Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Amalivaca and the creation of the world, Venezuelan Folklore XI

Amalivaca and the creation of the world

According to the Caribes and Tamanacos Indians, Amalivaca was the creator of the humanity of the Orinoco River and the wind. He lived a long time with the Tamanacos. He endowed the entire tribe with immortality, but because of the disbelief of an old woman, the Indians became deadly again. It is said that many years ago there was a great flood.

Amalivaca then left in a canoe to travel the world and together with his brother Vochi fixed the disasters of the flood. In this great flood, only a couple of living humans remained. They went to a large hill and from there they began to throw the fruits of the moriche palm, leaving from their seeds the men and women who populate the world until now.

Venezuelan Folklore

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