Thursday, February 18, 2016

Flowers From the River, A Moon Story. Available in Amazon!


The first piece of the "Tales of the Forest Collection"

Tales of The Forest


Many times we wander through the woods and at first sight there are only trees and brush but if you open your eyes you'll see what lies beyond the great garden.

Among the trees behind the bush hidden among the grass and rock stories and characters that want to be discovered wait for us.

Stories that want to be counted are waiting for us, also wise beings who desire to be known and have wandered through the woods for a long time.

Behind every tree a fairy awaits to tell you a story, so open your eyes and sit down to listen to what the fairies tell us about the tales and secrets of the forest.

Blessed be

Flowers from the River, A Moon Story


And from all over the world all kinds of characters came to see her and admire her, watching her so ancient statue and make up stories about that deity.

River witch, according to the tourists, a lunar goddess according to historians, the spirit of the water for the inhabitants of the nearby village.

But the forest knows her story, a story that occurred many centuries ago, and forest spirits recognize her as your own deity... The River Deity.

Series: Tales of the Forest
Paperback: 36 pages Full Color with Bleed
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.1 x 8.5 inches
Categories: Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology

Available now in 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016



The primordial God has been represented in many ways over time, it has incarnated many times among men, being one of its most popular incarnations that of Cernunnos as regent God of certain parts of Europe Centuries before Christ.

Cernunnos is one of the main incarnations of the Sun God on earth, son and at the same time consort of the Mother Goddess, is the deity that protects us when we entered his territory and which we pray to in the hours that the Sun shines in the firmament.

A major facet of the Father God both in Wicca and in the diversity of neo-pagan religions is Cernunnos, the God of abundance, fertility and wild animals, the complex King protector of the forests and everything that inhabits them, Lord who rules over all the beasts and rules equally over men and mostly the masculine.

Cernunnos is represented as a fairly large, muscular man with long, thick beard, ears and antlers of “Cervidae” (deer), and carrying a Torque or closed metal collar, is very common in older representations to find him accompanied by a snake with horns that symbolizes renewal and change.

Cernunnos is presented to us in the form of a bald old man with a beard, dressed in skins and usually carries a stick of dark wood that is usually his partner snake in a more discreet manner, is rigid in its rules and very demanding with his devotees but highly protective of those who worship him.

Cernunnos protects forests and the animals being who ridicule or lose hunters who enter his lands, as the God of nature also protects men provided they do not hunt for competition or pleasure.

It was the ruling deity of Denmark and Scotland before these countries received the names. In fact Cernunnos was adored by shamans from the first two centuries before the advent of Christianity.

As deity rules over men and wild animals alike, being the ruler of all living things that move by air, land and water while the Moon Goddess rules above plants and gardens and over certain specific forest creatures who act as their messengers, such as butterflies, frogs, rabbits and lambs.

Cernunnos is worshiped while the Sun is on the scene at any time of day, before sunset and after sunrise. He is worshiped in forests, rivers and fields. Meals are prepared out of fruits and grains to decorate his Altar and they are serviced between dawn and noon. In his Altar are often placed leather garments and representations of various wild animals like the lion, the bear, the deer and the ox.

Cernunnos especially protects the wooden houses, the homes surrounded by woods and gardens and the men who work with their hands as blacksmiths, mechanics, hunters, artists and craftsmen. In order to receive his protection, some people tattoo an image of God or a solar symbol on the wrist, abdomen or neck.

From the Book "Rites of Happiness"
Author: Elhoim Leafar
© Copyright
Available in: CreateSpace and Amazon Kindle

Monday, February 15, 2016

Full Moon of February 2016

Full Moon of February 2016
Moon in Virgo

February is named in honor of the Februas an annual ritual purification that used to be celebrated in ancient Rome, the Sabines celebrated this rite near the 15th of February every year to leave behind the negativity and tragedies of the year goodbye .

The full of the month of February at the 2016 moon has the influence of the sign of Virgo, according to tradition is the moon relates to the field of medicine, homeopathy, healing, diet and medical check-ups, it is the best moon of the year to start a new diet.

Moon in Earth Signs

When the moon is in the earth signs like Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn, it is the ideal place for magic that involves the element earth, nature and plants, when the earth signs give us the power to cast spells that promote will and sympathy.

In the Moon of Earth conjure gnomes and elves, those tiny but wise spirits of the forest and gardens, the color for the sails we will use in the ritual space during this day is coffee or green, and it is preferable that this magic altars have seen north if possible.

