Monday, September 9, 2019

September 14, Full Moon in Pisces.

Mysticism, intuition, and your connection to the ethereal planes your faith is played from this September 14 with the Full Moon in Pisces.

The full moon is that magical lunar cycle that enhances and strengthens that connection with what you are vibrating with, whether positive or negative, whether it is a physical or emotional connection, a connection with something known or unknown. The full moon takes those energy routes through which your energy is traveling to where you have them properly focused (for better or worse) and temporarily strengthens them, thus turning more than one man into a beast and more than one toad into a handsome and heroic prince.

But when it comes to the moon in Pisces, this connection always shines more for its ambiguity and mysticism than for the tranquility it provides, and it is worrisome in some respect, if you take into account the confrontation that the King of the stars (the Sun) He is living in these moments with the King of the oceans (Neptune), making you doubt your abilities, your limitations and your purpose of life and incarnation.

If you add to this confrontation between the King of light and fire, against the king of illusions and everything that is eclectic, this could only be further complicated if it were possible to have an immediate moon in Pisces, the sign of those seers, mediums, and fortune-tellers who move unconsciously between worlds. And that is just what is happening.

Pisces is characterized by constantly working on the balance between worlds, it is that sign that once it gains strength makes you want to feel closer to the spiritual plane, more intuitive, more empathic, clearer about everything that surrounds you. Pisces has always focused on separating those lucid veils that separate the worlds to become one, and this whole situation only ends up becoming somewhat confusing for us, especially counting on the Sun (that way you assume your own greatness), Mercury (your way of communicating and understanding), Venus (your way of loving and letting yourself love) and Mars (your capacity for action), all strategically positioned in the sign of Virgo (order and organization).

So while on the one hand, we have the moon and Neptune prompting you to fully enter the spiritual world, to abandon all your old beliefs and start from scratch, to tear down old patterns and doubt who you are to become someone completely new, more spiritual , more eclectic and wiser, on the other hand we have the Sun and a series of planets telling you "unloved, that is not the way", putting your feet on solid ground and making you realize that not only spirituality is lived, because you also need a roof, a job, some clothes and food for your stomach.

So be very careful with those hasty decisions that you risk-taking during the next few days, because the influential full moon in Pisces comes to make a general cleaning of your material environment, and the best thing is that you have clear and written your priorities and your goals.

The key to balance lies in identifying and expressing our spiritual needs while maintaining order in our daily lives. Virgo leads our personal system of tools and techniques that we use to face everyday life, to order, organize and clean everything that is part of our physical environment. Pisces governs the way you receive and accept those gifts and learnings that put you in touch with the spiritual world and your ancestors.

Elhoim Leafar

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