Friday, January 25, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The characteristics of a Shaman

What are the characteristics of a Shaman?

Fred Alan Wolf is an unconventional scientific researcher, who from an illusionist magician went on to become a doctor in theoretical physics. This American is the author of several books such as Parallel Universes and has spent several years of his life living with shamans and researchers of the subject in Great Britain, Switzerland, the United States, Brazil, Peru, and Mexico.
After a trip to Peru in 1989, during which he had various experiences with ayahuasca, he wrote a new book called The Search for the Eagle. In it, he reconstructs his relations with shamanism and gives an account of his gradual understanding of the coincidences he found between it and quantum physics, psychology and modern science in general. This understanding led him to formulate nine hypotheses about the shamans:

  • They see the universe as made by vibrations.
  • They see the world in terms of myths and visions that at first seem contrary to the laws of physics.
  •  Perceive reality in a state of altered consciousness.
  • They use any trick to alter the patient's beliefs about reality.
  • Choose what is physically significant and see all events as universally communicated.
  • Can penetrate in parallel worlds.
  • They work with a feeling of great power.
  • They use love and sexual energy as healing energy.
  • Penetrate in the world of death to alter your perception in this world.

The interesting narrative form that Alan Wolf chose to contrast these hypotheses with his experiences was to interweave three different stories: the plot of a movie he saw in Lima based on the adventures of two characters who take ayahuasca; his own story, which he describes according to the places he went to, what he saw and did in them; plus the development of the idea of a new physics of consciousness to explain some of the events he observed and experienced.

Wolf says that although he may be in trouble when suggesting it, it seems to him that the Western world "must begin to have a more tolerant view of sacred substances and producers of visions, particularly when such substances are taken under the guidance of a shaman, a person with knowledge about the world of plants."

Anticipating his possible critics, Wolf warns that he can not "even conceive the ingestion of plants as something recreational" since from his perspective it would be dangerous to do so. However, he believes that ayahuasca can be used by the medical profession, "with the participation of Ayahuasqueros", to heal many serious mental/physical illnesses: "My thoughts are directed to a large number of drug addicts of our modern societies. that a controlled ayahuasca travel program for drug addicts could lead to a cure for addiction to them, I also believe that ayahuasca can be useful for curing depression, I think especially about the recovery of many veterans of the war of Viet Nam, which I understand, suffer from severe mental stress".

This physicist awarded the American Book Award for his work Talking the Quantum Leap finds that "the shamanic state of consciousness, as put within our reach by ayahuasca or other means of inducing a shamanic consciousness, allows the person to see himself under a mythical light, that vision provides a sense of compassion, a connection with all life, a new reason to exist. "

Where do the powers of a shaman come from?

Pachita was one of the greatest shamans in Mexico. As a child, she was abandoned by her parents and adopted by an African black named Charles. For 14 years Charles took care of Pachita and taught her to see the stars and to heal. Afterward, Bárbara Guerrero, "Pachita", fought alongside General Francisco Villa during the Mexican Revolution, she was a cabaret singer, selling lottery tickets and singing in trucks... So many experiences connected her with what transcended all of them. Somehow, Pachita had managed to leave behind many illusions and that placed her in a point of intimate contact with the non-ordinary Reality, from where she acted.

In his book Pachita, the late Mexican researcher Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum describes the experiences he had the opportunity to live next to this extraordinary woman whose only motive for the la iving was to help her neighbor. Pachita had extraordinary control over matter and energy. He was able to perform surgical operations such as organ transplants in which biological objects and organs materialized and apparently dematerialized from nothing.

Pachita said that Brother Cuahutémoc, the spirit of the last Aztec emperor, acted through his body doing his work when she went into a trance transforming his personality and performing the prodigious operations described in great detail in the aforementioned book.

Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum studied personally with various Mexican shamans, in addition to the famous Pachita, and after this contact wrote a series of six books called "Los Chamanes de México", and also published several theoretical books about the study of consciousness in which he was developing the Synthetic Theory as an attempt to scientifically explain the power and performance of the shamans. In the book dedicated to Pachita, this prolific and enigmatic author (who is said to have mysteriously "disappeared" from the physical plane some years ago), developed a theory about the structure of space to explain the abilities of Pachita and other shamans using concepts of quantum physics:

The concept of lattice considers that the fundamental structure of space is a network or hypercomplex energy matrix of absolute coherence and total symmetry. This network is called lattice and it is considered that in its fundamental state it contributes to the same space all-embracing and penetrated by everything known.

The lattice remains totally invisible until some of its portions (for any reason) alters its coherent state. An elementary particle is precisely an elemental disorganization of the lattice in any of its locations. Any atom or chemical compound is a particular structural conformation of the lattice with respect to its fundamental state of maximum coherence.

The conception of lattice emerged from the studies of Christology because the structure of any crystal is a lattice of high coherence that resembles the lattice of space.

Since Einstein, the concept of space has been inseparable from time, so the consideration of the lattice of space-time refers to both unifying them. If the lattice disappeared, space and time would do the same.

Any "material" object is actually an unrepeatable organization of the structure of the lattice. In its fundamental state of total coherence, outside the same lattice, there are neither objects nor temporary alterations. It is only when the lattice changes its fundamental structure that time passes and objects appear.

Pachita's level of consciousness was extraordinarily differentiated. During the operations that she carried out, she was able to materialize and dematerialize objects, organs, and tissues. The management of the organic structures, allowed him to perform transplants of organs at will, cures of all kinds and remote diagnoses with a colossal power and accuracy.

All these portents can be explained if one accepts the possibility that the modifications of the lattice produced by Pachita's neuronal field were capable of substantially modifying the former producing conformations similar to that of the objects (in the case of materializations) or returns to the structure of the lattice of objects (in the case of dematerializations).

Pachita had a unique control over her neuronal field, transforming it and modifying the structure of the lattice with it. Although their effects seemed to be miraculous, they are based, according to this hypothesis, on the same mechanism that we all use to create our images or our thoughts.


Urban Shamanism

Urban shamanism and modern lives.