Moon in Virgo

The full moon in Virgo Moon is a moon of earth, firm and concrete lunación not unbalanced at nothing, brand bearings safely and going at a steady pace in its objectives, is a moon of great influence to all those who want carry out a major project.

During the Moon in Virgo we perform magic that strengthens the senses, spirituality and dispels doubts, spells to overcome difficult situations, find a solution to something that afflicts us, combat stress and emotional inhibition and ward off evil spirits.

The February full moon it is also known as the Wild Moon, Snow Moon, Corn Moon or hunger moon.

Moonstone: Amethyst.
Moon Flower: Iris.
Color: Violet, purple and white.
Animal: The otter and bear.
To bless stones: amethyst, pyrite, opal and tiger eye
Incense: Vanilla, coconut and rye.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

February Rite for Happiness

February Rite for Happiness

February gets its name from “Februas” a roman festivity for purification. Is the time to go for personal aspects.

During the first day of February perform a magic circle of sea salt or coarse salt and proceeded to light a stick of incense of sage, a blue candle (attract success) and a purple candle (transmutation) on your magic circle.

Next, burn in the candle fire twelve (12) dried bay leaves. Proceed to mix in a bowl or cauldron the remains thereof with a bunch of sage spray or dry iris, a piece of amethyst and a few drops of essential oil of hyssop, carnation or bay.

Mix with both hands for several minutes, recite the following incantation two (2) times and collected the amethyst from the mix, save it in a corner of the house and burn the rest of the mixture, using the ashes to clean the halls of the house.

“Oh, Great avatars and spirits of progress and destiny, grant me joy and countless reasons to be happy, make me see them as nymphs dancing in the forest and make a prosperous and peaceful life possible.”

From the Book "Rites of Happiness"
Author: Elhoim Leafar
© Copyright
Available in: CreateSpace and Amazon Kindle

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Sun God

The Sun God

As in Wicca we worship a Goddess Moon multifaceted, there is also her counterpart, the Sun God, the Golden King Star that shines in the day. From immemorial times tribes worshiped the Sun and Moon as great lights regents of the sky and turning on our first kings, rulers eternal day and night, caretakers of the earth and all living things, lovers looking at each other in a constant dance that influences all aspects of everyday life.

The sun has been worshiped as a powerful deity in many cultures through history, in Egypt, Greece, India, China, Japan, Mexico and many others where it has been considered a Father God, and that is, we are talking of God son and at the same time consort of the Moon Goddess.

The Sun shows us different facets of himself every day, and each of these facets are part of a magical cycle that gives us enough time and power to fulfill all our wishes and desires, allowing us to shine as much as he does shine for us.

The Rising Sun the golden light that takes darkness of the night away. It is like a baby who every day opens his eyes and impresses us as much as the first time. The energy of this first phase of the Sun God is a very energy young, very fresh and very intimate at the same time.

This is the proper solar phase to avert the power of light that illuminates our paths and our ways, to illuminate our homes and our businesses, it is also the time that allows awakening of hidden talents and bestows good luck.

The Morning Sun the rebellious child, perhaps the young adventurer, is how we perceive the sun god in this aspect where the fire is paramount. During the morning is when the sun rises above the earth, the light reaches everywhere and darkness is immersed in the shadows, is pure energy and power, so lively and eclectic as teenagers in this aspect, is when children renewed their energy and already we note that it is a new day.

The morning sun is the right phase for generating positive changes in health and love, to renew our own home and energy, to pay tribute to Sun God and the fallen kings, is the phase in which we bless those amulets who use dried herbs and gems dedicated to the Sun or the zodiacal signs.

The noon Sun symbolizes maturity and success. The power of fire comes alive more than ever. Here we invoke the Father God and ask for all we need in our lives. The Sun has come here to show his adulthood and leaves us unconscious with incandescent flames of gold. It is an overdose of energy that gives us so that we have an extra light needed in the day.

During the noon the Sun takes over everything that is in his sight, does not allow anything or anyone to overshadow him and governs us as an imposing Ruler but also cunning and merciful.

The Afternoon Sun that noble and romantic God who rules over dusk with his presence, which is imposed on the horizon and shines warmer than ever, symbolizes old age and experience, it's time for all kinds of magic associated with friendships and social relations, progress of family and teamwork.

