Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Walpurgis Night 2017

Walpurgis Night 2017

The whole Northern Hemisphere celebrates this May 1st, the night of Beltane, for the ancient Gauls and Celts this celebration marked the beginning of the pastoral summer when the herds of cattle were led towards the green pastures and the mountains. It is the night that the fires are lit in the mountains and at the top of the hills, very similar to the eve of the Night of San Juan. The regent God of this celebration is Belenus "the most brilliant of the gods", who lives and dances in the fire of the bonfires that are lit for tonight.

But first, just one night before, we celebrated the night of Walpurgis. We have two witches' nights in each solar cycle, the Walpurgis night, every April 30th, which happens between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, and then we celebrate 'Samhain' (Halloween / The Celtic New Year) just between The Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice.

This is one of those magical days, which we know as "gate days", when the energies between different planes and worlds, converge between them, which can cause all sorts of consequences. Those days are highly charged energetically, the confluence of energy during these periods is complex and highly complete, do not miss this powerful energy to recharge your talismans and charm bags, as well as to carry out a variety of magic spells and links.

Video: Pagan Party by Mago de Oz

During these days, the ancient Germanic peoples invoked the fertility gods and honored their ancestors by sharing the consecrated fire in their homes, bringing offerings to the priestesses and conjuring up the old gods of the twilight to attract prosperity and prolong life. Just one night later, they lit the main fires to honor Belenus and celebrate Beltane, spreading the smoke of the fire consecrated by all the homes in the town to renew the spirit of each home.

The night of Walpurgis is one of the most powerful nights of the year, it is the time when witches and sorceresses conjure the forest and "call" the moon to renew their health and magic, while the shamans channel the ancestors, and attract them to thank them personally for the land they have left us and for the care they provide.

The month of May has always been dedicated to the ancestors, the Romans believed that during this month, the ancestors came back to walk among us and monitor our behavior. In Northern Europe, specifically between the Nordic and Baltic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, as well as the islands of Åland and Faroe Islands, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), people choose not to leave their houses tonight, for it was the night when the witches flew about on their brooms, escorted by a procession of ghosts and demons dancing with them in the woods, and through their dancing around the fires they succeeded in awakening the sleeping spirit of the forest, the god without name, guardian, and protector of the witches.

In ancient Germania, the lore tells us that witches celebrate this special date entering into ecstasy through herbal ointments and plunges into the deep darkness of the forest, being guided by their familiar spirits in the form of a black goat, A pig, a crow, a toad, or a wolf. Once they were in the heart of the forest, they were reunited with the spirit of their lovers of other lives and celebrated with them all night.

Rumors of that Witches Night

They put salt on the sheds and swept from east to west
With those old brooms consecrated to ward off evil
Jumping from roof top to roof top came to the witches dressed at night
His scandalous laughter bounces through every corner of the forest.

Among heads of oxen, pigs and rams make a feast
Fairies dance around new souls and old witches
Devils and witches dance around the fire
The fire of the bonfire dances to the beat of time
The time compasses dance around the soul of the fire gods

The circle in salt, fire, and rosemary has been forged
Witches dance, fly and sing around the old spirit of the forest
Spirits congregate around each village
Borders marked with sea salt and white pepper
Barriers made of roses and olive oil
Driving away all evil and all curse

Witches celebrate tonight dancing with the old gods
Sorcerers make love with the seductive nymphs of the forest
Elves and goblins mingle between the sweat of the feast and the joy of ecstasy

If you hear noises on the roof, attentive,
Son witches jumping between the tissues of houses
To take the momentum in your flight.

If the hot night has the aroma of herbs,
It's because the neighbor witch is cooking her ointment on the stove.

If you see shadows that move at night in the nearby cemetery,
Pay close attention, witches-lovers
Who rise from the dead
To go dancing in the woods.

Happy Witches Night and Happy Walpurgis.

© Elhoim Leafar 2017
Work registry:

Tip for my regular readers: If in my previous books I wrote some simple spells and tips to celebrate the Walpurgis night, in the following, because of course I also did, in my new book 'The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags' (available for preorder now HERE) includes Some other talisman to perform on these important dates, such as Walpurgis, Samhain and some solstices.

Friday, April 21, 2017

New Moon In Taurus + Magic with the Moon

New Moon In Taurus

It is time to have the opportunity to feel more secure. On Wednesday, April 26, 2017, the New Moon is produced in Taurus, a good time to commit ourselves to the personal goals that express the positive energies of the bull's sign. The new Moon is the appropriate time to meditate on a project or immerse yourself in a new process time of insight and awakening. People who are born under the moon in Taurus (as well as today), possess exceptional emotional resistance, are prudent, conservative and possessive. 

