Monday, June 13, 2016

Astrological Note #1 The Lunar Influence in the Age of Aquarius.

Astrological Note #1

The Lunar Influence in the Age of Aquarius.

Thanks to Uranus (Heaven) Father of the age of Aquarius, and Pluton, installed in the astrological sign of Capricorn, a new consciousness is emerging on our planet earth. Uranus wakes up and shakes; Pluton purge and consolidates. All companies engaged in safeguarding fauna and flora, to prevent the pollution of the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes; those that are committed to respecting forests; They reject the indiscriminate felling; which promote proper use of energy or proposed solar energy as an alternative; supporting the mothers and parents to educate their children, aware that education is the formula for combating poverty; industries committed to caring the air. And all those companies who understand that wars, violence, abuse, exploitation, corruption and trafficking... are the only issues that may be (unfortunately) in danger of extinction, but all these big companies will supported by all the moons and their deities, at all stages and in all the signs.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Magic Mirror Spell to Protect Our Home

Magic Mirror Spell to Protect Our Home

An old Egyptian magic ceremony is held when the magicians pay tribute to the spirit world through mirrors. Mirrors have the power to show other worlds and reflect the true identity of things, the magical power of the mirrors is only limited by the Light.

This spell simply requires a mirror and water blessed by a Witch or Wiccan Priest.

Once the water is blessed, mix d with crushed and dried sage root, use it to wash the mirror and light a stick of incense of your choice. Bless the mirror with the right incantation and sprinkle a good amount of blessed water  on it.

“Come to life,  
reflector of other worlds,
come to value, image of the true self, 
ward off the evil from this home, 
dispel the evils from this place.”

Keep the mirror clean and every full moon night, cleanse her reflection with a special infusion of sagebrush, do not let anyone touch the mirror and keep it near the front door.

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Spells to Protect Our Pets

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Spells to Protect Our Pets

Household animals are commonly volunteer  guardians of the home, the animals are more connected to their spiritual instinct and nature than we, therefore they always absorb evil of the home. Cats and dogs chase away evil spirits, birds keep the goblins away, turtles absorb bad energy and the fish are fed with the negative energies purifying them as plants do to oxygen, so it is most advisable to also give extra protection to our friends protectors.

An old Irish trick is to plant rosemary and sage around the garden, this will protect the home and all its inhabitants without distinction of species. In the Mediterranean, witches and fortune tellers usually rub rock salt on the back of a black cat every Friday at midnight to protect it from evil and ward off evil spirits.

A figure of God Hotei (“Fat Buddha”) brings good fortune and money to our home but also protects us from all spiritual ills. A particular spell to protect our animals is to wash with essences of rosemary and lavender around their resting place. It is also very effective to fill a small cloth bag with brown or purple verbena root, elderberry leaves and garlic and tie it around the neck of the animal. This will protect from all sorts of spirits and possessions.

More Spells and Tips for you HERE

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Moon Magic

Moon Magic

The powers of the Moon seem to know no limits, so for Millennia she has been worshiped as Mistress of Magic and incantations. To harness the powers of the Moon we must know her influence and her different facets. She rules over fertility and growth, life and death, intuition and clairvoyance, she provides healing and Extra Sensorial Perception powers. Silver amulets blessed during the full moon keep us away from any being with evil intentions. Along with a huge power always comes great responsibility to handle it, as a constant study of the lunar phases that allows us to understand how to best take advantage of our own capabilities.

Magic in all its forms is governed somewhat by the Lunar movements. As an example, the spells to weaken another wizard or to cancel certain types of magic are usually performed during the waning phase. On the other hand all forms of magic linked to protection or the birth of a child and blessing will be conducted during the crescent moon. We never do rituals for the New Moon, because it's time for renewal and dark when witches and spirits are strengthened in the shadows.

Magic for the Crescent Moon. We refer to that magical period when the Moon takes its most representative traditional way, is the first lunar phase, here rules the Goddess in her maiden form. It is the appropriate time to perform magic associated with the onset of a new project or face new processes.

During this phase we can make love magic, protection and magic spells to find something new in our life, such as love or a job. It is the right time to start rituals that give us powers or strengthen clairvoyance and to manufacture all kinds of amulets to protect children and pets or to protect new homes.

This Moon symbolizes the birth and youth. It is also the time to track some ritual that had been previously made or to strengthen the magic of a specific project. It is also suitable for Good Luck charms and learning.

Magic during Full Moon. That Lunar phase of great power, when the Moon is facing the Earth completely showing her lit face and illuminates the trails and fields with her divine blessing, is the time to perform physical, mental or spiritual maturity related rituals. This phase corresponds to the Mother Goddess, she blesses us with her power and promises of a new life, we perform all kinds of rituals in our group to strengthen our own magic or mental capacities.

That night we can perform invocation rites with an eye to summon Gods and Spirits, invoke the Moon Goddess and perform spells and manufacture talismans of great power, open portals to other worlds and produce all kinds of transformations in our life.

