Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Chronos vs Cronus

Chronos vs Cronus

Hi to all dear readers, first of all my best wishes and I remind you that if you like the material I promote,you can subscribe to my mailing list and also follow me on Twitter. For each new Follower I try write something new here for you.

Usually when we discuss the theme of Kronos in Greek mythology, or sometimes even its equivalent role in Roman Mythology there is a slight confusion of characters, many believe that Chronos is a Titan and also the God of time, because that name lends itself to that confusion but the truth is they are two different characters.

In the first place we have Chronos, a primordial God, with Primordial we refer to all those Deities previous to the two great cosmic wars, Titanomachy and Gigantomachy of which I will speak to you at another time.

Chronos, is one of these deities, a primordial God, in fact its name "Chronos" comes from the Greek oldest χρόνος romanized centuries later like Khrónos that literally means "abstract time in general" referring to the indeterminate periods of time that do not stop to pass, thus referring to eternity.

Also known in certain Hellenic villages as Eon or Aion (eternal or unlimited time), this deity is the living personification of time, time as such in its most divinized expression, an entity before the birth of the universe and after the disappearance of it .

The cult of Chronos was adopted and adapted by the Greco-Roman culture that represented him as a bearded old man, with huge wings turning a zodiacal wheel, symbolizing the oldness and wisdom of time, the divinity in the concept of the wings that were then Characteristics of many deities and then taken over by the early Christians to characterize the angels, and the wheel of time as a conception of the passing of the months that he supervises.

Now on the other hand we have Cronus, in Latin Kronos, a descendant of the first generation of the Titans, the youngest of his generation but also the most feared and intelligent son of Gaea (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven ), Cronus is remembered as the ruler of the golden age, the chief Deity of that divine pantheon at that time.

Cronus is the King of the Titans and ruler of the Cosmos until being overthrown by his sons Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Cronus is commonly associated with and even syncretized with Saturn (Roman god of harvests and agriculture), because even after his exile from Olympus and his subsequent confinement in the Underworld, in Greece were held the "Cronia" or feasts of Cronus the twelfth day of each month, these celebrations celebrated the harvests that are considered the successful result of the long patriarchate of the Titan.

Here a paragraph of Hesiod, works and days.

While the Greeks regarded Cronus as a cruel and stormy force of chaos and disorder, believing that the Olympian gods had brought a time of peace and order by wresting power from the rude and malicious Titans, the Romans adopted a more positive and innocuous view of this deity, recasting it with its indigenous god Saturn. Consequently, while the Greeks regarded Cronus as a mere intermediate stage between Uranus and Zeus, it was a much more important aspect of Roman mythology and religion: the Saturnalia was a feast celebrated in his honor, and there was at least one temple dedicated to him in the old Roman monarchy.

His association with the golden age ended up making him the god of "human time," that is, calendars, seasons, and harvests (though not to be confused with Chronos, the personification of time in general).


Mythology continually teaches us that there are several different generations of Deities, the primordial Gods, those prior to Olympus & Humanity, such as Chronos (time), Eros (Love / often mistaken for Cupid), Ananke (Necessity and Inevitable ), Chaos (Previous to everything, even before Chronos) and Erebus (the Darkness), among many others.

Then the Titans, all of them sons of Gaea and Uranus, led by Cronus. Followed by the Gods, led mainly by the 12 (sometimes 13) Olympian gods, and these in turn by 3 Major Kings, Zeus ruling over the air and the heavens, Poseidon in the Oceans and Hades in the Underworld, while Earth is a commission that the three Great Gods divide with other minor deities.

And finally the minor deities, all of them after the Titanomachy and the Gigantomachy divided in turn in particular Deities (like Eolo, god of the air or Achelous, god of the rivers), and the common Deities, like the muses, the nymphs, the hours , The Furies and the Parcae among many others.

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Monday, February 27, 2017

Great News!

Great News! I can finally reveal this! My beautiful editor Judika Illes and my publisher Red Wheel / Weiser Books has confirmed that Devin Hunter is working on the foreword to my next book 'The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags'.

This is a great honor for me, because I am a follower of his work. When I was just beginning to write my first books and publishing my first essays in local magazines (In Venezuela and Argentina), Devin had already come a long way and had published 'Modern Witch Magazine', and I am sure that Devin would become one of those great authors, whose books eventually became classics of #witchcraft and found themselves in a decade in the indispensable repertoire of every modern witch.

The collaboration of Him in this project is for me, more than an opportunity, it is a true blessing and I am sure, I am sure he will place his vibrant spark and a hundred magic blessings inside and on this Great little Book!

Thank you Devin.

Read & Share the Note in facebook HERE
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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Brief Astrological Guide, Mercury, the Messenger

Brief Astrological Guide for Witches. Part III

Mercury, the Messenger

When it comes to messengers and communicators, we all know who is the fastest and most effective. Mercury, the Olympic messenger, God of commerce, communication, languages, travelers and borders, par excellence the immaculate patron of communicators, publicists, speakers and merchants.

Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini & Virgo, it helps to develop intellect, reasoning ability, logic and critical sense. Mercury symbolizes the exchange of information in all its forms, knowledge, constant study, teaching and learning. It gives us the ability to communicate in different languages and is the one who moves the lines of destiny to help us travel, learn about new places and get us going to reach success.

In the mythological era Mercury, associated with the Greek Hermes, is the messenger of the Gods, confidant of the secrets of his father Jupiter, watchman of the borders and "doer" of roads, head of the dreams, the nocturnal spy, guardian of the gates and guide of the deceased in his bronze carriage to the other world.

Mercury's mission in Astrology and sorcery

Mercurio has the mission to inform communicators and speakers, to correctly illustrate the paths that we must follow in life and to inspire in us the ideas related to the field of marketing, advertising, strategy and the exchange of communication. Mercury helps us to understand and interact, to promote ideas and concepts and is even able to block communications and projects from one day to another (Mercury retrograde). In witchcraft we use the power of Mercury to secure a trip, a negotiation, or to prevent a meeting from being postponed.

Tip: Bring with you an emblem with the astrological symbol of mercury, anointed with a few drops of sandalwood oil or myrrh, open your understanding to new studies and develop your ability to communicate.

Keywords of Mercury: Intellect and Communication.
Day: Wednesday
Metals: Mercury
Colors: Orange, green and blue.
Herbs and flowers: All the flowers that grow along the edge of the road.

Remember that if you want to receive these directly in your mail, Month by Month, as well as lunar rituals and recipes of various amulets, you can log on to www.elhoimleafar.com and subscribe immediately to the mailing list, taking advantage of the fact that we are constantly growing, Maybe soon we will do some interesting online activity. I invite you to follow me in any of the social networks of your preference.

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Tetragrammaton

The Tetragrammaton

The Tetragrammaton represents the name of God in Hebrew 'YHVH' in modern metaphysics this symbol in turn represents 'the essence of the life in the universe', during the centuries has used this symbol (mostly) drawn on a pentagram to represent "the Lord "As the God King of Israel being 'YHVH' the abbreviation for 'Yodh He Waw He' ended up quoted 6,828 times in the Hebrew Bible.

Its literal translation can be "I will exist by myself" or "I am the one who exists by itself", "YHVH" is one of the names most used by the Hebrew God, followed by Adonai among others.

Curiously, if we translate the tetragramaton YHVH from the Paleo-Hebrew language into Aramaic or classical Greek, the result is 'past', 'present' and 'future', alluding to the existential eternity of the God of the Jews and a description of their Own nature.

Tetragramaton in Greek literally means "word composed of four letters," so we use this term to properly refer to "the name of God." According to Genesis when the Jews of Babylon were exiled, it was forbidden to pronounce the name of God in public (except for the High Priests), so they devised the 'YHVH' as a secret form of writing the 'Tetragrammaton' in the old Scrolls

One of the most well-known uses of this name for 'Him' is when it is presented to Moises as 'I Am the One I Am'

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Astrological Influence of Pluto

The Astrological Influence of Pluto

Greetings Witches & Astro lovers! As my followers, friends, readers and family know well, I have always studied in depth astronomy and astrology as well as the links between both, I have always been in favor of thinking and defending my proposal that astrology and astronomy must go hand in hand.

Today it is easy to become an astrologer by attending a course of several weeks or reading a book and buying a deck of cards, the truth IS THAT IS NOT SO! A good astrologer is the one who respects and studies astronomy as a science and recognizes that it is the daughter that results from the studies of great astrologers and philosophers of another era.

A good astrologer is the one who studies (literally) the stars and their movements, the cosmos and all its mysteries. As a good fan of astronomy I read daily and in an almost self-imposed way the official NASA page as well as many other pages and associated blogs, because I consider that a good astrologer must be informed of all the changes that occur in the universe.

Pluto is a planet of the Solar System discovered by Clyde William Tombaugh on February 18, 1930, was considered for many years as the ninth planet of the solar system and the smallest of all, so small that came to be considered by many specialists in the subject Like a satellite of the planet Neptune.

On September 13, 2006 Pluto, together with Ceres and Eris, became redefined as "dwarf planet", but as Shakespeare's poem says “The rose would not stop being pink, and to spread its aroma, even if it was referred to in another name”.

Pluto receives its name from the Roman God of the underworld, a benign, just and respectable God but also solitary and very feared. In the golden age, he came to be regarded as the most just and impartial of all Gods, for any mortal being came to his kingdom sooner or later, regardless of class, rank, belief or place of origin.

Pluto shares with the planet Mars the regency on the Astrological Sign of Scorpio to which it influences in all its processes, astrologically is Pluto the one responsible for manifesting the talents and the hidden treasures because it rules on the depths and the secrets, it is also considered the planet of Silence and the overwhelming calm that only remains after the war and death.

