Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Mars in Cancer, May 2019

That change of mood you feel is just #MarsInCancer from a couple of days ago.

Mars is both an activator and a warrior. This battling planet is our best friend when we need the energy to get something done and to get in a hurry to react in an exaggerated way.

We pursue our interests with ardor, but we avoid a direct approach to go after what we want. In addition, our goals and plans are subject to mood swings and hesitations. We are more defensive than aggressive and much of what we do depends on our current mood.

The planet of war and action does not feel at home in this sign of water that mitigates its aggressiveness and the impulse to do reckless things. But Mars does not completely drown in the feminine energies of Cancer, because of the need for security. What they change is the way we fight and express our motivations.

Instead of jumping imprudently to fight or say harsh, meaningless words, we go through the silence in which we forge a battle plan that will not endanger us. We choose to fight for the things to which we are emotionally attached and we may feel the need to defend our past, family and genetic heritage.

Of course, these are manifestations that will become visible socially or publicly, in one way or another. Looking at things from another point of view, one could say that our actions will carry more of the mark of the unconscious, of our instinct for survival, of emotional subjectivity.

On May 16, 2019, I began the transit of Mars in Cancer, a time in which we felt the need to fight for the family, the people and the causes in which we strongly believe.

With this transit, when we are wounded we hide in a shell, our emotional life is very charged and we tend to act or react according to our feelings. With Mars in Cancer, we have a protective instinct that leads us to the creation of a safe home for ourselves and our loved ones. 

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