"Shamanism is a disciplined way of getting help and knowledge, based on the premise that we do not need to limit ourselves to operate in a reality, a dimension, when we need help, there is another reality that can help us in life, a reality full of beauty and harmony, ready to offer us the same kind of wisdom we read about in the writings of the great mystics and prophets, all we have to do is keep the mind free of prejudice and make the effort to follow the path of the shaman."

M. Harner

Modern shamanism, or urban shamanism, is the use of the same techniques used by the shamans of antiquity, what differs is the subject and its problem, what was previously his need has changed, he no longer looks for where hunting is , but understanding in the complex world that he has to live, and understand how it relates to himself and his peers.

Shamanism is a work of self-discovery that transcends what is commonly associated with traditional shamanism is the implementation of the ancient axiom "Know yourself" inscribed in the temple initiation of Delphi, is a path oriented towards the enlightenment or ascension of the human being , offers answers to the great human unknowns of type, what are we for? What is the meaning of pain and suffering? Where do I go? What is there before and after this way of life that is given to us? to experience? What created this reality that suffocates me? that I am? who I am? What is reality?.

In my experience it is very common to find in past lives answers to situations of the present, bringing light on it by recovering the lost power from the past or resolving and releasing what remains unresolved. It is at the same time a door to wisdom, to the connection with the guides and teachers who inhabit the different worlds.

It is a way of thinking and acting that limits borders and limitations of all kinds, and that nevertheless uses them when they are convenient for some purpose.

When a person manages to get in touch with the spirits, he no longer needs any teacher in ordinary reality, since the spirits give him the answers. The authentic masters of the shaman instruct him within the non-ordinary reality. There is no higher authority.


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Between theory and practice, my own experience with astral travel.

Between theory and practice, my own experience with astral travels.

Hello everyone, for years I have gathered in my email many emails related to this subject, in a folder titled "to respond", but I always forget to do it and I continue working on other things, a couple of days ago, doing a review and cleaning From my email, I found this folder full and decided to respond to one of the topics that I talk about most of the time in my Blog and in my books, but I have clearly never given an appropriate emphasis for everyone's comprehension.

In this Post, I extend a little, but I hope to answer all your questions.

This is a very complicated issue to explain and share, especially because for many it is a truly difficult practice to perform, never impossible, but it can take years, perhaps as in a couple of cases that I know very closely, you can take one or two decades of daily and constant practice. All of the above without mentioning that for each one the learning cycle, as well as the development of their own technique, can take different directions and forms.

While this is a subject that is mentioned in most books of magic and esoteric content, although only in a very subtle way, in many other books apparently "specialized" in the subject of astral travel, treat it as something very precise and punctual, leaving aside the inexperience of the reader and focusing (perhaps too much) on the theory that reviews astral travel, although dedicating only a few pages to individual practice.

Although the majority of individuals dedicated to the study of mysticism, dominates a vague concept about astral travel, there are few and perhaps very few, the individuals who are really dedicated to putting it into practice, some for lack of information, others for fear to the constant warnings that are given to us in this respect (many of them very realistic) and many other people because they simply do not see interest in spending years practicing something they do not know if it will finally turn out or what purpose it will have.

In my case, it took me exactly 9 years before I was really able to take a truly conscious astral trip, before that, I had years of study and practice with different teachers and taking a little extra information from each book that came to my hands. , but these trips were mostly well-led lucid dreams that concrete astral journeys.

At home this is a topic that is commonly spoken, my parents and my sisters see in the practice of astral travel a form of family tradition that they hope to keep as alive as possible, my grandmother and my mother share this gift, they do so almost intuitive, for the sisters of my mother is a rather complicated subject, they do not seem to have been born with the same quality for the magical arts, nor with the interest in developing them.

My mother, according to what my grandmother usually tell, began to have lucid dreams since she was very young, and during her adolescence it was common to find her faint or completely asleep in the patio of the house, she spoke clearly while she slept and had long conversations, but when he woke up he did not remember much of what happened.
Mother states that for a long period of time of several years, between her first pregnancy and the second, these lucid dreams became less frequent, much less spontaneous, but after her second pregnancy (the first baby with her current husband, my Father), she returned in some way to these same dreams, affirms that these became more continuous and even clearer, sometimes as clear as the reality of our plane, the world of the living.

And it was during the break of this second pregnancy, when she moved to the capital city that the first books about unfolding, lucid dreams and astral projection came to her hands, resulting to her a total surprise that something that she believed so secret, so intimate, It was part of popular magic and even of movies and many novels.

From here she starts a period of constant study and development of this skill, combining the little she had learned during her childhood with what many authors affirm in their books, in their own words, many of them do not really know what They are talking, but a few have a pretty clear idea of what really happens during these astral journeys.

Her third and fourth maternity periods were spent studying, working and dedicating herself completely to the practice of different forms of magic and less traditional witchcraft, she introduced herself to spiritualism, umbanda, santería, Palo Monte, and experimented a lot inside of the Yoruba culture, I travel constantly to Africa, Brazil, and Cuba, and whenever I returned, I repeated "I was watching them very closely, for that reason I did not call by phone".

I spent my entire adolescence studying the manuals and journals that she kept in her library, not in that huge library of two walls, located between the corridor to the bathroom and the corridor to my bedroom, full of neatly arranged books, interspersed with novels, books of economy and history, inspiration manuals and multiple different editions of esoteric books, no, definitely not from that library.

I was much more interested in really delving into the subject, I went in search of that small private library inside his bedroom, a tall, thin cabinet with drawers just two meters from his bed, full of notebooks completely handwritten, diaries full of spells, formulas and enchantments, old diaries with some notes of my grandparents, a recipe for herbal medicine that my Aunt Rosa wrote thinking it would be a good manual for stores, but never dared to publish with a publisher, and many, literally many books that you would never see in a popular library or in the furniture of some stores.

Huge books in small editions, printed under the imprints of different countries, covers only two colors and letters so small they are barely visible, truly filled with magic books, books by authors who really knew what he was talking, and That reason she retained them, and still retains them, as close to her as she can, away from the light, perfectly hidden in her bedroom, away from the visits and from any curious stranger to the family.

