Friday, December 29, 2017

Opening 2018 + Full Moon in Cancer + Saturn in Capricorn + Magical Rituals for a Happy New Year.

Opening 2018

+ Full Moon in Cancer
+ Saturn in Capricorn
+ Magical Rituals for a Happy New Year.

2017 is going with his white beard and 2018 comes to take his place as regent of this new cycle, this New Year full of Light comes wrapped in all kinds of Opportunities of the most optimistic, yes, for entrepreneurs willing to Work hard to achieve your goals and not for the Dreamers who live more in your imagination than in the real world.

2018 will start with the Sun, Venus, Saturn and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, do not let this alignment of stars go unnoticed. Capricorn symbolizes the overcoming of obstacles and goals, it is time to get up and overcome to the highest, reach our goals and exceed our own expectations.

Mars and Jupiter will open 2018 positioned in the sweet stars of Scorpio who soon took advantage of this position to generate some discord in the work group and manifest all kinds of minimal problems in quite exaggerated versions, the difficulties will be seen bigger than what they really are, so patience and serenity. On the other hand, Mercury (the communicator) will be strategically positioned in Sagittarius, inviting us to find new ways of expressing our ideas and our creativity (far beyond social networks), while Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries remain in this same position to give us a new approach and a due change of perspective, much needed this new cycle of 2018, during which the world of social networks (now what governs our world) will gain greater relevance in the issue of social assistance and the humanitarian collaboration.

Extremely important, remember that on January 1 we will have the moon in Gemini, so we open this new cycle with a double dose of flourishing creativity and ingenuity, and in the evening, SURPRISE SURPRISE !!, We have the first full moon of 2018 the night of January 1, and it will be an ostentatious moon in the Sign of Cancer, just the lunar sign par excellence, attentive to those good wishes, because it is time to put them on a list, see that this moon arrives well charged and with fresh energies to our advantage.

Saturn in Capricorn, special focus.

You must take into account that after 26 years, Saturn has finally returned to its position in Capricorn, its ruling sign, the ancestral king of karma and ruler of the long-term projects has come to settle in his house for a long period, and it will remain there until 2020, dissipating discomforts that oppose our actions and supporting the most enterprising people from every corner of the universe.

Saturn has abandoned his position in the sign of the archer (Sagittarius) from where he was shooting creativity everywhere, to now take himself seriously with his arrival in Capricorn, from now on it is time to leave these "mini" to a certain extent. "casual" projects, and focus fully on making them known, you no longer have time to sit down and wait for more opportunities to come to you and keep looking, it's time to concretely concretize what you have achieved and work with what you have in your hands, make known those projects that have already advanced and grow small and medium enterprises.

Capricorn is the sign of discretion and loyalty, Capricorn as ruler of Saturn does not like to waste time with unfinished projects or simply follow a fashion trend to try to get far, and unlike Saturn in Sagittarius, which usually tends to rest on their laurels and see their comfort zone more and more comfortable, the Saturn in Capricorn is concrete and has its feet on the ground, it is time to discard those projects that have no future and focus on specific objectives that differ from the rest , opt for practical goals and establish real guidelines.

This cycle of the King of Karma (Saturn) in the Capricorn sign prevails from these days until 2020, when Pluto, the emperor of the underworld and guardian of the transforming cycles, will temporarily join his ally in the sign of Capricorn, and Once we have Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in 2020, it will be a time of judgments where the karma will judge us one by one, if you have any legal issue to solve in the long term, pray that 2020 will take you confessed and free of This will be a difficult year in the legal field and especially in the international issue, all those who are dedicated to the import and export of goods and services and all kinds of products, even those that are commercialized within the digital plane, are better off. Keep the accounts clear from now on.

Special Rituals for the New Year

Beyond our traditional use of yellow or red underwear the night of December 31 to invoke money and good fortune or to activate good energies respectively, you can light an odd number of yellow candles near the entrance door of the house to channel this good vibes. If this is in your possibilities, add some drops of sandalwood oil, myrrh or rue to the candles to enchant them with your good energy.

Bay leaves in the wallet and in a white cup by the door will dissipate all financial difficulties beginning this new annual cycle. Burn a piece of paper with your twelve New Year's wishes in the flame of a white candle in the center of the home and anoint the wallet with sandalwood oil to attract money are the traditional magical rituals that can not be missed.

Light white candles and burn incense to honor those who have left this world during this cycle of 2017, purple and violet clothes to transmute the difficulties in solutions and silver coins in a bowl with rice and lentils, are essential tricks that will help us open with a very good foot this 2017.

Clean the mirrors with mint oil to keep the astral larvae from staying home and anoint your hands with your favorite aromatic oils, to symbolize good fortune and connection with nature, serve a large dinner banquet to represent Abundance and so start the year with a full and satisfied stomach, a toast to honor and thank all that has happened and what has been learned this year that is going to not return, all these are simple rituals that you can apply to complement your day.

If what you want is to improve your Health this 2018, anoint a fresh coconut with lavender and orange oil, and place it next to your photograph in a corner of the home, where it will be kept for seven days, next to a glass of water, a candle white and a lot of incense, this will absorb any discomfort and decrease the symptoms of any disease or health condition that you suffer.

To positively consecrate any new project this 2018, write in detail everything about this new or in progress project on a white or yellow paper, tie it with ribbon of golden, green or yellow cloth, and in the form of parchment, burn it in the flame of a candle white, let it burn in a bowl or plate completely white with bay leaves and sugar, so that this project is consecrated in the physical and spiritual plane without inconveniences and detaches itself in advance of any obstacle.

If you are looking for love this 2018, a red dress that you wear at midnight, a pink crystal (preferably a pink quartz) in your hands and a red candle with scent of strawberries, cherries or roses in the main room of the house or in the center of the bedroom, that will be more than enough to call love this new cycle.

And if for some reason you are starting this new year, dragging with you any debt or any economic mishap, write everything about this situation on paper, anoint or moisten the paper on both sides with verbena, evergreens or peppermint oil, place it inside a little bag of green cloth and close it, proceed to pass this bag through the smoke of an incense stick with herbal aroma (any herbal aroma will be useful) and place the bag on your altar next to a green candle, once the candle is consumed Completely, burn the bag and throw its remains in the trash, this ritual, complicated as it may seem, will help you properly channel the energies to end this and any economic mishap that occurs throughout this New Year that is Start.

