Saturday, September 3, 2016

Retrograde Planets Attack! / September 2016

Retrograde Planets Attack! / September 2016

We face a wave of retrograde planets right now, so be attentive to the moods, self-esteem slumps, accidents at home, fights in the office and misunderstandings that may go further than expected.

Mercury Retrograde

From August 30 to September 27 affect our ability to communicate and express our ideas, numbs the short-term projects and forces us to evaluate long-term projects, makes us doubt our own abilities and those of people around us. Keep calm.

Neptune Retrograde

It's retrograde from June 13 to November 19. It slows our ideas and inhibits what we want to undertake. The ruler of the seas puts into question our tolerance for change and as he alters the ocean waves, he also alters our mood from one moment to another without right to reply. Take a deep breath.

Uranus Retrograde

From 29 July to December 29. The ruler of an ancient cosmos is known for its quality to reach and impose order, its retrograde affects our emotional capacity, cluttering our ideas, putting our time against ourselves and leads us to act impulsively. The ruler of heaven unfolds bad luck and breaks the balance. At the end of his retrogradation traces of his presence persist for several days causing disorder in every aspect of our emotional life.

Pluto Retrograde

From April 18 to September 26. The lord of the underworld and all that escapes from our own vision, is known for being who transforms us from the deepest and most intimate part of ourselves. The coldest and less eloquent planet of the Milky Way leads to a mess of thoughts that puts into question our own ideas and builds walls around all what we want to build. This is no time to doubt, it's time to take charge and stay calm.

Ceres Retrograde

From August 31 to December 9, Ceres is in the process of retrogradation, right now the goddess of motherhood whispers in your ear "hey, calm down.” It is not a good time to make accelerated decisions, the queen of the asteroid belt, Ceres, plays with luck watching every step you take, spilling her cup of blessing on decisions taken with some calm, and throwing to the distant ravine those decisions which seem undesirable in her eyes. Consult with the pillow.

Chiron Retrograde

From 27 July to 1 December. The planetoid of the centaur and mythological doctor usually guides us by the way of more spiritual learning, this slow pace particularly affects the air signs and earth, while the water signs and fire will not escape his effects, but these will be perceived to a lesser extent, Chiron invites us to dig a little more into our defects and what we do not want to assume, it's time to take our responsibilities and organize them before the end of this year, not to drag unfinished projects until next year.

Palas Retrograde

One of the biggest asteroids in the solar system is retrograde from June 21 to October 17, this magical object in the asteroid belt is usually responsible for many misunderstandings, especially among women, logically to be the most elegant and one of the most emblematic regents of modern femininity (with all due respect to Venus) and at this very moment her decelerated step takes away a bit of serenity and calm from us, do not be surprised if you lose your head more than once during the early Autumn and the arrival of Samhain (Halloween night), it is time to drink a sweet chamomile and breathe very deeply, for the next few weeks will seem slower than usual irritating.

If you wish learn new ways to fight the retrogressive effects of planets beyond stay calm and do yoga, do not hesitate to follow me in your favorite social network ( Twitter / Facebook / Instagram / Google + / Tumblr ) and do not miss any details what I will be sharing soon.

Blessed be...

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