The Afternoon Sun is the God who has reached the absolute maturity, there is no better opportunity to pay tribute to the spirits and priests of solar magic, pray to the gods in order to to get us out of any trouble or strengthen bonds of love. It is right time to relax a little and start planning projects for the next day, organize and bless those who are with us now.

Sundown or Twilight that is how is called this last aspect of the Sun God. On the day is the King God, now he farewells with pride and elegance, as all kings should leave, he hides distantly in the mountains viewing life on earth as a farmer checks his harvest, watching us from afar with love and grace, and bounces back the landscape in an almost hypnotic event where we see him disappear with his last shine.

The Sunset symbolizes death and the outcome, it is time to pay tribute to the dead, thank for being alive, start rituals that enable us to get every aspect of our lives or disassociate a person or situation we do not want in our lives.

The Mother Goddess/ The Moon Goddess

The Mother Goddess

Mother Goddess is the name we give on the various branches of Wicca and Neo-Paganism to the image of the main female divinity of our pantheon. Mother Goddess represents different characteristics and attributes of female deities of old Europe. Usually the Mother Goddess personifies the Mother Earth and the Moon, plays a primary role as a goddess of fertility which also symbolizes the birth of new generations, Hope morning, advancement and progress of society.

As explained by the great Scottish anthropologist James George Frazer in his book "The Golden Bough" (The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion), the ancient Neolithic people and pre-indoeuropean showed various facets in common, like the fact of having a matriarchy usually led by a High Priestess or the worship of a Primordial Female Divinity who happened to be Queen Goddess and leader of their pantheon.

Mother Goddess represents the important role of women in society as well as a fundamental principle of universal femininity, symbolizing fertility, love, freedom, intelligence and the hidden power. In Wicca, we do not argue over which is representative Goddess of this role, in her we simply assimilate all the different aspects, powers and qualities of mother goddesses, the phases of the moon and nature itself in her.

Moon Goddess

In Wicca we represent the Goddess through the image of the triple crescent moon, a mystical symbol of healing power comprised of three moons together in different phases, a crescent moon, a full moon and a waning moon.

The crescent moon symbolizes the maiden the moon goddess in her virginal younger side, representing the past, purity, innocence, curiosity and new beginnings.

The full moon symbolizes the mother, the moon goddess that has reached maturity, representing the current time, progress, motherhood, learning, experience and impartiality.

The waning moon symbolizes the crone, is the moon goddess who has reached old age, the ultimate expression of wisdom and experience, represents the future, sickness, death and rest.

Mother Goddess and Antlered God

Mother Goddess and Antlered God

In Wicca as an objective reconstruction of old traditions has been made an effort to outline the worship of the old deities spontaneously, synchronizing them in just two deities popularly known as the Great Mother Goddess and the Antlered Great God. Both deities receive many different aspects easily identifiable of old pagan deities and various historical pantheons, so we refer to the Great Goddess and the Great God with the adjective for “Greatness” by way of connotations of being deities and in themselves encompassing many other their nature deities in turn divided into female and male.

Wicca is a modern tradition based on the most beautiful of ancient traditions, thus becoming a huge and diverse pantheon of deities in a pair of older gods who represent every aspect of nature and the cosmos.

Thanks to this synchronization we worship countless gods and spirits on the representation of only two of them, the Moon Goddess or Mother Goddess and her consort the Antlered God.

The Mother Goddess

Mother Goddess is the name we give on the various branches of Wicca and Neo-Paganism to the image of the main female divinity of our pantheon. Mother Goddess represents different characteristics and attributes of female deities of old Europe. Usually the Mother Goddess personifies the Mother Earth and the Moon, plays a primary role as a goddess of fertility which also symbolizes the birth of new generations, Hope morning, advancement and progress of society.

Mother Goddess represents the important role of women in society as well as a fundamental principle of universal femininity, symbolizing fertility, love, freedom, intelligence and the hidden power. In Wicca, we do not argue over which is representative Goddess of this role, in her we simply assimilate all the different aspects, powers and qualities of mother goddesses, the phases of the moon and nature itself in her.

The Sun God

As in Wicca we worship a Goddess Moon multifaceted, there is also her counterpart, the Sun God, the Golden King Star that shines in the day. From immemorial times tribes worshiped the Sun and Moon as great lights regents of the sky and turning on our first kings, rulers eternal day and night, caretakers of the earth and all living things, lovers looking at each other in a constant dance that influences all aspects of everyday life.

