found in its special oils that when having some contact with the fire activate their energy and begin to change the frequency of the place. However, if you want to have a greater amount of energy for some ritual, I will advise you the same as I advise all those who attend my workshops, burn dry herbs in a cauldron or saucer, their energy is more concentrated and “less processed ”, Is a good way to channel the energy you are looking for to perform some kind of specific ritual.

In my book "The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags" I included a complete list of incenses and their various uses, and also a shortlist of incenses that best activate your personal energy according to your zodiac sign and the days of the week.

My favorite incenses for each occasion:

  • To meditate and create calm

Azucena (lily) and Copal: Both are excellent for attracting peace and tranquility, they help you relax your mind and slightly detach your focus on your surroundings and any distractions, both are highly recommended for meditation, but together they are excellent.

  • To protect the home and homes of my loved ones

Myrrh and sandalwood, if you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that I use them in most of my rituals. Myrrh stimulates clairvoyance and practically strengthens any ritual you perform, while the sandalwood is more associated with spiritual strength, clairvoyance and economic wealth. If you put them together as cone incenses and burn them in every corner of the room, you are creating an atmosphere highly resistant to bad vibes and ill-intentioned spirits.

  • To combat an anxiety attack and stimulate mood and good mood

Bergamot has an incredible and very organic aroma, has powers to combat depression and anxiety, I usually recommend its use in spells and rituals to strengthen self-esteem. You can combine it with Frankincense (Olibanum) to prevent panic attacks and nullify anxiety.

  • To combat insomnia and maximize rest time

If you are a night owl just like me and you usually sleep for a few hours, you may have the same problem that I have, I sleep for a few hours and I have a hard time replenishing my energy, I don't feel completely exhausted, but I don't feel rested either.

For this, I recommend burning geranium, lavender or thyme incense a couple of hours before going to sleep, either together or separately.
  1. The geranium incense provides an energy of calm, tranquility and confidence.
  2. Lavender incense cleanses the psychic energy of the atmosphere and reduces stress.
  3. Thyme incense prevents against psychic attacks and nightmares.

  • To generate concentration and focus

Unlike the "incense for meditation", here we do not seek to clear the mind and relax the thoughts, here we try to generate a sense of focus and full attention on a goal. To focus your mind the ideal incenses are those of Eucalyptus, mint, and rue.

If you want it and it is in your possibilities, to focus your attention for a long period of time on the same objective, you can burn a combination of dried leaves of mint, rue, and eucalyptus, thank me later!

  • To purify places, rooms, and altars

Camphor and sage are the most suitable for this job, they change the energy of the place, transmute negative vibrations into positive ones, and clean the entire environment against astral larvae and negative energy formations. But if you use plants as votive incense, you can add garlic skin to clean the atmosphere in its entirety against all negativity.

  • For good fortune and make wishes

Almond, Amber & Cinnamon, I have used this combination since the age of 12, and it has never failed, it is a magical combination to stimulate your own energy and focus on the proper fulfillment of your desires, the most important thing is to stay focused during your requests, very good also to accompany your prayers.

My Monthly Recommendation: Here I attach the links to some of my favorite stores that sell incredible products and have a wide variety of incenses, I have also included some of my favorites.

Each of these Incense Cone styles is named after an old-time song performed by amazing musicians.
These small-batch cones are top quality incense in a convenient and easy to use the form and made right here at the Parlour of Wonders.

A powerful Blue Sage is excellent for healing and cleansing rituals.
It can be used to aid meditation and is not as pungent as White Sage.

A majestic and delicious fragrance to fill every corner of your home with blessings,
if you want to do a cleaning, this is the item you need.

To stimulate your visions and the strength of your dreams, ideal for predictive dreams and clarity, especially during those magical full moon nights.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Seven things if you go to visit Amazonia.

Seven things you should know if you are going to visit a tribe or town in the beautiful Amazonia.

Greetings to all readers who walk here! I open this post thanking the new subscribers for their confidence, today nobody seems to be interested in reading the mails, but our last mailing list seems to have been very well received. Then I share one more post of this small series that I am doing under the personal goal of "Write a new post every 24 hours", to clear my head of so many ideas I have.