And finally, I have no more to wish you Blessings, Good Fortune and Happy Holidays this new cycle 2018.
Atte. Elhoim Leafar.

Note: Do not forget to share on your social networks and follow me on Twitter Instagram or Facebook for my official accounts, and If you want more rituals and amulets or simple and concise astrological information, you can find all my books available on Amazon.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

#TheGoddess Reminiscing Whom we cannot forget.

About the Goddess: Reminiscing Whom we cannot forget.

They were times beyond the memory of man, immemorial times beyond our earliest ancestors when the first gods walked on the face of a land uninhabited and silent. Lurking through the dark corners of the newly carved mountains one by one by the hand of their own  creators, the gods still descended in energy form to this plane (which we now call ours) and with their delicate touch, they modeled the prairies and the Valleys, rivers and mountains that we have now conquered.

One of these complex forms of energy and wisdom as ancient as the moon, She decided to bring with Her two gifts for a new breed of mammals destined to conquer this tiny blue planet in the midst of all divine creation. The gift of fertility and the knowledge of agriculture were two exquisite gifts that made thousands of years ago, a complex and primitive species in which is currently the predominant race of the planet.

For millennia, man has sought in each corner of the planet an explanation for his origin, his evolution, and his own existence. This search has only generated more questions than answers, but among such a complex history, this ancestral entity that was always on our side has left permanent traces of Her existence in each of these prehistoric corners, either in the form of colorful drawings or anthropomorphic statues of the most complex materials for each era in which they were crafted.

Because man has not lost his characteristic fear of all that is different, the ancestral entities in their divine wisdom began to appear before us under less complex forms and before our own eyes, increasingly familiar forms, allowing us also to immortalize them and honor them in figures who have looked more human on each occasion.

One of these entities, who has always bet on humanity as a race, is perhaps also responsible for polishing the solar reflection each night to give humanity the characteristic unusual brightness of the moon, through which we see only a very small part of the gigantic work that this entity has done for us.

This same entity, which has been characterized throughout the millennia for Her loyalty and unshakeable faith towards the human race, is responsible for showing man the functioning of processes linked to fertility and agriculture. At the same time, man, from his earliest age, began to question himself about the capacity and existence of a superior being capable of carrying out all this series of "natural events", trying to understand it and even to represent it under the form of a female ‘Mother’, because only an entity with a woman's soul would be able to mold a world full of fertile life and wild beauty.

In all these early representations of that entity, they did show off Her voluptuous forms, similar in every aspect to the forms of adult women and mountains, trails and meadows created by the mystical art of this being ancient, once they got to represent them. They attributed to Her all the occult powers of the earth, medicine, food, and even earthquakes would be only a part of its divine attributes.

In later periods the man in his arrogance to attribute to each thing a name to be able to have power over him, believing that he could understand them, began to call this mysterious entity as the Mother Goddess, Earth Goddess, or Mother Nature. Seeing this entity as an ancestor of the (somewhat smaller) gods that will later appear in various religions of the old and the new continent.

For an entire millennium, humanity attributed to other ancestral gods the characteristics of men, attributed to them ever more human names and personalities, but the Goddess, continued to be one of the earliest and most misunderstood, continued for a long time as "The Mother Goddess", and many later deities came to take some of Her attributes without ever being able to completely replace her.

After some periods of great intellectual, technological and industrial advancement for the human race, the gods in some way and for different reasons kept swimming in the fine crossing between the sea of oblivion and the coasts of myth. The vital flame of the goddess began to be revived again by intellectuals and devotees who brought Her worship back to our times. Suddenly for many everything began to regain the sense, legends, myths, the magical origins of man, the woman's bond with the moon and the earth, everything took a 360-degree turn and we realized that the answers were always there, what was left over were the questions.

These beings, older than humanity itself, these extraordinary immortal creatures whose wisdom transcends our understanding, entrusted us with the care of this planet, bet everything for us, but it was Her, the Mother Goddess, who dedicated herself always to our care, to our development and evolution, to push us, to take care of ourselves and to teach us, just as a mother does. Is She who fed us, healed us every time we were hurt, embraced us each cold night and restored our faith every time we felt down or depressed.

She was the mother goddess, the one that has a thousand faces and a thousand names, who trusted us from the beginning of time and who left us represent Her in as many ways as possible, statuettes of clay and bronze, in cave paintings at the back of an old cave, in the incomprehensible smile of some painting or in every Arthurian myth in the form of a fairy or a forest spirit that appears to help the knight in his mission.

There remain names as there are questions around them, many of these names devised by the same man and others whispered by themselves in the ears of their believers. Many of these questions do not have to be answered, others are simply not the right questions, but the fact is that the Goddess has always been there, and in every period of humanity, She has become present in some way, incarnated Herself under different faces and facets to illuminate with her presence every relevant fact of history, turn the ship's helm in the right direction or give birth to a new teacher for the human race.

Yoruba priests from Africa consider Yemaya, goddess of the sea and sea surfaces, as the primordial Mother Goddess who bore humanity and all the orishas of Her womb. According to her folklore, she was the primeval ocean and the whole Life on earth emerged from her belly of light. For many scholars on the subject, Yemaya established the life cycle of man and most mammals, which is why we would not be born of eggs, but rather bursting the womb and emerging in a sea of vital water. This perhaps would explain intentionally the reason man feels so comfortable swimming and diving in the cold ocean or in a small bathtub. Being surrounded by a body of water not only gives us a full relaxation experience, but also reminds us unconsciously to our own existence within the womb of the mother goddess, wrapped in a sea of light and spirit.

We can say that in a certain way we have also molded the Goddess to our form, we have given Her the skin color, the shape and personality characteristic of every nation in the world, and it has not been the reverse, but surely if the camels could represent their gods in some way, they are also likely to represent them as camels, and not as men, and after some time, the gods would appear before them in this same way to give them security and confidence.

Perhaps the representation we give to the Goddess is completely meaningless, perhaps it is an arrogant act of ourselves trying to understand Her, perhaps, on the contrary, it is an act of humility on our part, trying to represent Her in the form of the most intelligent creature we know.  Perhaps this is its true form and somehow we have kept it in a subconscious memory that has been stored for generations in our genetics, or perhaps this is the form that the Goddess really had at some point in a previous life, coming from an earlier race perhaps in an earlier plane. I suppose all options are valid.