Pluto has a slow, eccentric and fairly inclined orbit, in fact it takes about 248 years to travel all its way and of these it goes almost 20 years closer to the Sun than Neptune itself

Pluto symbolizes the end of all changes, the calm after the storm and the omens of death, but also represents the achievements achieved by hard work and rebirth from the ashes.

The influence of Pluto in the solar system is irreversible, remains hidden in the furthest deep darkness but from there supervises and directs the direction of all the souls of the cosmic firmament, it is the old counselor of the Gods that sits waiting with calmness that the souls arrive to his kingdom and knows in detail everything that is hidden beyond the human understanding.

In modern magic and mystical astrology the symbolism of Pluton is a bad omen for the living and a good omen for all projects indicating that something is about to end and will be very successful.

On July 13, 2015, the New Horizons spacecraft obtained the clearest, most accurate and detailed image of the planet so far, surprising the whole world with the controversial image of the heart that appears from the earth's crust and Atmosphere that seems more like a space work as a way of greeting the human beings.

And as science advances and with it astronomy we will break down the effects of it in the astrological field. If you want to debate or talk about the subject I invite you to follow me in any of the social networks of your preference.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

New Moon & Solar Eclipse

New Moon & Solar Eclipse

New Moon in Pisces

Moment of reflection, introspection, awakening and spiritual search, the new moon has arrived, well called "the NEW moon", and just as the moon has once again restarted its cycle to submerge the day into a new rebirth, it is also time we take advice, follow her steps, and try to renew ourselves.

Renewal should not come by complacency towards others, much less by the standards that a society has not dictated, renewal is yours. It is time to deepen in yourself, honestly analyze how much of ourselves we must change, what trends we must negate, and what new forms of entrepreneurship and progress we want to learn. The new moon is the best cycle to put aside bad habits, abandon all kinds of addictions and plan (step by step) how to immerse ourselves in a new project.

The moon advances with the passing of days, and as it advances to become a gigantic globe of light that illuminates the darkest and icy night, being seen from any point of the earth, it is time to learn, to renew, to recognize those Aspects of ourselves that we must change, and know those negative tendencies that we do not know, it is time for renewal and I invite you to try.

The new moon that occurs on Sunday, February 26, will be positioned in the Astrological Sign of Pisces, it will be the first moment of this year where the Sun, Moon and Neptune are perfectly under the influence of the same Water Sign. For those born under the sign of the fish, this is clearly a good omen, a moment that beyond renewal, invites them to grow emotionally, to start from scratch a new project of life, and to wear blue, lilac and Violet to positively channel your sign and thus nourish yourself with your energy. To those who were born illuminated by a different zodiacal sign Pisces, the new moon invites us to carry out a meditation, to pray, to swim in the sea or in the river and even to study new forms of spirituality, to burn sage at home for Renew energies and clean the house with essences of geranium and roses to attract the good vibes and allow these to reap blessings our projects.

The new moon in Pisces tends to be an absorbing moon, extracts energies from any nearby light preparing to be reborn in the following days, so it is common that between Thursdays and Tuesdays you may feel somewhat overwhelmed, bored, tired and even unstable. The effects of the new moon per se exhaust all mammals, but the moon in Pisces tends to play with our spirituality, so take precautions, try to stay well hydrated for the next few days, do not overeat and plan a way out Of recognition around your home, it's time to get in touch with the people around you.

Solar Annular Eclipse

Simultaneous to the renewal of the lunar cycle in Pisces, another of our great stars is thinking of renewing itself, and it happens that it will happen on the same day and in the same Sign. The Sun will be covered with the lunar shadow indicating (as is well known) an omen of sudden changes that come to alter the world and our understanding of what is happening.

The solar eclipse that will occur due to the transit of the moon between the earth and the king star, will almost completely obscure the image of the Sun from the earth, this astrological event of great importance will be visible from South America in the morning and In southwest Africa at dusk.

Solar eclipses usually mark a Before and After in the mystical and spiritual panorama of all living beings, usually this "Before and after" ends up being reflected in the political and socio economic field. Be attentive to the news in your respective countries, because the coming changes will not please many and clearly favor a few.

It is not surprising that the Sun and Moon carry out their corresponding renewal on the same day, in fact this is a common factor in the field of astronomy, but if it is intriguing the fact that both stars, together with Neptune Planet regent of Pisces) are aligned in the same sign the same day, casually, the sign of Pisces. This sign represents the greek gods Aphrodite and Ares fleeing Olympus during the invasion of the Titans in one of the most important mythological wars, both deities descended from Olympus and disguised themselves as fish to swim to a nearby river, and that is how love and war fled from destruction.

On the other hand, Neptune is the planet that governs the marine currents and the storms that arrive of unforeseen, Neptuno is in turn the God regent of the seas and of all the marine creatures, also is the propagator of the earthquakes and tidal waves, who Never in history has been characterized by being very patient when shaking his trident, in fact, history tells us in many different versions, that Neptune used to kill any people that would break his calm or offend his children, bringing continuous floods and earthquakes, being the most evident case of these, the disappearance of the Atlantis that has been documented and researched in so many occasions.

