Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Mother Goddess/ The Moon Goddess

The Mother Goddess

Mother Goddess is the name we give on the various branches of Wicca and Neo-Paganism to the image of the main female divinity of our pantheon. Mother Goddess represents different characteristics and attributes of female deities of old Europe. Usually the Mother Goddess personifies the Mother Earth and the Moon, plays a primary role as a goddess of fertility which also symbolizes the birth of new generations, Hope morning, advancement and progress of society.

As explained by the great Scottish anthropologist James George Frazer in his book "The Golden Bough" (The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion), the ancient Neolithic people and pre-indoeuropean showed various facets in common, like the fact of having a matriarchy usually led by a High Priestess or the worship of a Primordial Female Divinity who happened to be Queen Goddess and leader of their pantheon.

Mother Goddess represents the important role of women in society as well as a fundamental principle of universal femininity, symbolizing fertility, love, freedom, intelligence and the hidden power. In Wicca, we do not argue over which is representative Goddess of this role, in her we simply assimilate all the different aspects, powers and qualities of mother goddesses, the phases of the moon and nature itself in her.

Moon Goddess

In Wicca we represent the Goddess through the image of the triple crescent moon, a mystical symbol of healing power comprised of three moons together in different phases, a crescent moon, a full moon and a waning moon.

The crescent moon symbolizes the maiden the moon goddess in her virginal younger side, representing the past, purity, innocence, curiosity and new beginnings.

The full moon symbolizes the mother, the moon goddess that has reached maturity, representing the current time, progress, motherhood, learning, experience and impartiality.

The waning moon symbolizes the crone, is the moon goddess who has reached old age, the ultimate expression of wisdom and experience, represents the future, sickness, death and rest.

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