Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Start Taurus & New Moon. ♉️

Play Taurus

For the last four weeks, Aries has been stalking our creativity and originality. Now, it is the moment of truth. Which of these innovative visions stimulated by Aries can really bring life? Taurus time has to do with planning, project management and putting some practical magic into the recipe.

On Wednesday 19 April 2017, the Sun enters Taurus. From that moment our vital energy is concentrated on creating a more logical and methodical approach to decision making and the search for new directions. It is time to use the available strength, to consolidate the unstable areas of our lives, to be tenacious and to enjoy the sensual side of life.

The Sun in Taurus will remain until May 20, 2017, restoring a much-needed order. After a month of stimulating yet erratic rays of the sunshine from Aries, we will all be grateful for this transit through this fixed land sign. Simplify everything that has become too complex, but not at the expense of luxury. Taurus loves the finer things in life, as long as they have a legitimate purpose as well.

The Sun in Taurus is methodical, sensual, and receptive, and is more active when you are defending yourself or resisting things. As the star moves through the sign the plants take root, and although it is loyal to everything that is familiar, and values longevity, it is also possessive and stubborn.

New Moon in Taurus 

On Wednesday, April 26, 2017, the New Moon is produced in Taurus, a good time to commit ourselves to the personal goals that express the positive energies of the bull's sign. The New Moon in Taurus invites us to enjoy the simple and physical pleasures of life: savoring a good meal and activities that put us in touch with nature and our bodies.

It is the occasion to stop and smell the roses, and become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and safe. It is ideal for evaluating our relationship with money and possessions, and discovering what really makes us happy and fulfilled. With this powerful Taurus energy, we have the opportunity to make important changes in our lives.

When the New Moon happens in Taurus, we have a great opportunity to look inward and see what brings us comfort and a greater sense of security. Let's take a time to examine what are the earthly activities and pleasures that give us joy.

There can also be a tendency to an excessive materialistic ambition, to be inflexible in your own opinions and to behave in a selfish or resentful way. The moon in Taurus can also incline us to gluttony, laziness, and stubbornness.

During this lunar period, it is favorable to start solid and durable projects, especially those that require great tenacity and concretion. It is a good time to enjoy good music and food, appreciate art, start beauty treatments, cut hair to grow healthier and brighter, take care of plants, make financial investments and acquire real estate.

It is the propitious phase to make some realistic and solid plans and to set the stage to reap the fruits of our new beginnings, however small or large they may be.


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