The New Moon in Taurus invites us to enjoy the simple and physical pleasures of life: savoring a good meal and activities that put us in touch with nature and our bodies.It is the occasion to stop and smell the roses, and become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and safe. It is ideal for evaluating our relationship with money and possessions, and discovering what really makes us happy and fulfilled. With this powerful Taurus energy, we have the opportunity to make important changes in our lives.

It is the propitious phase to make some realistic and solid plans and to set the stage to reap the fruits of our new beginnings, however large or small. This moon sponsors the gastronomic projects, it is also convenient, to make queries regarding bank balances and business capital. When the New Moon happens in Taurus, we have a great opportunity to look inward and see what brings us comfort and a greater sense of security. Let's take time to examine what are the earthly activities and pleasures that give us joy.

The moon in Taurus invites us to build solid and strong projects, always maintaining the objective search to reach a specific goal, not working to work or doing things in a hurry, only the tiredness is tired, and tired we kill our creative phase, is Moment to properly place our feet on the ground and organize our more concrete ideas on paper. This lunation gives firmness and strength to your projects in the short and long term but depends entirely on you if these projects are suitable or not.

The regent star of this lunation is Venus, take into account that Venus is in Pisces, and it is not the moment to anticipate, to accelerate the march or to make accelerated decisions, it is rather the moment to take things calmly and to plan each step with much detail. Good time for those spells and rituals linked to love, joy and beauty.

There can also be a tendency to an excessive materialistic ambition, to be inflexible in your own opinions and to behave in a selfish or resentful way. The moon in Taurus can also incline us to gluttony, laziness, and stubbornness. During this lunar period it is favorable to start solid and durable projects, especially those that require great tenacity and concretion. It is a good time to enjoy good music and food, appreciate art, start beauty treatments, cut hair to grow healthier and brighter, take care of plants, make financial investments and acquire real estate.

Magic With this Moon

(from my Books 'Wicca! Love & Soul' and 'Rites Of Happiness')

On the Moon of Earth, we conjure gnomes and elves, those tiny but wise spirits of the forest and gardens. Coffee or green are the colors for candles that we use in the ritual space during this day, and it is preferable that these magic altars face North if possible.

Moon in Taurus, is best suited to perform magic that is related to self-control and will, spells that involve making decisions, changes, competitive spirit and those rituals to balance the personality, free time, healings and physical and mental cures are issues to be addressed during the moon in Taurus and also the development of ideas and projects. During this Moon can perform trade-related magic, selling real estate, home protection, love and beauty, self-acceptance and prudence, we also perform in this Moon the proper rituals to combat materialistic greed, possessiveness, obstinacy and stubbornness, manufacture talismans channeling the power of the Earth and renewing energy.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Calling Desires + Orpheus + Ritual

Calling Desires + Orpheus + Ritual

Channeling Our Desires

Each year, between the last weeks of April our sky is covered with stars, and just like every year, I make this humble invitation to be part of the magical ritual of the wishes that we make virtually between all.

The Myth of Orpheus

According to the popular myth of the Greeks, the King of Thrace, Eagro, and the muse Calliope had a son whom they called Orpheus. Orpheus was a great musician to the point of being worshiped as a god of the arts and songs, was the lover of Apollo, the solar god, who presented him with a lyre made by Hermes with the shell of a turtle as a present of his love.

One day Orpheus walked with his wife Eurydice by the river, during the walk Euridice was bitten by a snake that killed almost immediately. After this tragic event, Orfeo spent days singing songs so sad with his lyre that even the gods of Olympus and the nymphs began to cry and advised the young musician to descend to the Underworld to recover his beloved.

Making use of an oracle of the dead in the city of Aorno, Orpheus descended to the underworld where he softened the hearts of King Hades and his wife Persephone, rulers of the world of the dead, and these allowed Eurydice to return with Orpheus to the world of the Alive, under the sole condition that he should walk before her and not look back until they had reached the upper world and the rays of the sun completely bathed his beloved. As they ascended the world of the living Orpheus I can not stand the temptation and out of curiosity I look back to make sure that Eurydice followed him, in doing so he violated the only rule he had and the sad soul of Eurydice faded before his eyes, this time to always.

Orpheus spent the next three years avoiding any loving union and despising all the lovers who approached him, until one day the Maenads, the nymphs who served Dionysius, the god of wine and the feast, were offended by his attitude, Broke the musician and scattered his limbs by the sea, and it was in this way that the soul of Orpheus met again with his beloved Eurydice in the other world.