In these books you can discover all sorts of spells that many modern authors do not dare to share with the public, from extracted oils from the skin of different animals in order to increase different magical powers, and herbal concoctions anointed with a few drops of blood a sorcerer to perform rituals of protection, night flying and hypnosis, to spells based on sigils that are drawn at night in the skin using a special dye to get the controversial power (perhaps unimaginable to many) of invisibility or also strengthen the conscious mind during astral travel.

And the latter was the most interesting, which explained to you entirely the origin of this power and the different ways to use them, with the constant practice of these spells and different rituals you could have clearer and more constant lucid dreams, then turn these lucid dreams into journeys aware of the spiritual world, crossing veils, planes and worlds that escape the imagination of many, although perhaps not as psychedelic and interesting as science fiction raises, but you can also find in these huge volumes the formula for unfolding in the real world and thus be physically and mentally present in more than one place at a time.

The first few times I tried it was really complicated, tracing a huge circle on the ground with a mixture of certain dried herbs and oils that should be sprayed together in a small ceramic dish, I remember it took weeks to get all the plants in different stores and I kept them hanging with a red thread from the window of my bedroom so that they dried in the sunlight and picked them up every evening after returning from school because according to several manuals, if only once these plants remain before the wind Cold after sunset, they could no longer be used in the ritual.

These were very complex rituals and with an extensive series of specifications so clear, that it would bore anyone, after so long you learned that it was easier than it seems, and it was only complicated, if you thought it really was, it was better a matter of time and calm, spending whole days memorizing the spells and verses you would use to communicate with other sorcerers and entities that you could find on the other side of the veil, writing these spells on the backs of my school notebooks to memorize them , performing every morning a series of stretches, invocations and exercises that ensured, help me to align my energy and balance my spirit, without which astral travel would only result in a simple lucid dream outside the body and for a minimum period of time.

The first three times I remember them perfectly, only I was deeply asleep during the ritual, and woke up hours later totally exhausted, feeling that I would not have slept in days, I took my notebook and wrote "absolutely nothing happened".

The next eleven times, with intervals of one week between each attempt, I began to have deep dreams, each time clearer, I heard very strange noises in each dream, noises similar to a drill piercing the wall, wanting to wake up unable to do so, visualized all around me like pictures on a wall, but they were walls so high that I could never see the ceiling, it seemed more like I was at the bottom of a deep tunnel, it was cold, so cold that in my own inexperience, the following times I performed the ritual, I made sure to have more and more clothes and a better sweater, after some time I noticed that this did not change anything at all.

But in each of these times, while I visualized those photos that changed on the wall, and I felt the faces of everyone in the portraits turning to look at me, I heard voices around me, many saying "go on, do not get distracted", others saying " Get out of here, be careful, get away from here ", on each and every occasion, I saw how a strange black spot appears on the floor, then the stain, looking like black ink, began to move in front of my eyes, It spread all over the floor, the disturbing noise grew louder and louder, and suddenly the stain was trying to climb my feet, and I felt that it touched me, I felt as the skin began to burn and itch at the same time.

I woke up a few seconds later, and always saw waking the little feet of someone standing in front of me, just blinking or closing my eyes for a second, my feet disappear in front of me, and I was alone in the room.

I got up as fast as I could to clean and collect everything, trying not to have problems with Mama, but the last of those times, specifically the last two, I woke up and after seeing those little feet in front of me, I turned to the other side and there my mother was with an indescribable face of anger, every occasion with a different gift, she forced me to clean my mess and she returned to her room, during the rest of the day she acted as if nothing.

A week after the second argument with her, just when she thought "if I try again I will be punished... For life, "I came home, I found her taking a cup of hot tea and knitting as usual, I left my notebooks on the table, and upon entering the room, I find a great surprise, one of those notebooks in his library was on my bed, one of the ones I did not dare to grasp, because I saw it as something very sacred to her, because she personally wove and embroidered a cover with threads and lace of white and silver around, so I thought that It must be something related to his marriage, he saw it as something very personal.

When I opened it, I found that the first pages were written in common black ink, but in a language that I could vaguely understand, and overwritten, on each line, on each sentence, on each verse of those wrinkled and old pages, was the translation In Spanish, in the handwriting of my mother, and in some more in-depth pages, there were notes perfectly made with a letter that could never be confused, the lyrics of Neyiber, just the oldest of my sisters, she has always had a spelling and calligraphy impeccable

Several pages of the notebook were marked with symbols and stickers, and part of the notebook was held with a paper and several pins, and had written with the letter of my sister "Elo, start from here, the rest should not be anything new for you ", while I was laughing I just thought, if my mother is in the living room and my sister lives a few floors above, because they did not deliver this to me personally ?, but then I remembered that both tend to be quite theatrical, maybe very dramatic, Especially my sister, also my family has always been somewhat cold in that aspect, in all discussions you hear the phrase "everyone has to solve their problems without bothering anyone else", something cold, but it is and always has been.

So I took the notebook, I prepared a bathroom, I chose fairly comfortable clothes, I burned some sage in the bedroom, I closed doors and windows, I did all the previous ritual, I boiled the herbal tea as always, and I made some modifications, just as the notebook recommended.

Replace the rosemary in the circle with basil and mint, instead of placing salt in the corners, place a small dish with camphor tablets that should be burned just a few minutes before nightfall, draw a much wider circle of protection, place me a lot less clothes, I took off all the rings, bracelets, necklaces, and only had with me a white ribbon with seven knots in it tied at the ankles, a recommendation from my sister in the notebook to prevent that strange black larva in the limb touched me again.

Note, if you want to understand a little more about these larvae of the astral plane, I recommend you read the previous post about the use of magic circles.

I anointed myself almost the whole body with the same usual combination of oils, and followed one of the most curious and simple recommendations of the notebook, along with the magic sigil that was to be drawn on the arm before the execution of the spell, draw a small crescent moon, the symbol that my grandmother's tribe has always considered as her own, and which recognizes them as witches within the tribe, and I burn a piece of parchment paper with my name written on it, I burn it with the fire of the camphor, and let it burn, according to the annotations, this consecrates the ritual space in my name, and thus avoid that my body could leave the circle being used by some other different spirit.

