Friday, December 1, 2017

Smudging whenever you can.

Smudging whenever you can.

A "smudge" is a bunch of dried herbs (usually white sage and cedar) that are tied together to form a small bundle, this bunch of herbs is burned as a complementary part of a ritual or purification and protection ceremony.

The correct term is "smudge stick" for non-indigenous people who perform this cleaning ceremony originating in North America. The use of scented smoke and smoke (such as incense) in religious rites is a common element in many different cultures around the world.

When we feel stuck or depressed, we are usually channeling energy and / or spiritual stagnation that is reflected in our own emotions and even in our environment. When this happens it is necessary to carry out an energy cleaning, and a smudge is one of the most traditional ways of doing so, stagnant or negative energy can have extremely damaging effects on your mental and physical state and even ends up turning to our aspects of work, Blocks our chakras, stagnates the correct functioning of our karma and this leads to physical illness and cancellation or delay of our projects.

A herbal stick or 'smudge' can easily help us combat this negativity, cleanse the energy of our surroundings and help us in turn to properly retrace the path to start from scratch. A smudge is perfect for cleansing the aura, chakras, karma, our divination objects, various magic and sorcery tools, bless common spaces as well as sacred altars, and even to clear esoteric obstacles and astral larvae.

The specific objective of smudge is to clean the space around us, it is especially suitable for use before and after a magic or spiritual ceremony, it will help remove astral larvae and all kinds of negative entities, it also channels the energies of the mother Earth and this gives us a perfect atmosphere of calm and serenity highly charged with positive vibrations.

The smudge is usually made with cedar and sage, but it is also common to find them with tobacco, sweet grass, sagebrush, pine needles, juniper, deer, cypress, royal feathers and rose petals.

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