Friday, December 1, 2017

Kundalini Yoga

The daily practice of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini as a practice is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline based on different paths of yoga which are based on the pillars of the Sanskrit text: Yoga Sutra, Bhakti (divine devotion) and Tantra.

Kundalini according to Hinduism is an intangible energy symbolically represented by a serpent-dragon sleeping in the "muladhara" (the first of the seven chakras located in the perineum). It is believed that when the serpent awakens, the yogi controls life and death.

Yogis use different spiritual techniques such as the recitation of mantras, asanas, pranayamas, daily meditations, kriyas, as well as disinterested service to others to activate the energy that remains dormant in us and raise it slowly but steadily towards the " Sahasrara"  chakra,  which allows us to achieve happiness, liberation from all our dormant potential and the full awakening of cosmic consciousness.

The practice of Kundalini Yoga requires patience, daily practice, commitment and unwavering will, as well as the constant cleansing and purification of the nadis, a network of channels in the astral-spiritual body through which prana flows. If you wish to advance in any type of yoga, including the Kundalini, it is necessary to purify all the nadis of the body one by one.

Kundalini Yoga is one of the oldest, complex and complete forms of yoga, and is also a wonderful power tool to help you achieve all your short and long term goals. Yoga nourishes the body, the mind and the spirit cell by cell, Kundalini yoga works in the same way, trying to awaken all your spiritual potential in a more objective and complete way.

The worldwide diffusion of this ancient discipline during the twentieth century was due to the work of the teacher Yogi Bhajan. Formerly, the sacred practice of Yoga Kundalini was taught secretly and by oral tradition directly from the teacher to the pupil (disciple) provided they showed a constant dedication and respect to that practice.

Each class of Yoga Kundalini usually begins with the chanting of a specific mantra, the "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo". This powerful mantra synchronizes our essence with the essence of an entire chain of Kundalini Yoga teachers, called the golden chain, and also with our own inner teacher. That allows us to receive these sacred teachings from our higher consciousness.

Yoga Kundalini helps us to awaken our consciousness through a multitude of meditations and kriyas (a mixture of exercises, breaths and sounds) that allow us to become aware of our subconscious and unconscious patterns, to get rid of our old fears, to open ourselves to love and leave us Guide in perfect confidence, by our intuition.

The mastery of the mind is vitally important in this ancient practice, since every thought has a vibration and that vibration determines the way you live and what you bring into your life.

The purpose of practicing physical disciplines is not only to develop the body and mind, but to awaken the soul. The awakening of the soul, thanks to the rise of the Kundalini energy, allows to radiate creativity and infinity in all aspects of daily life, to be guided by the soul and not by the ego. At the same time, the development of the meditative mind or "Budhi", through Yoga allows us to be fully aware of our own potential.

Happy practice!

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