It was in this attempt, the number fifteen, when I finally got the closest thing to a lucid dream driven by myself, the dream was as colorful as the day to day, with only notoriety, the shades of red and orange looked totally different. The strange noise that always seemed only appear a few seconds at the beginning, then, it just seemed to go out, the voices around seem to be much clearer, it was not as cold as usual, it was still cold, but it was more similar to that cool mountain cold, and less ice than before.

After about (I imagine) 20 or 30 minutes, I saw that strange black spot on the floor, the same one my sister noticed in the notebook, but in this case, when she tried to approach me, she stopped for a second, it was darker and darker, on its surface I could distinguish something dark red, and suddenly, it began to draw a huge circle under me, I guess about 4 meters away from my feet, and did not get any closer from there, but it did not seem to stop moving. The truth is that after many years practicing, this strange larva stopped appearing, sometimes I stay longer than the indicated waiting to see if it happens, but that never happens.

This dream allows me to move in and out of my body, with some difficulty at first, you look at yourself as you float around your body, I guess it is as difficult as learning to walk, take many weeks to master this movement, when you want to elevate yourself, you just only descend, when you want to descend, you go up, or you go to one side, or you start to turn in one direction or another. You can not see your hands or your feet, you can feel that you are complete but not see it, until you approach that mirror, the magic mirror, that mirror that following the instructions of several books, recommended you to wash with a mixture of water from a river, lavender oils, powdered sagebrush root (hand-pulverized by the sorcerer who will use it) and a few drops of verbena or amber oil, a mirror with the power to reflect the spiritual world through meditations and lucid dreams, and in that mirror you can see yourself floating, completely and completely.

After weeks and months of practice, you develop your own techniques, you learn to make everything easier, perhaps not faster, but more comfortable, and once you master it after many years, you learn to move (with an undeniable difficulty) without the need for many implements, clearly at your own risk.

Mother's books are plagued by constant warnings, such as, if we do not draw the circle properly, some slippery spirit, some soul in distress, some mischievous pixie, some otherworldly larvae, or other darker creatures, can take control of your body and use it to move through our world, and in many cases, the bodies possessed by souls in distress or naughty goblins, do not distinguish, even within our bodies, between the spiritual world and ours, and may end up in the ways of train, jumping from a very high bridge or from a window, and my mother listed many examples in detail.

He also indicated in his warnings that if you did not have a properly developed clairvoyance, you should first focus on it, because many times some enter the astral plane without perceiving it, and in many cases, it is common for you to find spiritual beings much more advanced, than find yourself wandering outside your body, they send you back, erasing all the memories of what you have seen.

On many occasions my sister and mother warn not to perform the astral projection from outdoor sites, such as parks and gardens, unless you meet someone specialized who can take care of your body while you are there, otherwise, your unconscious body can sleep. and end up somewhere else or worse.

Some warnings are much more curious, "do not try to fly to the moon" (this I have not tried, but the truth can not take me too seriously the warning), "do not approach on the other side of the veil to anything that looks like a portal or a window that moves independently "," do not try to bring anyone with you from the other side "," if you meet other witches, walkers of worlds or something similar, do not bother them, and often take care of them " , "Trust blindly in your intuition, and stay away from everything that does not seem reliable", "do not stay too long away from your body, or this can simply stop breathing", and a warning written in very large letters "if something, a kind of cold sensation, seems to pull away from your body, close your eyes, breathe very deep, calm down, visualize a warm light around your body and try to return as soon as possible, or pronounce one of the spells that you previously memorized to return to your body."

Mother has a whole chapter dedicated to "do not approach oracles", where she specifies, in a suspiciously detailed way, all the reasons why while you make a journey through the astral plane, the world of dreams, the crosses of the veil or the same earthly plane itself, you should not approach situations involving oracles, young people with an Ouija, fortune tellers in session with a tarot deck or a crystal ball, and many more examples, not only because your presence there may be noticed by seers and fortune tellers, not only because your presence can negatively influence the responses of the oracles, but most importantly, the energy emitted by the oracles can cause problems to return to your body, seriously distort your perception of realities and make you lose the sense of direction in the other plane.

In a certain chapter (about 15 pages), mother talks in detail about a certain situation where while moving between planes, she saw something similar to the waves that form in the water on the roof of a house, and she thought it was peculiar, so she She approached and was "trapped" within these waves for some instants, trying to decipher what it was, entered the house (I'm sure this is entirely illegal) and found in one of the rooms a group of five girls playing with a Ouija, while they used it to ask all sorts of trivia, joked with each other about how ridiculous that game seemed to be and claimed that it was just a waste of time, but at the moment that mother approached the Ouija.

All the girls acted suddenly as if they had sensed his presence, mother blew some air into the void, and the girls claimed that suddenly the room felt colder, and while they continued to play, and drinking alcohol, mother could help move the answers off the board with only placing their hands, on the hands of the girls.

But in less than twenty minutes, Mother affirms that the place was full of presences, few like her, the majority were souls in pain that arrived unconsciously at this place, some more conscious spirits than if they noticed their presence there, and in their own words , what she describes as a pair of ghosts, a blue one and a red one, with a demonic and somber aspect, quite frightening, with enormous eyes, and although her skin looked burned and covered with deep scars, it was at the same time somber, as if they were part of the darkness of the place, they made very strange sounds every time they opened their mouths, as if they were trying to shout something and they did not have tongues, it was a heartrending sound.

After an extensive explanation about the spell she used to get out of there and the same as it cost her to do it because she really felt trapped by the place, she details that once she entered the room, her spirit did not go through anymore. No walls floated through the air, when touching the walls they felt like real walls, they did not allow him to leave, and until the moment the girls closed the board, they extinguished the candles, and they opened the doors and windows, she could not leave , not before that, she describes how terrified she felt, because the dark presences in the room seemed to approach her more and more, but they did it very slowly, as if they were afraid to act, and when the term spiritualist session ended, these presences were the first to disappear among the shadows of the walls.

