Sunday, April 19, 2020

shelter list

A couple of days ago I shared this list on my Facebook and Twitter, I suppose it is clearer here for many more readers. Is a simple list of some very productive things a Spiritual worker or Mage can do these days in the Shelter.

Cook something new.
It is a good time to create new recipes, take advantage of everything you have in the fridge, get creative, and use all those canned and seasonings that you did not know how to use.

Take a nap.
When we are little we are taught at home, and later in school, that we should sleep at night, and take a short break in the middle of the afternoon to rest the brain and thus help it process the information it has received.

It is also a healthy habit that allows the body to purge toxins and work while the conscious mind is at rest.

Unfortunately, after a certain age, these naps are over, due to the complex work and university schedules of modern society, which keep us awake for 16 hours in a row and then rest for around eight hours. Which is "socially correct", but perhaps not the healthiest habit.

Clean, paint and tidy up the house.
If you are in quarantine, and any corner of your house is a disaster, what a shame about you! You have time now to show love to your home, so do it. =

At the end of the day, the way your home looks, and the order or disorder in it, is a reflection of how you feel inside. A home that looks nice to simple dresses, but is not clean in-depth, is the reflection of a person who uses vain excuses to evade reality and only cares how his life looks from the outside.

Take this time to "not be glued to the sofa watching TV", think about how unhealthy this is for your body. Even if you live in a small bedroom, use this time to tidy up, clean, and use those old paint buckets for the walls.

Clean the windows.
A terrible habitual practice of many people I know is to clean the entire house "for cleaning and Feng Shui", but they do not clean the windows, which is not going to take more than 30 minutes a day, it is easy to do, and it is necessary Especially if we are fighting a health threat.

The glass and mirrors of the house are there to reflect the truth, to reflect the light, and to mark a safe space between the external world and the home. Windows are energy portals, don't let them get dirty.

Move the furniture from the site. 
Si el Feng-Shui es lo tuyo, este es el momento, sino, igualmente aqui no hay excuses validas. Mover los muebles siempre renueva la energia, libera la energia que esta estancada y remueve las energias negativas y larvas astrales, esas mismas que te ocasionan dolores de cabeza, migranas, malestares, estres y especialmente ansiedad.

Get rid of old things.
Take advantage that you are cleaning, moving things, and reordering, and get rid of everything that no longer serves and does not need. Clothes that you no longer have, broken shoes, books that you will never read again, old furniture, artifacts that are useless.

All that is left, it is time to say goodbye.

Reorder your closet.
Reinforcing the previous point. Take out absolutely everything that is in your closet, piece by piece, clean that space in-depth, give it the value it deserves, it is not a box where you keep clothes, it is the place where you place each and every one of the pieces that you chose personally to identify you in front of the world.

If something is there, pants, jackets and shirts that you do not need, or that have not been worn for months, shoes that you no longer like, clothes that you bought "because they were in fashion", but they no longer match your style (Thanks to all the gods for minimalism), it's time to say goodbye.

Call your family and friends.
This is the time to get in touch with all your family members (or as in my case, only with those that you really appreciate and not all those who should greet by protocol once every four years).

It's time to make long calls, catch up, tell stories, relive old memories, make lists of those friends from the College and University with whom you don't talk much anymore, etc.

Si no sabes como romper el hielo, estos momentos de adversidad te dan la oportunidad de decir "es que acabo de ver en las noticias que alla donde estás vives todo esta muy mal".

Exercise / Workout 90Min
You have time and space, you don't need a big gym to exercise. Assemble your playlist with your favorite electronic music, choose a warm shirt and shorts, good stockings with comfortable shoes, open a little space and set the stopwatch.

For 90 minutes, do as many exercises as you can, everyone you know and remember, there are thousands of homemade exercise routines on YouTube.

Wait the next day and repeat.

Practice yoga
Yoga, much more than a series of stretching exercises with beautiful clothes, is a philosophy of life, a healthy lifestyle that allows you to connect with yourself, with your inner self, with each cell of your body and with everything that surrounds you.

Make use of this time to discover how beautiful yoga is, you can find hundreds of books on Amazon, and as a training tool it is one of the best. It is a hundred times more useful than going to the gym.

Meditate / Read / Write.
This is the time (especially if you are alone) to meditate, to connect with your thoughts and emotions, to process decades of trauma and discomfort in your head. Your mind is that infinite space where you are going to spend most of your time. Make sure it is nice, clean and comfortable.

Make a video call to a friend or colleague who is alone at home.
We are living a stage of humanity, where finally diseases and mental conditions are not a taboo, many people that you know personally suffer from many of these disorders and perhaps you do not know it.

