Friday, April 14, 2017

The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags / Cover + Preorder

The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags
Cover + Preorder

Finally, has arrived! Here is the cover of my book 'The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags'. Is published by Red Wheel / Weiser Books and is specially edited from the hand of the fantastic Author Judika Illes who did a wonderful job and also gives her magic touch, a true blessing, but also, count on the luck that the magnificent Psychic & Witch Devin Hunter wrote a great foreword for this book.

'The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags' is my first book published after my arrival to New York. For this book, I collected my own recipes from my old notebooks and grimoires that traveled with me in the suitcase, had a hundred spells, formulas, and recipes written on small napkins in the cafes and restaurants where I sat down to eat and write every afternoon.

'The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags' is my first non-self-published book and is unlike anything I have written and published before. I have decided to take a two-way ticket to those Family roots, stories of my grandmother telling under the moon how she conquered my grandfather, at the hands of my mother weaving sachets of all colors in her old sewing machine, my sisters preparing their aromatic blends of herbs and crystals to find a lover, a new job or some good luck. I have revisited the memory of my dad cooking those tiny, rustic bags of skin that filled with bones and herbs to keep the animals away when he went out with my uncles to fish at night.

Writing this book has been an opportunity to relive that childhood full of magic, to smell the cinnamon that burns in the burners to ward off evil, the light lit in the hall every night to allow the Virgin and spirits to feel welcome every night and Every hour, the corn cobs hanging from the window to attract good fortune, the cauldron of Eleggua full of candies next to the door to never lose course, and the black coffee cups each dawn to wake the dead.

Beyond honoring my family, grandmother and her old books full of spells written in pencil in that letter that only she could understand, my mother and father constantly telling me over and over not to abuse magic, this has also allowed me / to remember myself repeating that same speech word for word years later to my nephews.

I hope that for all readers who get it, this book will be a true handbook full of blessings that will fill your days of happiness, love, well-being and good fortune. Thank God & the Goddess, and all my supporters, today, tomorrow and always.


Note: This Book will be available in October 2017 (Samhain) but, you can pre-order the book now on the next links.

Amazon             Barnes & Noble             Indie Bound

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