Hello to all my readers Por Aca!
For those who have been following my publications on social networks (especially Insta Stories) they will know that I have been making a simple but very powerful recipe that was delivered to me several years ago, and this time, it is only the third time I have decided to do it, although the first time I did it with family help, the second time I did it with the help of teacher Harold Carlos Villarroel of Peru, who was at that time doing a kind of pilgrimage with several of his assistants in the Amazon, and well, exchanging knowledge (He taught me a traditional spiritist technique of his land and me in return taught him a traditional technique of my family), in addition, he helped I perform this technique for the second time, and in this case also helped me to perfect it.
Because this is something rather familiar and is not a "shamanic secret" the truth is that we know few (and the truth is not complicated) so I share this trick, which is perfect for all those dedicated to worship spiritist indifferently from the shamanic current to which he belongs.
This technique the truth does not have any curious name or any great support story, but it is simple and quite useful, so I did not take long to memorize and put it into practice over the years, when I teach to do it in different workshops I simply presented it as "Spiritual necklace", but each one can give the name you prefer, yes, I do not recommend changing any step of the technique, because although it is quite easy to develop, the trick is always in the minute details, and these details have been studied and improved with real experts in the subject, in fact, by mistake (I could say that rather by arrogance), a couple of very confident people changed the recipe just a little and the results were truly chaotic, so any change that you make, that is under your own judgment, but the truth is that the technique is perfect in its simplicity.
For those practicing spiritualists with the ability to channel spirits and souls, it is quite useful, because this necklace has the ability to improve the spiritualistic abilities of any bearer, it is a useful tool that will allow you to improve the conjurations you perform, keep spirits tied to this flat for a limited time in the possessed body and also send them back to the other plane more easily.
Why and how did I learn to perform?
I learned to do this in 2001 when I was still quite young, so I did not assume it with the maturity I should have, when you are being taught to channel, feel and introduce spirits, everyone expects you to do it perfectly but nobody assumes that maybe not for everyone is just as easy. But it was between 2008/2009 when teaching this technique to someone else, after a long time of practice, I managed to take it (let's say) to another level.
For those who have experience in the subject, they will know that when you are in a trance, many times the incoming souls are not very happy with the idea of starting back and can cause all kinds of complications, many practice (and I include myself in this) the famous and very useful (circle of protection) and forgive if I always put too much emphasis on it, but after all that I have lived and experienced, it seems to me that the most responsible thing is to warn people, it depends on the experience and maturity of Each one, whether they do it or not, now, wearing this consecrated collar is a good added value to your spiritist ritual.
This necklace is a connection of your own that you will have with the earth and will allow you to use a different type of energy for your own benefit in the ritual practice. In the more traditional shamanic practice performed in the Amazon, circles are not made on the ground beyond that by the leading shaman of the court, and these are made with a very specific mixture of powders and dried herbs (no talc, no salt, not rosemary) and all rituals are performed within it, but, the collar helps as a double seal to keep the spirit linked and connected to the source of its conjuration (a human or animal body, a totem or even a tree), and by taking it with you, it will also serve your own spiritual protection.
How to use it?
The necklace is worn as an emblem of protection, the spirits should not be able to touch it, and the reason they taught me to do it is to avoid 'involuntary possessions', (possessions that may occur while you are in a trance or while you sleep) , also to prevent a trance state from being prolonged enough to dehydrate you and cause death (as it often happens among the native peoples who live in the vicinity of the Amazon River, mainly because the leaders refuse to teach new techniques to the younger shamans).
The necklace itself is loaded with enough energy to dissipate any spirit that tries to touch it, its vibration is strong enough that it works like a wall and when some ghost or spirit has intentions of 'entering' it can not do so while the collar is around of the neck of its wearer, functioning more as a kind of shield, while on the contrary, when you place a spirit in a state of position inside something or someone else, and the collar is around it, this will prevent the spirit from dispersing, In this case, I personally experienced this experience when I saw a shaman place a vengeful spirit inside the body of an inexperienced person to interrogate that spirit (member of a low light spiritual court) about the death of a relative.
How to do it?
As I mentioned before, the procedure is extremely simple and entirely complete, I'm not going to suggest anything complicated to do it, I also added some photographs here to illustrate the process better.