As a tribute to this tragic story, Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods collected the lyre of Orpheus and placed it in the sky as a constellation, to remind men that love transcends all the barriers of time even beyond life and death.

The Líridas

Now that you know the story you can understand the power of this rain of stars. Between April 16 and 25, every year, the rain of stars known as "líridas" occurs, being its maximum point the 22 of April. These high-speed meteors are remnants that come from 'Vega' the main star of the constellation of the lyre (the constellation of Orpheus), hence its name, said rain reaches an average of more than 30 meteors per hour, arriving in some Occasions to a hundred meteors, which eventually burn in the earth's atmosphere and become visible as streaks of light in the sky.

In modern astrology, the rain of 'lyrical' stars is also known as the night of desires, and it is appropriate to channel its energy which will be scattered throughout the sky as pure energy, which we can mold through our good wishes.

In the mythology of the Hopi Indians, they believe that the magic of their shamans and priests comes from this rain of stars, in fact, the Hopi also believe that they come from this star which they know as "The Eye of God".

In Sorcery and traditional witchcraft, the energy of walking stars (meteors and star showers) is often used to develop talismans and spells highly charged with very powerful energy vibrations. According to European folklore, the talismans made under a rain of stars are blessed by an almost unlimited source of energy, because the dust of stars is not only vibrationally charged with the energies of its star, but also with all the energy Which he has charged on his journey.

Even personally, I have mentioned in my own books the power of these walking stars and various ways to take advantage of them. Now I leave the link to the spell here below, it's a pretty simple spell, I have not changed a single step in the formula since I did the spell the first time 13 years ago. I hope you take it out and invite others to do it, do not forget to share the link.

Night of the wishes + Ritual

For any doubt consult with me in my social networks, and do not forget to share the link of this page.
Blessings and Happy rain of stars.

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Pluto Retrograde In Capricorn

Pluto, regent of Scorpio.

It is the slowest and farthest planet in our solar system. It has the name of the Roman god of the underworld, which is a more modern version of the Hades of the Greeks, being considered in both versions as the absolute ruler of the underground world.

Pluto transforms from the depths of the psyche and the subconscious. As the regent of the Scorpio sign, the cold planet helps to emerge all those hidden talents that remain deep in the being. Pluton gives those born under the sign of Scorpion, that exquisite ability to "renew" and "rise out of the ashes" when everything seems to be lost.

Pluton, forms with Jupiter and Uranus, the trio of 'transpersonal' planets, also known as generational planets or spiritual planets. They are the slower-moving planets that seek together the evolution of humanity, influencing entire generations.

When transpersonal planets, such as Pluton, begin their process of retrogradation, are characterized by slow cycles that initiate processes of deep spiritual formation, under the pressure of social, religious, political or human needs. Its initial effects are not very noticeable and its influences are quite gradual.

Pluto represents regeneration, crisis, renewal and inner transformation. Retrograde Pluto helps us to deepen that part of the psyche that is difficult to examine and analyze thoroughly and to generate the strength to transform what needs rehabilitation. Retrograde Pluto attracts strong processes in life to be confronted and gives us the opportunity to discover previously ignored resources.

Pluto retrograde in the Sign of Capricorn this April 20, this retrogradation comes loaded with some doses of pessimism and depression, do not be surprised if from one day to another you feel emotionally blocked, or with some fear of expressing what you really feel.

The best way to survive retrograde pluton is to accept positively the changes that come to us, to meditate on what we feel and not to limit ourselves to express ourselves under no circumstances. Embrace your emotions with freedom and pay close attention to the political changes that are to come.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Start Taurus & New Moon. ♉️

Play Taurus

For the last four weeks, Aries has been stalking our creativity and originality. Now, it is the moment of truth. Which of these innovative visions stimulated by Aries can really bring life? Taurus time has to do with planning, project management and putting some practical magic into the recipe.

On Wednesday 19 April 2017, the Sun enters Taurus. From that moment our vital energy is concentrated on creating a more logical and methodical approach to decision making and the search for new directions. It is time to use the available strength, to consolidate the unstable areas of our lives, to be tenacious and to enjoy the sensual side of life.

The Sun in Taurus will remain until May 20, 2017, restoring a much-needed order. After a month of stimulating yet erratic rays of the sunshine from Aries, we will all be grateful for this transit through this fixed land sign. Simplify everything that has become too complex, but not at the expense of luxury. Taurus loves the finer things in life, as long as they have a legitimate purpose as well.