The only thing we can be sure of, as the archaeological evidence has shown, is that the worship of the Goddess is not something new, much less modern, on the contrary, it is one of the oldest cults in the dawn of humanity.

© Elhoim Leafar 2017

Friday, December 1, 2017

Magic with Cloves

Magic with Cloves

The clove (Syzygium aromaticus), is an aromatic spice that has antibacterial, anesthetic, aphrodisiac, analgesic, antispasmodic and stimulant properties.

It is related to the planet Jupiter and the fire element. Its penetrating aroma is known to have both physical and magical effects that influence protection, love, healing, memory and courage.

Medicinal properties

One of the most important compounds of clove is eugenol, an element that prevents blood clotting, making it very beneficial for cardiovascular health. Thanks to its high concentration of eugenol, clove is widely used by dentists in the treatment of cavities, toothaches and even in mouthwashes.

Holistic properties

Helps in love and creates a space of protection. It is ideal to add it to your magic circle of protection or to consecrate magic tools.

Burning cloves in the kitchen is considered an old sacred ritual to honor a new being that comes to earth.

It infuses us with the courage to take actions and make decisions, in addition to clarifying doubts about your feelings and desires.

Anoint a candle with clove oil to keep you concentrated and fully focused when performing any kind of magic ritual.

A handful of cloves after death attracts visitors from old friends, while a few drops of their oil on the pillow before bedtime helps us to relive past situations in our dreams.

Every morning pick up three cloves and chop them, as you suck in their scent, forgotten memories will come. When you do not remember your dreams, the smell of the cloves will help these to come to your mind.

Kundalini Yoga

The daily practice of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini as a practice is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline based on different paths of yoga which are based on the pillars of the Sanskrit text: Yoga Sutra, Bhakti (divine devotion) and Tantra.

Kundalini according to Hinduism is an intangible energy symbolically represented by a serpent-dragon sleeping in the "muladhara" (the first of the seven chakras located in the perineum). It is believed that when the serpent awakens, the yogi controls life and death.

Yogis use different spiritual techniques such as the recitation of mantras, asanas, pranayamas, daily meditations, kriyas, as well as disinterested service to others to activate the energy that remains dormant in us and raise it slowly but steadily towards the " Sahasrara"  chakra,  which allows us to achieve happiness, liberation from all our dormant potential and the full awakening of cosmic consciousness.

The practice of Kundalini Yoga requires patience, daily practice, commitment and unwavering will, as well as the constant cleansing and purification of the nadis, a network of channels in the astral-spiritual body through which prana flows. If you wish to advance in any type of yoga, including the Kundalini, it is necessary to purify all the nadis of the body one by one.

Kundalini Yoga is one of the oldest, complex and complete forms of yoga, and is also a wonderful power tool to help you achieve all your short and long term goals. Yoga nourishes the body, the mind and the spirit cell by cell, Kundalini yoga works in the same way, trying to awaken all your spiritual potential in a more objective and complete way.

The worldwide diffusion of this ancient discipline during the twentieth century was due to the work of the teacher Yogi Bhajan. Formerly, the sacred practice of Yoga Kundalini was taught secretly and by oral tradition directly from the teacher to the pupil (disciple) provided they showed a constant dedication and respect to that practice.

Each class of Yoga Kundalini usually begins with the chanting of a specific mantra, the "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo". This powerful mantra synchronizes our essence with the essence of an entire chain of Kundalini Yoga teachers, called the golden chain, and also with our own inner teacher. That allows us to receive these sacred teachings from our higher consciousness.

Yoga Kundalini helps us to awaken our consciousness through a multitude of meditations and kriyas (a mixture of exercises, breaths and sounds) that allow us to become aware of our subconscious and unconscious patterns, to get rid of our old fears, to open ourselves to love and leave us Guide in perfect confidence, by our intuition.

The mastery of the mind is vitally important in this ancient practice, since every thought has a vibration and that vibration determines the way you live and what you bring into your life.

The purpose of practicing physical disciplines is not only to develop the body and mind, but to awaken the soul. The awakening of the soul, thanks to the rise of the Kundalini energy, allows to radiate creativity and infinity in all aspects of daily life, to be guided by the soul and not by the ego. At the same time, the development of the meditative mind or "Budhi", through Yoga allows us to be fully aware of our own potential.

Happy practice!

Smudging whenever you can.

Smudging whenever you can.

A "smudge" is a bunch of dried herbs (usually white sage and cedar) that are tied together to form a small bundle, this bunch of herbs is burned as a complementary part of a ritual or purification and protection ceremony.

The correct term is "smudge stick" for non-indigenous people who perform this cleaning ceremony originating in North America. The use of scented smoke and smoke (such as incense) in religious rites is a common element in many different cultures around the world.

When we feel stuck or depressed, we are usually channeling energy and / or spiritual stagnation that is reflected in our own emotions and even in our environment. When this happens it is necessary to carry out an energy cleaning, and a smudge is one of the most traditional ways of doing so, stagnant or negative energy can have extremely damaging effects on your mental and physical state and even ends up turning to our aspects of work, Blocks our chakras, stagnates the correct functioning of our karma and this leads to physical illness and cancellation or delay of our projects.

A herbal stick or 'smudge' can easily help us combat this negativity, cleanse the energy of our surroundings and help us in turn to properly retrace the path to start from scratch. A smudge is perfect for cleansing the aura, chakras, karma, our divination objects, various magic and sorcery tools, bless common spaces as well as sacred altars, and even to clear esoteric obstacles and astral larvae.

The specific objective of smudge is to clean the space around us, it is especially suitable for use before and after a magic or spiritual ceremony, it will help remove astral larvae and all kinds of negative entities, it also channels the energies of the mother Earth and this gives us a perfect atmosphere of calm and serenity highly charged with positive vibrations.

The smudge is usually made with cedar and sage, but it is also common to find them with tobacco, sweet grass, sagebrush, pine needles, juniper, deer, cypress, royal feathers and rose petals.

Friday, November 10, 2017

The Mystical Court of the Witches

The Court of the Witches

Folklore tells us about the different magical courts that lead the world beyond the veil that separates the worlds, and that, moreover, is venerated by the spiritualists of the entire world in different ways and ways.

