Thursday, August 8, 2019

Virgo in August, 2019.

Virgo reloaded to end August 2019.

After a month where the most hedonistic sign of the Zodiac, Leo, prompted us to want to shine with our own light, to be more creative, more original, to focus on the strength of our individuality and to give us that recognition that we owe to ourselves, Now we enter the clear Virgo lands, a solar revolution that leads us to objectively focus on what we are looking for and how to achieve it.

The new direction of Virgo leads us to return to the most basic tools, but at the same time the most essential, good communication and well-structured planning in the short and long term, all in order to achieve success and well-being. Once the sun sets in Virgo this August 23, 2019, we focus on our true goals, no more focus on “how do they see me?”, “Why do they look at me and understand me this way?”, “Because can't I do things just like everyone else? ”in Virgo lands these questions are meaningless trivialities, with the sun in the sign of the winged goddess that is Virgo, we focus more on how we do it, and much less in how others do it, if the sun in Leo led you to find the value of your own ingenuity, now with the sun in Virgo it is time to apply that practical ingenuity in our day to day and lead us to be happy and prosperous in Our own way and our way.

On August 18 Mars enters virgo, the planet of action comes to take you to promote ideas and personal projects that you feared to start with that infamous “what will they say?”, It is your moment to shine with your own light and plan in detail that future How much you are looking for.

On August 21, Venus enters Virgo, the planet that governs your way of initiating, understanding and leading individual relationships focuses on those aspects of you that we must improve, all relationships have aspects that must be worked in one way or another, and The worst of these aspects is not to understand that you must work on them, do not let vanity and pride play you a bad plan, learn to yield and recognize your role in the relationship, Venus in Virgo will guide you on a fast path to know what is your failure in relationships, or why are you jumping from them?

August 23 starts the solar cycle in Virgo, Happy Birthday to all Virgos in their month!, This solar cycle is governed by Mercury (the communicator) and its ability to adapt to new times, although there is some truth in which Virgo tends to focus on highlighting and highlighting the most negative aspects of everything in its path, including situations and people, many times we must recognize that even with its known lack of filters, Virgo is there to help us perfect who we really are and He always presses us because he knows well that we can do better, although many times his dialogues are not the most appropriate, we must be grateful that his intentions are always realistic and more than adequate. let yourself be guided a little!

On August 24 a conjunction of Venus and Mars (the lover and the warrior) occurs at the 4th of Virgo. With Mars and Venus in Virgo and both in conjunction on Saturday, August 24, 2019, begins an internal process that wants to guide us to grow in the field of love relationships, eroticism, sensuality, romance and devotion for feeling loved It leads us to face our own limitations. Eros will be in the air throwing arrows without looking at who or why, and it is no reason to be ashamed, it is rather an astrological union that helps you undress internal desires and invites you to achieve personal ecstasy in new ways and even with new people .

What you swear under the Sun in Leo, it is time to enforce it under the sun in Virgo, desire and desire are served, Mars in Virgo will be the impulse you need to take necessary actions in the field of love, with or without a partner! .

On August 29, Mercury enters Virgo, the planet of languages, understanding and communications enters its sign, and if, suddenly, communications begin to flow positively, matters related to documentation and legal processes begin to flow and it is A good time to plan meetings with lawyers and social services, this is a good cycle to publicize press documents, articles that have suffered some type of censorship in the past and follow up on those news that interest us to better understand them.

And keep very attentive to the next post, that the new moon is coming to us in Virgo, and it will be the second new moon this month.

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