Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Calling Desires + Orpheus + Ritual

Calling Desires + Orpheus + Ritual

Channeling Our Desires

Each year, between the last weeks of April our sky is covered with stars, and just like every year, I make this humble invitation to be part of the magical ritual of the wishes that we make virtually between all.

The Myth of Orpheus

According to the popular myth of the Greeks, the King of Thrace, Eagro, and the muse Calliope had a son whom they called Orpheus. Orpheus was a great musician to the point of being worshiped as a god of the arts and songs, was the lover of Apollo, the solar god, who presented him with a lyre made by Hermes with the shell of a turtle as a present of his love.

One day Orpheus walked with his wife Eurydice by the river, during the walk Euridice was bitten by a snake that killed almost immediately. After this tragic event, Orfeo spent days singing songs so sad with his lyre that even the gods of Olympus and the nymphs began to cry and advised the young musician to descend to the Underworld to recover his beloved.

Making use of an oracle of the dead in the city of Aorno, Orpheus descended to the underworld where he softened the hearts of King Hades and his wife Persephone, rulers of the world of the dead, and these allowed Eurydice to return with Orpheus to the world of the Alive, under the sole condition that he should walk before her and not look back until they had reached the upper world and the rays of the sun completely bathed his beloved. As they ascended the world of the living Orpheus I can not stand the temptation and out of curiosity I look back to make sure that Eurydice followed him, in doing so he violated the only rule he had and the sad soul of Eurydice faded before his eyes, this time to always.

Orpheus spent the next three years avoiding any loving union and despising all the lovers who approached him, until one day the Maenads, the nymphs who served Dionysius, the god of wine and the feast, were offended by his attitude, Broke the musician and scattered his limbs by the sea, and it was in this way that the soul of Orpheus met again with his beloved Eurydice in the other world.

As a tribute to this tragic story, Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods collected the lyre of Orpheus and placed it in the sky as a constellation, to remind men that love transcends all the barriers of time even beyond life and death.

The Líridas

Now that you know the story you can understand the power of this rain of stars. Between April 16 and 25, every year, the rain of stars known as "líridas" occurs, being its maximum point the 22 of April. These high-speed meteors are remnants that come from 'Vega' the main star of the constellation of the lyre (the constellation of Orpheus), hence its name, said rain reaches an average of more than 30 meteors per hour, arriving in some Occasions to a hundred meteors, which eventually burn in the earth's atmosphere and become visible as streaks of light in the sky.

In modern astrology, the rain of 'lyrical' stars is also known as the night of desires, and it is appropriate to channel its energy which will be scattered throughout the sky as pure energy, which we can mold through our good wishes.

In the mythology of the Hopi Indians, they believe that the magic of their shamans and priests comes from this rain of stars, in fact, the Hopi also believe that they come from this star which they know as "The Eye of God".

In Sorcery and traditional witchcraft, the energy of walking stars (meteors and star showers) is often used to develop talismans and spells highly charged with very powerful energy vibrations. According to European folklore, the talismans made under a rain of stars are blessed by an almost unlimited source of energy, because the dust of stars is not only vibrationally charged with the energies of its star, but also with all the energy Which he has charged on his journey.

Even personally, I have mentioned in my own books the power of these walking stars and various ways to take advantage of them. Now I leave the link to the spell here below, it's a pretty simple spell, I have not changed a single step in the formula since I did the spell the first time 13 years ago. I hope you take it out and invite others to do it, do not forget to share the link.

Night of the wishes + Ritual

For any doubt consult with me in my social networks, and do not forget to share the link of this page.
Blessings and Happy rain of stars.

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