Mother affirms that this was the first time she crossed paths with these spirits on the other plane, but it was not the last time, and that many acquaintances of her have warned her that these dark presences have the tendency to possess the sleeping bodies of women. witches and lead them to suicide, leaving their souls trapped in the veil.

My sister states in the writings, in many chapters, about the dangers of doing these astral trips while traveling by plane, at first it seemed strange, but taking into account that she had a boyfriend whose job was to be a pilot, and many times I took her On flights across the country, this makes some sense.

A curiosity that I find interesting, is that both warn about approaching consecrated sites, temples, churches, among others, because once you approach these places the energy is as heavy as the sea, it is difficult to move inside them and In your surroundings, that feeling is similar to swimming in diver's suits carrying heavy bags on your shoulders.

She also states in her many writings that one of her greatest adventures was to move inside a painting on the wall, in doing so she was in a huge painting that resembled a four-dimensional version (or perhaps more than four dimensions) of the paint, that you could touch the colors, and that all these have different textures, yellow being something metallic and blue something soft like cotton, green feels scratchy to the touch, while purple felt like expensive silk, colors As she describes, they had strange aromas, and the whole room moved around her.

He also describes how surprising it was to unfold himself in certain places (when after a lot of trying he managed to do it), and that on several occasions he came across ordinary people, not practitioners or followers of sorcery, but who possessed the gift of clairvoyance and could notice his presence before anyone else.

Both, as well as several of the authors I had previously read, and I personally can confirm, that the fire is still burning on the other side, but the fire of the altars, the fire in the flame of a candle that has been consecrated, or the fire that lights the night of Samhain or the night of Walpurgis, it does not burn you at all, it is just a lot of very warm incandescent light, but you will not burn in it no matter how hard you can try it.

Mother focuses on detailing the processes and mysteries of the spirit world, and wrote little about the beings that were there, except when it was to warn, it is from one of her writings where I just read for the first time, that in one of his most peculiar encounters in the world beyond the veil, the figure of an old god sitting on the water of the river confirmed to him that he must trust in the power of the angels, and in turn, fear of the presence of these, her, a A spiritualist and a witch who has never been very Catholic, she did not take the old man very seriously, even though his presence "felt like being in front of the greatest and most beautiful thing you have ever witnessed".

But after his refusal to understand these words, the old man she came to visit so often warned him with a noticeable calm "and that they are the Angels, but the new names that the same humans gave to the old creator gods, those who serve an older God, but who do not cease to be like him, who did not need names to be called, but man always believing himself superior to everything, gave them names, and made them look like innocent creatures at his service, being them true messengers of a superior power ".

The words of this man were so clear and precise, that Mother ran back to her body to take note of it immediately, and it was from that time that she began to study the world of angels and great spirits.

My sister on the other hand, not only in this notebook but in many others, dares to detail with great precision all his encounters in the afterlife, from constant encounters with my grandfather, and with his parents, to clandestine meetings with one of her past loves that she died as the victim of a man with a lot of rancor, and that these meetings with her ended only after very long conversations where they kept laughing and remembering, and it was also she who helped him move forward.

Their encounters with diversities of entities, spirits, creatures that do not appear in the books, evil spirits that have given battle on more than one occasion, until higher reunions with old memories of their past lives that remain latent in certain places.

In a small verse from one of her notebooks, my sister relates the next (and please forgive if I lost something in the translation process):

"I've never managed to be in the presence of something as big as an angel, if I did, I would not say it, but walk with your astral body through that gigantic circle of rocks in the middle of the mountain, while the witches invoked the God From the mountain, it felt like submerging your feet in a gigantic pool of pure honey with the freshest floral scent you can imagine, how to anoint mint and eucalyptus oil inside your nose, you feel a fresh breeze as penetrating as it is imposing, but with an exquisite scent of flowers, and suddenly, your feet end up submerging in the pool of honey, and you feel that it has no bottom, that you only sink there slowly, you feel that strange presence touching every inch of your body, that fragrance takes over from you, the warm and soft honey covers you from the feet to the head, you feel that you are floating and close your eyes for fear of what you can see, then you trust, you feel so comfortable, so warm, so sure or, then you open your eyes, and after that blinding and golden light, there you see him standing in front of you, with his roots and feet, with his hands on the branches, with his gigantic crown of shining wood, with his beautiful Smile, and open your arms to receive you, and then... When you wake up you know, that you have never been in the presence of a true angel before, but if you are one day, you should feel very close to this."

It is my sister who has filled entire notebooks with recipes and spells that you can perform during astral travel to move faster between places, to find your body more easily, to dissipate negative energies present in some places, and even how to perform healings on a body physical from the spiritual plane.

She has also tried, improperly and on multiple occasions, to enter the bodies of sleeping people, succeeding successfully after many unsuccessful attempts, because clearly she is very constant about it, she also wrote a complete spell to enter the dreams of others individuals from the spiritual plane, thus allowing to visualize as small movies, the dreams that other people are having, and even influence them turning nightmares into something different or communicating with other individuals from the world of dreams.

She claims to have met on multiple occasions with the spirits that guard dreams, and that she has been present in many more places in her astral body than in her physical body, confirms that some temples are truly sacred, and that if you try to enter, something similar a court of spirits judges you first, no matter what your religious tendency, they only let you in if they understand that your reasons are well-intentioned, but in some places that would seem to be sacred, like certain buildings of congregations of some religious sects more modern, simply nothing happens, in their own words, and mine, is as boring as walking in the park in the post-winter period and before spring, you do not find everything white by snow, or flowered by the weather Everything looks dead, gray, swampy and boring, but full of people making a lot of noise.

My astral travels have not been so interesting, the greatest thing I have personally achieved, walking on the sea, only a few meters, after that I sank, literally in all attempts. The most notorious thing, that I will never forget, and I have commented several times in the past, visiting the site in New York where the twin towers were before, had had some rather traumatic experiences in the past, but this experience, this is something I will reserve for myself, and it is something that does not deserve to be presumed, it is something that I will keep for myself, having visited this site physically some years ago was quite strong, but visiting it spiritually, this is much stronger than I could imagine.

