Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The characteristics of a Shaman

What are the characteristics of a Shaman?

Fred Alan Wolf is an unconventional scientific researcher, who from an illusionist magician went on to become a doctor in theoretical physics. This American is the author of several books such as Parallel Universes and has spent several years of his life living with shamans and researchers of the subject in Great Britain, Switzerland, the United States, Brazil, Peru, and Mexico.
After a trip to Peru in 1989, during which he had various experiences with ayahuasca, he wrote a new book called The Search for the Eagle. In it, he reconstructs his relations with shamanism and gives an account of his gradual understanding of the coincidences he found between it and quantum physics, psychology and modern science in general. This understanding led him to formulate nine hypotheses about the shamans:

  • They see the universe as made by vibrations.
  • They see the world in terms of myths and visions that at first seem contrary to the laws of physics.
  •  Perceive reality in a state of altered consciousness.
  • They use any trick to alter the patient's beliefs about reality.
  • Choose what is physically significant and see all events as universally communicated.
  • Can penetrate in parallel worlds.
  • They work with a feeling of great power.
  • They use love and sexual energy as healing energy.
  • Penetrate in the world of death to alter your perception in this world.

The interesting narrative form that Alan Wolf chose to contrast these hypotheses with his experiences was to interweave three different stories: the plot of a movie he saw in Lima based on the adventures of two characters who take ayahuasca; his own story, which he describes according to the places he went to, what he saw and did in them; plus the development of the idea of a new physics of consciousness to explain some of the events he observed and experienced.

Wolf says that although he may be in trouble when suggesting it, it seems to him that the Western world "must begin to have a more tolerant view of sacred substances and producers of visions, particularly when such substances are taken under the guidance of a shaman, a person with knowledge about the world of plants."

Anticipating his possible critics, Wolf warns that he can not "even conceive the ingestion of plants as something recreational" since from his perspective it would be dangerous to do so. However, he believes that ayahuasca can be used by the medical profession, "with the participation of Ayahuasqueros", to heal many serious mental/physical illnesses: "My thoughts are directed to a large number of drug addicts of our modern societies. that a controlled ayahuasca travel program for drug addicts could lead to a cure for addiction to them, I also believe that ayahuasca can be useful for curing depression, I think especially about the recovery of many veterans of the war of Viet Nam, which I understand, suffer from severe mental stress".

This physicist awarded the American Book Award for his work Talking the Quantum Leap finds that "the shamanic state of consciousness, as put within our reach by ayahuasca or other means of inducing a shamanic consciousness, allows the person to see himself under a mythical light, that vision provides a sense of compassion, a connection with all life, a new reason to exist. "

Where do the powers of a shaman come from?

Pachita was one of the greatest shamans in Mexico. As a child, she was abandoned by her parents and adopted by an African black named Charles. For 14 years Charles took care of Pachita and taught her to see the stars and to heal. Afterward, Bárbara Guerrero, "Pachita", fought alongside General Francisco Villa during the Mexican Revolution, she was a cabaret singer, selling lottery tickets and singing in trucks... So many experiences connected her with what transcended all of them. Somehow, Pachita had managed to leave behind many illusions and that placed her in a point of intimate contact with the non-ordinary Reality, from where she acted.

In his book Pachita, the late Mexican researcher Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum describes the experiences he had the opportunity to live next to this extraordinary woman whose only motive for the la iving was to help her neighbor. Pachita had extraordinary control over matter and energy. He was able to perform surgical operations such as organ transplants in which biological objects and organs materialized and apparently dematerialized from nothing.

Pachita said that Brother Cuahutémoc, the spirit of the last Aztec emperor, acted through his body doing his work when she went into a trance transforming his personality and performing the prodigious operations described in great detail in the aforementioned book.

Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum studied personally with various Mexican shamans, in addition to the famous Pachita, and after this contact wrote a series of six books called "Los Chamanes de México", and also published several theoretical books about the study of consciousness in which he was developing the Synthetic Theory as an attempt to scientifically explain the power and performance of the shamans. In the book dedicated to Pachita, this prolific and enigmatic author (who is said to have mysteriously "disappeared" from the physical plane some years ago), developed a theory about the structure of space to explain the abilities of Pachita and other shamans using concepts of quantum physics:

The concept of lattice considers that the fundamental structure of space is a network or hypercomplex energy matrix of absolute coherence and total symmetry. This network is called lattice and it is considered that in its fundamental state it contributes to the same space all-embracing and penetrated by everything known.

The lattice remains totally invisible until some of its portions (for any reason) alters its coherent state. An elementary particle is precisely an elemental disorganization of the lattice in any of its locations. Any atom or chemical compound is a particular structural conformation of the lattice with respect to its fundamental state of maximum coherence.

The conception of lattice emerged from the studies of Christology because the structure of any crystal is a lattice of high coherence that resembles the lattice of space.

Since Einstein, the concept of space has been inseparable from time, so the consideration of the lattice of space-time refers to both unifying them. If the lattice disappeared, space and time would do the same.

Any "material" object is actually an unrepeatable organization of the structure of the lattice. In its fundamental state of total coherence, outside the same lattice, there are neither objects nor temporary alterations. It is only when the lattice changes its fundamental structure that time passes and objects appear.

Pachita's level of consciousness was extraordinarily differentiated. During the operations that she carried out, she was able to materialize and dematerialize objects, organs, and tissues. The management of the organic structures, allowed him to perform transplants of organs at will, cures of all kinds and remote diagnoses with a colossal power and accuracy.

All these portents can be explained if one accepts the possibility that the modifications of the lattice produced by Pachita's neuronal field were capable of substantially modifying the former producing conformations similar to that of the objects (in the case of materializations) or returns to the structure of the lattice of objects (in the case of dematerializations).

Pachita had a unique control over her neuronal field, transforming it and modifying the structure of the lattice with it. Although their effects seemed to be miraculous, they are based, according to this hypothesis, on the same mechanism that we all use to create our images or our thoughts.


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