Here I share with you, Seven teachings that every sorcerer needs if he decides to visit the Amazon! As well as the post about herbs, I would have liked to include some photos here, but the truth is that I don't have many because they are mostly family photographs taken with my dad's old camera, and in most of them I am still a baby who You can hardly walk, Blessed Modern times where the phone has a camera and you carry it in your pocket!

Before you start, what you should know about the Shamans.

If you identify yourself as a sorcerer, wizard, sorcerer, shaman, healer, you must keep something very clear, the Amazon is more traditional than many thinks, the roads are long, the forests huge, and people have a simple life, especially the shamans and leaders of each tribe.

The chiefs of each tribe have different names depending on each tribe, just as the Native Americans previously comprised more than 300 families with their own languages ​​and traditions, the Amazon is full of small tribes and tiny towns, the leaders of each tribe are men (in some cases, women) who represent the political power of the tribe and also lead the religion of the tribe.

Although each tribe has its own shaman (Parjataje) their roles are more those of a mediator, doctor and spiritual advisor, the shamans there usually receive training that is overwhelming from an early age, we study herbology, natural sciences, cures, prayers, “ vaisa ”(which is a type of local astronomy that is forbidden to write), the stars and different herbs are studied to cure or get sick.

Although the term adopted "shaman" has an origin in the cold lands above Russia, this is the term that during the last 500 years has been used by anthropologists, reporters, doctors, politicians, and very academic scholars to encompass all those who carry Certain similar practices. The names of each spiritual leader in the Amazon depend on each tribe, and these, not being written to maintain the oral tradition, tend to change constantly, so the spiritual leaders of each tribe (the magician/priest) is usually called shaman and This has no problem, it is a term that they freely use.

The shaman of each tribe exercises various professions, is the attending physician (although only for leaders), teacher, counselor, advisor, spiritual guide, astronomer, sorcerer, healer, and the most important role of all, the Shaman is in charge to keep alive the culture and individuality of each tribe, they are the ones who choose the following shamans and healers, advise the leaders, and teach the stories of each tribe's origin through oral tradition, so their role is more similar that of a minister of culture who is also a spiritual advisor, however, they are the respected sorcerers of each tribe and therefore their opinion (as well as their wishes), are always decisive for each town.

The shaman is a sorcerer and priest, he is a magician and sorcerer, and an herbal doctor, he is a sage of many sciences who has the social responsibility of understanding all forms of magic and sorcery in the Amazon, studying and transmitting folklore, and carry out all kinds of rituals and magical ceremonies.

Contrary to what many anthropologists tell in their books (I suppose that because of a macho and puritanical ideology), in the Amazonia, there are as many male (Yaiwes) as female (Yowesi) shamans and many of them, perhaps most, identify themselves as people of the third sex, although their attire and "paraphernalia" representative of the elements of each tribe, may look quite masculine, many of them are women who share the position with their husbands or with their children and represent these in their days of rest, The idea that most shamans are men is an unreal and unfounded concept.

Personal advice: This may sound unwise, but if you win the trust of the tribe's shaman and get his respect, you have the whole tribe in your pocket.

Tips you will need:

  • Do not use titles or long explanations unless someone asks you about it:

While in the virtual world everyone seems to have a huge fondness for having a long list of tags to identify (and express themselves) in front of a virtual world full of strangers, where nobody expects you to tell him if you are a “trans man, neowiccan, sorcerer, male witch, pro or against colonialism, etc, etc, etc, ”.

To abbreviate the above, without encouraging generalization, but in the Amazonia, you will meet extremely wise, humble, capable, and highly effective people with extensive knowledge about herbology and astronomy, children are taught from very young to identify the stars of the Heaven and cure ear infections or help in births. Do not waste your time trying to surprise them with your long list of identification titles, if you do, you risk being like another white man who comes to show off his knowledge bought by an expensive school, and from experience, I tell you, they do not want that, the more humble be and more in silence remain, you will learn more, and pay attention to me, if you go there, you have much to learn.