The sun has been worshiped as a powerful deity in many cultures through history, in Egypt, Greece, India, China, Japan, Mexico and many others where it has been considered a Father God, and that is, we are talking of God son and at the same time consort of the Moon Goddess.

#Quotes from Rites of Happiness III

#Quotes from Rites of Happiness II

#Quotes from Rites of Happiness I

#Quotes from "Wicca! Love & Soul" V

#Quotes from "Wicca! Love & Soul" IV

#Quotes from "Wicca! Love & Soul" III

#Quotes from "Wicca! Love & Soul" II

#Quotes from "Wicca! Love & Soul" I

Flowers From the River, A Moon Story. Available in Amazon!


The first piece of the "Tales of the Forest Collection"

(Available now in Amazon & CreateSpace)

Tales of The Forest / Prologue 

Many times we wander through the woods and at first sight there are only trees and brush but if you open your eyes you'll see what lies beyond the great garden.

Among the trees behind the bush hidden among the grass and rock stories and characters that want to be discovered wait for us.

Stories that want to be counted are waiting for us, also wise beings who desire to be known and have wandered through the woods for a long time.

Behind every tree a fairy awaits to tell you a story, so open your eyes and sit down to listen to what the fairies tell us about the tales and secrets of the forest.

Blessed be

Flowers from the River, A Moon Story / Prologue

And from all over the world all kinds of characters came to see her and admire her, watching her so ancient statue and make up stories about that deity.

River witch, according to the tourists, a lunar goddess according to historians, the spirit of the water for the inhabitants of the nearby village.

But the forest knows her story, a story that occurred many centuries ago, and forest spirits recognize her as your own deity... The River Deity.

Available now in 

The Moon in the Water Signs

The Moon in the Water Signs

When the Moon is in the Water Signs like Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces it is right time for Magic involving the Water element, Intuition and changes. Water Signs provide us the ability to produce all kinds of transmutations and physical healing, develop clairvoyance and strengthen the psyche.

On the Water Moon we invoke sirens and ondines, water nymphs and inhabitants of the deep sea. blue in all shades and water green are color of the candles that we use in the ritual space during this moon is and is preferably that have Altars for this magic facing West if possible.

Moon in Cancer ♋

Is favorable for strengthening the qualities of expression on an artistic level and psychic level. She is a Moon of remarkable healing power. The full Moon in the sign of Cancer is the most suitable to perform magic that strengthens bones and the immune system, the magic to overcome obstacles and prevent threats has great power in this Lunation.

Moon in Scorpio ♏

This is a good time for secrets-revealing magic and search spells, rituals related to the passion and the most intense emotions occur during this moon, let's seize her power to combat apathy, lack of mood and depression. It is the night when the Druids prepared brews to survive poisons and in certain legends is the best night to make love potions and spells related to the nobility and intuition.

Moon in Pisces ♓

Wiccans favorite Moon to practice Feng Shui, the moon of absolute transmutation, to make all kinds of changes in our life. Whether they are physical, material, changes of residence or place of work and even to positively alter our personality, this is the moon is constant balance, that which allows us to regain, with her powers, control of our lives despite the situations that arise.

Extract from the book: Wicca! Love & Soul
Author: Elhoim Leafar
© Copyright All Rights Reserved

CreateSpace Amazon Kindle Barnes&Noble

The Moon in the Air Signs

The Moon in the Air Signs

When the moon is in the air signs like Gemini, Libra & Aquarius, is the ideal moment to create magic that involves the element of Air, Climate and Thoughts, the air signs give us power to cast change, mental and spiritual transformation spells.

On The Moon of Air we invoke sylphs and fairies, spirits of the air who live over the tops of the trees and the branches of these respectively. White or yellow are the color of the candles to include in the ritual space during this time and it is preferable that these magic altars face East if possible.

Moon in Gemini ♊

Is best suited to perform magic related to social relations, friendship, honesty and justice, magic that balances our lives and brings back the time we've lost, emotional healings and cooking of healing beverages or formulas, this is the Moon of the Alchemists who use her power to manifest the transmutation of metals.

The Moon in Libra ♎

Is when we do rituals to balance our lives and our thoughts, drive sorrows away and forget the bad experiences, promote the learning of a new science and develop magical abilities to control the spirits, the magic that is related to longevity and youth, as well as spells to heal an ill someone who is far away.