Neptune is characterized by shaking the tides when he sees that something is wrong, his position conveniently in Pisces along with the Sun and Moon this next Sunday predict strong omens of change that would not last much in being visible to all. I am sure that more than some clairvoyant and soothsayer in social networks will be present in the coming days to predict certain changes. Many times the changes can be undesirable, many other times they present with a great series of inconveniences, but in any case, changes are necessary, especially when they are situations that go beyond our control, as in the political landscape where the whole power of a nation is contained in the little hands of a single individual.

Happy new moon and Happy solar eclipse.

Note: Do not forget that if you want to receive the rituals corresponding to these and other upcoming events, you must enter in my web www.elhoimleafar.com and subscribe to the mailing list. You can also follow me on your favorite social network and ask what you like, for this I leave the links below.

Blessings and good vibes, Elhoim.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Coeus, God of the Diviners and Father of the Prophets

Coeus, God of the Diviners and Father of the Prophets

Usually in divination, we work with the collaboration of spirits and entities that contact us from different levels to manifest in us their knowledge of the future. Whether they are Deities, spirits, deceased, ancestral forces or others, all of them give us their wisdom, even though it is unfortunate that most have a total ignorance of the forces with which they work. This is due in large part to the lack of seriousness and mysticism that divination suffers today, from what we can blame these “wise teachers” and their rapid learning courses where they promise to completely dominate the art of divination in only 2 or 3 months, and where they focus only on repeating textually the procedures and theoretical symbolism of a book with zero emphasis on what is really important, such as concentration, the development of clairvoyance and contact with the afterlife.

Trying to predict the future and good fortune, without the help of entities more experienced than us, because "we work with our own energy" is just as interesting as self-medicate and not go to the doctor, because you read a medical manual some time ago and you think that this qualifies you to be a doctor.

The human being is born being a seer by nature, a capacity that is lost as we mature and develop other qualities, few and perhaps very few families who do today the possible (according to the folklore that governs them) to keep these qualities active in the younger household.

The great oracles of antiquity knew this truth and were trained from very young to keep alive the flame of cognitive wisdom in them and thus be able to communicate with the higher deities and spirits, such as the Oracles of Delphi, Dodona or the Chaldean Oracle of Mesopotamia.

In these cases, one worked directly in the communication with the deity of the sanctuary, who through constant contact with the "messenger" well-named Pythoness, priestess or diviner, according to the case, strengthened their clairvoyance and showed them a clear field of play that completely evades the personal preferences and arrogant attitudes of current fortune tellers.

One of these entities nowadays is only kept in some textbooks and his adoration has been limited to certain traditional homes where he is still invoked to obtain its divine blessing and its clairvoyance.

This is the case of Coeus, the God of the soothsayers and one of the earliest recorded prophets, a Titan of ancient Greece (Primal Deities before the Olympic Gods). Coeus, is the Titan of Intelligence and Complex Wisdom, son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea or Gaia (Earth), Coeus is the Father of Leto and Asteria, this makes him the grandfather of Apollo, Artemis and Hecate.

Coeus represented for Greek culture divination through the stars, a form of divination prior to the development of modern astrology, and became recorded centuries later as the first prophetic God, and according to European folklore, the father of the Prophets.

Coeus, as titan of wisdom and intelligence, was the spokesman of his Father Uranus before humanity and the youngest Gods. Being Uranus (also) a great prophet, in predicting to his son Cronus that this would be betrayed and defeated by his own son (Zeus) just as Cronus did with him.

The above account shows Coeus, an authoritarian and ancient deity, as a spokesman for fate, being him who speaks in the name of his father, becomes the most similar to a diviner who speaks in the name of the spirits.

Coeus had two daughters, who together with their own children represent the two oldest branches of clairvoyance, the same ones that in some way govern different aspects of the clairvoyance or modern prophecy. His daughter Leto, Goddess of the day and light, and her son, Apollo, God of prophecies and oracles, represent the prophetic power of light, heaven and stars, it is they who rule over the prophets who foretell the future and the fortune in solar hours.

His second daughter, Asteria, the goddess of night oracles and stars, and her Hecate, goddess of witchcraft and queen of ghosts, represent the prophetic power of night, darkness, spirits that speak from beyond, and the oldest forms of necromancy, it is they who govern and bless those oracles, diviners, and prophets who predict the future and fortune at night.

Leto and Asteria, are daughters of the Titan Coeus, God of wisdom, and the titan Phoebe, goddess of intellect and mental agility. This makes Coeus, Asteria, Leto, Apollo and Hecate into the first family of Prophet Gods of any Mythology.