An interesting fact, after a long time practicing, that figure in front of me that I saw every time I woke up, those little feet barefoot in front of me, always inside the circle, was my grandmother, who is still alive, and with whom the truth I do not talk much, it was her that always pulled me back from the other plane, and it was she who warned my Mom about what I was really doing.

Sometimes I appeared outside the circle, just taking care, and sometimes I appeared inside the circle, I still have not learned exactly how I did it, but she somehow entered the spirit world and pulled me back from there.

Anecdote that makes it even more interesting, my grandmother does not live with us, she lives in another state, close to the peninsula, it is somewhat disturbing to know that a person without internet access, and who vaguely knows how to use a telephone, knows what you are doing, when you do it, and seemingly mocks all metaphysical laws without much effort to take care of you.

The last time I met her, at my grandfather's funeral in 2010, we hardly saw each other, we greeted each other, we hugged each other, and because we were in public we did not talk much about it, but that same night at home I curiously asked her why in recent years I had not seen her next to me, and I closed the question with an "if you know what I'm talking about?", she did not even look at me, she only answered while cutting some oranges "it was not necessary, when the chickens walk alone you leave them, but never open their wings", and followed by an uncomfortable silence that I did not know how to interrupt at the moment, she retired to her altar where she spent the rest of the night.

But no matter what she said, even though I was much bigger, and living in another country, it is common to feel her presence around me when I project myself, even several times I have seen her reflection from the other side of my mirror and it is quickly hidden, she has always been fond of magic with mirrors, it is not her specialty, but she has always handled at least the most basic part, it is not uncommon to think that as I write this thinking about her, I can swear by that aroma of vintage tobacco and white rum around me who is here with me watching what I write.

For now, I will continue practicing the best I can and I hope I have answered all your questions about it, which had accumulated in my mail for a long period of time and always affirmed that I would soon answer.

Kisses and Blessings to all, see you at the crossroads.

Property of Elhoim Leafar
© All rights reserved
Astral projection and unfolding, 2017.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Clarification, about the use of the Magic Circle and the astral larvaes.

Magic circle

Greetings my Tribe and hugs of light to all.

Today's Post is made with the purpose of specifying my point of view and constant insistence on an important theme in magic and sorcery, in this case, is the due use of the Magic Circle, or ritual Circle.

Well, this is not a popular practice, nor is it mandatory, it is still advisable, especially for beginners and not initiated in practice, those who lack some experience with the subject.

It is normal when you have read one or two esoteric books, believe yourself an expert who knows everything and is prepared for everything, because many times the true practitioners of magical art do not place enough warnings in their books, as many of these explanations may seem At first sight, properly extracted from a science fiction book, and because many inexperienced readers can believe it to be an exaggeration, it is normal that many authors do not place enough warnings, because if you want your books to be taken seriously, we must, unfortunately, limit even the same reality to a certain point.

In each and every one of my books I have always recommended with remarkable insistence the use and creation of the magic circle, usually with a long and detailed explanation, and even in one of my most recent books "The Magical Art Of Crafting Charm Bags", as in the books before this one, I decided to include for the comfort of the practitioners, different forms and uses of the enchantment circle, including a short method and a complete method.

On one occasion someone answered me in a social network "not always have the time to make a magic circle, many times we attend magic by emergency", because my point of view, trying to be respectful about it, always available the time, make a circle with salt or some enchanted grass will not take more than two minutes, we are clear on something, it is two minutes, it literally finds the salt, some protection grass, flowers, or even a previously consecrated rope that you keep on your altar and you can use it on certain occasions, for all the Gods, it's two minutes! I do not think there are any excuses to say "I did not have two minutes to mark a small circle on the floor".

But as my mother would say "when out of laziness or arrogance you do not want to do things, any excuse sounds valid".

Second, when it says "we do emergency magic", that "pocket magic" or "instant magic" of which many are very followers now, I understand that the world, and especially for the fans of science fiction television series, It is great to imagine that everything around us must happen extremely fast and that we must perform "instant magic" for almost anything.

But unless you're being chased by a vampire in the middle of the night, I do not think any emergency deserves a counterproductive magic effect. A counterproductive magic effect is that result that occurs when you perform some spell or enchantment without thinking properly about the consequences of it (a love spell for example), and then it turns out to take an effect that is not properly what we were expecting, the magic it always works, but it works in two ways, or it works well, or it works badly, but the energy that we send around us will always end up producing some effect, positive or negative, but it will always result in something.

A magic circle works primarily as a practical form of protection, it will keep the energy inside the circle and reuse your own energy contained in the circle to protect it properly from external energies, besides, it is a way to quickly focus the energy without external distractions, because your mind and your limbic system enter the mode "I am performing a spell and I must focus", and after some practice time, this ends up being very positive, because it helps us to focus the energy quickly in the purpose we are seeking to achieve.

Renowned authors such as Mauricio Puerta, Brandy Williams, Gerina Dunwich and Vladimir Burdman, among many others, associate the realization of the circle of enchantment with a form of "psychic magic" that synchronizes our abilities for the realization of magical works, with our psychic energy, puts both forms of energy to work in concrete, and after some time in practice, thanks to the "neurolinguistic programming" helps us to focus more quickly our consciousness in the magical work we do, being increasingly difficult for us to grasp distractions in the process.

While Brandy Williams, the author of multiple books of magic and magical realization, affirms that neuro-linguistic programming is a vital part of our day-to-day life, and it is especially important for those of us dedicated to the practice of magical or spiritualistic arts, other authors an little more focused on esoteric art like Gerina Dunwich and Vladimir Burdman (just to name a few and not to bore the reader with a huge list), they affirm that the magic circle is a way to mark and delimit the space between the area of magical work, where the energy we use for the ritual is concentrated, and the outer space, that which we cohabit every day, be it a garden, an office, a living room of the house or a small corner of our department.

Focusing the energy in a single point is extremely important because we get to place all our magic power in a safe place (the spell, the ritual, the amulet, etc ...), but we also avoid disturbing the energy and many times in addition, the emotions of those around us.

