Thursday, June 15, 2017

Last Spring Friday + Summer Solstice (Litha) + Cancer Sign Start + Rituals

Last Spring Friday, Summer Solstice (Litha) + Cancer Sign + Rituals

Hello lovers, as you have already read in my previous post, this Friday 16 with the moon in the mutable sign of Pisces initiates the Neptune Retrograde cycle, which will force us to keep the focus on the objective and not distract our trip with projects "without Objective "or unsafe steps. On the contrary, the ruler of the seas and religiosity will teach us to remain calm and to keep our focus on the creative plenitude of each project we undertake. You should also remember that Neptune is an innate leader, the patron of earthquakes and high tides, and closely monitors "leaders" and group leaders very closely during their retrogradation, so if you do not learn the lesson, you can keep The calm, the regent the oceans will repeat it to you as many times as necessary until you learn it, that if, what you lose in the process for vanity or laziness, do not expect to recover it.

If you have not read the full post about Neptune Retrograde this 2017, Click here.

This Friday, June 16 will be the last Friday of spring for those of us in the North, the symbolism will not be absent, the spirit of spring begins to get sick during the intense summer nights, it gradually perishes during Autumn and Finally awakens in the world of the dead with the entrance of Winter, to return to us until the following year, there is no better example of renewal and reincarnation than the same mother nature.

As a suggestion, on Friday it is appropriate to start the "summer mode", anticipate climate changes, prepare the appropriate clothing for the coming warm cycle and remodel the home, change the furniture, do some modern feng shui, replace The colorful flowers for herbs at home and add red, orange and yellow decorative candles in the rooms, preferably aromatic candles, to symbolize the spirituality that precedes all cycles and help us harmonize the energy of the home.

This last spring Friday we will close the night with the aforementioned moon in Pisces, it will be a good time to meditate, pray, carry out all kinds of practical exercises and yoga, enter the spiritual world, read and study on religious, metaphysical themes And esoteric. The night of Friday will be in general aspects a good phase for the delivery to the prayer, the mysticism, the witchcraft and the studies linked to the astrology. Taking into account that Fridays are ruled energetically by the planet Venus (the lovers), and this is currently in Taurus, the most romantic sign of the Zodiac, will be a good time for romantic dates, marriage proposals, and family planning a long term.

A shower with rose water and essential oil of lavender or lilac will be the perfect touch to magnetize your aura with the energy of love that will be channeled, between the dusk of Friday and the noon of Saturday.

Saturn, a day ruled by Saturn, will maintain the moon in Pisces until noon, and right afterward our natural satellite will enter the astrological sign of Aries, where it will remain until Monday at dusk.

The moon in Aries that we will have between Saturday and Monday, will be a moon of fire, a winning moon, ardent, competitive and provocative, perfect for the creative and enterprising who want to go further and develop new ways of generating income. Do not forget that when taking risks, the moon in Aries is the right time, it will also be a good time to start a diet to lose weight and introduce all kinds of lawsuits and complaints.

Those magical rituals linked to the fire element will begin to have higher energy frequencies in the next few days, due to the trance between the fiery moon and the beginning of summer (which is linked to that element). For practitioners of the popular art of Feng Shui, this weekend represents a good time to energize the North point of the house and the fire point of it.

On Sunday the 18th, we maintain the moon in Aries, but this time will be the waning moon, the lunar moment to close, finish, officially consolidate and reflect on all kinds of processes and projects. This lunar phase generates a certain impatience and irritability from early hours so very attentive with the bad character and with the way of responding to others.

We started Week positively

I have always mentioned it in my social networks, I do not think there is a better way to start the week positively, than having a Monday with the moon in Aries or Cancer. One day Monday with the Moon in the astrological sign of Aries nourish us with courage, character (somewhat reckless), energy and enthusiasm of the ram, is a good week to carry out new projects and to take all kinds of risks.

Mondays are ruled by the moon, and the moon that is in Aries will change at noon to the Taurus Sign, this change between signs of fire and earth is not usually so noticeable in the first hours, so probably many will not even notice This change until dusk, when the emotional, sensuality, tenderness and possessive romance of the bull's sign is made to look. This lunar phase will keep us active throughout the day Tuesday, and until Wednesday.

We skipped on Wednesday because Tuesday will be a relatively calm day. The day governed by the communicating and multilingual planet of Mercury, we will have not one, not two, but three great cosmic changes that will be noticed from the first hour of the morning.

Starts the Summer Solstice, the Sun enters the house of Cancer and the moon leaves its comfort in the house of Taurus to visit during 48 hours the house of Gemini.

The Summer Solstice will be the great event of the day, we abandon the green frescoes and the floral spring winds to enter the warmest time of the year. In different regions and cultures we celebrate two important events that start this day, on the one hand, we have the celebration of Litha, and on the other, the fires of St. John's Eve.

Litha & San Juan

When the sun appears at dawn on June 21, Litha begins, this festival as old as mystical, releases (according to European folklore) so much energy that all the portals open and momentarily and allow the passage of spirits and ghosts to our plane, The plants picked up tonight have more power than usual, they are even more powerful than those collected at Bruges in Samhain and Walpurgis. Especially aromatic herbs.

Anthropology has taught us that man celebrates this day by lighting fires to attract fertility from the Neolithic era, so it is one of those few traditions that, when realized, somehow allow us to keep alive the memory of our ancestors.

The fires of Litha are lit in different parts of the world, it is the magic night when the spirits wander among us with divine permission, for no more than 24 hours, and the gods of fertility visit lovers' beds to commemorate their union with Unforgettable gifts.

In the Yoruba tradition, the children conceived on this eve as a divine gift are considered, not for the parents, but for the whole humanity.

Litha is one of the eight Sabbat celebrated by the Wiccan community, where the sun shines with greater intensity and the strength of male-run coven increases until it shows its greatest potential.

During the night, Saint John's Eve, Saint John's Eve or Saint John the Baptist Night is also celebrated, depending on the country, because it is celebrated in different places between June 21 and June 24. This ancient tradition consisted in firing fires by the sea to "give" its fire more force to the Sun because HIM would lose its strength in the coming months with the arrival of the icy winter. Today it is celebrated this same night under the tutelage of St. John, who consecrates the attendants to the celebration with his blessing and health, in addition, the grass Luisa and sagebrush, collected during the night of San Juan, are considered doubly consecrated By the magic of this day, brings clairvoyance and exorcize the evil spirits, being one of the most powerful nights of the annual cycle.


Added to this and to close, this same day is the Sun's entry into the Cancer Sign, and the moon into the Gemini Sign. So, Happy Birthday to all Cancer in your month and be very attentive to my networks, that I will be sharing various rituals and tips for each lunar phase.


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