In addition to them, we can not forget Artemis (the Moon), who is the twin sister of Apollo and in turn the female part of him, who takes the attributes granted by his father Zeus as Goddess of the hunt and queen of the wood. Although she is not a prophetic deity, it is told in the legends related to the Oracle of Delphi, that for those who came to the temple pythoness seeking answers in the evening hours, it was Artemis who was present giving her wisdom to the Oracle, while her brother Apollo, The regent God of the Sun and the Light of the day rested on Olympus.

If you wish, take these names into account as part of your personal prayers and use them to bless your personal oracle.

Direct family of Coeus:

Coeus (Titan): God of Intelligence and Wisdom, the first soothsayer, spokesman of the sky and oracle of the stars. Father of Leto & Asteria.

Phoebe (Titanid): Goddess of Intellect and mental agility. Mother of Leto & Asteria.

Leto (Titanid): Goddess of the night and the light of day. Mother of Apollo & Artemis.

Asteria (Titanid): Goddess of night oracles and fallen stars. Mother of Hecate.

Apollo (Olympic God): God of the Sun and the light of the day, god of the arts, music and poetry, d of the prophets, regent of the Oratory of Delphi. Son of Leto & Zeus.

Artemis (Olympic Goddess): Goddess of the hunting and the wild animals, queen of the forests and the virgin lands, protector of the pure maidens. Daughter of Leto & Zeus.

Hecate (Goddess): Goddess of witchcraft and ghosts, mother and queen of all witches. Daughter of Asteria.

Indirect family of Coeus:

Perses (Titan): God of destruction. Father of Hecate with Asteria.

Note: Artemis as Greek Goddess, is part of the Pantheon of the Twelve Olympic Gods, is the Goddess of hunters, forests and wild animals, her later cult as Moon Goddess was given for various historical reasons:

Her image was found in various temples of Selene, a titanid and goddess of the moon, where Artemis and Hecate were venerated as "other lunar deities."

Her most recognized images in the art, represented with a Moon on the head that represents a crown and in certain paintings, is mistakenly identified as Artemis, Goddess of the moon and the night.

By direct association with her brother, being Apollo the God of the Sun and the day, the complementary connotations in scriptures after the decay of Greece were attributed to Artemis.

Like her association with Selene the lunar Goddess, also there were engravings of Artemis in the temples of Eileithyia, the goddess of the Parthians who was also venerated like a lunar deity.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Brief Astrological Guide, The Moon

Brief Astrological Guide Part II

The Moon, the Queen Mother.

The moon has guided and illuminated the dark paths of humanity since ancient times. The moon is the astral body regent of the Cancer Sign, is characterized by several phases of illumination that directly influence the waves, currents, dreams, moods, the character of our pets and especially the female period. Just as the moon seems to fade and to depart far to not return, this influences the people who rule, those born under the astrological sign of Cancer, who never abandon those who want and never separate from what they love, but are experts in maintaining a prudent distance.

The silver mother represents our deepest feelings and emotions, the need for belonging to a place or moment, innocence before that which is unknown, spiritual maturity and power over the occult.

In the Age of Myth it was customary to associate the moon with female deities in the majority, such as Selene, Hecate, Diana, Artemis, Nana Buruku, Yemaya, Selardi, Ataecina, Bendis, Chia, Iah and Dewi Shri. Normally the lunar deities are linked to mysticism, divination, fertility and nature. In fact, the moon is the queen mother of all witches and to whom in the form of Hecate and Aradia taught the mystical art of witchcraft. To help them balance the scale and place it socially on the same level as the man.

* Note: You can find a short list of lunar deities and their main attributes in my book "Wicca! Love & Soul ".

The Moon's Mission in Astrology and Sorcery

To raise the human psyche and strengthen the intuition, clairvoyance and all the medium-mystical senses that connect us with nature and the spiritual plane. To protect witches and sorceresses with her silver light during the nights while celebrating the coven, guiding the spirits on the right path and inspiring the hidden power of the seers and soothsayers.

Tip: A bouquet of white flowers by the window on a crescent moon will fill your days of blessings and give you the tools to remove all obstacles from your path.

Keyword of the moon: Feeling
Day: Monday (Moonday)
Metals: Silver
Colors: White and silver.
Herbs and flowers: Jasmine, violet, sagebrush and verbena (vervain).

Remember that if you want to receive these directly in your mail, Month by Month, as well as lunar rituals and recipes of various amulets, you can log on to www.elhoimleafar.com and subscribe immediately to the mailing list, taking advantage of the fact that we are constantly growing, Maybe soon we will do some interesting online activity.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Rue! Against all kinds of witchcraft

Rue, Against All Kinds of Witchcraft

The rue is one of the most powerful plants that exist in both witchcraft and natural medicine. Of masculine gender, the rue has Mars as its regent planet, and its element is the fire.

In Greece, Hippocrates recommended it to alleviate pain and combat epidemics; The Romans ate rude to protect themselves from the evil eye. It was common for the judges to carry a few leaflets with them when they had to be in contact with a prisoner, since there was a belief that the rue preserved them from pollution and the evil eye. The ancient Chinese used it to counter malarial fevers and bad thoughts. Back in Europe, the Celtic wizards used it as a defense against evil spells and works, also using it for the blessings and healing of the sick.

