Tuesday, September 24, 2019

New moon in Libra and Saturn Direct in Capricorn.

A new moon in Libra

Six months to heal your personal relationships.

Hugs of light to all who walk through this small virtual space, this next Saturday, September 28, the new moon in the sign of Libra occurs in our sky, indicating a more than ideal time to seek peace, tranquility, and calm in different aspects of our life, especially in the social aspect. It is also a good time to focus on our interpersonal relationships, marriage, the search for a potential partner and recreates fun times with some of our longest friends, if you want to get in touch with old acquaintances and relatives abroad, this is The ideal cycle to do it.

On Saturday, September 28, the New Moon in the sign of Libra guides us to return to the right path in the case of those who feel they have moved away from the north, the right direction will be in front of you disguised as each opportunity, each meeting with friends and every process to start.

The lunar cycle that begins Libra leads us to celebrate the beginning of each new event in the social aspect of our lives, if you want to renew your marriage vows, or on the contrary, let go of this relationship that does not make you feel good and does not compliment you If you want to make new friends, or let go of those who contribute nothing to your life, if you want to resume contact with old friends, all these processes are empowered by the strength of the zodiac balance.

The theme of Love is not distant from this process, the search for a new relationship, those eager to take your love relationship to the next level, or to engage in a long-term relationship with someone you already know, this is the moment to do it.

The approaching new moon results from the physical and energetic encounter of the Sun and the Moon simultaneously in the astrological sign of balance, social relations and perspective, this new moon begins new cycles of our life that lead us to enter more into any project of couple or any project that involves a partner to carry out any negotiation.

The balance is and has always been the central theme of Libra, it is in many ways its strong and also its domain, it is where the moon is positioned (in any of its phases) seeking to balance something that is out of place, either by removing people, places, leaders of political power, trends and vices that are becoming priorities and even making you impatient to force you to release something that you refuse to let go.

During the period of the new moon in Libra we see our adversaries and our competition as motivation, rather than as a rival, it is Libra motivating you to balance your common sense and your intellect at the same level as your emotions.

Those six months of Libra

As we say the modern astrologers, with each full moon a period of the planting of our intentions begins within six months, this planting will finally be harvested once the moon is positioned again in the same sign, but now with full fullness (full moon). These six-month cycles inspire us and at the same time guide us to focus on the different aspects that govern each sign, in the case of Libra are personal relationships, indicating that from this new moon you have a period of six full months, until the moon Fill in Libra in April 2020, to focus on removing people from your life and attracting new people who do provide you with any necessary input or support.

This new moon is cardinal (it is positioned in an air sign), and like every cardinal moon it is more about advancing and taking actions, and less about yielding and letting flow, being an air moon is a mental moon, that drives you to take the initiative in every process you undertake during this period of time.

With the Sun (your consciousness / your “I present”) and the Moon (your subconscious) positioned in Libra, the exchange of information and energy between both stars is inevitable, this will lead to many events beyond your control can manifest in the social aspect of your life, and that is where you must act with complete serenity and look for what suits you best in the long term.

Saturn Direct in Capricorn

On the day of the new moon, exactly ten days are fulfilled from the moment Saturn, the lord of Karma, abandoned his cycle of retrogradation and began to walk directly on the sign of Capricorn. Saturn in Capricorn is one of those exquisite astrological combinations that act discreetly and silently, to remove all kinds of negative elements from our life, yes! Always without consulting.

Saturn entered Capricorn in 2017 and will remain there until 2020 leading the general population to focus more on their long-term careers and academic studies, and making more than one individual, completely and totally disregard social and social aspects. Romantic of your life.

Saturn, the old bearer of old age has led us by the hand to fulfill our obligations, has compensated and punished us for our actions without hearing excuses or any kind of pretexts, their retrogradation strongly touched more than one, especially in aspects legal, but now that he has resumed his course everything seems to return to a “relative normality”, relative because Saturn is still in the most enigmatic and discreet sign, Capricorn, the guardian chimera, so he will continue acting and moving everything in your favor ( and from time to time against you) depending on your actions and also on your true intentions.

Take into account that Saturn in Capricorn (as we mentioned earlier in this blog), choose to support short-term practical goals, Saturn is stubborn and practical, and for him, the only thing enigmatic is his own way of acting, a Once Saturn observes that this project or relationship in which you want to immerse yourself is going to take you too much work, immediately choose to cut all the easy roads and cover all the roads with obstacles, forcing many times to take a detour towards an entirely different direction.

Saturn symbolizes old age and the passing of time, he understands better than anyone that the time of humans is limited, that is why now that his power is at its best by being positioned on his ruling sign, Saturn guides you to release all those projects that may take too long, relationships where extensive courtship leads to nothing, and even very long-term plans. Saturn urges you to be practical and accurate at every step, and not to waste time.

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