Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Mother Goddess and Antlered God

Mother Goddess and Antlered God

In Wicca as an objective reconstruction of old traditions has been made an effort to outline the worship of the old deities spontaneously, synchronizing them in just two deities popularly known as the Great Mother Goddess and the Antlered Great God. Both deities receive many different aspects easily identifiable of old pagan deities and various historical pantheons, so we refer to the Great Goddess and the Great God with the adjective for “Greatness” by way of connotations of being deities and in themselves encompassing many other their nature deities in turn divided into female and male.

Wicca is a modern tradition based on the most beautiful of ancient traditions, thus becoming a huge and diverse pantheon of deities in a pair of older gods who represent every aspect of nature and the cosmos.

Thanks to this synchronization we worship countless gods and spirits on the representation of only two of them, the Moon Goddess or Mother Goddess and her consort the Antlered God.

The Mother Goddess

Mother Goddess is the name we give on the various branches of Wicca and Neo-Paganism to the image of the main female divinity of our pantheon. Mother Goddess represents different characteristics and attributes of female deities of old Europe. Usually the Mother Goddess personifies the Mother Earth and the Moon, plays a primary role as a goddess of fertility which also symbolizes the birth of new generations, Hope morning, advancement and progress of society.

Mother Goddess represents the important role of women in society as well as a fundamental principle of universal femininity, symbolizing fertility, love, freedom, intelligence and the hidden power. In Wicca, we do not argue over which is representative Goddess of this role, in her we simply assimilate all the different aspects, powers and qualities of mother goddesses, the phases of the moon and nature itself in her.

The Sun God

As in Wicca we worship a Goddess Moon multifaceted, there is also her counterpart, the Sun God, the Golden King Star that shines in the day. From immemorial times tribes worshiped the Sun and Moon as great lights regents of the sky and turning on our first kings, rulers eternal day and night, caretakers of the earth and all living things, lovers looking at each other in a constant dance that influences all aspects of everyday life.

The sun has been worshiped as a powerful deity in many cultures through history, in Egypt, Greece, India, China, Japan, Mexico and many others where it has been considered a Father God, and that is, we are talking of God son and at the same time consort of the Moon Goddess.

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