You can identify yourself as a sorcerer or magician, they understand it as "a sorcerer who comes from abroad", but unless you have learned to heal with herbs as they do, do not even mention that you are a "healer", because they will not waste time testing you.

  • Take the time to learn, you have gone to the source.

Traveling to the Amazon is an exploratory journey of reuniting with yourself, each tree by the river, each improvised shower next to the waterfall, each rock on the banks, everything there has a reason to be. The sounds of owls, cougars, jaguars, tapirs, and snakes (Crotalus, Bothrops atrox, Boa constrictor, Eunectes, ) at night that do not let you sleep, the insects singing in the morning, the distant sound of the waterfalls and the river, the night songs, the sound of firewood burning in the Fire, all this is something that you may not be used to, so do yourself a favor, turn off the smartphone, enjoy what you are living, and sit and watch the stars, because that starry sky is not found in any other Place of the world.

  • Do not use trees as a bathroom.

Tourists often think that once there, in the most archaic nature, they are free to walk naked everywhere and to use all trees and shrubs as baths, the truth is that it is not so, the natives and the people of the villages They embrace their folklore and traditions a lot, and therefore they have many places around the rivers that are properly identified to take you to the nearest bathroom.

Many places (especially next to the rivers) are used to plant six different types of herbs and poisonous shrubs to prevent the invasion of enemy tribes, if you go into it you will most likely have a very bad experience.

On the other hand, the shamans of the tribes often hide underground precious objects of the tribe, treasures, weapons, symbols, skeletons, bones of old tribal leaders, or even bottles with herbal concoctions and corn liquor, so you must prevent not using a site that is sacred for them, such as the grave where the bones of an "omme" (an enemy white man), the ashes of one of their relatives, or precious treasures of the tribe that remain hidden under land to prevent being stolen by invaders.

  • Do not go out to swim at night in any of the rivers.

Unless you are guided by an expert in the area, you should stay away from the rivers at night, most of them are filled with water snakes, eels, pine trees and river spiders at night, other rivers, they are home to crocodiles (specially the Orinoco crocodile) and a variety of reptiles, and many others, are usually a danger at night because small but potent swirls are formed in them that are a danger, especially for children who die constantly drowned thereby because of some tourist eager to "I'm going to swim at night in the river because that will look cool in a selfie."

  • Eat what they eat.

Each country has its own customs, and each city has its own manias, and Amazonia is no exception.

Carrying your own food, it is considered disrespectful, they receive many tourists daily and always provide them with the best treatment in the world, they literally put everything in their power to make you feel comfortable, bring your own food is a real Disrespect, and I can assure you that it happens practically every day, and always causes problems, it is like going to dinner at the house of a friend who invites you, your friend assures you that he is going to cook, and you bring your own food? now you understand me.

Most of the food is fresh and searched daily, although they have markets in different towns, mostly for tourists who are passing between Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil. They make a great effort to get the food, if you are not a fan of eating fish, meat or chicken for any reason, do not reject the food, eat everything else on the plate, and in the end, you say that you are not hungry, they will give you the remains of your food to a child or to the animals of the house, it is not a lie, it is a courtesy, then you can return to your city and continue doing the diet you want and continue rejecting the food, but if you are going to act as An arrogant idiot, better not be when a 60-year-old lady comes to bring you a plate of food with a fish that her son caught with a knife at four in the morning.

  • Participate in everything you can and integrate the community.

This is not New Orleans, there is not a carnival or a parade every day, but there are many tribal celebrations and many gatherings, especially during the tourist season. And these events are never “exclusive”, they are made for people like you to continue attending and visiting, so join them, be curious, ask questions, integrate them and be as participatory as you can, they will always pay you with gifts, such as necklaces, hand-woven bags, bracelets or snails.

  • Don't underestimate the shamans, no matter how much you think you know.

A common mistake that many make is to read a book about the religious currents of the Amazonia and pretend that they understand them. Studying the book that was written by a French anthropologist or a German sociologist about the shamans and sorcerers of the Amazon is nothing compared to being there and having the opportunity to learn directly from them, so close your mouth and listen to them.