Anxiety and depression are the order of the day, especially since the use of social networks became popular as an "almost obligatory" tool for living in the modern world. Do the world and your conscience a favor by brightening someone's day with a call, perhaps someone you know has been locked up for weeks, or even days, unable to leave, with fear and anxiety about the future, and with no one to call.

Play Chess, Checkers, Ludo.
In addition to the thousands of online versions of these games, which are great to distract you and play online. If you are at home with other people, this is an incredible way to spend time.

For those who follow me on social media, they know well that I am a complete nerd/geek and I play several different things, including Yugi Oh Cards Online, and Pokemon Go, plus I play 2 hours a week on PS4.

If you have a PS4, I personally recommend you discover and play Journey, Abzu, Rime, The Last Guardian, and my favorites, all versions of Skylanders.

Make a cake.
This does not even require explanation, who does not love homemade cakes ?.

Listen to music.
It is a good time to catch up on the music of your favorite artists, whatever your genre and favorite musical style. It is a good time to spend less time following your artists on Instagram and invest that time in really supporting them by playing their music.

Spotify, AppleMusic, Google Play Music, Deezer, are just some of the platforms that you can use to create extensive playlists with your favorite music.

Study something new.
If you go to Google, you will find hundreds of offers of free online courses on what you are looking for, on YouTube you will find thousands of tutorials on what you want to learn.

So take this time to dedicate yourself to learning something new, in my case, I am studying the Toth Tarot, which has always been one of my favorites, and every Wednesday I choose a random rune and study its meaning as well.

Organize an online dinner with your friends.
There are more than a hundred Apps to make video calls, many of these are free, so it is a good time to be creative and make an online dinner with our loved ones, I tell you from experience that you are going to have a great time.

Begin or End that Old book.
I suppose that all of us at some point have bought a book that we have not finished, and many times the excuse is "I have not had time for it", because this is the time to do it.

Burn Incense and light some candles.
Yes, I am a fan of smoke, not because of the "new fashion" of instagram that many follow of wanting to look spiritual, I grew up in a small place in the Amazon where smoke was something that was considered sacred, full of messages and Interpretations. I am that kind of irresponsible individual who turns off the smoke alarm because if I don't, it would be ringing every now and then.

Therefore, I will always recommend that they burn incense, it is beautiful, it is relaxing, it is aromatic, it is an energy cleanser, and it also changes the chemical composition of the air. Light incense and some candles to light the way for well-meaning spirits towards you.

Pray to your personal God or Gods.
This is a good time to find harmony in your personal relationship with your gods and angels. So take advantage of this time at home to connect with them, talk to them, study them, understand them, embrace them and follow their light.

If you didn't have the time before to dedicate yourself to the spiritual search and connect with yourself, perhaps this is the moment you've been looking for / waiting for a long time.

Make a list of your personal/professional projects in the short and long term to burn the next new moon.
The new moon is quite close, and with each new moon, we have a cycle of internal reunion that allows us to observe ourselves from another angle, start new projects and immerse ourselves in new processes.

Use your time at home to plan your next steps and each of your projects with love and detail.

Make a list of things to be Grateful 😉
Take a sheet of paper and a pencil. Then proceed to write and list all the good, positive, or joyful things for which you are grateful. Remember that gratitude is a magnet for miracles, everything you thank multiplies.

Meditate with your Tarot Cards and Oracles.
This is the right time to study your Tarot, your personal oracle in-depth, re-read it in a different way and meditate on it.

The Tarot has always been a method of consulting the future and the future, an appropriate and comfortable way to help you make decisions. Today the fashion is to make use of the Tarot as an instrument of meditation, the study of its archetypes and self-analysis, it is a good idea that you make use of both perspectives and see that it is better for you.

• Make an ice green tea with honey and ginger.
Something healthy and healthy you can do at home is to drink hot tea, so you can boil green tea with ginger, lemon peel, and honey. Let it cool for about an hour and drink it with ice.

It is an excellent and healthy recipe for lunchtime or perhaps mid-afternoon.

• Have Fun in your way 🤗

Be blessed
With Love Elhoim Leafar ❤️

Monday, April 13, 2020

Why I keep my blog in these times?

Why keep a blog in these times, even when you are "already an author"?

This question has been asked by several people lately, and generally, I try to avoid answering, but the truth, I have always tried to be honest about what I think, what I say and what I do.

