Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Sun God

The Sun God

As in Wicca we worship a Goddess Moon multifaceted, there is also her counterpart, the Sun God, the Golden King Star that shines in the day. From immemorial times tribes worshiped the Sun and Moon as great lights regents of the sky and turning on our first kings, rulers eternal day and night, caretakers of the earth and all living things, lovers looking at each other in a constant dance that influences all aspects of everyday life.

The sun has been worshiped as a powerful deity in many cultures through history, in Egypt, Greece, India, China, Japan, Mexico and many others where it has been considered a Father God, and that is, we are talking of God son and at the same time consort of the Moon Goddess.

The Sun shows us different facets of himself every day, and each of these facets are part of a magical cycle that gives us enough time and power to fulfill all our wishes and desires, allowing us to shine as much as he does shine for us.

The Rising Sun the golden light that takes darkness of the night away. It is like a baby who every day opens his eyes and impresses us as much as the first time. The energy of this first phase of the Sun God is a very energy young, very fresh and very intimate at the same time.

This is the proper solar phase to avert the power of light that illuminates our paths and our ways, to illuminate our homes and our businesses, it is also the time that allows awakening of hidden talents and bestows good luck.

The Morning Sun the rebellious child, perhaps the young adventurer, is how we perceive the sun god in this aspect where the fire is paramount. During the morning is when the sun rises above the earth, the light reaches everywhere and darkness is immersed in the shadows, is pure energy and power, so lively and eclectic as teenagers in this aspect, is when children renewed their energy and already we note that it is a new day.

The morning sun is the right phase for generating positive changes in health and love, to renew our own home and energy, to pay tribute to Sun God and the fallen kings, is the phase in which we bless those amulets who use dried herbs and gems dedicated to the Sun or the zodiacal signs.

The noon Sun symbolizes maturity and success. The power of fire comes alive more than ever. Here we invoke the Father God and ask for all we need in our lives. The Sun has come here to show his adulthood and leaves us unconscious with incandescent flames of gold. It is an overdose of energy that gives us so that we have an extra light needed in the day.

During the noon the Sun takes over everything that is in his sight, does not allow anything or anyone to overshadow him and governs us as an imposing Ruler but also cunning and merciful.

The Afternoon Sun that noble and romantic God who rules over dusk with his presence, which is imposed on the horizon and shines warmer than ever, symbolizes old age and experience, it's time for all kinds of magic associated with friendships and social relations, progress of family and teamwork.

The Afternoon Sun is the God who has reached the absolute maturity, there is no better opportunity to pay tribute to the spirits and priests of solar magic, pray to the gods in order to to get us out of any trouble or strengthen bonds of love. It is right time to relax a little and start planning projects for the next day, organize and bless those who are with us now.

Sundown or Twilight that is how is called this last aspect of the Sun God. On the day is the King God, now he farewells with pride and elegance, as all kings should leave, he hides distantly in the mountains viewing life on earth as a farmer checks his harvest, watching us from afar with love and grace, and bounces back the landscape in an almost hypnotic event where we see him disappear with his last shine.

The Sunset symbolizes death and the outcome, it is time to pay tribute to the dead, thank for being alive, start rituals that enable us to get every aspect of our lives or disassociate a person or situation we do not want in our lives.

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