While older teachers are usually more encapsulated in their work, younger shamans, those who are still in training, are more curious, especially with people who come from outside, so be kind to them and they will be willing to teach you absolutely all they can because unlike popular myth, there aren't many secrets in magic.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

New Moon In Aquarius, the first lunar cycle of 2020.

First new moon cycle of 2020
A new moon in Aquarius
(+ video)

Blessings to all my readers and welcome here to my little space. Today I share these notes so that you, as well as I, can make the most of the available energy of this new moon in Aquarius, which is a moon of the air element.

To provide you with more content I have made a small video, whose link I have added here for your convenience, I also leave much of the material in writing because my pronounced accent can be complex to understand the content.

Remember to watch the complimentary video clip and leave your comments or questions there to be answered immediately. Below I leave the link to my social networks and my book in case you want to read something else or follow me on your favorite networks.

The ancients said that "the moon was created by the gods for the counting of days."

The new moon is the appropriate lunar phase to start new processes and projects, reflect on these or immerse yourself in something new. The new moon is what we like to call "the time of introspection and awakening."

Aquarius is the sign of the water carrier and his amphora symbolizes revolution, ascension and practical knowledge. Orpheus tells us the story of Ganymede, a Trojan prince who is kidnapped by Zeus, the king of the gods.

Ganymede is a prince of heaven who serves the gods every day. Ganymede went from being a prince of the kingdom, who served his father, to do this in a greater place. He became the cupbearer of the gods. He got his own constellation in the heavens, he took what little he knew how to do and applied it for a greater good. This shows us that no matter the knowledge or domain you have of something, no knowledge is too small or unimportant, and everything you know how to do, everything you know to create, can lead you to shine and be a part of something bigger.

This represents in a certain way maturity and ascension, it represents that child who serves the father until he reaches maturity when he must then change his way of thinking, grow and learn to walk the world by himself, ceasing to be the child of the house and the spoiled prince, to become someone useful to his society, or in this case, to the gods he honors.

And that represents Aquarius for many of us: It is that personal revolution that leads us to see the world with a new perspective.

This is Aquarius that changes and evolves to be part of something else and since that change, it is able to improve the world for good. And that is how the moon in Aquarius makes us feel. It puts us in a position of “I want to change the world for the better "," I want to help my family and my loved ones", "I want my children or my partner to move forward and grow within what they do ", and here Aquarius tells you “perfect, that's what you want, then what you need is to move forward, grow, evolve, open your wings, transform and give the first step”, because if you dedicate yourself to pushing the world from the couch, the world and you remain the same.

That's where the moon in the Aquarius comes in, and makes you feel uncomfortable with the reality that surrounds you, with the reality that you live, and makes you want to move forward and move the world, cause a revolution, move mountains, but for this, you must move and open your wings because you will not change the world by gathering signatures from your computer or sitting on the couch.

The moon in Aquarius is related to all those ecological, humanitarian, technological and electronic projects, it is the best time to dedicate ourselves to meet new people, to meet with those friends we have on social networks and get out of this "virtual friendship" and It is also a time to devote ourselves to promote independence, freedoms, and ecology.

For Aquarius, the concrete goals are extremely important, and that is why this lunar cycle can make us feel quite anxious about the future, or rather frustrated in some cases.

Aquarius is also an air sign, and like every air sign, it is linked to the world of ideas, social life, free thought, the use of logic and rationality to solve all kinds of current situations we are living.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of wind and ideas, modernism, art, and technology as forms of expression. Remember that the symbol of Uranus is a crowned sphere with a cross with two extra bars. These two extras bars represent the divine nature and human nature united by a cross, and this cross is, in turn, the crown of Uranus, the king of heaven and ancestral father of many gods. It is that balance between the ideas in your head and the actions you must undertake to carry them out. It is that balance between “knowing what to do”, and “knowing this is the time and place to do it”.

The constellation of Aquarius inhabits a part of the sky known as Aqua, where there are other constellations related to water such as Cetus, Pisces, and Eridanus. This reminds us of an important factor to take into account, that during this period of six months, you must work In that relationship you have with your contacts in the workplace and business, and thus plan the strategy that will lead to your projects to consolidate properly in the near future, so do not be afraid to ask for help.