Before having this blog my only contact with the rest of the people was a small page on MySpace where I published (with enormous difficulty) a ritual or a spell every week, in fact, it was the year 2005, and it was just on a MySpace page Where I found my first coven, back then in Caracas, Venezuela, and they organized events every week in various city parks, it was there that I began to relate to "witches of the city" as I like to call them, and I met at that time the world of Wicca and neopaganism.

But since long before I was already entering the world of magic and sorcery, only for me it was more about something familiar, and I believed from a very young age that it was something that each family practiced separately at home, it was not until The 13 years I understood (by my friend Jonathan) that this was not the case, and that on the contrary, we were a minority.

The origins

I came from having lived in a tiny town in Roraima, in the Amazon for about twelve years, on the border between Brazil and Venezuela, surrounded by healers, witch doctors, and ayahuasqueros. They took me to live in the capital city of Venezuela to send me to study four years at the military school, and after that, I attended a different school on the other side of the city before attending University.

When you go from having lived for so many years among people much older than you, essentially the elderly, and then you go from there to live in the big capital city, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the people around you, mostly schoolchildren who are showing off their cell phones, collection brands of shoes and caps. Collating with them was not easy, so it didn't take long for me to become "the newbie", the one everyone wants to bully.

When you arrive in the city, the concept that you have there about magic and sorcery, or about shamanism is something very different, and certainly more superficial. Back then, Santeria and Palo Mayombe were a fashion in Venezuela, they were "something cool", in which everyone wanted to participate, and my family had been part of them from the beginning, so I saw this "fashion" as something hurtful.

Followed by this, in the city, no one looked for plants in the field or bathed in the rivers, they did not cook soup in an old cauldron on wood and wood at the edge of the river, nor did they celebrate every time they got quartz or some beautiful mineral that they could interpret as "a sign" from the spirits, or as "a gift" from the ancestors. Herbs, oils, and crystals are something you bought at the store or even from a catalog.

Shamanism and healing were somewhat more superficial, however, I was lucky to meet very good healers and witches in the city. Witchcraft was then more a fashion to follow, an excuse to look cool and meet on the weekends with "your coven", a path that called you from the inside, now it was a trend followed by people looking for a place where to feel at ease without being judged, many came there and discovered that this was their way, many others got there, just in passing, others saw this as the best way to make fame and money fast.

Social networks

Once I had my first account on (back then) MySpace and attended these meetings in the Yahoo groups, I learned something extremely important, a lesson that I have followed even to this day... It always seems to know nothing, acts with discretion, does not be the know-it-all, let them judge you, let them act in front of you, and let them teach you each in their own way, that is where you will see with your own eyes, who really knows what he is talking about, who is really there for learning, and who really got there by reading a couple of books and already sells himself as the last court messiah, and of those last ones, unfortunately, there were many.

Over time I learned to judge a little less because I discovered that in the big concrete city, you could also find great believers, pagans, clairvoyants, witches and "modern shamans", who were not superficial fools because of living in the city, On the contrary, they took advantage of this as a huge advantage to teach classes, teach others, organize rituals online, create digital groups, and even held small conventions in a popular cafe to exchange esoteric books and share opinions.

Over time I got to know the internet blogs, and from there everything changed, it was my friend who recommended creating a blog and writing there every week, my personal rituals, my book recommendations, which rituals had worked and which did not, and what was my point of view about it, like “Today I used the invocation ritual of this book, and it didn't work as I expected, but maybe it is due to…”, and my blog in Spanish was always very popular.

Years later I began to write a blog in English, and since then I have kept my space, as a safe and free space to comment, free of judgments, because the Haters do not get in here to read, much less to respond, the brain does not It gives them for this, they are so busy promoting their hatred on Twitter and Instagram that they do not "waste their time" in coming to read me, so this is still a safe space, where I can connect freely, without editions, without intermediaries, without filters, directly with my readers.

The best thing about having a personal blog, and not one of those “business blogs” with many different authors talking about a single topic, is that here I can freely express my opinions, and without having to think “this will not please my editor "," This is not in accordance with the theme of the blog "," if I publish this, another author may be angry ". The truth is that my blog in English receives an average of 900 readers daily, even on days when I do not publish anything, and yes, I know that is a low number for the "standards of today", but for me Knowing that my blog is read by so many people daily is fascinating and quite motivating.

This also means that there are 900 other people out there who connect with me and who share the same experiences, who know that here they will read about real magic, real magic, not "Instagram magic", where all spells look like magazine pictures, where healing does not look like a beautiful path of pain-free illumination, where the gods are beings of enormous power who can act in your favor or against you.

