Tuesday, January 10, 2017

First full moon of 2017 #CancerfullMoon

Little by little it's getting closer, day after day it's coming, every night it's shining, full moon 🌚 comes singing.

This Thursday, January 12, we received in our heaven the first full Moon of 2017 a magic moon in Cancer ♋ that comes loaded with good vibes and lots of energy. The full moon is that magical moment of glory, fullness and spiritual extension that leads us to mature, advance and culminate our projects.

This is the first full moon of the year, symbolizes a new stage. January takes its original English name from Janus, the God of the two faces guardian of roads and trails, lord of doors, beginnings and endings, a face looking toward the past and one towards the future, which is why this moon indicates a clear turning point in our lives, announces a new cycle of twelve months to learn and apply learning in previous years, Janus was, along with Mercury, God the protector of travelers and with Apollo, God protector of the oracles. During this month the Sun God is aligned with the sign of Capricorn and the Moon Goddess is aligned with the sign of Cancer.

The Moon's gem of January is traditionally the Garnet and its flower is the Carnation, the recommended colors this month are usually white, black, coffee, blue and silver, the animal totem protecting us this month is the wolf and goat totem. The stones we can bless this month are translucent quartz, jasper, amber and onyx, the plants becoming more powerful these dates are calendula, geranium, chamomile, elder, saffron and marjoram.

January's full moon is right for magic linked to meditation , the development of the senses, energy recharge and emotional motivation, performing rituals to celebrate new beginnings or to set major goals and use magic to get to aid fulfilling them. January full moon it is also known as the cold moon, old moon and the moon after Yule (Christmas).

When the moon is in the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) we can invoke sirens and ondines, water nymphs and habitants of the deep sea. blue in all shades and water green are color of the candles that we use in the ritual space during this moon is and is preferably that have ritual altars for this magic facing west if is possible.

Moon in Cancer is favorable for strengthening the qualities of expression on an artistic level and psychic level. She is a Moon of remarkable healing power, the full Moon in the sign of Cancer is the most suitable to perform magic that strengthens bones and the immune system, the magic to overcome obstacles and prevent threats has great power in this lunation.

During this Moon the imagination and the desire to carry out a project strengthen, let's seize these spirits for spells to help us carry out our dreams and goals, this is also the Moon we pray to for the fruitfulness of a couple, caring relationship from a third party's envy or attend gardens where we grow plants for magical or medical use. This Moon gives special powers to people with scars from birth and those who practice Wiccan faith freely.

The Cancer moon favors fecundity and motherhood, clairvoyance and empathy, love for the occult and fascination for the spiritual. It also makes us susceptible to sudden mood swings and depression.

Wolf Moon Spell

During the first full-moon night of the year you will burn in your Altar an incense stick of pineapple or mimosa, a black candle (to override the negativity you dragged from the previous year), a blue candle (so your new thoughts this year are positive) and a silver candle. (so the Mother Goddess always hears your desires.) You will bless your Altar with a piece of onyx or garnet with the next spell and dedicate ten minutes to meditate on the proposed projects for the new year.

Take the onyx or garnet crystal with both hands to the chest and say the following incantation:

“Oh, gods and spirits that guard this moon, bless this gem as a reflection of power, cleanse my soul, body and mind through it, bless my steps now and forever.”

The more round the moon becomes... The stronger our Health becomes.

You can found Spells & Rituals for this and other Moon phases in my books "Wicca! Love & Soul"
and "Rites Of Happiness"

P.D: Attention to my social networks, in the next hours I will be revealing first hand information about my next book, which you can buy at your favorite magical / esoteric store. So do not forget to look for me and follow me on your favorite social network and share this Post.

Blessings & Happy Good Moon Elhoim

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