Monday, April 18, 2016

Wicca! Love & Soul - Six Months later

Wicca! Love & Soul - Six Months later

So it was titled my first step in this literary world, Wicca! Love & Soul was my first book and the beginning of a new era not only for me as an astrologer and student of the esoteric arts from an early age, was also the beginning of a new era for all my followers who may have a small part of my work in their repertoire of tools to guide each of your steps.

The reception of my first book was much warmer and truly loving what we expected, a project originally planned as a trilogy but ended up taking on a life and personality moving away from all plans during editing and seemed to demand more and more work.

Wicca! Love & Soul opened the doors to the homes of many believers, followers and practitioners of Wicca, Neo-Paganism and the Old Religion becoming a blessed talisman of great power who takes care of them from a corner of their homes.

But not everything can be finished there, my first book Wicca! Love & Soul was made with love and dedication, were many years writing and translating charms of the old school, adapting to modern times and increasingly developed a strong bond with this new vocation for me that is writing.

Many who engage in same field as myself write a book and stay there, but that was not my case. It is fantastic to know you were years writing till you drop and soon a small part of your work and your soul found in the homes of many people you are teaching them every day diversity of formulas and secrets to improve their lives in each of its aspects.

So as one who had children and then perceives the need to provide them brothers, I decided to embark on this new book, after nearly a decade writing and now a book that travels the world you say to yourself “Perfect, now what do I do?” Feel the need to get on with your work and consent to those readers who ask a second and third delivery as soon as possible.

To write a sequel would be to downplay the original. That one is the spoiled and nobody will remove it from its place, but... Every good child needs brothers to help him mature and grow, that is how I give you a second work, not a continuation as many believe or hope but rather a complement.
When writing Wicca! Love & Soul the approach went straight to the Mother Goddess, the Moon, and witchcraft in its more traditional look.

Now in this book I give you the other side of the coin, we bind ourselves this time with the Father God, the Sun, an more modern and unusual sorcery.

This book born out of love for the old school and the old traditions, I have always considered writing a book is like planting a small seed of light, and each time someone purchases the book this seed is germinating, spreading branches worldwide and seeking to provide shade to all who need it.

I invite you to follow me in this race to enlighten the world with our own inner light, sharing and suggesting these works to all your loved ones to also lighten their way.

Book: "Wicca! Love & Soul"
Author: Elhoim Leafar © Copyright

Available in: CreateSpace   Amazon Kindle   Barnes&Noble

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