Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Urban Shamanism

Urban shamanism and modern lives.

"Shamanism is a disciplined way of getting help and knowledge, based on the premise that we do not need to limit ourselves to operate in a reality, a dimension, when we need help, there is another reality that can help us in life, a reality full of beauty and harmony, ready to offer us the same kind of wisdom we read about in the writings of the great mystics and prophets, all we have to do is keep the mind free of prejudice and make the effort to follow the path of the shaman."

M. Harner

Modern shamanism, or urban shamanism, is the use of the same techniques used by the shamans of antiquity, what differs is the subject and its problem, what was previously his need has changed, he no longer looks for where hunting is , but understanding in the complex world that he has to live, and understand how it relates to himself and his peers.

Shamanism is a work of self-discovery that transcends what is commonly associated with traditional shamanism is the implementation of the ancient axiom "Know yourself" inscribed in the temple initiation of Delphi, is a path oriented towards the enlightenment or ascension of the human being , offers answers to the great human unknowns of type, what are we for? What is the meaning of pain and suffering? Where do I go? What is there before and after this way of life that is given to us? to experience? What created this reality that suffocates me? that I am? who I am? What is reality?.

In my experience it is very common to find in past lives answers to situations of the present, bringing light on it by recovering the lost power from the past or resolving and releasing what remains unresolved. It is at the same time a door to wisdom, to the connection with the guides and teachers who inhabit the different worlds.

It is a way of thinking and acting that limits borders and limitations of all kinds, and that nevertheless uses them when they are convenient for some purpose.

When a person manages to get in touch with the spirits, he no longer needs any teacher in ordinary reality, since the spirits give him the answers. The authentic masters of the shaman instruct him within the non-ordinary reality. There is no higher authority.


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