This new moon opens for you a period of six months until the full moon in Aquarius at the beginning of August, to focus your energy on those projects of your life that are governed by Aquarius: ideas, innovation, technology, communications in the era of social networks, ecology, care for nature, etc... It is a time not only to undertake and create but also to try to take those projects that we have already known or that we want to transform into something better, something more accessible or something more useful.

I say goodbye, for now, see you with the next new moon and I hope that this has served you and that your personal Deity fills you with blessings.

Blessings to all!. 

Follow me on Twitter: @elhoimleafar 
Follow me on Tumblr: @elhoimleafar 
Follow me on Goodreads: @elhoimleafar 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Seven Combinations of Herbs & Flowers ready for your rituals.

Seven blends of dried herbs that I like to keep ready for the proper preparation of my rituals.

Greetings & Hugs, then I share several custom combinations that I keep in glass jars under the table of my altar for the realization of various preparations, rituals, charm bags and amulets.

My preparation

These recipes are simple, in my case, I like acquiring fresh herbs directly at a nearby botanical shop like "Flower Power Herbs & Roots" or "The Enchantments" in New York City, so I invite you to look for your botany closest. Then you just have to let them dry for several days in the sun until they are completely dry, after that, I store them in sealed glass jars and mix them with other herbs that maintain similar properties according to the type of energy I try to channel.


These herbal blends I use for the following purposes:

  • To perform protection or channeling circles for each ritual.
  • To burn like incense and channel a specific type of energy.
  • To mix with clean water and perform essential baths.
  • Fill Charm bags, Gris Gris bags & Mojo bags.
(If you are a regular follower of my blog you know that mojo bags and invocations are my usual practice).
  • You can mix it with herbal oils to prepare magic lotions.
  • To consecrate various talismans, statuettes, altars, objects and amulets.
  • To offer to the spirits of nature and gods of the earth.


Then I share the following combinations that I recommend you use, obviously, if you prefer to replace any of these herbs with another that has a similar property, you are free to do so.

If you want a list of common herbs for magical uses that you can use, I leave here the link of my book "The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags” where I have included a complete list of herbs and flowers, a list of semi crystals and stones -precious, and a list of essential oils for various uses.

Health & Healing

Laurel (laurus nobilis)
Angelica (angelica archangelica)

Love & Understanding 

Hyacinth (hyacinthus orientalis)
Roses (rosa)
White lily

Prosperity & Wealth

Vetiver (vetiveria)

Joy & Tranquility

Jasmine (jasminium officinalis)
Magnolia (magnolia virginiana)
Ylang Ylang (cananga odorata)

Protection & Away from evil.

Acacia (acacia sensu lato)
Ash tree (fraxinus ornus)
Lavender (lavandula augustifolia)
Marjoram (origanum majorana)
Palo Santo (bulnesia sarmientoi)

Magic & Power

Willow (saliz babylonica)
Alder (alnus serrulata)
Orange peel

Spiritual vision & Clairvoyance

Heliotrope (heliotropium arborescens)
Myrrh (commiphora myrra)
Rue (ruta graveolens)
Verbena (vervain)

Monday, January 13, 2020

Money is energy and vibration?

Do you think everything is energy and vibration?
What about MONEY?

If you think that everything is energy, that even matter is energy, that everything around you is an energetic combination that forms matter, and therefore you think that plants, people, animals, objects, gods and spirits, etc, All this is made of energy.

What do you think money is? It is also a form of energy, an energetic manifestation of your own inner wealth, so every time you buy and sell something you are carrying out an energy transaction for something of the same value.

Nothing is free, neither in the physical world nor in the metaphysical world, so your personal abundance is also an energetic manifestation of the value you give to things from your own perspective.

So, if you change your perspective and idea about what you think money is and how it works, don't you think that the manifestation of your inner abundance will change too?

If at the end of the day, we always repeat that the world around you is nothing more than a reflection of your interior, perhaps it is time to apply this thought model to money as well.

by Elhoim Leafar.

Treat your home as an extension of yourself

Treat your home as an extension of yourself
that's how witches do it.

