Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Super MOON / Full Moon In Libra

The Second Supermoon of 2020 is here,and yes, it is the anxiety that you are feeling.

The full moon is that moment of fullness, completeness, and light that we all need to meditate and thank, for that place and position where we are, and for the well-being in our lives. It is also a time to ask for protection, health, and well-being, for ourselves and for our loved ones.

For this 2020 we are counting on a total of six supermoons: three of Full Moon and three of New Moon. Of these, the Full Moon on April 7 will be the closest and largest of the year. Full moons expose issues that are there, trends that require self-affirmation and commitment, but have not yet been addressed, and are issued on which we must focus to work.

Astrologer Richard Nolle over 30 years ago has defined a supermoon as "a New or Full Moon that occurs when the Moon is less than 90% of its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit." When this happens, the Moon may appear larger and brighter.

With the full moon is a good time to express ourselves, let our energy flow out without fear, collect those projects that we have sown in the last six months and analyze carefully, in which objectives we have placed our energy these last 15 days. The Full Moon is a moment of illumination, celebration, and satisfaction, it focuses on the processing of new feelings and emotional revelations, it also has a huge influence on the way we embrace personal relationships and how we move and "swim" within them.

The next Supermoon will take place on May 7, 2020, and will be a Full Moon in Scorpio, Flower moon.

What to do with the full moon in Libra?

The full moon is the apex of the lunar cycle, and of course, its highest energy point, is the moment when all that energy that has been accumulating during the cycle reaches its maximum point, and from there, the energy overflows in everything. around you, to the point of lighting our streets, forests, and trails for long hours.

If you have the right items at home, I suggest lighting white candles, burning your favorite incense, the one with the fragrance that makes you feel better, bringing you more joy, moving and rearranging the furniture, drinking white wine in honor of the spirits and gods of the moon, pour glasses with water in the corners to clean the energy of the place, burn your wishes written on paper in the flame of a white candle, and ask the moon out loud for everything you want and need.

If due to the current situation, the purchase of some magic implements has not been your priority, or they have not been within your reach because multiple shops are closed. You can keep a light on at home at night so that well-meaning spirits feel welcome and bring their blessings with them. You can meditate in silence for a few minutes and organize a dinner with your family or with the people you meet, and take this lunar moment to thank for the well-being and happiness of all.

If you have on hand a piece of rose quartz and a piece of amethyst, you can put them together in a bowl or a glass of water and a tablespoon of rose oil or rose water, and leave them there overnight (preferably in a window or balcony so that they directly receive the moonlight). The next day you use this moon-blessed water to wash your face and place these crystals near the door to positively transmute all the energy that enters the house.

What not to do with this Supermoon?

The Supermoon always comes with a strong emotional charge, which is why during the three most influential days of its respective momentum (April 6, 7, 8), the moon makes you feel that you want to do a thousand things at once and this can certainly lead to anxiety.

The best time to start and plan new courses and projects is with the new moon, if you pay close attention to them with the full moon, especially with the Supermoon, it will only be a matter of days, or perhaps weeks, for you to decide to abandon these projects, due because you've thought about them a lot and your expectations are going to be raised by the lunar energy.

It is better to take this cycle to celebrate and thank for what you already have, and wait for a two-week cycle until the next new moon to dedicate ourselves entirely to planning new things.

May the Goddess and the moon under her feet illuminate your path and each of its ways.


 Copyright © 2015 by Elhoim Leafar De Jesus

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