Thursday, June 20, 2019

Summer solstice, June 21.

Summer solstice, June 21.

In the next hours the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, which also marks the summer solstice, and the Celtic celebration of Litha, we are facing the moment of greater illumination of this solar cycle and we now have one of the longest days or shorter of the year, depending on whether you are located in the north or in the south, and it is a moment of enormous mental and spiritual clarity for all of us.

If you are a follower of my blog or my social networks, you will know that we have been working with the energy of Jupiter, Jupiter is the king of the gods, the protector of humanity, and the guardian of law and religion, and in these moments we have Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, retrograding in his own sign, in Sagittarius, the archetype of the archer who cannot turn his gaze away from his goal because he can lose it at any moment.

This retrogradation has made you analyze in greater depth and detail your own understanding of the success and the trips you want to make, Jupiter makes you wake up and realize that personal success is not measured according to the perspective of others, or the vision of others , and it has made you go deeper inside yourself to help you understand what is really successful for you, and what you really want in life.

But also, this same day begins the cycle of retrograde Neptune in Pisces, the planet of the oceans and the marine current, Neptune devours the earth around it and dilutes within itself the sands of the sea to allow you to flow and make all that flow what you have inside, stored emotions, frustrations, fears, and secrets. Neptune decides to move all these things inside you, to make your connection with the divine and your spiritual path flow.

Neptune represents in astrology, that veil between illusion, imagination, and reality, and this cycle of retrogradation brings us the opportunity to review our lives and everything that in them seems to be more an illusion than a truth, loves, processes, projects and everything you need to review.

Pluto and Saturn are also retrograde, reviewing emotions, reviewing information, reviewing and removing things inside you that you thought were forgotten. In these moments you are living a time of clarity, understanding and you are channeling a lot of information about your past lives and the purpose of your incarnation that you did not previously have.

For these times I recommend you to carry out a group meditation, with a group of friends and so, to be able to dialogue together and move all this energy that you have inside.

Please have a beautiful new cycle and blessed Solstice.

Elhoim Leafar 

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