Thursday, March 24, 2016

Full Moon of April 2016, Moon in Scorpio ♏

Full Moon of April 2016

Full Moon in April

It is the fourth full moon of the year. April is named after the Greek aprhós (foam) in relation to the Greek goddess Aphrodite who, as queen of the fields and rivers, was highly revered in the spring. It is the month in which the pagans celebrate life and death, the month when the world begins to bloom and buds take over the fields.

April Full Moon is associated with magic to guard the house and property, to pacify the family members, conjure nobility and healing spells. It is a good month for channeling and continuous spiritism sessions  due to the amount of magic that is in the atmosphere during these months, it is also the month to write our own spells.

Moon in Water Signs

When the Moon is in the Water Signs like Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces it is right time for Magic involving the Water element, Intuition and changes. Water Signs provide us the ability to produce all kinds of transmutations and physical healing, develop clairvoyance and strengthen the psyche.

On the Water Moon we invoke sirens and ondines, water nymphs and inhabitants of the deep sea. blue in all shades and water green are color of the candles that we use in the ritual space during this moon is and is preferably that have Altars for this magic facing West if possible.

Moon in Scorpio ♏

Moon in Scorpio, this is a good time for secrets-revealing magic and search spells, rituals related to the passion and the most intense emotions occur during this moon, let's seize her power to combat apathy, lack of mood and depression. It is the night when the Druids prepared brews to survive poisons and in certain legends is the best night to make love potions and spells related to the nobility and intuition.

During the Moon in Scorpio we carry out the most complicated rituals. You will notice that magic works with some fluency during these nights. It is the Moon of knowledge, the best moon to conjure spirits that reveal the past and the future of things.

April's full moon is also known as the Hunter's Moon, the Egg Moon, the waking moon and the seeds moon.

Moonstone: Diamond.
Moon Flower: Daisy.
Color: Green, red and pink.
Animal: The hare, rabbit or squirrel.
To bless stones: Opal and ruby.
Incense: Chamomile and sage.

Material from the books:
"Wicca! Love & Soul" and "Rites of Happiness"
Author: Elhoim Leafar © Copyright
Available in: CreateSpace   Amazon Kindle   Barnes&Noble

Short Spell for April here
Short Moon Spell for April here

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Red Thread, the King and the Witch

The Red Thread, the King and the Witch 

Long ago, an emperor learned that in one of the provinces of his kingdom lived a very powerful witch who had the ability to see the red string of fate and sent for her presence. When the witch came, the emperor ordered her to find the other end of the thread strapped to the emperor's pinkie and take him to what would become his wife.

The witch agreed to this request and began to follow and follow the thread. This search led to a market where a poor peasant girl with a baby in her arms offered her products.

Upon getting where this peasant was in front of her, the witch stopped and asked her to stand up, then she made the young emperor approach her and said: “Here ends your thread” but to hear this infuriated the emperor. Thinking it was a joke from the witch, he pushed the peasant who still carried her little baby and made her fall, causing to the baby a large wound on the forehead. He then ordered his guards to stop the witch and behead her.

Many years later, it was time that this Emperor should marry and his court recommended that it was the best if he married the daughter of a powerful general. He accepted and arrived the wedding day. At the time of first seeing the face of his bride, who came to the temple with a beautiful dress and a veil that completely covered... When lifting it, he saw that beautiful face had a peculiar scar on her forehead.

Folkloric Tale

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Opportunities Go & Opportunities Remain

Opportunities Go & Opportunities Remain

“Life gives you surprises, surprises gives you life, oh God” so says a popular song. Particularly I have always believed otherwise. Life never gives us surprises, life does not give us anything we can not face. The truth is that life gives us opportunities, opportunities for growth, opportunities for change, opportunities for advancement and opportunities for rebirth. It is up to us to use them or not.

Opportunities come to us every day disguised as a thousand different forms, from the most subtle to the less discreet ways. The universe will always deliver signs but you must pay sufficient attention to interpret them and decide whether to follow or not.

These signs will always announce changes, and no matter if you think they are good omens or very bad omens, changes are always good, but Sometimes we get so afraid to leave the idealized comfort zone that we prefer to avoid change for believing that it may not be so good.

The universal truth is that nothing is fixed, nor the universe itself stands still. Actually the universe is in constant change so we must try to adapt best to the situation.

