Thursday, August 8, 2019

August 2019, Jupiter direct and Uranus retrograde (until 2020).


Direct Jupiter and Uranus retrograde (until 2020).

I always like to emphasize the fact, that it is we (and not the universe in our environment) who must change and adjust to the reality we live, which is why working with planetary retrogradation is the ideal opportunity that helps us rediscover those internal cycles that influence us and that will guide us to become better people every day, better versions of ourselves.

All planets are regularly retrograde, so we need to embrace these inevitable cycles as a fact of life and an opportunity to build character, each retrograde cycle is a stage of internal rediscovery that leads us to understand the true extent of our character, and The foundation of our intentions.

August 11, Jupiter Direct.

After much waiting, that prodigal son (Jupiter) returned without problems to his ruling sign (Sagittarius), a visit that began on November 2018 and will end on December 2019, hence the cycle that entrepreneurs have enjoyed creativity more emotional and linked to the reality that they live, a less “illusory” or collective creativity, this position has led us to put our feet on the ground, and thus understand that the best projects are born from a long, organic and crowded process of details that we used to ignore before.

Jupiter did not visit his position in the constellation of Sagittarius since that cycle that we lived between December 2007 to January 2009, this cycle brought us a focus on honesty and original beliefs, leading us to understand a much more direct and precise reality, Without so many ornaments or so many lies, this has been a cycle to help us open our eyes, recognize true intentions (both our own and others) and has led us to understand our position in the place where we are.

Although this cycle that we are not going to repeat until another decade was proposed to encourage open dialogues and large-scale teamwork (Countries, Governments, NGOs, Embassies), it has also led us to unify as human beings of different factions and places for the same purpose, and as we had made clear, 'non-resistance' has been the key.

Once the mud opposes resistance, it breaks down and ends up in the garbage dump along with a hundred pieces that the artist could not finish, but when the mud yields and lets the artist mold it in his own way, in this case, Jupiter has taken the position of the artist, the clay is able to become something else, transform and serve a purpose, whether as a plate, cup, vase or even as an ornament in an art gallery.

Those who have shown resistance to this cycle have clearly seen themselves in the painful situation of being in some way, discriminated against, removed or humiliated publicly (media, characters in social networks, public figures, etc.), while those who have consciously or unconsciously delivered to this change of Jupiter, have lived generous cycle in learning and changes of consciousness, here we find organizations that have come together to fight for a specific purpose, bloggers who come together to work together, artists, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs that collaborate unifying their resources, etc...

And now, this retrograde Jupiter cycle that led you to rediscover with greater calm those common mistakes you were making, which led you to cancel and change plans, trips and projects, now abandon this cycle of backward movement that began on April 10, 2019 , and ends on August 11 of the same year, after a total of 123 days, and in case you have not noticed, that direct Jupiter cycle starts the same day that Mercury (communications) enters the sign of Leo to give you a boost of character and force you to promote your ideas and your work with greater control, and just a week before the entry of Mars in Virgo on August 18, to guide your hand and your mind in the term of make good decisions in the area linked to personal growth, especially for those who are deciding between careers and academic courses.

August 12, Uranus retrograde.

Unlike Jupiter (your path to success) that is ending its retrogradation cycle, Uranus (your goals and your perspective of them) is entering its own retrogradation cycle with a difference of only 18 hours, so while Jupiter start walking straight forward and with it your projects begin to move forward, Uranus begins to retrograde, and with that, as your projects move forward you feel anxious to start making immediate changes in them, and if you don't realize this you can easily end up ruining in a very short time what you are taking a long time to create, whether it is well-founded personal relationships, well-planned courses, web pages, digital projects or commercial products.

Maybe you have not noticed if you are a new member of the blog, but, if you are subscribed to it and have done an astrological follow-up of the topic, you will notice that there is an extremely important change here, that until exactly one year ago we had an extensive cycle From the beginning of the year with a retrograde mercury, correct, every December 31 we said goodbye to the old solar year with a mercury retrograde shamelessly, so we had to prepare ourselves to face a complicated year in the subject of communications and personal relationships, the use of networks Social played an important role in this factor. But now, we will receive for the second consecutive year an annual cycle with a direct Mercury, and it will be Uranus (your own expectations) that opens the solar year 2020 incomplete retrogradation, and in this case, it will be in the sign of Taurus.

This cycle of retrograde Uranus in Taurus that begins on August 12, 2019, and ends on January 11, 2020, after 152 days, will lead us to open an entirely different year from all the previous ones, although the use of social networks will continue to be of vital importance to the general community, do not doubt that these will certainly go to the background in terms of promotion and advertising, they have been complex years with Mercury retrograde to make us recognize the power of media communications Modern, but this 2020 is coming to help us regain that value of face-to-face social gatherings, group outings, live and non-online workshops, as well as to remind us of the importance of human contact, something that will soon take place See up to a couple of weeks after finishing the retrogradation of Uranus.

Although the cycle of Uranus in Taurus (2018-2026) has led us to focus on the economic changes that surround us, virtual currencies and digital money as well as new forms of payment that range from payment through the cell phone, to the appearance of virtual Banks without physical headquarters, also this cycle of the ruling planet of the heavens (Uranus) in the firm and stable sign that is Taurus, has led us to understand that difficult lesson, but it does not mean better, and as well as the forms and payment methods are in full revolution, this cycle has also taught us to better invest our money without requiring in many cases the assistance of a financial advisor, taking you for example to spend a good sum of money on many different garments to different occasions, to invest in fewer garments, although this case you opt for a reversible sweater of better quality and with many pockets, instead of buying a sweater and a different bag every two weeks, opting not so much for the economy, but rather for practicality.

Uranus looks to the future, is a visionary planet, always strives to be one step ahead, always strives to make you arrive early to meetings so that you take better advantage of your time and capture the information better, and it is this visionary and entrepreneurial aspect of King of heaven, the one you should take into account, and which you should focus on to embark on a new path and easily adapt to those coming changes that will make you reconsider how much you thought you knew about the world.

Uranus has always been the planet in charge of promoting revolutionary events and large-scale changes, technological advances, the digital era, telecommunications, all this is linked to the movements of Uranus, and this retrograde cycle that will begin this August 12, 2019, it will not be the exception, on the contrary, this retrogradation will lead us to analyze in greater detail the way in which these various changes affect our lifestyle and our daily lives, including changes in government, appearance of new forms and media (which will be subsequently promoted by Mercury).

Additional post that I recommend you read:

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