In much of Europe is venerated the "Court of witches" which is made up of the souls of witches burned at the stake and hanged in public for the practice of their magical art, the souls of these witches do not reach rest or can reincarnate for having been victims of tragic, ignoble and unjust deaths, for this reason the witches prevail trapped in the veil between the two worlds, as inhabitants of a magical infinite corridor that is virtually connected to all the trees and mirrors of the world, which they use to travel and communicate with our world.

These same witches, watch over the safety and learning of the youngest witches and sorcerers, trying to keep alive the honorable practice of nature in the hands of the living.

On the other hand, in Africa, the Yoruba people venerate the souls of the witches who have left, assuring that their presence prevails among us until their names fall into oblivion. Practitioners of the Yoruba faith, consider that the souls of witches are venerated and highly respected in the other world, from where they lead the births of new shamans and seers in the world.

The religions that descend culturally from Africa, as it is the case of the Santería, the Voodoo, the Hoodoo, the Candomblé, the Quimbanda, Umbanda, Palo Mayombe and Batuque, reunite very similar elements among themselves, venerating the souls of the ancestors that make up a magical court of animals that act through local mediums and the forces of nature.

In South America, the 'Court of Witches', which is composed entirely of the souls of the local witches of each country and whose names are venerated and passed down from generation to generation to keep their memory alive, is venerated in the mountains. magic and its essence among the new generations of practitioners.

The witches court leads the world of spirits and they have the power to exercise all kinds of changes in the life of living beings, influencing equally on love, money, health, and family. In the spiritualist tradition it is considered that a witch to die must be honored on the ground where he died (not where he lived) and it is there where he took the power to reconnect with his loved ones, old teachers and family, and from where he will start to undertake his path as a resident of the spiritual world.

In all Afro-Caribbean traditions, the witches court is conjured in the same way, with white candles where the written names of each of the dozens (or hundreds in some cases) of the names of those who make up the local court are burned. Once this is done by the practitioner, the witches court should be venerated and honored every Monday night, placing glasses with clean water, glasses with red wine, cups with hot coffee and a crystal ball, objects of divination, essential oils and perfumes, incense and candles that should remain lit all night in this magical spiritual vault.

The witches court will consecrate each and every one of these various objects in favor of the witch practitioner, and in exchange for their attentions, the practitioner will be respectfully served by the witches from the world of the veil.

Usually, and according to the magic tradition, the witches court is always attentive to every step that the witches make in their way, but they only act if they are called and invoked properly, because they can not interfere if they are not invoked from this side of the living, and that is through a due invocation clearly and loudly by an initiate in the occult arts.

On the other hand, working with the witches court is extremely easy, the promises made in his name must always be fulfilled before the next new moon and strongly punish those who forget to keep their promises in exchange for the favors granted, never grant nothing for free, no matter what you promise to the witches' court, the payment must first be given as a priority and then they will decide how to honor the deal.

Although the court of the witches is made up equally by men and women, by wizards, magicians, and initiated spiritualists, also only receive the name of Court of the Witches, because it is a more general term, the witches of certain countries can invoke separately to "the sorceress court", "the court of the magicians" or "the shamanic court", to refer to doing magical works with smaller groups that live within the same court.

The witches' court is independent of any pagan religion, neopagan or adverse to them, they also act independently to all the spiritual courts, deities and spirits, more like a huge group of local souls and animas than as a specific pantheon.

If you want to work with the witches court, it is always important to remember that their attentions are better received on Monday night than any other day, and they have no distinction of any kind towards groups or individuals who practice, but their veneration and practice must be constant and very serious.

I hope this Post will be very helpful in your daily magic practice.


Text: Elhoim Leafar
Pics: Александр Раскольников

November Renovator, New Moon in Scorpio

New moon of November
Congratulations my lover of the sky and the stars, if you have come this far, it is because fate has planted a series of "coincidences" in your path to allow you to be prepared for one of the last restarts of this year, 2017.
Next Saturday, November 18, we will find ourselves in front of one of the last renovating moons of 2017, and it is the moon in the hottest sign of the zodiac, moon in Scorpio, so any change you wish to make in your intimate and loving life before end 2017, this is the time to do it, unless you want to start a prosperous 2018 dragging feelings of guilt or something that makes you regret it.

Changes and Renewal
The new moon is the right time to reflect and meditate on all kinds of issues, it is also the time to initiate new processes and phases of change, it is not time to rest on the laurels or boast of "Believing" to be doing something right, On the contrary, it is the moon phase to meditate on our various processes and find exactly the mistakes and what can be improved.

The moon in Scorpio is a moon full of sensitivity, emotion and deep transformations, especially those transformations that imply our personal relationships if you want your relationship to evolve, grow or end, this is the moment.
The new moon in Scorpio is a good time to start all kinds of magical, astrological and esoteric studies, to carry out regressions and predictions, according to the old folklore of the Caribbean, the power of the new moon in scorpio, has such power of transformation that is capable of turning men into beasts and vice versa, in South America, it is said that this is the moon used by old witches to abandon their old skins, renew their youth, and even become owls to fly over the rooftops during the cold nights.

The alchemists of old Europe believed true that the moon positioned in Scorpio had the power to turn tin and copper into silver and gold, while in Brazil, the new moon of November represents the dream of Yemaya who will rest for a long period to wake up shortly before the last night of December.
Magic & Emotion The new moon in Scorpio is charged with strong emotions that must be controlled with great care, jealousy, envy, resentment, revenge, old grudges that were believed forgotten and deepest desires can intersperse and confuse us during this period. '
Light blue and indigo candles, mauve or wildflower incense, burn dried flowers and garlic husks at the door to renew energies, honor the spirits of water and practice different methods of astral projection are habitual forms of magic for this lunation.
It is a good time to start meditation processes in calm and tranquility, publicly manifest our good wishes, write very long letters where we place our frustrations and then let them burn in the fire, and seek and try new ways to make catharsis and achieve peace of mind.
The rituals linked to the water element and to invoke the protective avatars of the western side of the earth gain more strength especially during this night, it is also a perfect moment to develop those rituals that take away our enemies, dispel bad thoughts and diminish negative thoughts.
I hope to know what you will do with this magical renewal moon, follow me on my social networks and share your ideas with me. Kisses & Blessings.

