Friday, March 11, 2016

Keep Faith in Difficult Times

Keep Faith in Difficult Times

Faith is for many a simple almost unknown and unlikely means to believe in something. If you ask many people you will notice that most consider "faith" as believing something that is beyond, maybe more than one will answer you "have faith that things will change," but we are in constant questions What is faith and how does it serve us?

I'm a true believer, I believe in the universe, I believe in science, I believe in humanity and above all, believe in the Divinity, in God.

I believe in the existence of an awesome God watering every centimeter of the Cosmos with its unlimited daily love. For me that is faith.

Knowing that there is an incalculable power beyond my understanding and comprehension not only motivates me to keep going every day, it gives me the strength to go over every obstacle and gives me the inner peace of mind knowing that no matter what happens, Everything will get fixed.

For many young I am someone that perhaps ignores the hardships of life, but in a society like the one we live in is actually quite difficult for even the most innocent child to retain his innocence. We live in a world of warriors, a world that every day becomes more difficult, a world that every day presents new evidence, a world that every day seeks (and sometimes finds) unique ways to test our faith.

Do you need more evidence? Whatever happens you are still alive, you are still here, the universe expands, the Sun shines every morning, the Moon blankets you with its light, Need more proof that God is still there without losing their faith in Us?

It can be difficult, that's true, and no one can tell you otherwise, but who said life would be easy ?, life did not come with instructions, no one gave us a handbook at birth. Life is full of obstacles.

What a terrible experience when something does not go as we want! If feels so bad when we lose a chance and how unpleasant is that taste when you realize that you have spent months, even years working on something that did not give you the results you expected.

But... On the contrary, it is nice to feel that something goes well, that beautiful feeling when we are at the top of the mountain, feel the breeze on our face and look down, we see all these obstacles that we have passed and we see others that come up along the same path, this is when we feel more alive than ever, this is when we thank God for His support and strength, this is when the sun shines and you feel it so close that burns your skin, that's when you realize that what most motivated you... was never losing faith.

This is faith, and we all have associated it with something, we have faith in the studies, faith in our children, faith in the morning, faith that something wonderful awaits us just around the corner, even when we lose a loved one, the faith to believe that we will meet again somewhere else is what allows us to continue with our lives.

Faith is related to perseverance, like that old saying "he who perseveres wins" says But what is that which helps us to persevere? what most if not the faith that we can achieve something, without faith of being able to achieve it we would not mind to keep trying o to be sitting home watching soap operas.

Material from my Book "Rites Of Happiness: Secrets, Spells and Reflections".
Available here

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