Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Please stop, we do not need more keyboard activists claiming for social causes from their phone.

In my opinion we don't need more 'white trash heroes' saving us, I think the LGBTQ people, the latin/hispanic people, the people of color, and the native people don't need more #WhiteHeroes With a false guilt complex doing social activism in social networks, this world needs more real motivators and people to take action, this world does not need more keyboard activists claiming for social causes from their phone.

The world is not going to change because you write it on your blog or signing endless amnesty letters, if you want to change the world, go through the door and change it with real actions, not writing sociological trash from your smartphone while you drink the fashionable coffee in a  Starbucks

The world changes thanks to those who go out to protest with placards, the world changes thanks to those people who attend the marches and protests, those people who really take action.

The world will not change following the example of these white 'virtual activists' who protest from the comfort of their desk for 'the wrong anthropological use of a religious term' or who write a long twenty page post about 'why you should not buy'  articles of the Native Americans, in protest of the mass genocide '(genocide for which no one else is protesting).

Latinos and Hispanics do not need more white American men and women acting as heroes because they suffer a false sense of guilt for the colonization that brought their parents and relatives to this country.

While respecting and enforcing the rights of others, no matter where they come from, you will be making a difference, while giving them the same opportunities and responsibilities as yours (without any preference) you will be making a difference.

But please stop acting, we do not need more digital activists, much less heroes with guilt complexes wanting to be canonized.

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