This is a space free of egos and full of hard work, do you want your spell of results? Go and work for it, because if you believe that magic is the fast way to get things, you are in the wrong place. Here we do not join the new fashion of saying "the gods are only archetypes and your powers are superior because you are light and blah, blah blah" ... Those are arguments of "Plastic Witches".

The "plastic witches" are people who spend the full moon eating Doritos and watching Netflix, while they tell you with a beautiful Instagram photograph "use the energy of this moon to meditate deeply, walk through the forest under the light of the stars and bathe naked in a river ”, this is not (Thank God for it) one of those spaces full of superficial witches who do not practice magic with blood because they fear an infection, or who do not know the incredible healing properties of the earth from the cemetery because "everything is energy and you just have to visualize it".

And I'm not saying (and I've never said it) that witches should all celebrate the full moon, prick their fingers with a needle or eat raw meat of a deer on a new moon to regenerate their power, no. The problem is not their conception of magic and witchcraft, the problem is that they sell you something that they themselves do not practice, like those who say "witchcraft is a path of spirituality to help you connect with yourself", but they are more focused on "looking cool" and "looking dark badass witches" than really being.

And it is very unfortunate that the most popular members of our community, spend most of the time accusing the followers of the predominant religions, for being "highly superficial and commercial", when at the end of the day, they are exactly a reflection of this that they criticize.

And it is for all these reasons that I maintain my blog, and will continue to maintain it for more years, no matter what happens, because if you are looking to practice real magic, not only “magic that seems cool to boast”, but you really want Contacting the other side, you want to practice that unusual power you have to see the future, enter the world of dreams, or move between worlds while you sleep, I want you to know and be sure that you are not alone, and that there is another huge group of people like you out there ready to connect with you, and there is a blogger with poor spelling ready to answer each and every one of your emails, publishing books from time to time with some spells, and learning new rituals every day that you die for sharing with you.

And do yourself a favor, when you read a spell or a ritual, and you want to practice it, do it, don't stop doing it, don't let fear or laziness win you, go and do it, you don't know how powerful he is world of sorcery when you give it a real chance beyond what is written in the books.

Elhoim Leafar

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Seated Goddess of Çatalhöyük

One of the faces of the Goddess: The Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük

Today we celebrate the second Super moon of this 2020 cycle, and with it, it is my second full moon since I entered (like many of you) in quarantine, so I have taken this day to reflect on the goddess and her thousands of different faces, a topic that we have already discussed here on the blog, as well as in my books and workshops.

One of the most mystical facets of the goddess is one of her oldest images, this one has always captivated my attention for two reasons.

  1. The first is that this incarnation of the goddess is so old that it remains distant from that modernist vision influenced by the "movement of the goddess" and highly feminist, as those who read me often know, I have nothing against it. Feminism, I simply believe that far from seeking equity, it focuses more on seeking preference, and only "solves" one problem by adding another.
  2. The second reason why I love this embodiment of the divine spirit of the Goddess is that it comes from what would be Turkey today, from the point of view of many historians and anthropologists of religion such as Ignacio Martinez Buenaga, Elif Batuman, Nicholas Birch, among others, this is the place where the first organized religions of humanity emerged.

The Statuette and its Origin.

The figurine called "Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük" is a fired clay statuette depicting a naked woman or mother Goddess, flanked on either side by two leopards or two lionesses, evoking the image and mythology of "The Master of Animals", a very common divine worship in Ancient Egypt.

This image was found in Çatalhöyük, an ancient settlement from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods, in Anatolia (present-day Turkey).

For discoverers and historians, this statuette is a symbol of fertility, due to the exaggerated members of the female figure, which is depicted in the process of giving birth while sitting on her throne. The statuette is one of several iconographically similar that have been found at the site.

The figure, barely twenty centimeters tall, is associated with the so-called "Paleolithic Venus", which represent the goddesses of the Upper Paleolithic period, and the female figure who was considered a sacred figure, as the creator of life and home.


During the Paleolithic period, the man did not build temples, he was more focused on protecting himself from wild animals and predators, so his way of venerating nature and its spirits was through small altars and portable statuettes, which he could carry seamlessly from one place to another.

Proof of this is the enormous number of statuettes of Venus that have been found in different sites around the world, these images symbolize their feminine features and exaggerated attributes, the figure of the mother goddess, the giver of life, fertility, and abundance.

Indo-European matriarchal society revered the mother goddess as a primordial essence of nature, while male divinities embodied the primordial hunter, animal tamer, and guardian of mountains and caves. The mother goddess embodied all the fruits and benefits of nature, from the moonlight on cold nights to the sweet waters of the river, the fruits and plants of the forest, and even the herbs that grew in the environment.


The Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük represents one of the oldest figures used by our ancestors to venerate the mother goddess, not only represents motherhood, femininity, and fertility, in the most beautiful of aspects, but also the feminine power that it reigned over a developing society, the feminine wisdom that acts from discretion, and the divine love that has been given to humanity for millennia.


Celebrating the full moon of April, May, and June, we will carry out a channeling of this divinity, awakening its spirit from our homes with a joint meditation. Each of the next three full moons will take five minutes to tidy up and clean the place around us.

Burn a little incense and light a candle, close your eyes, visualize that crescent moon inside you that grows, throbs and lights with each slow and deep breath you take.

Visualize this moon growing within you, and once the full moon has manifested, open your eyes slowly, take a deep breath, and recite the following divine mantra three times, out loud and calmly:

“Kutsal tanrıça, uyan ve ışık getir.”

Followed by this, offer a personal prayer upon awakening from the goddess, invite her to wake up, walk to your home, invite her to come and fill the place with blessings, as well as all the beings who live there. And leave the light on for the rest of the night.


 Copyright © 2015 by Elhoim Leafar De Jesus

Super MOON / Full Moon In Libra

The Second Supermoon of 2020 is here,and yes, it is the anxiety that you are feeling.

The full moon is that moment of fullness, completeness, and light that we all need to meditate and thank, for that place and position where we are, and for the well-being in our lives. It is also a time to ask for protection, health, and well-being, for ourselves and for our loved ones.

For this 2020 we are counting on a total of six supermoons: three of Full Moon and three of New Moon. Of these, the Full Moon on April 7 will be the closest and largest of the year. Full moons expose issues that are there, trends that require self-affirmation and commitment, but have not yet been addressed, and are issued on which we must focus to work.

Astrologer Richard Nolle over 30 years ago has defined a supermoon as "a New or Full Moon that occurs when the Moon is less than 90% of its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit." When this happens, the Moon may appear larger and brighter.

With the full moon is a good time to express ourselves, let our energy flow out without fear, collect those projects that we have sown in the last six months and analyze carefully, in which objectives we have placed our energy these last 15 days. The Full Moon is a moment of illumination, celebration, and satisfaction, it focuses on the processing of new feelings and emotional revelations, it also has a huge influence on the way we embrace personal relationships and how we move and "swim" within them.

The next Supermoon will take place on May 7, 2020, and will be a Full Moon in Scorpio, Flower moon.

What to do with the full moon in Libra?

The full moon is the apex of the lunar cycle, and of course, its highest energy point, is the moment when all that energy that has been accumulating during the cycle reaches its maximum point, and from there, the energy overflows in everything. around you, to the point of lighting our streets, forests, and trails for long hours.

If you have the right items at home, I suggest lighting white candles, burning your favorite incense, the one with the fragrance that makes you feel better, bringing you more joy, moving and rearranging the furniture, drinking white wine in honor of the spirits and gods of the moon, pour glasses with water in the corners to clean the energy of the place, burn your wishes written on paper in the flame of a white candle, and ask the moon out loud for everything you want and need.

If due to the current situation, the purchase of some magic implements has not been your priority, or they have not been within your reach because multiple shops are closed. You can keep a light on at home at night so that well-meaning spirits feel welcome and bring their blessings with them. You can meditate in silence for a few minutes and organize a dinner with your family or with the people you meet, and take this lunar moment to thank for the well-being and happiness of all.

If you have on hand a piece of rose quartz and a piece of amethyst, you can put them together in a bowl or a glass of water and a tablespoon of rose oil or rose water, and leave them there overnight (preferably in a window or balcony so that they directly receive the moonlight). The next day you use this moon-blessed water to wash your face and place these crystals near the door to positively transmute all the energy that enters the house.

What not to do with this Supermoon?

The Supermoon always comes with a strong emotional charge, which is why during the three most influential days of its respective momentum (April 6, 7, 8), the moon makes you feel that you want to do a thousand things at once and this can certainly lead to anxiety.

The best time to start and plan new courses and projects is with the new moon, if you pay close attention to them with the full moon, especially with the Supermoon, it will only be a matter of days, or perhaps weeks, for you to decide to abandon these projects, due because you've thought about them a lot and your expectations are going to be raised by the lunar energy.

It is better to take this cycle to celebrate and thank for what you already have, and wait for a two-week cycle until the next new moon to dedicate ourselves entirely to planning new things.

May the Goddess and the moon under her feet illuminate your path and each of its ways.


 Copyright © 2015 by Elhoim Leafar De Jesus