The rue was part of the magic arsenal against the witches. It was said that it avoided scares and calamities sent by warlocks and witches. In the Iberian peninsula there was the belief that carrying a few sticks of rue preserved from all evil influence and protection from the evil eye.

This plant was very popular in very cities of old Spain. In Extremadura it was used to drive away witches and evil spirits. In Alia, in the town of Cáceres, there is a coplilla (chant) that alludes to the protective effects of rue: "If the young men knew what the rue is, they would not leave without it, any night." In another town in Extremadura, Madroñera (Cáceres), it was believed that the rue mixed with grains of salt, was very effective against the spells. In Asturias, considered a land of witches, rue played an important role in protective magic, For it was thought that cast in water, assured the dream of a person; and hung in some places of the house, it protected from spells.

Andrés de Laguna, in "About medicinal material and deadly poisons," writes: "Majada (spanish appetizer) with vinegar and applied to the forehead and temples or given to smell, awakens the dormant ones of lethargy or drowsiness. These effects are observed when prepared in drinking juice ". This belief, which comes from ancient times, has led folklorists to suppose that the plant that the protagonists give to the sleeping princesses of stories, to awaken them from dep sleeps by some evil spell of the witch, is the rue. Dr. Laguna also speaks of other supposedly magical virtues of the rue: "The leaves of the rue, stuck inside a fig with half walnut and salt, and thus eaten, are an obvious remedy against pestilence and against all poison." It also says that: "Some authors say that rue has great strength against evil spirits and against all sorts of witchcraft."

Rue also had fame like inhibitor, and for this reason, was cultivated in the cloisters of the monasteries. Hieronymus Bock (16th century), reputed botanist, advises the monks; Take plenty of rue to avoid the temptations of sex.

Healers in Mexico traditionally purify and heal their patients, brushing them with branches of rue and pepper. .

Placing leaves of ruda on the forehead eliminates the headaches. Carrying rue around the neck helps to recover from diseases. It is put into incense for healing purposes. Smelling fresh rue clears the mind in loving affairs, and improves mental processes. Added to baths, it breaks all spells and curses that may have been thrown at you; It is also added to the incenses and mixtures for exorcisms.

It hangs in the door of the houses for protection of bad energies. For the same purpose, a branch of fresh rue is used splash water with salt throughout the house. Preserves of accidents, psychic attacks of inferior spirits, envy, etc. It acts as prevention, because it creates a protective field around who owns it.

It is said that a stolen rue grows better, developing a more powerful energy. If we plant it ourselves, our mood is important. We must never plant rue in a depressed or moody state, because our hands will transmit to the plant that energy. If the plant begins to wither, it is a clear sign that it is absorbing the negativity that is in the environment.

Making a pillow of Dreams

Making a pillow of Dreams

"Autumn, shorter days, longer nights..."

The nights are made to dream. To help us in our work with dreams, we make pillows with the traditional magical herbs that favor our children to relax, have deep dreams and then remember to share them... Younger children enjoy filling the pillow with the herbs, but the older ones prefer to carry out the whole process, from cutting the fabric boxes, sewing them, stuffing them and decorating them.

Dream pillows should not be the size of a normal pillow (we would need kilos of herbs to fill them). We can do them in two ways: a large, flat pillow, without much filler, so that your children sleep directly on them, or a smaller one, that is stored under our pillow during the day, and when it's time to sleep we put our Pillow of dreams above the regular one so as to breathe all night the magic aroma of herbs...

For a small dream pillow two pieces of 15cm x 15cm square fabric are used, the larger ones to suit your own taste. It is important to choose a natural fabric: cotton, silk or linen. Children like to choose the color or pattern, a delicious option is to recycle and look between old clothes and fabrics that we have stored, the magic result of the pillow is highened by the memory associated with that garment ... Velvet Is also the favorite of children.

With the chosen fabric and cut, we fasten with needles with good sides in the interior and face to face, sew with simple stitches, preferably manually (adding personality and emotional value when doing it entirely by hand), leaving 2.5cm (1") from the edge . The central space must be at least 7cm, once sewn, the pillow is turned over and the corners are pushed out with the aid of a pencil. Now we proceed to filling, with two generous bags of dried herbs, and including a generous amount of lavender (or another to your personal taste).

Filling options: dried lavender flowers, dried rose petals, dried chamomile flowers (which traditionally help to sleep), melissa, agrimony (helps to sleep to those with emotional problems), dry rosemary (good to remember dreams), anise (prevents nightmares), yarrow, purslane, thyme (helps in depression), chestnut leaves (to have pleasant dreams), lemon balm, clove, mint (to cause refreshing dreams that encourage rest).