Different methods of simple magic that I apply in my little corner to make everyone feel welcome.

It is not about feng shui nor is it about turning your home into the next cover of “lifestyle”, I do not write here about placing altars in each corner (that is everyone's decision) or about placing buddha statues in each bedroom, it Try to be aware and manifest in your environment, the environment you want to have.

A sick house only produces sick people, and that is why the house must be taken care of, cleaned and taken care of in great detail because it is there where you live, it is there where you eat, where you sleep, where you read, where you spend your free time outside of work and where you share with the people you trust, you surely do not invite everyone to go home, only the people with the greatest confidence for you, and for your well-being and their well-being it is important that the house feels good, and for this, the house must be impeccable, literally and energetically speaking.

It is easy to repeat daily "everything around you is a reflection of your interior", "the world is your mirror", and "what surrounds you is a reflection of yourself", repeating it, again and again, is extremely easy (practically all motivational coaches, bloggers, and specialists in the subject repeat it constantly), the problem is to put it into practice, and when your practice involves some magic and sorcery, the practice is as important as the theory, many times even more.

Your home is an extension of yourself, and as it looks, as it feels, all this is a reflection of your interior, and that's where you should start. A disorganized home is like a messy office, no one there feels comfortable or much less welcome, and when your mind is loaded dealing with worries and anxiety, it is easy to do this ends up being reflected in our environment, because even the busiest people usually find the time to organize your office and keep your work cubicle clean, and home is no exception.

I speak from my taste and experience.

In my case, for example, I am much more comfortable in an accessible space and close to everything (the subway, pharmacies, the market, the gym, the park, and the yoga center) than in an enclosed space, I have spent the last 13 years moving from city and even country, and after some time I have adapted to be more minimalist, and focus more on the surroundings of the place, than on the place itself, after all, I know I can convert it in my little palace even with the shortest budget.

Other people do not feel a predilection for knowing the surroundings and because of this they focus only on how spacious or spacious the home itself is, and it is only a matter of time for them to know whether or not they made the right decision.

I prefer the complete but necessary spaces, everything else comes later, but no matter how small the place is, I always have enough space to organize small meetings at home, celebrations with friends and meetings with my coven every new moon, that is I have the space I need, but I always have a couple of tricks to make the place so comfortable that I invite everyone to feel at ease.

Clean with sage:

There is much that is said about it, from a long list of beneficial properties to contradictory arguments about use by some people and groups within the metaphysical community.

The fact is that cleaning with sage is so old that it is difficult to argue who originally belongs to it, if you travel to the Amazon, Texas or Japan, you will find in each place a tradition that uses sage to clean and purify, so Here I focus on the concrete facts and their use, it is up to each person whether they want to use it or not.

Sage is a natural cleanser, purifies the environments, naturally ends up with various uncles of microbes and bacteria in the air, drives away evil spirits, astral larvae and is even used to purify talismans and amulets.

Because sage prevents many things, but, it is not the best protective agent against psychic attacks (evil eye, invasion of dreams, mood swings caused by other external agents, etc ...) I recommend you clean your home with sage and eucalyptus at least once a month, I like to do it every Monday, and on new moon days I usually clean with a mixture of sage, eucalyptus, garlic and rosemary to clean the energy of the place and charge the positive vibration.

Fresh flowers of different colors.

The flowers always give that “well cared for” aspect to every place, in our house we only live several men, however, we need to maintain the balance at home, so from time to time (not weekly) we place fresh flowers in the center of the house, and even a small glass bowl with dried flowers in the bathroom, not only because of the “new age” aspect but rather because of the aroma it gives to places and because of its representation of “nature is always present in this home. "

White and yellow flowers, especially chrysanthemums provide protection and mental strength to people at home, so it is important to keep them. Roses, on the other hand, are quite colorful, but just as they make passion flow, they also make jealousy and conflicts flow, so it is advisable to only have them at home if both people are considered "mentally strong."

A bowl of crystals.

If you have come to my apartment sometime (since I have invited many people), you will know that I keep several small altars at different points of the place, and usually at each altar I place several crystals and minerals previously washed with rose water and oil herbs.