To see the signs we must just pay attention to our surroundings, these are always covered by omens that favor us so we always be prepared at what lies ahead.

Seers have a special quality to anticipate certain events, give visual jumps forward and back to announce the future, but if you're not a seer or a qualified astrologer, it does not mean you can not be aware of the signs.

The constant change of the clouds, the movements in the water or the shine in the flame of a candle, the universe will always announce the future and the future will always be full of opportunities, some more attractive than others. It is wise to know when to wait but when the Opportunity presents, that opportunity of change or progress yo expect so much, do not hesitate and embrace it like never before you had clung to anything because many opportunities only come once.

Life is full of People who remember us every day “I could do this or that but I did not.” Do a favor to me, do a favor to those around you, do a favor of thanking to the universe and more importantly, do this favor for yourself, do not become one of those people, live and take every opportunity you have to learn something new that you could possibly want., study a new profession or a new idea and carry it out.

Do not doubt yourself, motivate yourself to be someone better every day. Motivate yourself to succeed on your own without being dependent on anyone else. Do not hesitate to take advantage of the help they give you and never say no to an opportunity if you do not know it will return.

Opportunities come every day, but every opportunity gives you something new, if you do not take advantage of that, someone else will, and after that there is only regret, that feeling of emptiness and self-deception, that bad taste every time you say “If I had done that”...

From my Book Wicca! Love&Soul

Friday, March 11, 2016

Keep Faith in Difficult Times

Keep Faith in Difficult Times

Faith is for many a simple almost unknown and unlikely means to believe in something. If you ask many people you will notice that most consider "faith" as believing something that is beyond, maybe more than one will answer you "have faith that things will change," but we are in constant questions What is faith and how does it serve us?

I'm a true believer, I believe in the universe, I believe in science, I believe in humanity and above all, believe in the Divinity, in God.

I believe in the existence of an awesome God watering every centimeter of the Cosmos with its unlimited daily love. For me that is faith.

Knowing that there is an incalculable power beyond my understanding and comprehension not only motivates me to keep going every day, it gives me the strength to go over every obstacle and gives me the inner peace of mind knowing that no matter what happens, Everything will get fixed.

For many young I am someone that perhaps ignores the hardships of life, but in a society like the one we live in is actually quite difficult for even the most innocent child to retain his innocence. We live in a world of warriors, a world that every day becomes more difficult, a world that every day presents new evidence, a world that every day seeks (and sometimes finds) unique ways to test our faith.

Do you need more evidence? Whatever happens you are still alive, you are still here, the universe expands, the Sun shines every morning, the Moon blankets you with its light, Need more proof that God is still there without losing their faith in Us?

It can be difficult, that's true, and no one can tell you otherwise, but who said life would be easy ?, life did not come with instructions, no one gave us a handbook at birth. Life is full of obstacles.

What a terrible experience when something does not go as we want! If feels so bad when we lose a chance and how unpleasant is that taste when you realize that you have spent months, even years working on something that did not give you the results you expected.

But... On the contrary, it is nice to feel that something goes well, that beautiful feeling when we are at the top of the mountain, feel the breeze on our face and look down, we see all these obstacles that we have passed and we see others that come up along the same path, this is when we feel more alive than ever, this is when we thank God for His support and strength, this is when the sun shines and you feel it so close that burns your skin, that's when you realize that what most motivated you... was never losing faith.

This is faith, and we all have associated it with something, we have faith in the studies, faith in our children, faith in the morning, faith that something wonderful awaits us just around the corner, even when we lose a loved one, the faith to believe that we will meet again somewhere else is what allows us to continue with our lives.

Faith is related to perseverance, like that old saying "he who perseveres wins" says But what is that which helps us to persevere? what most if not the faith that we can achieve something, without faith of being able to achieve it we would not mind to keep trying o to be sitting home watching soap operas.

Material from my Book "Rites Of Happiness: Secrets, Spells and Reflections".
Available here

Breathe & Get Up

Breathe & Get Up

Every day we open our eyes to wake up, we start a routine that prepares us to assume the daily responsibilities, work, school, children, home, and who knows? all those responsibilities that we can have each of us.

Everyone, everyone ... You yourself have your own obligations and only you know them, only you can fulfill them, but sometimes (perhaps too often) come to believe that you are saturated of obligations and can not handle exceeding your control. The truth is quite the contrary, the truth is that the Universe will never give you more than you can handle.

