Thursday, January 30, 2020

Healing the Healers

Healing the Healers
A job that someone must clearly start doing.

This is one of those constant posts that I do simply to make catharsis on certain topics that seem complicated to me, and more importantly, I think it is always important to make clear my position on certain topics.

What is a Healer / Healer?

A healer is a person whose social function is to heal others, not only physically (doctors, nurses and herbalists), but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually (psychiatrists, psychologists, and priests), the profession of healers is quite old and practically native to the early days of man in Africa (the origin of mankind) being the first healers those first herbalists and doctors who learned day by day with proper practice.

With the advancement of humanity (technology, psychiatry, and medicine) the profession of healers has been greatly eclipsed in society for a long period of time, but this has not been a problem for it to re-establish itself again in the modern world.

  • The three kinds of Healers.

This is not an official list or anything like that, it is simply the personal guide that I maintain to distinguish the healers with whom I work and conduct workshops in a conventional way.

  • The physical healers.

From doctors and nurses to herbalists, acupuncturists and masseurs, people who try to heal a physical condition from each of these different points of view. Most of them study long workshops and courses in specialized academies to be able to carry out this worthy profession.

  • Empathic Healers

Psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists, and even writers specialized in the subject who study the diseases, conditions, and contraindications of various methods and treatments, as well as traumas of origin, harmful or self-destructive beliefs, and all kinds of problems that must be resolved to through the strength and understanding of one's own mind as well as the dreams and individual experiences of each individual.

  • The holistic healers.

Here I like to include two different categories of individuals who seek to specialize in the study, and the practical application of the most traditional methods of healing, from the spiritual healing that is transmitted from generation to generation (yerbateros, witch doctor and shamans), and those Holistic healers who combine magic and shamanic work to confront a higher type of healing, which may well be very similar among them, such as the "carudaros" in Brazil, the monks healing Tibet, or those who specialize in healing through of various energetic methods, such as the laying on of hands, the energetic prayer and the inner cure.

What is the problem with this new wave of healers in Social media?

Although the work of healers today is once again having an impact due to the social recognition of mental illnesses and "ancestral traumas", this can easily lead to, and in fact is already doing (as is the case with witches), that it becomes a fashion trend of which many want to be part, and unfortunately, they take the fast route to do so, reading one or two articles of the wikipedia, with excerpts from certain books, and from there they begin a work of “spiritual healing” which lacks both fundamentals and experience, as well as knowledge and practice.

Many of these "Healers of the new wave" tend to gain attention through social networks, either by repeating the typical beautiful phrases of a Persian poet, or some famous Brazilian author of self-help books.

The problem with these inexperienced Healers is not only that their work focuses 100% on online courses and virtual workshops that lack entirely practical foundations, but also ruin the good image of the rest of the healers that we focus on Do a good job helping others. And if all the above were not enough, an inexperienced Healer does not know the basic principles of holistic medicine, so it is only a matter of time for his own generational traumas and emotional wounds to end up bleeding on the wounds of other people seeking healing and infecting those wounds with their inexperience.

"If a healer does not heal his own wounds first, it is only a matter of time before he begins to bleed on other people's wounds."

The self-healing

Self-healing is a curiously difficult process, no matter how much we talk about this issue it is always difficult to put into practice and many times our own ego does not let us carry it out properly, that is why the best way (at least for me) of Performing a good self-healing work is primarily in a group, it is an appropriate way to recognize those individual patterns that have not yet healed for one reason or another.

Healing yourself without a second opinion is just as appropriate as taking your own Tarot deck and seeing your future for yourself without the opinion or assistance of someone else, it is a stubborn and unnecessary work that usually does not lead to reaching good results.

The best way for a healer to be properly healed is that he first recognizes what are those emotional and spiritual patterns that are causing some damage, and after working properly on them, seek the support of a collaborator, someone who can provide a second opinion and that in some cases, can help you carry out a deeper and more complete healing.

While a healer does not stop bleeding his own wound, he will continue to show an open wound that infects others in each ritual act and in each healing session.

So you have to be very careful with these “commercial healers” who are really only looking for fame and making some extra money, copying the work worthy of others.

Elhoim Leafar

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