The Sun in Taurus is methodical, sensual, and receptive, and is more active when you are defending yourself or resisting things. As the star moves through the sign the plants take root, and although it is loyal to everything that is familiar, and values longevity, it is also possessive and stubborn.

New Moon in Taurus 

On Wednesday, April 26, 2017, the New Moon is produced in Taurus, a good time to commit ourselves to the personal goals that express the positive energies of the bull's sign. The New Moon in Taurus invites us to enjoy the simple and physical pleasures of life: savoring a good meal and activities that put us in touch with nature and our bodies.

It is the occasion to stop and smell the roses, and become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and safe. It is ideal for evaluating our relationship with money and possessions, and discovering what really makes us happy and fulfilled. With this powerful Taurus energy, we have the opportunity to make important changes in our lives.

When the New Moon happens in Taurus, we have a great opportunity to look inward and see what brings us comfort and a greater sense of security. Let's take a time to examine what are the earthly activities and pleasures that give us joy.

There can also be a tendency to an excessive materialistic ambition, to be inflexible in your own opinions and to behave in a selfish or resentful way. The moon in Taurus can also incline us to gluttony, laziness, and stubbornness.

During this lunar period, it is favorable to start solid and durable projects, especially those that require great tenacity and concretion. It is a good time to enjoy good music and food, appreciate art, start beauty treatments, cut hair to grow healthier and brighter, take care of plants, make financial investments and acquire real estate.

It is the propitious phase to make some realistic and solid plans and to set the stage to reap the fruits of our new beginnings, however small or large they may be.


Happy Week

Happy week my lovers. 72 hours ago the planet Venus abandoned its retrogradation that already had something emotionally overwhelmed and to me personally, something annoying, we can officially say farewell to Venus Retrograde and say Hello to Venus Direct in the sign of Pisces. Now the repressed emotions and those "moments" that we have been avoiding, will begin to flow positively for better or for worse. The important thing is that they flow and that nothing influences negatively. Always remember, what does not flow, influences.

We still maintain Mercury Retrograde and Saturn Retrograde for several weeks, their effects will be visible especially between Wednesday and Saturday, and in everything related to the subject of communications, travel and the mood to create and to undertake. Do not forget that throughout 2017 we have Jupiter in Libra a good omen despite everything for entrepreneurs and small entrepreneurs, as long as they know how to follow advice and assume their mistakes.

For example, in addition to writing blogs, magazines and books in my spare time, and my work (rather lifestyle) dedicated to the spiritual field, I work as a publicist and Marketing Consultant people like me are negatively influenced by Mercury In retrogradation, that makes the clients doubt the good work, postpones the meetings and delays the projects. The best way to face these phases is with a positive attitude and do not lose your temper for a moment. Let's start this week with the moon in Capricorn good time for the agricultural and financial sector, it's also a good time to buy antiques and start constructions.

We started this productive and prosperous week with the Moon in Capricorn a good time to establish rules, guidelines, and structures, to buy antiques and start constructions. This lunar transit is conducive to trying to make up for lost time. Take this opportunity to have delayed conversations and to hold fast meetings.

Determination, fidelity, loyalty, prudence, and ambition are matters to be treated with the moon in Capricorn, besides this moon urges us to be more rigid and extremely severe, attentive with the bad attitude, breathe deeply and do not lose the calm.

The ruler of this lunar phase is #Saturn the giver-father who is currently retrograded in the sign of Sagittarius it's a good time to analyze conscientiously those issues that affect us emotionally. This phase of Saturn commands us to free ourselves from all that produces anxiety, emotional instability or unnecessary worry, the planet of karma is retrograded to allow you to get out of everything that hinders your path to success.

Remember the greater teaching of Saturn Rx the real results are achieved through constancy, prudence, effort, and calm, do not look for quick solutions or 'tricks' to accelerate the process. The processes must be worked with calm and constancy, with detailed daily attention to obtain good results.

This Wednesday the moon leaves the sign of Capricorn and enters Aquarius while the Sun abandons the daring sign of Aries and enters the Sign of Taurus it will then be the moment to welcome all those well planned and new processes Companies that try to emerge around the world, especially events and competitions related to the field of beauty & fashion.

Thursday 20 starts Pluto Rx which comes to make a complete revision of our inner being and bring out everything that is in the subconscious. And on Friday the 21st, Mars, the planet of war and conflict enters the sign of Geminis so watch out for those bipolar relations that do not seem to point anywhere. Also attentive here and my web, remember that there is exclusive information for those who subscribe to the mailing list.