It is understandable that many practitioners, especially those with more experience, decide not to use a magic circle, not because of arrogance, but rather because their energy and experience is so high that in many cases, no spirit or larva from another plane I would even dare to approach to disturb his temper, but when it is starting in practice, at least during the first years, I always recommend making use of the circle of protection and keep the magic within it.

Moment of boring my dear readers with a bit of family history about it.

My grandmother, Maria Begena Eugenia de Castillas and Urbaneja, a common healer of an indigenous tribe, raised within a family of healers on the banks of the Arenas River in Venezuela, even in her more than 90 years, maintains an enormous ritual circle made with stones painted red, green and white inside a room of his farm, just in the only living room of the house that has two windows, one facing east and one to the west, and it is inside this circle, where perfectly fit two people, where she performs her most impressive spiritual healing and works.

Being my grandmother one of my teachers to follow from an early age, even when I asked her because with so many years of experience she kept this huge circle that I thought was a bad use of space, even more, taking into account that many times I myself had the good fortune to witness the use of many of its powers outside the circle, like that time when a pregnant woman, a victim of a spell performed by her own sister, fell over my grandmother and tried to bite her, acting like a real animal wild at full time of the day and in the central living room of the house, and my grandmother only uttered a kind of spell in her native tongue, placed her hands on the woman's forehead, and I saw personally how the woman in question fell immediately fainted next to my grandmother and began to vomit a black and slimy liquid, with foam and very smelly.

This time my grandmother had no need (or time) to perform a magic circle, this is true magic in emergencies, but a different kind of magic that many (for different reasons) are not able to perform, either by inexperience or because they simply have not needed it.

On several occasions I saw my grandmother consecrate objects by just touching them, inside and outside the house, and that time we spent the entire night awake because we did not stop listening to footsteps on the roof, she said "they are the witches who are jumping up to the monte ", the truth I never knew if he said it in a joke or serious way, or maybe it's just part of the folklore of his people, of which I do not know much, because I grew up in the city far from her, and I only visited him Holidays about twice a year.

On that occasion my grandmother appeared at the back door of the house, hit the ground with her cane three times, and with the third blow, I could swear that a group was heard, maybe three or four people falling on the roof immediately Grandmother just said a few words and pointed to the mountain, a mountain beyond the river, visible from the windows of the house, followed by this, a few light steps were heard on the roof and seconds later all the sounds of footsteps They disappeared, she went to sleep, assuming that nothing important happened, and the next morning she sent my cousins and me to repair the loose roof tiles, which we got completely folded.

After this, and many other similar experiences at each visit, my mother was teaching me one day to do a spell to help my psychology teacher at school, and she told me in detail how to do the circle, I performed it but arrogantly I replied, "my grandmother does not need these things, because we still do it", I suppose it is the typical attitude that practitioners have at 13, I suppose, because I have seen this same attitude in many other practitioners at that age.

And my mother on that occasion answered very seriously, without stopping making her typical smile "no matter how much you learn and what you do, there is always going to be someone stronger than you from the other side, and many times that someone may be tempted to bother, so it's better to prevent. "

My mother on the other hand, who usually spends her entire nights lighting up her altar with candles and smoke (tobacco smoke, not incense), to always get the favor of the spirits, every evening before sitting down to make her session every night, he extracts a piece of white or red chalk from that old wooden box on his altar, and proceeds to draw a circle on the floor, around his chair, returns the rest of the chalk to his box, and sits to light candles, pray, burn sage, smoke cigarettes all night long, until very early in the morning, and always at the end, he threw some salt water with the tips of his fingers around the circle, and then proceeded to erase it from in.

Maybe I'm so cautious, because after spending a lifetime, seeing a real expert like her, always taking care of the spiritual plane, and taking into account that many times she has had all kinds of encounters with entities and creatures that do not dare to describe, it is hard not to want to take precautions and warn others about it.

Similar case occurs with the use of the Ouija, perhaps for seers and spiritualists it is much easier to contact the spiritual plane, but many require for different reasons to use an Ouija, and remember that the Ouija, as well as most of the divination tools, they work as doors between our worlds, and when we do not have the proper experience, it is common for us to unconsciously let some entity from the other side, because the veil between the spiritual plane and the astral plane, as well as our plane, is full of entities and creatures beyond our knowledge, ready to jump between planes to create from a simple headache to terrible chaos, discord, ailments, losses, deaths, and many other negative things that can be added to the list.

In my first books, as well as in the books of many authors, you will find different ways and also warnings, about the realization of the magic circle, usually to balance and concentrate our own energy, and simultaneously guarding our physical body that is in those moments more into the magical plane than usual. In my most recent book of practical magic, which deals with the bags of amulets and their realization, the magic circle fulfills an important function as an energy protector, because, while you are performing and consecrating an amulet to perform certain magical effects in your environment, or in the environment of someone else, it would be very easy for some elusive spirit of this or another plane, or even for some larvae of the world beyond the veil, to cross through your own energy and to enter the amulet, to feed on your energy and encourage (just what larvae do) through the amulet in question, and end up causing entirely the opposite effect to the desired.

Although it sounds fictitious to many, larvae exist.

For many authors and sorcerers, the larvae, better known by many as astral larvae or worms of the veil, according to the magical culture to which you belong, are the forms that low-level creatures that inhabit the doors between flat, they feed negative energy (as well as the worms that grow and feed on garbage), in this case, the larvae feed on bad thoughts, grudges, fears, regrets, nightmares, worries, do nothing but feed, and look for food

The larvae do not live in the astral plane, but in the open portals between the veil and our plane, and according to the metaphysical books, and practically any book of spiritism that you can find in a library, the larvae usually pursue from their plane to the individuals who flood their aura or their energy shield with negative worries and feelings like those previously mentioned.

The larvae adhere to you and make you feel exhausted, irritable, tired, moody or depressed, a frequently depressed person can attract many larvae and take them with you like parasites, either by infecting them to other people, or simply by letting them feed more frequently.

These creatures are so low level that you can simply eradicate them with some incense, sage and a bath of water with salts, but otherwise, it is like walking with a huge filthy worm that is attached to your neck feeding on you throughout the day, that does not allow you to feel rested, and that keeps you cranky, sad or tired all day and at all times.

