Wednesday, June 24, 2020

In Defense of Online Events.

In defense of online events
and why these are so important to the pagan,
mystical, and metaphysical community.

Yes, this is a new reality, we are here writing and reading about the events that are now online, because, in these uncertain times, it is best to try to move forward very carefully, without losing hope, but keeping calm and all the corresponding precautionary measures from home.

I'm Elhoim Leafar, and this is my post, where I recommend you attend online events. Those who already have time reading my things know that I am not the best linguist, nor will I waste your time adding thousands of supporting references to the footer, I simply write here my point of view on certain topics and I relate my experiences.

First, my little background on this topic.

I come from Venezuela, and I came to the USA in 2015, until that moment, I was totally unaware of these great events and workshops, my closest example to these are the events held by the organization "Hysteria Pagana" in Mexico, its conventions, marches, and events to celebrate "The Pride of the Witches" and the pagan community, were the most admired that had as a reference to these, however, in South America, these events, in addition to being practically non-existent, the few that exist they don't have the right promotion to go further.

After my arrival in the USA, I learned about the existence of these events and workshops, the WitchsFest USA, the Pagan Pride Day Festival, the HexFest, the TempleFest, The Earth Warriors Festival, and the Pagan Fires Festival, among others, some of them. less known (even to me), and others that for different reasons no longer exist.

Second, the events.

These events are fascinating to me, although I have always seen esoteric venues as the perfect place to meet and socialize others who are involved in our journey, these events take it to another level, and allow us for several days, to be part of the small holistic congregation of society, share with other magicians and sorcerers, fortune tellers, healers, occultists, craftsmen, spiritists and artists.

For the past five years I have personally attended the WitchsFest USA organized in New York City, by the High Priestess, Starr Ann Ravenhawk, never as a presenter or vendor, but as a member of the community, trying to socialize, make friends there, mingle with other sorcerers and healers, and buy all kinds of articles, books, diaries, crafts, and spend a whole day surrounded by magic and sorcery in the heart of the city.

Physical events, now virtual.

Uranus has made some interesting movements in the sky, and we can say that "astrologically", everything that is happening in the post-Covid 19 (without forgetting the countless lives we have lost), is forcing us to move forward, to find new forms of communication, to investigate the networks, to get out of the comfort zone, to work from home, to spend more quality time with the family, and to focus on our personal projects, now without that old excuse of "I don't have time".

And our events are not the exception to everything that is happening. If recently in March, the organizers of the Witchsfest USA, in New York City, announced that this 2019, their event with more than 50 presenters and more than 20 commercial venues involved, would become online, it was only a matter of time for that other organizers, behind the "Hexfest, a weekend of Witchery", and the "TempleFest, a midsummer festival", will take the same measures, and all of them, for the benefit of the metaphysical community.

Although it is easy to complain and argue "virtual events are not the same experience", they continue to exist, and it is fantastic that this occurs, since it allows us (beyond superficiality and excess filters on social networks), to interact directly with our Coven members, teachers, organizers, fortune tellers, favorite presenters, and authors.

More than just presentations.

A good event is versatile and plays with the eclectic, in addition, a good event allows different individuals who are related to the topic, interact with each other, come to learn and/or teach, or offer their various products and services (shops and botanicals). ).

The Witchsfest USA (to take place in July), is the correct example of one of these virtual events, not only interspersing multiple presentations simultaneously on a virtual portal but also offering the option to different vendors, artisans, shops and artists, from offering their content and products and services to all "attendees" to these virtual events.

While not all events (for a matter of time and organization) offer a virtual space for other vendors and artists, this does not detract from them, each and every one of these events work with the same valuable exchange law. Attendees to the event purchase their ticket online, and in return, receive hours and hours of classes with their favorite presenters, authors, teachers, and community leaders.

These events are the future, and criticizing them does not make any sense, in fact, there are no valid arguments to justify that an event cannot be carried out online, especially taking into account that even the concert tours of the most awarded artists in the world, Today they are easy to see online (via YouTube, Amazon Prime, etc ...).

With nothing more to add about it, here I leave you the links of the next virtual events held here in the USA which you can access virtually if in the coming month's other events are announced, I will also add them here below.

Kisses and Light, Elhoim!

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