Thursday, April 11, 2019

For those who have asked me, and also for those who have not.

For those who have asked me, and also for those who have not.

Greetings to all beautiful creatures, to those who pass by here, know surely that this year celebrated the first ten years of having started as a blogger, only my blog in Spanish has so far more than 250 thousand visits, this blog where I write in English since A little over two years has accumulated about 58 thousand visits, and I'm quite proud of it, taking into account that I do not have the support of most of the pagan community, I do not belong to any circle, coven or brotherhood and my name is not precisely one of the loudest, this reminds me how much I have worked hard every day for my blogs, for my books and for being faithful to who I am and my ideas.

Maintaining a blog is not easy, especially when there are so many others out there making so much noise, some of them are really good at their job, creative and almost indispensable, there are bloggers and writers out there who really cause to read every day, on the other hand, there are many bloggers who make too much noise in comparison to what little they contribute, and many times what they contribute is nothing more than something they copied from someone else or in many cases they only write about the topics of fashion seeking to reach more readers selling the same freshly baked bread from the neighbor, but with another presentation.

Keep this blog has been a real challenge, taking into account that today anyone can call a web designer for $ 800 or more will do an excellent web work, and if you want to have many readers (especially in the esoteric field) you know that the key is easy, you just have to write over and over again on the topics of fashion, almost everyone does it, suddenly there is a new show on television about feng shui, write about it, a new key show related to witches appears, write about it, it is fashionable to have an animated series about witches and shamans, write about it, not only captured the mainstream audience and possibly your tweet among fashion trends, we also capture the uninitiated in the esoteric world, those that are are entering the magical and spiritual world looking for a true guide that takes them by the hand, and capture them always selling the idea that "this is easy", "magic is something easy to reach two", "you are powerful and you are going to fly out after reading one or two posts", etc...

When you differ from the rest because you take your personal beliefs very seriously, and when you have seen and felt in your own flesh the enormous power of which magic is capable, once you mature and you realize that sorcery is not a game, that invoking and pacting with demons and spirits is not "something cool" as everyone tells you and that the responsibilities that you are going to have to assume make you regret every step, when you observe with your own eyes that that spell you took from a book and You took to the practice, it has an effect that you did not expect and the control comes out of your hands, when you find yourself with a group of other practitioners working on voiding or reversing some spell in the middle of a mountain, on the path along the river, between 2 and 5 in the morning, under the rain and cold, we understand that magic and witchcraft is neither child's play nor is it "something cool" that everyone is invited to practice, especially if it is about people what a sun or seek to enter sorcery for fun or because they believe (like most) that being a true sorcerer is to go out in the street dressed in black and with a hundred necklaces of stones called "witches" and with a repudiable attitude towards the rest.

When you are the gray sheep among a hundred white sheep that believe that being the black sheep is to live an easy life without responsibilities, you will soon be seen by everyone else as the bad wolf of the story, and nobody wants to read the bad wolf that gives you warnings, because it will always be more fun to read the black sheep that tell you "here you have no obligations or responsibilities, join me". Once you are in the position of the bad wolf, being taken seriously is very difficult.

But still here we continue, writing every time the opportunity presents itself, sharing with you, each and every one of the possible responsibilities, answering your emails every time I can and working constantly on the mailing list, scheduling some events (well you know I'm not a big fan of public events and I do not feel comfortable talking openly with people), and of course working on this next book which I started writing in 2016 and we have already worked for three years.

I still have a picture I made with my cell phone years ago when my blog reached the first hundred visits, and that felt very cool, I had my first subscribers, a couple of emails in my mail asking some questions, it was a great experience , now we go over 50 thousand visits, in fact we are only 200 to reach 60 thousand visits to the blog, and that is great, especially taking into account that here I write alone and I do not have any collaborator, it will be great for I see how we continue to grow at a slow but steady pace, as well as the rivers that, no matter how thick the mountains, reach their way to the sea.

Thank you very much to all.
With Love & Respect, Elhoim.

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