The Moon in Aquarius ♒

There's no better time for climate-related spells that this Moon. The Celts believed that the moon in Aquarium has the power to bring rain in times of drought, the rain that falls this Moon's evening is usually quite special. She is the right moon to get us out of a jam or a complicated situation. We craft amulets to strengthen the courage and return hope to a beloved one.

Extract from the book: Wicca! Love & Soul
Author: Elhoim Leafar
© Copyright All Rights Reserved

CreateSpace Amazon Kindle Barnes&Noble

The Moon in the Earth Signs

The Moon in the Earth Signs

When the Moon is in earth signs like Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn, it is the ideal moment for magic that involves the element Earth, nature and plants, the earth signs give us the power to cast spells that promote will and sympathy.

On the Moon of Earth we conjure gnomes and elves, those tiny but wise spirits of the forest and gardens. Coffee or green are the colors for candles that we use in the ritual space during this day, and it is preferable that this magic altars face North if possible.

Moon in Taurus ♉

Is best suited to perform magic that is related to self-control and will, spells that involve making decisions, changes, competitive spirit and those rituals to balance the personality, free time, healings and physical and mental cures are issues to be addressed during the Moon in Taurus and also the development of ideas and projects.

The Moon in Virgo ♍

It is the right moment to perform magic that strengthens the senses, spirituality and to dissipate doubts, the magic that involves friendship and compassion is the subject of this Moon. Spells to gain experience and overcome difficult situations, find the solution to something that afflicts us and drive away evil spirits

The Moon in Capricorn ♑

It is the right time to make spells related to the purchase and sale of property, magnetize talismans of protection, magic related to astral projection, spells to take care of our plants or gardens and all kinds of spiritualist invocations on the basis of consultation. We also move away the pessimism and depression through this moon.

Extract from the book: Wicca! Love & Soul
Author: Elhoim Leafar
© Copyright All Rights Reserved

CreateSpace Amazon Kindle Barnes&Noble

The Moon in the Fire Signs

The Moon in the Fire Signs

When the Moon is in the fire signs like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, it is the ideal moment for Magic that involves Fire element, Sun and Light. The fire signs give us power through the Moon and we can use it for spells that will feed the Passion and Greatness.

The Moon in Aries ♈

It's time for magic protection spells involving wisdom, intuition development, increase our own energy and self-confidence, healing rituals and talismans that feed with the power to fight fury and injustice.

The Moon in Leo ♌

It's the right time to perform magic related to physical parts of ourselves. In this Moon athletes give better results, that's why we do magic to gain strength and endurance, strengthen tendons and magic to protect us from accidents, sprains and muscle tears.

The Moon in Sagittarius ♐

It is the right time to perform magic to take care of our projects and goals, to help us meet them, magic related to optimism and enthusiasm, spells to protect against theft and weapons, to achieve independence, courage and freedom, incantations that involve strengthening our talents and skills, rituals to achieve success and dispelling fear.

Extract from the book: Wicca! Love & Soul
Author: Elhoim Leafar
© Copyright All Rights Reserved

CreateSpace Amazon Kindle Barnes&Noble

The Five Principles of the Practitioner

The Five Principles of the Practitioner

From my Book: Wicca! Love&Soul

“There was once a man who defied all the rules...” That's how most of the stories of certain character I knew years ago started. He was a master of divination and his stories always revolved around his past and how he got to be who he is. There was an interesting conversation with he that marked me forever. That time he talked about The Five Principles Of The Practitioner: Goodness, Wisdom, Humility, Respect and Love.

When you're young and they tell you about it, you can easily get bored. In the opposite side, when you are older and others try to tell you about the same subject, it is easy to hear the ignorance of many sounding like an answering machine, answering like “already know that's it” or”at my age, I know everything.” There is no worse ignorants than those who believe they know everything. I'm too young but not for that I am absent from experience. On the contrary, I have lived through so many positive moments and sad moments, I've had such difficult trials that I truly don't wish them for anybody.

The modus operandi of the good magician and the good practitioner should always be guided by the Great Five Universal Principles that govern the life of a good master, and we should never make decisions without first consulting with the five principles. They always help us to make the right choice. I have implemented them many times and although many may seem absurd, the truth is that the results will make you notice that it is the best way to act and you will reach a point where you will be able to do it unconsciously.

The first of the Great Five Principles is Kindness. Kindness must always speak for us, giving something without expecting something in return. Do not do things just to do them, and do not do good deeds with an interest involved. You can fool those around you, but won't fool karma and you will certainly not fool the universe. If you allow the feeling of kindness enlighten your actions, you will learn about yourself.