A dish or a glass bowl with your favorite gems or with their corresponding minerals by zodiac sign will always give you an extra dose of energy, in my case, I have a small bowl full of small pieces of amber, onyx, and garnet that I bought in different stores in each city that I have visited, but I also have a saucer at the foot of Buddha full of minerals of various colors as a gift for him.

Scented candles

It is true! I spend so much money on incense that sometimes I am ashamed a bit, but more for the fragrances than for fashion, I light an incense stick every day in the morning so that all the spirits that live or work with me feel comfortable, and so I keep away those evil spirits who want to come to cause problems.

But something that I like to keep at home is the aromatic candles, I prefer to support the creatives and entrepreneurs who make their candles and sell them in the market, it is better than supporting large corporations that although they often make incredible products, The truth is that most of these times these products are as beautiful as they are overrated.

If like me, you want to support the creatives and entrepreneurs, I invite you to buy your candles in different esoteric stores, for this, below I will leave you a small list with the link to various stores that I recommend and that have incredible products.


The world of quartz is so wide that we could spend days debating it, I love quartz and probably you too, in all my books there are long lists of herbs, flowers, and gems that you can use for various rituals, but if you have my books And yet you want to know more about the subject, I recommend you buy one of my friend Nicholas Pearson's books.

All of Nicholas's books are incredible, he is a genius who knows practically all the crystals and gems that exist. I keep small quartz crystals in each room as a form of protection, and also to make energy flow smoothly.

An image of Ganesha, of any size.

Charge me with cultural appropriation later!, The fact is this, Ganesha is the god remover of obstacles, is the god of wisdom and practical magic, has the head of an elephant decorating his horns with jewels, and is perhaps the god Hindu most popular of all.

An image of Ganesha is indispensable at home, it is one of those gods who are interested in helping you and being part of your life, it is one of those who want to see you grow, prosper, evolve and undertake, so it is always welcome at home, remember to put fruits, candies, and water with honey, and change them every several days.

My first image of Ganesha was a gift from a cousin of my partner, she and her family maintain a thriving tourism and travel business in India, on a visit they gave me a shirt with the image of Ganesha “to remove obstacles, even those you don't see, ”I suppose it should have worked, because just before that my visa to the USA would have been previously denied (not once, but twice).

I made a small altar in honor of Ganesha (right next to my altar to the Orixas), where I placed a small image of it between candles and aromatic incense, cinnamon, jars of herbal oils and a saucer with fruits, I prayed in his language every day until my next visit to the consulate, and ten days later my visa was approved without any inconvenience.

* I suppose that the wise elephant God did not care much about the “cultural” theme or my origins, he was probably more focused on my commitment and my true faith.

Avoid clutter and the accumulation of unnecessary things.

It is so obvious, but you must always remember it, true entrepreneurs do not believe in disorder, the disorder is synonymous with chaos and represents laziness, as well as lack of commitment to oneself, which is why it is important to keep everything so clean and Organized as necessary.

Do not accumulate unnecessary things, do not lie to yourself repeating “this may be necessary tomorrow morning” or “this has been broken for months, but as soon as I have the time, I will fix it!”, Do yourself a favor and do not tell yourself those lies to yourself, you left everything that is old and useless for your personal growth, old notebooks that you no longer use, torn or stained clothes, ornaments that you don't like and only accumulate dust,

Always remember, the less old things you are busy holding (material and immaterial), the more new things will be coming for you to hold on to them, and if you keep your hands busy holding the old, you won't have to hold the new.

Happy & Blessed 2020.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

your rights to believe.

Your right to believe ends just where the rights of others begin.

Many people out there are fighting hard with themselves and with all those fears and prejudices of others about religion and spirituality, these people are seeking conciliation with their soul, and for this, they need your support.

Not to force them to follow your own path or to "teach" how badly everyone else is, but to inspire them to find the strength to recognize and follow their own path.

Do not be rude to them, the candor that emerges from each act of kindness is often the most surprising of all powers.

You are not here to force everyone to believe that your path is the only one, many times from your own path, you are the guide who points to the alternate path and gives them a flashlight for them to follow.

by Elhoim Leafar.