Sunday, January 8, 2017

Our Great Cross Cardinal 2017

Our Great Cross Cardinal 2017

Hello lovers, first of all "Happy New Year!" And now it’s time to get serious, fine... Just a little, life is too short to take it too seriously. This is a great astrological mark that slammed the door to us starting 2017.

Our cosmos is coming into conflict, at least all the part of the cosmos close to the milky way, it happens that all our cardinal signs are taking quite interesting astrological positions, and the strongest point of this phase will occur in full lunation (the first Full Moon of 2017) just between Tuesday 10 and Friday, January 13.

With the Sun King and Pluto in the Sign of Capricorn, the Moon Mother in the Sign of Cancer, Jupiter in Libra, and Uranus in Aries, all of our Cardinal Signs are in apparent conflict with each other.

Let's begin by remembering some important astrological data, we start with the Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) which are the leading signs, symbolize the power of personal energy, constant movement and will power, are the signs that give us (in the form of people) the ease of initiating various processes and projects, are usually constructive, creative and ambitious signs. The cardinal signs are taking strategic positions to initiate a complex renewal, literally a "Reset" of the known world, and for this it is necessary to release tensions through conflict and discord, to end certain relationships (both personal and international) and dissipate the Weaknesses of our persona, it is time to polish the armor and enter into combat with shield in hand.

The Sun, regent of Leo, symbolizes the creative force and vitality, his position in Capricorn, the sign of prudence, mysticism and silence, enlivens the curious flame of distrust, increases tensions and discord, makes us focus more on the defects and weaknesses of those around us and ignore their strengths to give us a false complex of superiority, an elegant air of "I am better than you" that only leads us to fall and failure, beware of those beliefs of greatness.

Pluto, ruler of Scorpio and Lord of the underworld, is also positioned in Capricorn, this well-known "dark augury" happens when the sign of the chimera of the sea aligns somehow with the cold and distant planet that protects the souls of the old oracles and those who have died and can not advance. This same position forces us to make hasty decisions, admit our mistakes and guilts, assume our responsibilities (whether we want or not) and reserve our strength to start from scratch at another time and another position, Let's not forget that Pluto works with a slow but steady pace, it is the planet of our system that takes more time to orbit around the sun, but it is also who knows our secrets and hidden strengths, is the night guide that forces us to take what we need and never what we want, and dig deep into your soul to force you to discover those talents that you did not even know you had.

The Moon Mother, ruler of Cancer, was sitting on the crown of her Sign in Full Moon. The Moon rules over our deepest emotions and feelings, is there to give us comfort, calm and words of encouragement, is there to embrace us during any ups and downs . The lunar position gives us spiritual strength during these difficult times to come. Just as the moon illuminates the darkest nights and teaches us that we are not alone in the dark, it also encourages us to trust who is with us, accept any kind of help they give us, however small it may seem, and leave for a moment to listen to our own voice. It is time to listen with real attention to the voice of who is with us, to follow advice and to plan with true calm, not to plan for to plan.

Jupiter, the regent planet of Sagittarius, is in Libra, do not forget. The regent God of the cosmos gives us the energy of his Olympic ray to eradicate and turn into ashes ashes every obstacle that comes our way, but ... He is also here to electrify our goals and energize the conflicts that arise from one day to the next. It is not time to lower your guard, it is time to take with you a shield and protect you from everything that surrounds you; Jupiter is positioned in the sign of the balance , trying to balance our goals and clear the path we have decided to take to achieve them.

Finally Uranus in Aries. The ruling planet of Aquarius is positioned in the sign of hard and constant work, is here to lessen our doubts and strengthen us as we walk to the future. The planet of the clouds and the wind invites us to be strong in difficult times, the Winds to come are loaded with real storms, forcing the weaker birds to lower their profile and fly lower while the eagles will open their wings and take the urge of Uranus to fly higher and dodge the lightning. Do not defy that which is predestined from the front, turn it on one side, surround it and reach your goal from another point.

This Great Cardinal Cross that opens the 2017 forces us to drag conflicts of 2016 that are reluctant to finish, are not moments of calm, are difficult moments and only the strongest warriors will be qualified to survive so much.

Do not forget that Mercury leaves its retrograde position this Sunday January 8, ufff, a breath of fresh air between so much confusion, but it is hardly waking up and resuming its advance. Once the planet regent of the communications and the marketing is 100% it will give its energy to us to continue, especially to those engaged in the field of communication, advertising, languages, marketing, travel, medicine and international relations.

Mercury is the fastest of the Olympic Gods, for this reason became its messenger, just as the planet Mercury is the fastest to orbit around the sun, once Mercury begins its advance in the midst of so much astrological conflict, it will carry in his carriage anyone who is willing to follow his step, but you must be fully prepared for it, otherwise the regent god of Gemini and Virgo will leave you half-way with the suitcases made. Get ready, keep your strength and breathe deeply.

Happy Astral Cycle.

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