Blessings full of light.

Friday, April 14, 2017

The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags / Cover + Preorder

The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags
Cover + Preorder

Finally, has arrived! Here is the cover of my book 'The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags'. Is published by Red Wheel / Weiser Books and is specially edited from the hand of the fantastic Author Judika Illes who did a wonderful job and also gives her magic touch, a true blessing, but also, count on the luck that the magnificent Psychic & Witch Devin Hunter wrote a great foreword for this book.

'The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags' is my first book published after my arrival to New York. For this book, I collected my own recipes from my old notebooks and grimoires that traveled with me in the suitcase, had a hundred spells, formulas, and recipes written on small napkins in the cafes and restaurants where I sat down to eat and write every afternoon.

'The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags' is my first non-self-published book and is unlike anything I have written and published before. I have decided to take a two-way ticket to those Family roots, stories of my grandmother telling under the moon how she conquered my grandfather, at the hands of my mother weaving sachets of all colors in her old sewing machine, my sisters preparing their aromatic blends of herbs and crystals to find a lover, a new job or some good luck. I have revisited the memory of my dad cooking those tiny, rustic bags of skin that filled with bones and herbs to keep the animals away when he went out with my uncles to fish at night.

Writing this book has been an opportunity to relive that childhood full of magic, to smell the cinnamon that burns in the burners to ward off evil, the light lit in the hall every night to allow the Virgin and spirits to feel welcome every night and Every hour, the corn cobs hanging from the window to attract good fortune, the cauldron of Eleggua full of candies next to the door to never lose course, and the black coffee cups each dawn to wake the dead.

Beyond honoring my family, grandmother and her old books full of spells written in pencil in that letter that only she could understand, my mother and father constantly telling me over and over not to abuse magic, this has also allowed me / to remember myself repeating that same speech word for word years later to my nephews.

I hope that for all readers who get it, this book will be a true handbook full of blessings that will fill your days of happiness, love, well-being and good fortune. Thank God & the Goddess, and all my supporters, today, tomorrow and always.


Note: This Book will be available in October 2017 (Samhain) but, you can pre-order the book now on the next links.

Amazon             Barnes & Noble             Indie Bound

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Retrograde planets of April and Super Moons of 2017

Retrograde planets of April

This month of April 2017 is perhaps one of the most interesting months of this solar cycle in the astrological aspect, the result of which, so we clearly observe day by day, both in the political aspect as in the economic and social aspect. We have a series of retrograde planets in it that come to shake things up a bit and retain some of the good energy that Jupiter in Libra is giving to its entrepreneurs. Just these days we are feeling the effects of having a Jupiter in direct opposition to the earth, to the point of being included clearly visible in the sky, the planet of the leaders for the sky for the record 2017 is governed by it And will be precisely He, who is in charge of removing from its path all the obstacle that tries to make the present in the way of your goals.

However, on the one hand, Jupiter's lightning power power is the creativity and ease of obtaining legal papers and documents to undertake new brands, projects and companies, on the other hand that heavy influence of the planets Retrograde that slow the process of reaching the public and make change of opinion on strategies and personal plans, even if there is no care, influential planets can make us feel that things do not end up booting.

If you are just glad to know that Venus is a point of resuming its normal course abandoning retrogradation, now you have to adapt to the idea that today we are in the retrograde Mercury, three days ago began the cycle (also) of Saturn Retrograde So there are no strangers in the next few days and you lose your temper, because we will be exactly a whole week under the influence of retrograde Venus (emotions and perception towards others), Mercury retrograde (communications and marketing) and Saturn retrograde New projects and decision making).

But as we have always talked about, the retrograde planets are similar to the earth, it is a compulsory astrological stage to take forces, to think better the objectives, to rethink our ideas, to analyze what we have left and that we lack, and take our lives with A little calmer, it is not about sitting down to wait for things to happen, it is about analyzing the steps in great detail and not making hasty decisions under any circumstances.

Once Venus reaches the direct position (Adios Venus retrograde), we will have a period of calm until we begin the retrogradation of Pluto in Capricorn, which comes to make personal revisions and as a good doctor, prescribe what suits us best, we Like it or not

Super moons

In addition, the month of April is the beginning of the supermoon of this year 2017, during this solar cycle of twelve months with a total of four influences Supermoon. Three of them are new moons and we will close 2017 with the "Super full moon" of December, which will be the last of this cycle, and as such, one of the most powerful moons of the same.