Once we fill our dream pillow, we sew the opening that remains. Perhaps your children want to decorate and personalize the pillow: sewn cords, or hanging from the corners, some canvas applique sewn on the pillow with special decoration. ... When we notice that our pillow loses aroma, it is enough to shake it so that it again releases its fragrance. We can also open it and renew the herbs when it suits us.

Blessings.... Elhoim

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Welcome Pisces!

Welcome Pisces!

February 18 to March 19

The cycle of the water-bearer and his amphora of gold has ended. We bid farewell to the magical and idealistic Aquarius Sign, for it is a moment of greeting with open arms to the Pisces Sign that begins today.

Pisces is the mystical sign of the two fish, is a sign of female polarity (Yin) which represents its receptive, reflective, magnetic and eclectic energy, the Yin in Chinese culture symbolizes night, darkness, cold winter, the mystery that governs everything that is arcane, the moon, the gestation that occurs within Woman and the transition between the physical plane and the etheric plane. Yin/female signs like Pisces tend to be introverted, compassionate, stable-minded, and strive non-stop to achieve their goals, although often they push too hard to communicate which are the same and in the process to reach them, even more than In reaching the goal itself.

Pisces, along with Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius, are mutable quality signs, these are the communicating signs par excellence, which represent curiosity, constant search for information and rapid adaptation to change. Mutable Signs are quick to integrate into new situations however difficult they may be, but tend to abandon their projects with ease once they get bored of the routine, mutable signs require that work be increasingly complex and diverse for Keep yourself excited.

Pisces is, along with Cancer and Scorpio, a Water Sign, and as such represents the expression of emotion and feeling, the persistent contact with our own spirituality and the world of dreams. People governed by water signs are always compassionate, emotional and susceptible, they are also as highly intuitive as imaginative and fanciful, they always need someone to make them feel stable and protected.

Positive qualities: Compassion towards others, solidarity, intuition of easy development, creativity, sensitivity, understanding of the psychic plane and a remarkable imaginative potential.

Negative qualities: They may develop a tendency to manipulation, the escapism of reality. Their willpower can be easily broken if they do not feel supported and are easily influenced by others of the same sign.

If you are Pisces, take into account that blue and pale green garments as well as aquamarine, coral, jade and rock crystal pieces will bring you good luck for money and business.

Happy Birthday to all those born under this astrological sign.

Pisces Phrase: I Believe
Symbol: Fish
Ruling Planet: Neptune (previously it was believed that its ruler was Jupiter)
Element: Water
Quality: Mutable
Polarity: Female
Metal: Platinum
Power animal: The whale, the dolphin and the penguin.
Power plants: Aquatic algae.
Power flowers: Calla lilies and water lily.
Pisces Natives: Placido Domingo, Albert Einstein, Carlos Fraga, Gabriel García Márquez, Liza Minelli, Steve Jobs, Antonio Vivaldi.

Remember that if you want to receive more post like this month to month, as well as lunar rituals and recipes of various amulets, you can enter at www.elhoimleafar.com and subscribe immediately to the mailing list, taking advantage of that we are in constant growth, maybe soon we perform some interesting online activity.

Blessings... Elhoim

Brief Astrological Guide 🌞 The Sun, the King Star

Brief Astrological Guide. Part I

The Sun, the King Star

The Sun is our Star par excellence, the King and vital ruler of the solar system, regent of the astrological Sign of Leo and of course one of the main gods of various ancient mythologies. The strategic location of the Sun in conjunction with different constellations of the firmament are the key point that marks the character and the personal essence of each one of us. The Sun symbolizes our inner essence as individuals, the light of the soul at the bottom of everything, the creative force, the vitality, the nobility and the strength to live each day. The fact of being the King Star a cosmic object of divine adoration from ancestral times is reflected in its characteristic zodiac sign, Leo, who wish to be the center of the events.

In Mythology it was seen mostly as a male deity of great character, and very few times as a female deity, in fact Hindus, Greeks, Chinese and Egyptians, had the Sun as one of their principal deities, usually being a Warrior, adventurer, young and strong god, endowed with enormous wisdom as is the case of Apollo, Helios, Phoebus, Suria, Hator, Quetzalcoatl, Ra and Amaterasu, just to name a few.

The Sun's mission in Astrology and witchcraft

Provide inspiration and confidence to our own inner strength. Encourage, lead and direct our potential in the right way, elevate our physical and mental senses as well as our emotions to higher planes of existence, balance and manage the magical power of individuals, guide the diviners and seers to choose and promote the right leaders.

A gold piece with the drawing or shape of the sun will connect you with its imposing light and give you the confidence and strength you need to undertake any project, no matter how difficult it seems.

Keyword of the Sun: Vitality
Day: Sunday
Metals: Gold
Colors: Yellow and gold

Herbs and flowers: Wormwood, daisies and sunflowers.