The truth is that God puts these long and persistent trials to test on the day to day. Nothing and no one prepares us for life, we never got any kind of manual and neither did our parents get one when they raised us.

Life itself is a manual for daily reading and study. Every day it prepares you for the next. Each day the universe hands you new tests and is constantly changing the rules without notice.

Life has tested all of us in one way or another, to take us to reach the perfection of human maturity, help us become stronger every day. From dawn to dusk you have faced a minimum of 12 hours, 12 hours full of trials, setbacks, disappointments and blows that life gives us as if it were a duel.

From childhood our parents call us “Champions” because the truth is that's what we are. Each and every one of us is a champion in his own way in life that persists and persists in the trials, goes forward, falls and rises.

Since the first 9 months of life in the womb of our mothers we are facing all kinds of conditions that put us at risk and test our capabilities.

Growing up we keep passing these tests in education and work, and even in our personal relationships also often test us but in turn strengthen us, teach us and help us move although in many cases the progress can be more painful what many believe to actually endure.

Is there any solution? The truth is that yes, there is, the solution to these tests is on a daily basis, it is in your hands and it is in your experiences and memories.

Life is like a rock that requires constant pressure which takes its resistance to the limit and when the pressure finally believes to be winning the battle and is supposed to be about to burst the rock... This has become a beautiful diamond.

That's how life works: It tests us takes our weaknesses, studies them, squeezes them and thus brings us to our limits, and this is when we believe we are at the worst time we realize that there is only one way to keep that calm so necessary to continue... Breathing and Getting up...

So easy to say, hard is it remember it in these difficult times, but if you keep faith in yourself and what you can accomplish, breathing and getting up again becomes a key to the huge success that will allow safety forward even when many consider you defeated.

Breathing calmly and getting up from the ground when you consider yourself defeated encourages you to follow and sometimes in this calm you discover your mistakes and errors being able to fix them or worst case scenario, of turning the matter. Stay calm, do not lose faith, do not lose hope... Are you on the ground?

Well, my advice is ... Up these moods, Breathe & Get up because only losers remain on the floor and since childhood they have been telling you what you really are: a champion in all its glory.

Material from my Book "Rites Of Happiness: Secrets, Spells and Reflections".
Available here

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Full Moon of March 2016, Moon in Libra ♎

Full Moon of March 2016

Full Moon in March

It is the year's third full moon. The formerly the first month of the Gregorian calendar is named after Mars, the god of war and combat, he is the God who rules throughout the month, so it is usually a time rich in political and territorial conflicts worldwide. During this month the powerful spring equinox for the North and the autumn equinox for the South occurs.

The March Full Moon is the right time to perform magic related to decision making, intellect, wealth, and protection of the gardens, spells and rituals associated with balance, serenity and calm, also for manufacturing talismans to help and care people with emotional or mental illness.

Moon in Air Signs

When the moon is in the air signs like Gemini, Libra & Aquarius, is the ideal moment to create magic that involves the element of Air, Climate and Thoughts, the air signs give us power to cast change, mental and spiritual transformation spells.

On The Moon of Air we invoke sylphs and fairies, spirits of the air who live over the tops of the trees and the branches of these respectively. White or yellow are the color of the candles to include in the ritual space during this time and it is preferable that these magic altars face East if possible

Moon in Libra

The Moon in Libra, is when we do rituals to balance our lives and our thoughts, drive sorrows away and forget the bad experiences, promote the learning of a new science and develop magical abilities to control the spirits, the magic that is related to longevity and youth, as well as spells to heal an ill someone who is far away.

During this Moon perform rituals that help us balance our lives and our agenda, spells to please others or to bless objects. She is a good moon to perform rituals that strengthen a love relationship or an employment relationship. It is also the right time to make metal and wood talismans for various uses, and to perform magic to help us fight the doubts and lack of concentration.

March Full Moon is also known as the Bark moon, Maple moon, Harvest moon, Worm moon, the Storm moon and the Crow moon.

Moonstone: Aquamarine.
Moon Flower: Narcissus.
Color: Red and orange.
Animal: Fish, Raven and the Snake.
To bless stones: Ruby, carnelian and coral.
Incense: Cinnamon, rose and sage.

Material from the books:

"Wicca! Love & Soul" and "Rites of Happiness"

Author: Elhoim Leafar © Copyright
Available in