Saturday, October 8, 2016

About My First Book - Wicca! Love & Soul! for #PoweredByIndie

My First Book - Wicca! Love & Soul

Years Writing, Years Dreaming, Years Thinking and so many years doubting, I finally decided to risk it, I decided to challenge myself, and stop asking me Why do it? And start asking Why not? Each day we get up in the morning is one more risk in our lives. Since we get outside to work we face bravely each day the news, the delinquency, the diseases and several crisis, but if we can fight against it every day, why not take a risk and go beyond?.

Why not dream and give the best of ourselves? Not for others to see us, on the contrary, we don't have to prove to anyone what we can do, the only one you have to prove it to is yourself, so I took a decision, gather the most convincing of my material and finish it, and now here it is in your hands. I proved to myself that I can reach my goals, I can self motivate each day, carry out my projects and share them with people who will bring out the best of it.

There I was 7 years ago when I decided to start this project, correcting books by other authors, inquiring into formulas and implementing hundreds of advices; some of them very good, others just filling ink in a book devoid of any meaning; and telling myself “if I had written it, I would have made many corrections before publishing” without realizing that those old notebooks and personal agendas in a drawer filled with pages marked in full color with recipes, formulas, incantations, spells and astrological studies could become someday my cover letter, dozens of notes and pages written by someone with too much time and desire to devote himself to such a friendly project.

I've had what I myself consider to be positive career in astrology. When I started in my early studies of Tarot, with teachers and classmates insisting weekly in personal consultations, favors for favors, I used to share formulas and secrets with a certain Ms. that sold amulets half a block from school, whom I met to share notes, books and stories full of folklore. She was a wise woman, just like my mother from whom I learned much of what was my foundation to develop my own formula and so many teachers in various groups and covens where I belonged in the city.

I also learned from those classmates whom I shared with in the school breaks, exchanging (with them also) notes and calendars with astrological dates marked. Between these notes and the books that I used to borrow from my mother's small but very complete library, I built for myself step by step a fascinating idea of what's really hidden right in front of our nose, and like that I learned to seeing it and living it, turning my faith into a lifestyle.

There were always those who mocked or complained. Some classmates branded me as arrogant, strange or just blatant, as I was out there sharing formulas behind each school notebook, and meeting with study groups of astrology and Wiccan white magic on weekends. Other treated me simply as "weird", that has never kept me awake. The “alien feel” should not alter us while we are doing what we love. The critics don't kill, and everything that doesn't kill you only strengthens you.

After three years of learning, I got transferred to another school, and this gave me the opportunity to learn new people and sneak between teachers.

I studied all the books of metaphysics and Feng Shui that came into my hands, I learned to believe and visualize my own Inner Light. These books taught me to protect me from the miseries that others may wish upon me. These new teachers showed me the books on psychology, studies of Freud and that jumble of modern ideas we call "Sociolinguistics programming" that can also be really important to know oneself. One can not achieve Enlightenment without knowing the Darkness withing e and the origin of it.

And thus the year went by, studying, knowing, practicing, learning and, most importantly, making mistakes repeatedly, for we learn more from mistakes than from advice. I have taken notes on everything. I've written any thought to cross my mind and, after much work and practice, here I give the results, as clear as polished glass and realizing that this is only a first step, as I have much more to learn in this elaborate and complex facts collected daily we call life.

☆ Wicca! Love & Soul ☆

☆Teachings and Experiences About Love, Life and White Magic☆

Wicca! Love & Soul is a complete and simple training guide that walks through the rituals of white magic and witchcraft as well as traditional spirituality. With this book you will learn the techniques to make the magic in your personal ally.

With full confidence I am providing you this book which summarizes more than fifteen years of study and practice, personal thoughts and over 200 spells, incantations, charms and simple formulas to achieve all your goals positively. I invite you to explore my tracks, my master techniques and implement appropriate rituals to attain love, happiness and tranquility.

This work includes the basic principles of traditional white magic as well as practical concepts of Shamanism and spirituality, crafting diverse amulets, easy spells, a portion of the author’s personal grimoire (Book of Spells) and individual advices that will guide you along the way of Love, white magic, happiness and enlightenment.

Help me discover your inner power, and develop the confidence to change your world together for good and that of your loved ones.


Read more: 

HERE The Five Principles of the Practitioner
HERE Mother Goddess and Antlered God
HERE The Mother Goddess/ The Moon Goddess
HERE The Sun God

My book is available in the next Links:

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