This Moon symbolizes the power at its peak, maturity and knowledge. It is the time to bless magic items and prepare concoctions that strengthen our powers, potions, love potions and visualizations. We must also take this Omens filled moon to perform divination rituals and study the stars.

The moon is so powerful that she has the power of transmutation, can transform a creature into another and change the shape of a witch in any animal, she can transmigrate the human soul to another state and even strengthen the oldest spells.

Magic during the Waning Moon, the last lunar phase visible from the earth, when the moon is showing less light fires every night. This phase represents old age and death, is when we perform closing rites, liberation ceremonies. It is the time to  exorcise spirits and ask the Older Gods to grant us favors.

This is when we remove spells and incantations that promote us any harm, when we nullify negative magic and close protection cycles.

This Moon is ruled by the Goddess her old form, she gives us her last blessing before dark nights and gives us the power to prolong our lives, make us wiser and more humble.

This moon represents the power in decline. In these moments we nullify the dark magic and the power of disturbing spirits, we invert spells of love and home protection and do magic to motivate changes in our lives. We also use the power of this moon for rituals to help us eliminate the vices or bad habits.

Magicians use this moon to perform ceremonies that allow the dead to go to the other World and dismiss them with respect.

Material from the books:
"Wicca! Love & Soul" and "Rites of Happiness"
Author: Elhoim Leafar © Copyright
Available in:

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The Moon & Your Work Projects 🌛🌚🌜

The Moon & Your Work Projects

Take these tips in mind for your daily work and see the change ... Please share the link on your social networks and if you want to invite you to follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

New Moon 🌑

It is right time to reflect on our new projects and market strategies. This is the moon phase to meditate and negotiate all kinds of job changes, moving the office, company changes, promotions and others.

Crescent Moon 🌔

There is no better time than the crescent moon to seek the expansion of your business or company. It is the moon phase that gives us the right energy to improve our productivity in all aspects. It is time to introduce these new projects we have been planning for some time.

Full Moon 🌕

Who said Advertising? With the full moon our creativity flows better than ever, it is the best time to start promotion plans and marketing, to make public that new ad and convince the consumer that you have just what they are looking for.

Waning Moon 🌖

During the waning moon, that period when the moon begins to fade in the sky, dissipating some tempers and with them the energy, is time for analysis, review market figures (sales) and correct any detail and errors made above .

Moon in Aries ♈

The moon in Aries inspires courage and enthusiasm, is a good time to take on difficult projects and dare to make mistakes.

Moon in Taurus ♉

Moon in Taurus inspires the analytical aspect of all. It is the time to process documents, memorize important figures and evaluate staff.

Gemini in Moon ♊

It is well known that Gemini rules the landscape of communications and travel. This is the moon phase for talks involving commercial abroad, plan trips, advertising campaigns and start work-related short courses.

Moon in Cancer ♋

It has always been linked to social work, NGOs and foundations working to provide any kind of humanitarian aid. It's time to bring our bit and help those in need.

Moon in Leo ♌

The moon in Leo encourages all those who are linked to the world of art and entertainment, celebrity magazines, paparazzi, interpreters and people linked to theater and music, this Lunation gives them strength, character and elegance.

Moon in Virgo ♍

It is the lunation related to human welfare in each of its aspects, this moon is suitable to open and promote fitness centers, dental centers, aesthetic clinics, beauty salons, saunas, hair salons and barber shops, anything related to personal, physical and emotional care.

Moon in Libra ♎

The Moon of balance is the Libra Moon. It is time to schedule appointments, agendas and meetings with the necessary calm and self assurance that nothing can go wrong. It is time for accountants, lawyers and all those who work with numbers and files .

Moon in Scorpio ♏

Moon in Scorpio favors the free development of creativity and imagination, not usually a good time to launch or promote projects, it tends to slightly decrease the strength of the market, but it is the right moon to attract new customers and secure involvement of employees. Moon in Scorpio is not a good time for products but to publicize the services.

Moon in Sagittarius ♐

Same as Aries & Leo, this is a moon of fire linked to competitive spirit. This moon especially favors athletes and products promoted by artists, is a good lunation to sign contracts for promotion and marketing, also favors new brands.

Moon in Capricorn ♑

The moon in Capricorn is a firm and solid moon is the right moon to close deals and consolidate projects, provides special luck to the long-lived companies and helps revive businesses from possible bankruptcy. This moon invites us to be strong and steady.

Moon in Aquarius ♒

When the Moon is in air sings as Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, it dominates different aspects of communications. This is the moon linked to modern communication, social networks, visual marketing, telecommunications, business meetings via Skype or Facebook Live, computer and media interviews.

Moon in Pisces ♓

Moon in the sign of Pisces nurtures those companies and corporations from all sectors that are changing, whether its market, its public image or its staff to a more relevant job. If a company changes its logo during the moon in Pisces, it will capture much more public, while if a company dares to change its manager outside of this moon, it should be prepared to circumstances that could bring failure.

By Elhoim Leafar

Moon phases for Magic
Full Moon of June ♑ 2016
Mother Goddess and Antlered God