Venus In Scorpio

Venus, the brightest planet we can easily see without the help of a telescope, one of the most famous and known since antiquity has always been associated with love, a universal feeling.

the resplendent beauty of this celestial body caused Venus - called Aphrodite by the Greeks - to be worshiped as the goddess of beauty and love, but its charm not only produced harmony but was the cause of the Trojan War.

Venus represents everything beautiful and desirable. His position in the astral chart reveals something about our need for harmony, our love life and capacity for surrender. The planet Venus is also considered the one that governs fine arts and singing, as well as our sense of aesthetics.

This Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Venus moved to the sign of Scorpio where it will be throughout the rest of the month. It is an extremely important transit because Scorpio, as a sign of water, communicates with its surroundings mainly through their feelings. The water element represents the world of unfathomable emotions, from compulsive passions and irrational fears to feelings of universal compassion and love, but also feelings of jealousy, possession and much more, depending on the nature of your sign develops.

Venus begins to provide solutions to the problems that have arisen so far, with the transparency issues that Jupiter in Scorpio is addressing to the scene, revealing motives, ethics, and intentions, as well as other issues that have been in the shadows.

With Venus in Scorpio, relationships are deeply passionate. The superficial flirtations and contacts do not satisfy us now, since we long for a fusion "body and soul" with someone special; contacts that break the taboos, which are extreme and intense and that are unforgettable.

This is a very emotional position for Venus. It is a passionate, sensual and intense energy. Our relationships are important to us, and we can even feel that they consume us. In fact, we tend to want to be consumed by them. Our unity is towards intense closeness, but blind faith in our partners is very difficult for us now. The fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up our own power for others are strong.

The transit of Venus in Scorpio. It brings passion and depth to our relationships. Venus in this sign is hyper-secret, and it is possible that it leads us to doubt if people are really sharing everything they know with us, when we are trying an authentic and deep connection. If we are in search of our soul mate and can get rid of players who do not commit, there are strong chances of finding love in the most unlikely places.

Elhoim Leafar

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Happy New Moon In Libra

Happy New Moon In Libra

A new cycle begins this Thursday, October 19, 2017, with the New Moon in Libra. The ideal moment to seek peace and harmony, balance in our personal relationships and focus our efforts is to rearrange every detail of our agenda. It is the moment to plan with calm every detail of the next months, is a good moon for the entrepreneurs.

The New Moon in Libra is all about new beginnings and opportunities for relationships. The energy of the sign wants to relate to us, to balance us, to love us and to find meaning in every project we undertake.

This New Moon emanates the highest vibration of energy to foster new beginnings in love and connections. Bring fresh and creative energy into our lives, and more specifically, into our relationships to fall in love with love. Negotiations can be particularly effective now, as we are inclined to assert our needs in ways that do not offend others.

Libra has an innate ability for love, the synthesis of opposites. Peace and harmony are the goals, but there is a good balance involved in the path that requires a little commitment and effort. It is the sign of the relationship, represented by scales of balance and justice, and ruled by Venus, goddess of love and beauty.

With this New Moon, which is produced by the Sun-Moon union at 26 ° Libra, our decisions and response to change begin to reflect our true inner essence as our drive continues to reveal motives, ethics, and values that drive our purpose.

So Mote It Be...

Friday, August 25, 2017

Shamanism in South America, the Magic of the Wichis.

Shamanism in South America
the Magic of the Wichis.

South America is a sub continent crossed in its northern part by the line of the Ecuador that extends, towards the South, towards the Pole. This vast expanse surrounded by the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans presents a great variety of landscapes: the Atacama desert, considered one of the most arid of the planet; The Amazon rainforest, an extensive area that houses innumerable plant species that are constantly discovered by civilization; Coniferous forests located in the southern section of the Andes mountain range; The plain of Patagonia, etc.

The wide variety of cultures, beliefs, religious traditions and customs that this diversity gives us gives way to the existence of numerous magic rituals related to magic, shamanism, and sorcery. For it is not the same conception of the universe and of himself as an individual born in the midst of the rainforest that another whose life has passed on the high mountains or in the cold and windy places of "Tierra de Fuego".

For this reason, I have decided to take advantage of these digital media of today, to share with all my dear readers and followers about the cultures that I have had the opportunity to know and study in the past. Coming from a key country in the South, as is Venezuela, full of immigrants from all South American countries, I have had the opportunity to share with many of these wonderful people from different countries, who, despite sharing the same language, handle Completely different cultures and traditions.

One of these cases is the so-called Wichis or "matacos", whose culture is a delight of folklore and magical shamanism full of color and much traditional mysticism.

Wichi, an indigenous ethnic group from Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay, are known as wichi or wichis, which in the Quechua language (original language of the Andes) means "people", are also known as "matacos", In association with the armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus) coming from Argentina that bears the same name.

Southern three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus)

The Wichi religious tradition combines traditional animism and magical shamanism, they render a cult very complex to the spirits that inhabit the nature, being these spirits ruled by Tokuah, the king of the spirits and the forests.

The Wichi are known for their use of the seeds of Cebil (Anadenanthera colubrina), a South American tree with thorny trunk and gray that produces flowers between September and December. The seeds of cebil that are collected at the foot of this tree, are dried in the sun and ground to powder, and this powder is used by the shamans of the tribe to cure various diseases because their smoke is considered a smoke Sacred that contains the blessings of Tokuah.

The powder of the cebil seed can be inhaled or included in tobacco leaves to contact spirits, to venerate the dead, and to ask for favors from those who have ascended to live at the right hand of Tokuah. The bark of the cebil tree is used medicinally by tribe shamans. In addition, gum produced from the bark is used to treat infections of the upper respiratory tract, as an expectorant, and to calm the cough.

Another of the magical principles of the Wichi culture is the worship of the so-called "Yucan" or "Palo borracho" (drunken stick)/(Ceiba chodatii), whose pale yellow flowers and black seeds are burned to exorcise evil spirits They bring with them diseases and psychotic madness.

Wichi lunar Calendar

The Wichi believe deeply in magic, although they see it as dangerous and forbidden, that only the most ancient and trained shamans can practice, they believe in the constant struggle between good spirits and evil spirits, as well as in the cycle of The reincarnation, where men reincarnate in animals and women in plants and trees, and when fulfilling a cycle of more than a hundred lives, reach reincarnate as seers.

