Monday, April 18, 2016

What Is Magic? - Wicca! Love & Soul

What Is Magic?
From book: Wicca! Love & Soul

Magic, that great word that we have been hearing since very young, a word rich in history and meanings, a name shrouded in mysteries and illusions, comes from the Persian “Magush” meaning “to have the power”. This term was developed by the old Persian priestly line conceived by great Astrologers and Shamans of the Old Era.

Magic constituted the basis of the practices of priesthood in the of ancient Babylon. The whole story was imbued with great magicians, sorcerers, priests, witches and druids from Rome, Greece, Egypt, China, Mexico, Spain, Ireland, France and England and in most of the West and East of the Ancient World.

Magic has always been associated with the history of medieval Europe. It has been in countless stories, fairy tales and in recent years is the basic theme of the most successful films and TV series. Magic not only opens the possibility for a unknown world rich in stories, characters and myths of all species, it also gives us the power to make our personal goals a reality and make our dreams palpable.

Alchemy, Astrology, Shamanism, all they are part of the same universal tissue and they all act separately or together for a common good. Magic will not make you a millionaire, but will help to cover the costs. With faith you can put a roof over your head and if you desire it hard enough, it can bring that special person you expect to share the rest of your life and prolong your life and that of your loved ones.

We cal it Magic, we call it Spirit, we call it even Karma or Energy to all of this set of elements that exist around us since the world began. Since its inception, it has been adored, admired and studied in all religions and spiritual movements. Those who deny it, only fear it and they live their gray monotonous and cautionary lives, where they conform to rejoice in repeating the same acts day after day without being able to distinguish all that is hidden in front of themselves, seeking how to fill that emptiness inside their own ignorance and pride does not allow them to fill.

Those who recognize the existence of a superior spirituality can learn to use it, have the opportunity to live surrounded by great moments of happiness, for to use the power hidden in each one to attract love and good fortune does not violate any universal rule.

Magic teaches you to be happy at the worst times, teaches you that you are not alone at any moment and you live surrounded by countless ethereal beings willing to listen and help today, tomorrow and always. The Magic that you carry in you will take care of you and guide you by the good track, and by far you fail you will be taken by the hand of the Creator Spirit and he will take you back to the path of good magician to progress, learn and evolve.

Being in love with the simple fact of life is not crazy, on the contrary, it is to intimate with the most ingenious secrets of creation and to understand this unknown world that we have before our eyes but from young age we have been taught taught to deny  its existence. The real goals of the Magicians are to know everything around them and to use these tools to provide shelter to their concerns helping their relatives and themselves.

We can find this mysterious energy in every places and molecules in the universe as well as in the breathing of people, in the process of growth of people and plants, in the success and glory, in health, in love, in wealth and in the singing of birds, in the light and in the dark and in the eternal balance of things.

Magic is invisible and untouchable. To know the magic is to know the world and to know yourself. To understand it is to understand part of the essential workings of everything that happens around us. Magic is in absolutely every action we take, in every sense and each phase of the moon, from the simple act of making a wish on a star to the sacred act of blessing our power tools, all this is possible thanks to the mastery of this inner energy and understanding of the spirits around us.

Book: "Wicca! Love & Soul"
Author: Elhoim Leafar © Copyright
Available in: CreateSpace   Amazon Kindle   Barnes&Noble

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