The astral larvae are not exactly intelligent beings, they act by instinct, essentially by hunger, and it is very common for inexperienced wizards and magicians to attract them whenever they perform a spell or spell because, for them, it is an open door to a restaurant that will serve your favorite dish.

These unpleasant creatures adhere to the energetic shield of the individual (the aura), and once there they begin to feed, individuals with great skills for the realization of some form of magic, or the most expert, can easily get rid of them, thanks to who gain over time the ability to purify and drive away or call different kinds of energies and spirits in their environment.

But unless you are a true expert on the subject, with enough experience to be able to use this magic without taking the proper precautions, it is advisable to always make use of the magic circle, or at least, some amulet of protection practical enough to take care of you

From experts and experts.

Many magicians and more experienced wizards will recommend you to use a circle, many others will tell you that it is not necessary, in my case, I will always recommend it, respecting, of course, the words of others that in many cases can be more experienced than me, and that's respectable, but always remember that being a healthy person and taking nutritious smoothies all day, does not make you immune to the flu of some stranger who can get close, and in the case of practical magic, It happens exactly the same.

Certain magicians have a strong form of visualization and focus, but as in mathematics, it is understandable that not all advance at the same level, which for some can be extremely easy, as the astral projection, the unfolding, the levitation, or the consecration of talismans, for many others is really difficult, and that's normal, you should not risk our energy and have a hard time trying to accommodate a bad effect made by a spell that was accelerated "because you did not have the time to do it right", only to feed your own ego and assume that we are already capable of doing it in one way or another.

For me personally, it is to be admired that certain forms of magic are extremely easy for some of my readers, and even for some of my very few students, on the other hand, I also see that certain practices that for me turn out to be really easy, for others it takes a high level of difficulty, this is what I mean when I say that we are not all on the same level, none is above or below someone else, we all meet at different levels according to our study and practice, but it is never too much to take two minutes, ONLY TWO MINUTES, to do things and prevent a greater concern.

The esoteric shops are full of people looking for books to "exorcise" or "reverse a curse", because they believe that it is about that, and many times out of sorrow or distrust towards the most expert salesmen, they do not realize that they are really under the influence of a simple larva or some naughty spirit that is placed in its portal while playing with an Ouija or they walked calmly through the doors of some cemetery. Something that would have been easy enough to prevent and that would not have taken more than two minutes to complete.

To close

Being aware, nobody is forcing you, I do not expect (much less believe) to be offending anyone, but it is never too much to prevent, and I am simply offering advice, advice that seems very useful to me, and also, to me I would have served much that this advice would have repeated more often while growing, because stubborn, I often ignored and paid a real headache for it, especially my mother, who was the person who always came behind me , usually clearing the roots of the disasters that I did, often passing until midnight in front of his altar, trying to fix the constant problems that I caused, for which my friends and I, we spent whole nights without being able to sleep, as well as days whole of bad mood, with terrible migraines or constant physical discomforts.

If you have the option of doing something right, or do it fast, focus on doing it well, at least until you consider, and according to your own opinion, that you are prepared to do it your way, we all learn at our own pace, so do not be guided by the pace at which someone else advances, take your time to learn and do things well.

It is not an order, it is a piece of useful advice that will serve many in the future.

Blessings to all and lots of light.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 2018, Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

We have started a new solar cycle, this year comes loaded with different energies and new experiences that come in our way to polish and make us grow, that is why we must be more attentive than ever to each and every one of the solar and lunar cycles that they influence everything that surrounds us.

During January 6, a partial solar eclipse will be visible in some parts of the world, specifically between the North Pacific, Japan, and China. Recall that astrologically a solar Eclipse consists of an energy that arrives to block another energy, often being a lower energy or that is underestimated by all (the moon) that blocks the major energy (the sun), then it will be time to take stock of accounts and organization, contact the spiritual plane and carry with you those amulets that protect from evil spirits and astral larvae.

On January 6 we entered the first phase of the new Moon of 2019, a perfect day to review clearly and calmly the list of goals that we have yet to meet this new cycle, from where the moon will begin to grow and light up to reach a wonderful growing quarter on January 14, which will begin to feel a rise in our mood and energy. The long-awaited full moon will arrive on January 21 and arrives coinciding with an eclipse that will give it a very special appearance and finally, on the 27th, we will have a waning quarter (attention from there with a lowering of mood).

A Moon full of Blood of wolves

That next January 21, will be our first day of high energy vibration of this 2019, with a full moon, in addition, our first lunar eclipse of this new annual cycle, is also cataloged by many as an ostentatious Super Moon, which not only comes to charge the environment with its energy and raise our frequency, but also, it will grant us the energy available for those rituals that attract prosperity, joy and abundance, also for rituals and amulets focused on attracting clients and investors.

This total eclipse of the Moon will be visible in Western Asia, America, Africa, and Europe. Traditionally, the full moon is associated with the magic power of witches, says the author Gerina Dunwich in several of her works, that the full moon gives witches the power to turn men into beasts and vice versa, it is not surprising that this is associated with the departure of werewolves and lycanthropes on full moon nights.

The full moon of January, popularly known as the moon of the wolves, will be this time also a total eclipse of the moon, which is well known as a moon of blood. This moon of Blood of the Wolves will be the time for many practitioners of the dark arts, necromancy and black magic to perform all kinds of rituals, taking into account that during this same cycle, the moon and the sun are debating their energy blocking one another, it is no coincidence that every year when this happens, cemeteries tend to be more visited and unfortunately a higher percentage of grave looting occurs in America and Europe.

However, many others see this cycle as a process of energetic cleansing that allows us to release repressed feelings and emotions and send them out of us to perform detoxification of our aura and our power.

Note 1: It is called Super Moon, when the full moon or the new moon reaches its closest point to the Earth, in this case to 357 thousand kilometers.

Note 2: This type of eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely through the dark shadow of the Earth. As a result of this, the Moon gradually gets darker and takes on a rusty or blood red color.

Be very attentive to my social networks, I will be sharing daily tips and various tips to make better use of these cycles.

Sending to all Blessings and good energies.

Elhoim Leafar #UrbanShaman