Seers in the Wichi culture are considered an omen of the gods and a blessing, they are taught from very young to venerate nature and contact the spirits to reach the degree of the shaman who will inherit the traditions.

In addition, the Wichi have a broad dialect, since youngsters are taught to speak Spanish and Quechua language simultaneously, but young people who are taught and trained to be shamans also learn a third language, a language much older and more traditional than Is only taught orally and is transmitted from generation to generation, because it is considered the secret language of the spirits of the forest, and is also sacred.

One of the most closed practices, but also more common in their culture, is the circle of healing, where a group of older men and women sit in a circle with the shaman of the tribe and place the patient lying in the circle. Center of the same, and making use of a rattle, made with the shell of a turtle and a series of songs, heal to the patient of any evil.

Although not historically correct, you can understand magic around Wichi culture by watching Disney's animated film "Pocahontas," where the village shaman reads the future on fire, heals people with songs and rattles, and carries with them A sack of his "magic dust" to burn at the stake as a tribute to the great spirits, which are represented in the film as small golden symbols that wander floating in the wind.

If you have an opportunity to visit at some point, the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan, New York. You can find yourself in front of a remarkable and curious collection of artifacts from the Wichi culture, forming part of the South American Collection.

© Elhoim Leafar

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Maria Lionza, Queen of Witches & Fairies.

Maria Lionza

The Queen of Witches & Fairies.

In my native Venezuela, we have a folklore full of spirits and witches so complex that it does not even fit in the books, but it is also so popular that it has been studied in different universities of USA, Germany, and England by the level of devotion and ritual practice of Their respective followers.

One of these cults, perhaps the most notable is the cult of Maria Lionza. Maria Lionza (Yara) or "Maria de la Onza & Yara" is one of the most iconic characters in Venezuelan folklore, her cult dates back to a little more than 500 years and began to be commented on in the history books from 1515, Almost two decades after the discovery of America, although it was in the early 1900s that the cult came to light and began to be documented by anthropologists and historians.

The cult of Queen Maria Lionza began in the vicinity of the mountains of Sorte in Chivacoa (Yaracuy), where the indigenous people of the region met to worship at that time to their ancestors, a cult that still prevails in Venezuela, Becoming more and more popular.

The American anthropologist Wade Glenn of Tulane University has studied and confirmed that more than half of the Venezuelan population has voluntarily participated in at least one ritual in honor of Queen Maria Lionza, being she the central figure of Venezuelan spiritualism, Cult similar to that of Maria Laveau in New Orleans, USA.

The cult of Maria Lionza is of Indian origin, but in spite of it, with the passage of the years its figure has been modified to adapt it to the figure of a white woman with a gold crown on its head, a white or red rose In a hand (symbol of peace or love respectively) and a banner in the right hand, just where he has written his mission as divinity as "Protector of the waters and Goddess of the crops."

Maria Lionza is the goddess who lives in the leafiest forests of Venezuela, between the caves enchanted by fairies and the flocks of wild animals, always surrounded by subordinate and obedient spirits. As divinity symbolizes femininity, love as a universal principle and the force of life and rebirth. For many modern pagans, the Queen Mary Lionza is an incarnation of Venus or Gea, as goddess of peace, love and nature. Among its attributes are mainly magic and divination linked to the element of water, thunder, natural perfumes based oils, forests, fairy courts and mountains.

The cult of Maria Lionza has spread outside of Venezuela, leading her to be venerated in Chile, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Guatemala. And it has also been mixed with elements of Santeria, Spiritism, magic with fairies and traditional witchcraft to lead him to develop his own form of witchcraft, which has led him to know him in different countries like "The Queen of fairies", "Matriarch of the Witches" and "the Patroness of the 21 Courts".

All these honorific titles have been awarded to the blessed Queen Maria Lionza, not only for her thousands of miracles granted but also for her different attributes as an autochthonous deity of the Latin American region.

The Queen of Fairies

The cult around Queen Maria Lionza has always been linked in Venezuela and Colombia to the worship of the fairies, due in great measure to the indigenous belief because the aboriginal Indians of Venezuela believed in the magic presence of spiritual beings of enormous power that They lived in the forests and could change their shape. Aboriginal peoples originating in Venezuela, such as the Wayuu, the Añu, the Wanikua, the Pemones, the Yukpa, the Timoto-cuicas and the Yanomami (just to mention a few) shared the belief in life after the Death, the presence of spirits and fairies in nature, although their belief in fairies (even today throughout South America) prevails untouchable in the face of the European belief in fairies and their concept of the "good fairies" of diminutive stature And character wise or in some cases childish.

In Venezuelan native folklore, the fairies are spirits that inhabit and care for the forest, the lagoons and the rivers, they take human form and they can become all kinds of animals, they live mainly in the night and after the Sunset, they are extremely intelligent and they know All the secrets of witchcraft, attend sorcerers and witches in their rituals and usually do not wear clothes. In the native folklore of Venezuela, sirens are another form that fairies take to mobilize by the rivers, make deals with the sorcerers of the night in exchange for all sorts of favors and kidnap to babies that are not baptized.

According to the myth, Queen Maria Lionza, at that time a virgin maiden, daughter of a powerful Cacique, pact with the fairies in exchange for knowing the secrets of the night, the fairies, who at that time had mourned the ascent of his Reigned in the world of spirits, saw the young maiden in the incarnation of her queen, bestowed beauty on her and all the secrets were revealed to her, upon her death she became the queen of the forests of the Amazon, queen of the fairies and All the spirits of the forest.

Since then, both myths have been intimately linked, in fact, it is very common to say in Venezuela that "to make deals with the fairies", you must first request the permission of your queen patron Maria Lionza. It is also popularly believed that the practice of the South American shamans to place the children a bracelet of red thread with a hanging jet to "ward off the Evil Eye" was a teaching of the fairies by order of their Indian queen.

The Matriarch of All Witches

"To understand Santeria you must first understand spiritualism".

The above is a common phrase of every home practitioner in Venezuela, because in magic and witchcraft, as in everything else, there are no fast roads or short roads, and this motto comes from the order of witches, an order ( A Coven) of many others that are maintained under the devotion of the Venezuelan people.

In traditional Venezuelan witchcraft it is common to work with one of the 21 magic courts to ask favors, being Maria Lionza the main character of the main of these (not all) but of the largest, for which has been considered the Queen Of witches.