A supermoon is a term used in amateur astronomy and modern astrology to refer to the closest approach of the moon to the earth. When it is occurring, the moon may be noticeably larger and brighter than normal, so that all Living beings perceive more strongly their gravitational force, which influences us both physically and emotionally and astrally. The tides become more powerful, the deeper dreams and visions of the past and future more common, in addition to the spiritual plane receive a large amount of lunar energy and the use for manifest in various points of the earth, the rays around the Globo perceive the remarkable but temporary increase in their abilities to realize all the forms of magic, allowing to realize the spells and more complicated rituals.

We will have four Supermoon this great and chameleon 2017.

Three of New Moon

  • April 26, 2017,  New Moon in Taurus
  • May 25, 2017,  New Moon in Gemini
  • June 24, 2017,  New Moon in Cancer

And a full moon full moon to close 2017.

December 3, 2017, Full Moon in Gemini

The moons closest to the earth that occurred in January 1948, the full moon in Taurus in November 2016 and the next will occur on November 25, 2034, the latter occurred just after the great social change on earth. We hope to be here to see you.

Elhoim Leafar

Read too:

  • Super Moons 2017. HERE
  • Mercury Retrograde in Taurus. HERE
  • Saturn Retrograde 2017. HERE
  • Welcome April, Please be good. HERE
  • RUDRAKSHA, the “Shiva's Tears”. HERE
  • Venus Retrograde in Aries. HERE

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Super Moons 2017

Our Super Moons 2017

This Prosperous Month of April 2017 we began to experience the influence of the Super Moons. There will be a total of 4 Super Moons: three of New Moon and one in December that will also be the last Full Moon of the year.

The only Super Full Moon 2017, will be on December 3.. Until a few years ago nothing had ever been heard about the super moons. The term SuperMoon was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle more than 30 years ago and is only now becoming popular.

A supermoon occurs when the full or new moon occurs at the same time as the maximum approach of the moon to the earth. When this happens, the moon may look large and brighter. When this event occurs, the moon and its significant gravitational field are much closer to us, which influences us both physically, emotionally and astrally. The tides become more powerful, the deepest dreams and the visions of the past and the future more common, in addition the spiritual plane receives a huge amount of this lunar energy and uses it to manifest itself in diverse points of the earth, the witches around the Balloon perceive a remarkable but temporary increase in their abilities to carry out all forms of magic, allowing to perform the most complicated spells and rituals.

What is a super moon?

The astrologer has defined a Super Moon as "a New or Full Moon that occurs when the Moon is less than 90% of its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit." According to Nolle's definition, the New Moon or Full Moon must occur within 361,863 kilometers (224,851 miles) away from our planet, measured from the centers of the Moon and Earth, in order to be considered a Super Moon. This is a fairly generous definition that allows 4 to 6 super moons on average per year.

Super Moons 2017

We have four Super Moons (Super Moons) in 2017. These are the most powerful moons we can experience because the Moon is closer to Earth and in direct alignment with the Sun and Earth.

Three of New Moon

April 26, 2017 / New Moon in Taurus
May 25, 2017 / New Moon in Gemini
June 24, 2017 / New Moon in Cancer

And a full moon super moon

December 3, 2017 / Full Moon in Gemini

The Full Moon of November 14, 2016, not only was the largest Super Moon in 2016, in addition, according to Science Alert, the Full Moon in Taurus on November 14, 2016, was the closest to Earth in 70 years, from January of 1948, and until 25 of November 2034.

© Elhoim Leafar 2017

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Mercury Retrograde in Taurus / April 2017

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

April 2017

The retrograde planets

The sun and the moon move in space from east to west, the other planets travel from west to east, although this movement is interrupted for brief intervals by a retrograde movement from east to west. The recoil is preceded by a loss in the speed of advance until finally, it stops, then, it recovers until it reaches a stationary position again and it resumes the normal movement from west to east.

Retrogradation occupies a minimal part of the movement of the planet that normally develops in the direct sense. A very important stage of every planet is when in its natural cycle reaches the stationary phase. This phase indicates the short period of time before it becomes retrograde or direct. A planet at this specific point in its cycle diminishes its movement dramatically.

Retrograde Mercury

It is a time of rest that the mind needs to re-think, re-do, re-order and re-associate. If we recognize these periods and understand them as part of such a natural process, such as sleep and wakefulness, we will gain great advantages and benefits. Every four months, Mercury is parked and retrograde for three weeks. These cycles of retrograde mercury attune us to reflection and suggest to us which aspect of our life we ​​should focus on at that moment. Reconsidering ideas, projects, relationships, goals, and lifestyles is the most important purpose of retrograde Mercury.