The best way to live is through Kindness. Allow it to act for you, be generous and always look at the bright side of the situation. If you have free time and are bored, do something productive not only for you, but for someone else. If you have the resources to help a charity don't hesitate to do so. If you have the time and creativity, devise new ways to help others. If you have a hobby, share it with that friend who you know is depressed. 

If you have time please to visit those who may need you. And if you have experience in magic, do not hesitate to protect your loved ones, perform rituals for people close to you to find love or make an amulet to protect your your best friend's pet.

Kindness can also be a double-edged sword, because all excesses attract the negative, even good principles. If people get used to having you doing everything for them, you do not only make them doubt their own abilities, you're also teaching them not to do anything because someone else will do it for them. None of us should be a slave to anyone, if a friend asks you a favor, you must also learn to say “No.” Is is not about refusing everyone and become a bastard, it is about not allowing someone to abuse from you or others, because Goodwill is for many a fortress and is a tremendous weakness for others.

The second of the Great Five Principles, is Wisdom. Wisdom does not come to us by Divine Illumination, to develop it requires years of study, firsthand experiences and thousands of attempts to accomplish something. We have to screw again and again to learn from our mistakes and have the morals to advise others. 

The Owl for example, that mystical creature of the night, the messenger of the Goddess Athena is not wise just because, he is wise because he is old, because he is noble, because he is attentive, because he is quiet. In the evening while others sleep, the owl awakes, watches all, analyzes and studies the situation around him, goes hunting and flies silently while others rest, and during sunrise hides and rest.

Wisdom for many is everything, but... What would be of Wisdom with no good principles? Not more than summary of showy bad experiences that would be used by others, a club of memories and knowledge that have been slighted and made useless. Instead, if you have the true desire to help, Wisdom can become a great Leader, the sage who makes the right decisions and advises those with less experience.

Wisdom is extremely valuable, Wisdom is not just knowledge. There are two different types of knowledge, the one acquired by study and practice, the other one by age and experience. Both are very important, but knowledge without wisdom is like that Old Tree which will no longer grow leaves or flowers. 

Knowledge without a good guide is the equivalent of the Book that nobody wants to read, is a knowledge that is useless. Wisdom is one of the Great Universal Principles that will guide Humanity to the New Era.

The third of the Great Five Principles is Humility, a human virtue that has unfortunately been overshadowed by many who believe that being humble is only synonymous with being weak. 

I do not talk about pretending to have good manners and use them, or subtracting importance to our own achievements, I speak of giving a place to everything and everyone, to have one foot in one of our shoes and another in one of the shoes of someone else. 

To be humble it is to know our own weaknesses and strengths, to take advantage of them without wanting to appear more than what we are and joyfully celebrate those achievements that we got, but never humiliating or discrediting the efforts of others.

When I speak of Humility, I mean the old virtue of working for the common good. It is useless to be kind and wise, if you're to brag to everyone. It is rather to make those good deeds and keep that sense of wellbeing for ourselves, to promote humility over discord and always recognize the talents of others, to remember that we are no more than a minimal creation just a few millennia ago abandoned the life of animals and that we are part of a small planet in a system we are barely beginning to understand, in a galaxy far too young in a distant corner of the cosmos that is still growing, in one of the younger universes that hardly just begun its maturity.

We must learn to value ourselves but we must also not forget that we are cosmic dust and behind us are many more on the way to learn from our actions, so it is necessary to be humble and not arrogant, for the universe to work with us for our welfare and not to give us a lesson that can cost us more than some can be prepared to pay.

The Fourth of the Great Five Principles is Respect, that feeling brother of Equality and Tolerance. Al these three feelings always walk hand in hand. When you show no respect to others you show how little you are able to self-respect. When you do not respect your place, you show that you do not know what Respect is.

The good practitioner does not commit disrespect to anyone. When you offend others you show your own immaturity and lack of tolerance. We should treat others as we expect to be treated. If your respect to others is not reciprocated, just let them be, after all you are showing your own maturity and value while others only publicly demonstrate their inhumanity.

Respect is the best way to show no fear, very often fear is hidden behind your words. Often we are limited or helpless in certain situations, at other times we can come to feel morally trampled and this can lead us to act in unforeseen ways. The good practitioner of magic knows this and does not yield to the moral dictates of others. We must never act in fear of what is different. 