A common practice is to bring white flowers, tobaccos, and aguardiente to the river to be left there in the name of Maria Lionza, who in return would grant favors to her devout servants.

The Legend of the Queen of Witches

"Maria Lionza (Yara) was a maiden Nívar, delighted daughter of a powerful cacique of Nirgua. The Shaman of the village had predicted that when a strange-eyed, water-green-eyed girl was born, she had to be sacrificed and offered as a sacrifice to the Waterman, the "Great Anaconda," and if not, Extinction of the Nívar. But his father was unable to do so. And he had the girl in a mountain cave, with 22 warriors guarding her and preventing her from leaving. She was forbidden to see herself in the mirrors of water. But one day a mysterious force numbed the guardians and the beautiful girl came out of the cave and walked to the lake, discovering her own reflection in the water.

She was delighted with her vision. Thus he awakened the Water Master to the Great Anaconda, who emerged from the depths, falling in love with her and drawing her to herself. On Lake Maria Lionza and the mighty serpent, they celebrated a spiritual and mystical communion. When his father discovered the union, he tried to separate them. Then the Anaconda grew, became huge and exploded causing a great flood that devastated the village and its people.

From that day Maria Lionza became the protective Goddess and owner of the lagoons, rivers and waterfalls, protector mother of nature, wild animals and queen of love. The myth of Yara survived the Spanish conquest, although it underwent some modifications. In this sense, Yara was covered by the Catholic religion with the mantle of the Christian virgin and took the name of Our Lady Mary of the Ounce of the Meadow of Talavera de Nivar. However, with the passage of time, would be known as Maria de la Onza, or Maria Lionza.

The Mother Goddess

Since it was published in her 1939 essay "The Spiritualist Service to the Queen" by Gilberto Antolínez, there have been more than 25 different accounts of the cult of Maria Lionza in Venezuela, all of them very popular in the circles of witches and Venezuelan spiritualists.

All these different accounts tell the same story of the myth of the Queen of fairies from different points of view, all concluding in the rise of the young maiden as queen of the Indians and protector of their devout witches.

The Venezuelan Trinity

As in most of the religions that have emerged from the Indo-European period, a trinity patron of the pantheon is often found, the case of Venezuela would not be the exception.

Maria Lionza is the central character of the Venezuelan trinity that represents the Latin culture of that time, known as "Las Tres Potencias" (The Three Powers) made up of blacks, Indians, and white Spaniards. In this case, the trinity is conformed by the Queen Maria Lionza, the famous "Cacique Guaicaipuro", a Cacique of the Caracas and other tribes that strongly opposed to the invasion of the Spaniards, and "El Negro Felipe", a soldier during the wars of Independence from Venezuela.

The courts

In the Venezuelan esoteric cult, the so-called "Three Powers" form a spiritual council of great power that governs a magical universe full of spirits and fairies divided in a total of 21 courts that assist the witches in the accomplishment of their magical works.

The main courts of Maria Lionza are:

  • The Celestial Court: Led by Jesus of Nazareth and represented by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is conformed by all Catholic saints.
  • The Venezuelan Indigenous Court: This order is presided over by Queen Maria Lionza, the Cacique Guaicaipuro and his sister India Cari Cara, is made up of: caciques, cacicas, and Indians.
  • The Black Court: Directed by El Negro Felipe and la Negra Matea, is conformed by the souls of black slaves, witches, and sorcerers with colored skin.
  • The Liberating Court: Presided by Simón Bolívar and General Francisco de Miranda, conformed by those who led the revolt against the Spanish crown.
  • The Court of the Juanes: Conformed by various figures of Venezuelan folklore: Don Juan del Tabaco, Don Juan del Dinero, Don Juan de los Caminos, Don Juan de los Suspiros, etc ...
  • The Medical Court: Led by Dr. José Gregorio Hernández (El Venerable) and conformed by the souls of doctors and nurses. It is a very popular order that is invoked to aid in healing processes.
  • The Shaman's Court : Led by the Great Nicanor Ochoa Pinto Morillo (the sorcerer who cures and kills in 24 hours).
  • The Court of Souls: Led by the Anima Sola (Maria de la Luz) and made up of the souls without rest of the popular belief of each country.

The other Courts

  • The African Court.
  • The Viking Court.
  • The Cale Court.
  • The Court of Students.
  • The Court of Charms.
  • The Court of the Witches (READ HERE)
  • The Asian Court or Chinese Court.
  • The Indian Apache Court.
  • The Gypsy Court or court of the fortune tellers.
  • The Red Court.
  • The Barbara Court.
  • The Egyptian Court.
  • The English Court.

Amazing Symbol

The sculptor Alejandro Colina immortalized her for the world as a naked athletic musculature woman, an Indian Caribbean Goddess on a tapir (male tapir, worshiped by indigenous tribes), and with outstretched hands holding a female pelvis bone (Symbol of fertility) on her feet the tapeworm crushes snakes, symbols of envy and selfishness.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Brief Astrological Guide / Saturn

Astrological Guide for Witches and Wizards. Part VII

Saturn, the wise old man

Saturn is the ancient deity of the harvest and agriculture, symbolizes the passage of time as well as the cycle of life, death, and renewal of all things, which is why he was venerated and even confused with a God of time. In honor of Saturn was named the sixth planet of the solar system and in turn, the sixth day of the week.

Saturn or Saturnus was one of the oldest gods of the European pantheon, venerated and respected by men as the god of harvests and agriculture, who also taught men the art and work of being farmers during the first eras of the humanity. After the rebellion of his sons against him (the gods of Olympus), Saturn was reduced to the condition of wandering around the world as a mere mortal, then he took refuge in Lazio (Rome) where he imposed order among men and gave them The first laws, was later honored and received by Janus, the two-headed god and guardian of the roads who created the Saturnales, the annual feasts commemorating the reign of Saturn during the golden age.

Later the sixth planet of the solar system receives its name of Saturn, its characteristic color ivory and its gigantic golden rings allude to the reign of the God during the golden age of the man. Saturn is the ruling planet of the astrological sign of Capricorn, is the planet of discipline, tranquility, silence and calm after the storm. He is also the planet of renewal and reincarnation. Saturn influences those born under the sign of Capricorn, giving them the patience, prudence, and perseverance to reach their goals in slow but steady steps.