A retrograded period of Mercury is a time to catch up, complete unfinished projects, deal with outstanding communications, pay debts... Perhaps not the right time to take action and carry out a plan, but if it is to plan what is Will do when I get back on track.

What to do when Mercury is retrograde?

Pay attention to how you perceive life (the glass half full or half empty), and from this way of looking, review the permanence of commitments to the material world: debts to be canceled at a specified time or deadlines, contracts to be evaluated with caution, Plans that must be adjusted without prior notice. Stay focused on the pragmatic of life.

To be attentive to ideas of empowerment that had left in the drawer of the oblivion, ally itself with versatile people, with much creativity and that they really like to assume challenges with conviction. Keep the enthusiasm to make the thousand necessary revisions of a work delivered. Enjoy the view during the crossing, leaving aside the criticism of the route.

What to avoid when Mercury is retrograde?

Get carried away by the day-to-day running, engage in several projects at once. Try to erroneously take the short and illuminated path when learning clearly says 'long and with flashes of light at times'.

Give the go-ahead to a business plan that was not evaluated sufficiently, to fall into discussions arid for dates delivery issues, to focus only on the final product and not on the design path or previous strategy. Reading the small print is strictly important when we have retrograde mercury, avoid assuming without asking, also avoid taking decisions attached to the emotion of the moment and not to rationing.

Retrogradation in Taurus

On Friday, March 31, 17:30 UT, a planet moves away from Aries for a while, at least. Enter Mercury in Taurus and with a practical and sensual nuance begins to slow down his career because from April 9 to May 3, we will live the second Mercury retrograde 2017.

With retrograde mercury, it'ss advisable to defer analyses or clinical exams subject to diagnoses or results in writing, as they may be issued with important errors and mistakes. While transiting Mercury in Taurus, our communication delights in the word, our thinking is sensible, solid, connected to the earth and stimulated by the senses, daily thinking is not clear, which tends to generate complications and disrupt our routine.

Under the influence of 'the messenger of the gods' transiting the sign of possessions and sensuality, we communicate more consciously and our minds are oriented to the world of the five senses. We prefer the tried and true instead of new ways of thinking.

With Mercury in Taurus, our thinking tends to be formal or conservative and we prefer to think things through carefully and deeply before making decisions. We may be inclined to hold onto one-sided opinions and we are reluctant to change our opinions once formed. Interest in music, art, or sculpture is also likely.

© Elhoim Leafar 2017

Saturn Retrograde 2017

Saturn Rx

We entered Saturn retrograde, remember that Saturn usually retrograde for a total of six months each year, and that is also the planet that governs our way of harvesting and receiving what we have planted. The Roman god Saturn was known as Kronos among the Greeks. Saturn appears in mythology as an old man who possesses the wisdom that endorses his long experience.

The severe and wise planet of the discipline demands a calm behavior, practical actions, and seriousness in each one of your intentions. Saturn represents the ambitions, the capacity of construction and of creating structures; Constancy and perseverance, effort and order. Retrograde Saturn tries to get in touch with all our limitations. This period brings additional responsibilities that are often burdensome and often time-consuming, so it is not advisable to look for extra obligations since they represent a heavy burden and a higher energy expenditure than anticipated.

When Saturn is retrograde, it is not necessary to insist on trying to gain the respect of others or to push for compliments, gratifications or immediate results. It is time to accept the duties with patience, resistance, and concentration. Saturn indicates that one must go slowly, slow down the ego and organize better. Nor is it suggested to try to change professions or give up a year's work. Instead, it is a good time to make adjustments that will alleviate the sense of frustration.

Saturn and Jupiter (which is now Libra), form the duo of social planets, are those planets that describe the link of a person with the social and cultural context in which he was born. These planets represent the social motivations of the people and their way of collaborating with the world, clearly reflecting their aptitudes and attitudes towards integration in society.

For my witches and sorcerers, remember, a candle of black color and a golden color with essential oil of sunflower and basil, lit before midnight, will help maintain a perfect emotional and social balance, thus avoiding all sorts of counterproductive distractions.

Saturn is retrograded in the Sagittarius Sign, the constellation of the archer is the noble regent of this cycle paused, so very attentive to the signs that appear in the sky, attentive to where it indicates the destiny, and lends vital attention to those tiny Changes that happen around you, and around each and every one of your projects.

© Elhoim Leafar 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017

Welcome April

Welcome April, please be Good.