The first thing is to choose the accounts and material to use, in my case I have preference for Rudraksha seeds, not only for its distinctive aspect that reminds of Hindu jewelry and the beautiful Japa malas that Buddhists use to pray, but also for its healing and healing energy, and its legend associated with the god Shiva, who, seeing the hardships and sufferings that humanity suffers while dancing, began to cry and his tears solidify becoming the seeds of rudraksha.
Now, you can use other types of accounts, the ideal is that you use wood (not plastic or glass) and it is important to also buy them personally, having a good connection with the pieces to use is always important, so I recommend taking an Afternoon free, visit the local market of handicrafts and jewelry of your city, and find there the pieces that best connect with you.
You will need 250 pieces in total, in my case, I have a first necklace made with rudraksha seeds, a second necklace made with wood that imitates the rudraksha, and a third made with wooden tassels brought from Ecuador. The cord that I recommend using is thread (the most organic possible, not synthetic and definitely not nylon), plus you will need at least two colors, to symbolize and channel two different polarities and energies, they can be red and white or black and white, and in addition to good scissors, some space and a lot of patience.

Place beads or tassels for the necklace inside a red cloth bag (excellent to attract the most active energy of the spiritual plane), and proceed to find a patio or garden nearby where you can bury it just a foot deep, if not you have this option, I recommend you fill a pot with soil from a nearby park and do the same procedure here, by throwing the beads in the circle, cover them completely with soil brought from a nearby cemetery, if you have read my blog before, you will remember that the cemetery land is impregnated with a very specific type of sacred energy that is loaded with the laments and sorrows of the living who say goodbye to their loved ones, but also with the energy of all the spirits and deceased who walk in the place , as well as the blessing of its guardians, those who avoid the deceased to leave without the help of the living.
Once you have covered the sack of beads with the earth, throw a whole lot of honey and milk on them, as a tribute to the mother earth and the spirits of the place, the most important thing is to perform this ritual burial at dusk or at least after sunset, to channel the energy of the spirits of the night and that it is they who guard the place where you buried the necklace, a place that you should photograph and memorize so as not to forget it.
Mark on your calendar that day you performed this ceremonial work and return, to recover your consecrated necklace, once it has spent at least nine nights buried, in my case, I buried the necklace in the backyard of my apartment, but the previous times I do it in different parks that are common for this type of practices. The nine nights symbolize the nine esoteric processes that overcome the souls of the deceased in the other world beyond the veil before being able to incarnate or become guardian spirits, the pieces of wood under the earth symbolize the deceased body going through these phases, besides granting it enough time to properly impregnate with the energy of the earth.
After nine days, it is time to dig up the collar, preferably do it also at night, open the bag and put all the beads or tassels of the necklace in a container with clean water, proceed to clean them one by one and then remove them from the water, place them on a dry towel, let them rest there, illuminated by the light of a white candle and with some incense throughout the night.
The next morning we continue this process, burn some sage or sage incense to clean the place, and pass the incense smoke over the beads to activate the energy that they brought with them from the earth, light a candle to 'light up' the process and begins to string the beads one by one, manually and without the help of machines, I recommend you do it without help so that the necklace is perfectly magnetized with your energy.
With each account that you place, I suggest you perform a small prayer or mantra, in my case I pronounce "with each account that you placed, I channel the energy of my ancestors, with each account that you placed, I channel the energy of the elements", the previous times I did the prayer in Turkish, the third time I decided to do it in Spanish, you can do it in your native language as well.
Close the necklace with several knots and ensure it as well as possible, remember that each account must go through both laces, so be patient because this process will take a few hours, the most important thing is that you are doing it yourself and with your own hands.
Now that the necklace is made, you should simply place it on a saucer or inside an empty cauldron for two more nights on your altar, or in some magic corner at home where you place your ritual elements, leave it there with some incense to magnetize even more your energy, after a couple of days it will be ready to be used.
Whenever you are going to be part of a spiritualistic ritual I recommend you take the necklace with you because it is extremely long I use it double around my neck, as you can see in the photographs.
To perform invocations you can place the necklace on the ground and make use of it as a magic circle of protection, you can be entirely sure that the energy that emits this necklace will protect you from all kinds of ghosts and spirits, not from psychic attacks or magic works , but at least the spiritist side will be entirely covered with this powerful and simple tool.
If you are going to make your necklace, I will be quite happy that you send me the photographs and share something of the process with our community.
Blessings and lots of light.