Saturn, whose domains include discretion, diplomacy, well-defined structures, our understanding and use of time as well as the passion for all that is unknown, is who helps us to better understand the world around us.
Saturn is well known as the planet of discipline, perseverance, perseverance, order, and silence, as such, demands calm behavior, the seriousness of intentions (zero double intentions) and practical actions that lead us to the goal without deviating Of the road. When Saturn is retrograde, it forces us to understand and remember what our limitations are, this period is a blessing among retrogradations, because it forces us to grow as human beings and entrepreneurs, usually brings us additional responsibilities and forces us (understand, against our Desires) to accept duties and all kinds of obligations with a lot of patience, tranquility and above all dedication, retrograde Saturn leads to much frustration, but not for that we must surrender, this period strengthens us and helps us to grow in the personal and professional aspect.
During the retrogradation of Saturn, it is common to feel frustrated, angry or more stubborn than normal because all projects seem to be delayed and there are thousands of "issues" that we had forgotten to attend. Retrograde Saturn is a true specialist in developing personal growth, testing people and separating the strong, the truly strong (not those who pretend to be) from the weak. It is an annual period of improvement, so good luck.

Saturn's mission in Astrology and sorcery

Saturn is the planet that channels the power to renew and remake everything that exists in the universe, its power is infinite, because it is linked to the principle of existence itself, and as long as there is some element in the cosmos that can be renewed, Saturn will remain there, it is the planet/deity that we channel to receive wise advice and the power to start from scratch, to cut with all kinds of vices and addictions and to remove negative people from our environment.

Tip: Saturdays are dedicated and ruled by Saturn, the incense that burns this day in honor of it, and especially incense created at home based on herbs and flowers, honoring Saturn allows us to receive his blessing and he will take care of inspiring Right decisions in us and remove the concerns in the economic field.

Saturn Keywords: Order and discipline.
Day: Saturn
Metals: Lead.
Colors: Black, brown and ivory.

Herbs and flowers: all yellow flowers and those that bloom at night.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Eclipse of the Sun + Second New Moon (Both in Leo)

This August 21, 2017
We celebrate the life and course of the days with a Total Solar Eclipse followed by the New Moon in Leo.

Solar Eclipse of August

For ancient magicians, Eclipses have always represented a period of energetic advancement, an omen of favorable changes, and a rapid but striking passage between cosmic phases of great power. Eclipses function as a form of concealment of one energy because of another in perfect balance, whereas in the political aspect this represents great changes that move discreetly underneath the table, in the esoteric aspect, the eclipses mark a period of transition Where solar and lunar magic find equilibrium and make peace momentarily, on the other hand, in the most common aspect, that of astrology, eclipses seal a complex change or the beginning of an inner transformation that in the short term will eventually be exteriorized .

This total Sun Eclipse positioned in Leo's Astrological Sign always manifests itself in expected political changes in the first three to six months after the eclipse. This event occurs with a Mercury that has just begun its Retrograde phase, ensuring that communication in the field of leadership is greatly affected over the coming weeks. But this equation is not complete until adding the position of the Great King 'Saturn' who a few days later leaves his retrogradation to positively redirect his energies from the constellation of Sagittarius.

Eclipses usually come in pairs, one lunar and one solar, with two weeks apart and indicate that we are entering a period of surprises and expositions.

The effect of eclipses can last up to three months. This can be a bleak time, but clean and healing, or a joyous time of childbirth. If we have stubbornly resisted growth, then we might experience them as a really volcanic, violent energy that desperately needs to be purged, but that really should not be feared.

The changing energy of eclipses usually affects us for a period of three to six weeks after the eclipse, in this case we will be able to perceive a notorious change in our surroundings that involves the influence of the total Solar Eclipse in Leo, a Mercury that begins to retrograde slowly, Affecting communications, agendas, meetings and exchanges of information, and a Saturn (the harvester) who would give us the strength to persist even in the most turbulent periods.

New Moon August

The new moon has always been one of my favorite topics, on the Blog and in real life, is a period of renewal, renewal, reincarnation and individual awakening. During the new moon, we have the opportunity to renew ourselves and start from scratch, to reflect in detail on our projects and to immerse ourselves completely in a new process that is about to begin.

The new moon is a symbol of cold darkness and fear, but it is also a symbol of inner strength and hope, for no matter how dark these moonless nights are, the silver mother is only struggling to renew herself and return to Shine in a few days. The darker the period of the new moon, the more vibrant and bright the next full moon.

This particular moon will have the particularity of being a second new moon in oil, second, because the moon begins its dark process centered on the sign of oil, and while it remains dark, it will move to the sign of Virgo, something unusual but not rare. We are definitely faced with a strong period of omens of change and transformation, the same day we will have the solar eclipse in the sign of the king of the Zodiac and hours later we will have a new moon in the same sign that will move from the lion to the Virgin In the middle of darkness (while no one can see it). You do not have to be very knowledgeable about astrology to realize that heaven is shouting 'Period of change' for both the good and the bad.

The new moon is usually a period of thinking and reflecting on new processes, fine-tuning strategies, and plans linked to new projects, and initiating all kinds of internal and external transformations and changes. In this case, the moon will incite us to be more creative, more enterprising and more direct in communications, it will also move us away from the superficial and indirect people around us, not to mention a change in the energy vibration that surrounds us, but It is about positive changes that we must embrace, not refuse.

New Trails

Next day, August 22, will be one of those moments to embark again on a new project, a new academic course, a new hobby, a new romance, a new life project, a new job or develop a new friendship , And even to initiate changes in our interior that we see necessary and require time.

On August 22, the Virgo Sign begins so the Sun will carry all that energy vibration of the Eclipse to the lands of prudence, order, and discretion, together with a particular new moon that begins to grow in the sign of (Guess...!) Virgo.

Therefore, we will begin a new process of transformation with the Sun and the Moon in the Sign of the Virgin, if you wish to remove from you some vice, some mania, some negative memory or some regret, this is the moment to say "goodbye... And renewal."

Do not be afraid to renew yourself from your darkest phase to shine and vibrate higher, after all, the moon does it in front of your eyes every 21 days.

Invitation: If you wish to receive the rituals corresponding to each of these phases, do not forget that you can subscribe to the mailing list of the Blog by entering, as well as you can join our Private Group on Facebook HERE where topics are discussed Of Astrology, Magic, and Spirituality.


Elhoim Leafar