Friday, July 1, 2016

July Full Moon

July Full Moon

The Deer Moon or the Hay Moon

The seventh lunar month of the year takes place in the month of July, the month named after Julius Caesar who was born on the 12th of this month which until then was known as Quintilis. 

This month indicates the new semester and the beginning of the second half of the year, is the month of school holidays in most of the world and therefore a month of rest and relaxation. During this stage the Sun God is aligned with the zodiac sign of Cancer.

The Moon's gem or stone traditionally associated with this month is Ruby, as well as carnelian and moonstone. The flower of this month is the Jasmine and Honeysuckle. The animal totem that watches over us this month is the deer or stag. Yellow, gold, magenta and dark brown are the colors recommended this month. Rocks and gems to bless this month are ruby, citrine, cat's eye and moonstone. Plants and flowers with greater magical powers this month are delfinea, honeysuckle, angelica, the St. John's wort, fennel and orange.

The July Moon has the power to take us astrally anywhere we want to go. This is the month to develop our psychic and mental abilities, astral projection and strengthen the mind, it is also the month to conjure the ancient Gods and ask for favors and to honor the Sun God and the spirits of fire, it is the right season for spells and rituals involving physical rest and renewal.

July Moon is also usually known in other parts of the world as the blessed moon, Thunder Moon or Meadow Moon.

July Moon Spell

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