If you feel restricted at one point, you just have to try to turn around the subject, promote respect and give your place, do not fall into provocations of others and don't allow anyone to trample your human authenticity. In the worst case if possible stay away from a situation that you can not change.

Respect is widely linked to various aspects of our life, this may include moral, labor, academic, personal and even religious matters, as the case of those who want to impose their personal beliefs some form or other, that happens quite often.

Do not give in your personal faith to anyone, it is fair to have doubts. It is rather common, but we must never allow others to implant in ourselves a Faith that we can consider different to one of our principles on a mandatory basis.

Each of us has personal rights and these includes the personal decision to go the way we want in our lives, choose the work that we see fit and the religion that we feel relates to us. We call it “Free Will.”

We must never try to hurt others with what we hurts ourselves. Our fears or personal matters should never influence our personal relationships, we must know ourselves and never forget to be empathic with others.

Not only do we try to respect us and respect the decisions and beliefs of others, let's also try to be better human beings by promoting Equality, Respect and Tolerance towards all those around us.

We must be wise and considered, in the end the Universe will return to us all of our actions and their results by triplicate, may them be good or bad.

In this life or the Next, let's learn to love those who are different and let's learn to be considerate to those who usually are not with us, let's fight peacefully for the rights of minorities and to assert the virtues of all.

Promoting Love is something I have not left out in this book. I've had a life full of experiences and personal struggles, I've had the opportunity to stumble and fall again and again, with so many rocks, many of them even made me repeat the fall, but I have always risen again, and it has always been this feeling, familiar to all of us, that has allowed me to continue, either it is self-love, the devotional love for my beliefs or Love to those around me that have given a good shade for my path.

This is the Fifth of the Great Five Principles of the Practitioner, Love, a powerful force that psychologists, philosophers and scientists have spent centuries studying and trying to explain, although most of their theories continue to sound like true nonsense devoid of meaning.

Love requires no study. No one could ever explain the power exercised by the love of a mother for her child, much less the Love that ties two people together for a bond that can transcend time and the Cosmos.

Good practitioners always take each of their decisions with these five principles, as a self consulting manual. If the end result we choose violates any of our five principles we know we are not taking the right decision.

We must ask what will be the outcome of magic and if it does not harm anyone morally, if it is really worth it, and if it is really related to something we love in our life, and if it benefits us. Only if all the above is true, then we are right to use magic.


“Wicca is not anti-Christian but it does not acknowledge sin and those who practice it don't worship the devil or the existence of a judging God, cruel and vengeful, as defined by Christianity”

Gerina Dunwich

Rites Of Happiness ☆ Secrets, Spells & Reflections

Rites Of Happiness ☆ Secrets, Spells & Reflections

While my first book was dedicated to the moon, my second book is entirely dedicated to the sun god, in their different facets such as Apollo, Cernunnos and Helios, among others.

Available now Here and Here

☆ My first Illustrated Book ☆ Flowers From the River ☆ A Moon Story ☆

The first piece of the “Tales of the Forest Collection”

And from all over the world all kinds of characters came to see her and admire her, watching her so ancient statue and make up stories about that deity.

River witch, according to the tourists, a lunar goddess according to historians, the spirit of the water for the inhabitants of the nearby village.

But the forest knows her story, a story that occurred many centuries ago, and forest spirits recognize her as your own deity… The River Deity.

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Tales of The Forest / Prologue

Tales of The Forest


Many times we wander through the woods and at first sight there are only trees and brush but if you open your eyes you'll see what lies beyond the great garden.

Among the trees behind the bush hidden among the grass and rock stories and characters that want to be discovered wait for us.

Stories that want to be counted are waiting for us, also wise beings who desire to be known and have wandered through the woods for a long time.

Behind every tree a fairy awaits to tell you a story, so open your eyes and sit down to listen to what the fairies tell us about the tales and secrets of the forest.

Blessed be

Available Now Here

☆ My Second Book ☆ Rites Of Happiness ☆

Secrets, Spells & Reflections

Available now in CreateSpace and Amazon

RITES OF HAPPINESS comprises a variety of spells, formulas and tips to help you achieve all your goals and make your dreams come through simple techniques and natural practices.

RITES OF HAPPINESS also includes a brief selection of personal thoughts and motivational quotes from the author who regularly collaborates with various international magazines and publications.

Learn to use the Magic Inside of You!


Rites Of Happiness is Available now in HERE And Amazon