It has begun the month of April, and we give you a pleasant welcome with open arms, it is the most prosperous month of the year and it is also the first full month of spring, so it is not surprising that this magical month we see All Flowers around us, if we just adapt to winter, it's time to totally change our mentality, it's spring, and April came into our homes 48 hours ago and if you have not noticed it's time to make certain changes in you.

April has always been linked to the issue of Prosperity and Abundance, so I am preparing for you a series of content that you will receive in your mail soon, so if you are not yet subscribed to the mailing list, it is still on time. Meanwhile, I leave you with the astrological information of the beginning of the month to keep in mind so that you pay attention to everything and with the good foot.

Retrograde April

April is influenced by the spirit of prosperity and abundance, it is a good time to attract good fortune, channel the energy of money and consecrate with blessings each and every one of our projects. We are under the influence of Venus retrograde, which as I indicated earlier slows down our ability to manifest our emotions and blocks us a little sentimentally, the good news, is that Venus abandons its retrogradation in less than two weeks, the bad news, is that Before leaving, he will put us to the test, for on Sunday, April 9 Mercury begins retrograde, so precisely between Sunday 9 and Saturday, April 15, we will be under the retrograde influence of two planets, specifically Mercury, the ruler of communications and The understanding, and Venus the regent of emotions and self-esteem.

Mercury, conductor of the communicators

Mercury is the ruling planet of communications, marketing, languages, travel and advertising, its retrogradation causes an immediate imbalance of all its attributes, alters calendars, distorts our ability to understand and negatively alters our understanding of it Of everything that happens around us. Remember that the retrogradation of Mercury is a moment to bring peace and peace to our mind, because the planet of communications can easily stagnate our projects and goals, so during this stage, we must conscientiously analyze every step we take and not act For acting or much less bet on luck.

Mercury retrograded in the Taurus Sign, do not think it's time to try the bull by the horns, on the contrary, it's time to be good with all our partners and colleagues, take advice and rethink, rethink and even strengthen our strategies, Mercury is reinforced by the sign of the bull and it is not time to walk with egos.

Double retrogradation

This retrogradation comes with double warning, already in case we find the slow and inconstant movement of Venus that dispels all romanticism and makes us ask several questions at the level of couple, but now Mercury starts, and together can cause all sorts of misunderstanding, The messages will be received as innuendoes, constructive criticisms are easily perceived as malicious indirect, while the failures that others commit around us, however small, we will feel more serious or important.

This double retrogradation will last approximately one week and will be the beginning of a personal stage of review for each person, remember that Mercury retrograde forces us to catch up, attend unfinished business, pay debts for any minimum and evaluate each step With due caution.

And what about Saturn?

Saturn, the old God of agriculture and ancestral wisdom also go into retrogradation, specifically, Saturn will start its retrograde cycle on April 6 in the Sagittarius Sign, even before Mercury. This could be perceived by some as a temporary triple retrogradation, and in a certain way technical might be, but the truth, this does not happen because Mercury and Venus are personal planets like Mars, whereas Saturn and Jupiter are social planets, Its retrogradation affects us differently.

Personal planets like Mercury, Venus, and Mars (and in some ways earth) as well reflect the most characteristic traits of each person, individual needs, and our own potential. While on the other hand, social planets like Jupiter and Saturn are linked to our social and cultural context, are those that integrate us into society.

Saturn is for many pagans and modern astrologers, the physical body of the ancient Roman god of agriculture and harvest, an aged king who led mankind during the golden age, his teachings are patience, serenity at all times and Concentration on each objective. The retrogradation of Saturn compels us to reconsider these life teachings and to carry them out when Saturn retrograde tells us that it is time to accept our duties with much patience and our obligations with tolerance, forces us to restrain the ego and reorganize each project. This is no good time to give up any project or change profession.

Other signs of the sky

  • On April 11 we will have the full moon.
  • The 19 of April initiates the sign of Taurus.
  • On April 20 Pluto starts retrograde (we'll talk about it soon).
  • April 22 is the rain of 'lyrical' stars.
  • And on April 26, the new moon in Taurus.

Notes of Interest of the Wikipedia

April is the fourth month of the Julian and Gregorian year and is one of the four months that have 30 days. April was the second month of the year in the ancient Roman calendar before King Numa Pompilio added to January and February around 700 BC. C. The ancient Romans called aprilis, in Latin. April starts the same day of the week as July every year, and that January in the leap years. April ends the same day of the week as December every year.

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Blessings and hugs of light. Elhoim.