Remember that if you want to receive these directly in your mail, Month by Month, as well as lunar rituals and recipes of various amulets, you can log on to www.elhoimleafar.com and subscribe immediately to the mailing list, taking advantage of the fact that we are constantly growing, Maybe soon we will do some interesting online activity.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Oshun & Aphrodite, Two Pagan Deities with a Common Beginning

Oshun & Aphrodite, Two Pagan Deities with a Common Beginning

Did you know the Goddess Aphrodite (who, in fact, historically correct would be classified as a Titan and not as a Goddess according to historians) is not the only Goddess of love born of water?

In African mythology the Goddess Oshun, who is the deity of love, rivers and good fortune, was also born of the waters. During a historical episode of the Titanomaquia, Cronos cut the members of his Father with a gold sickle, his members fall to the sea and of the semen is born Aphrodite, being she before Zeus although equally considered its daughter for being Zeus "the Father of the gods".

During the creation, according to the myth of the African sages, Yemaya, the Goddess of the Seas and Life, ruled alone on a water-covered world, the God Obbatala (equivalent in large part to the Roman Goddess Minerva / Greek Athena) arrived flying in a cloud with a five-legged hen (symbolizing the first pentagram in the history of Africa) and a bunch of earth, threw the earth to the ground from the sky and it did not sink, he placed the hen on the bunch of earth and this one began to excavate to all sides forming the surface of the Earth and the continents, between these arose the rivers and of the foam of the salt water that arrives to them Oshun appeared as the Goddess of the Love and happiness.

Two deities with many similarities or the same event counted from the point of view of an ancestral society? 

Comets in Astrology & Magic

Comets in Astrology & Magic

Comets have always captured the attention of men in each and every one of their civilizations; usually the astrologers of the old age attributed to comets the omens of death, in fact the death of great kings and dictators was generally predicted by the appearance of a “star” plowing the sky months before. The sudden appearance of a comet is usually related to the Gods of Life and Death as Proserpine and Osiris, or may be associated with births and deaths of kings as with Jesus Christ and the Roman Emperor Tiberius Claudius respectively.

Photo: Vincentiu Solomon

The historian Josephus relates that in 66 AD. (four years before the destruction of Jerusalem) appeared a brilliant comet, which today is known that it was the Halley comet. The Romans believed that the comet that appeared at the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. It was his own soul. haktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda (1896-1977), said that comets are like policemen, who should only frighten evil people, because it comes to take them.

William Ramesay, in his book Astrology Restored of 1653, indicates as mundane astrology, that old practice of believing that comets are only carriers of bad omens, plague, diseases, famines, wars, death, floods and earthquakes. William Ramesay suggests that the appearance of a comet must be studied in great detail as it alters and assimilates various astrological aspects around it and these must be taken into account.

In magic and sorcery, a comet is a positive sign of a kind of energy joint that crosses the sky giving witches and practitioners an extra source of power to strengthen all their spells and rituals positively. A comet has the power to disassociate or annul all sorts of negative spells and rituals, to break very old curses, and to predict the future with a fairly high margin of assertiveness by converting the appearance of comets into an external force which must be taken into account by astrologers and experienced seers.

In shamanism the appearance of a comet is indicative of good omens, because it brings with it fresh energies and renews the ancient energies that allow to develop clairvoyance and the spiritualistic qualities, a comet is seen like the mystical vehicle of a Deity that comes to supervise the World and put in control everything that is not fulfilling its function.

Remember that if you want to know more about the subject you can subscribe to this Blog and also ask what you want regarding astrological and mystical topics by contacting me in Social Media.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Magic February : Full Moon in leo + Eclipse & Comet

Magic February

Full Moon in leo + Eclipse & Comet

Greetings to all my witches and sorcerers who follow me, we are starting the Second Month of 2017 and is a month charged with very good vibes, and why shouldn't it? We are facing a month full of powerful moons, comets and a pair of eclipses that come to charge of energy the atmosphere and all of us.

First let's briefly review some history to enter properly into this magical process and be able to understand it. During the "Age of Myths" in Old Europe, more specifically in Ancient Rome, the "Februas", a series of purification festivals based on cleanliness to celebrate the arrival of spring and fluvial time, were organized and celebrated annually. The feasts were so called because of the ancient Etruscan where the word for "February" was used to refer to "water to clean".

The ancient Romans assigned a different deity to each month, and assigned to this month a properly Etruscan God who received the name of Februus, a male deity of the dead and purification. This divinity came to be worshiped decades later by the Etruscans who lived on the outskirts of Rome in the form of "Febris", the Goddess of fever and malaria , who not only produced it but also prevented and healed it, her worship was such that three great temples were built in her name.

These feasts (the Februas) became part of the "Lupercales," a series of continuous ceremonial feasts dedicated to the Faun God and the She-wolf who, in the old myth, nursed Romulus and Remus, the sons of the God of War and founders of Rome. These feasts were celebrated with a purpose of fecundity and purification of the city, where men and women found parners and procreated after a ritual officiated by a local priest who immolated a young goat in honor to the pagan Gods, in order to attract strong and healthy offspring. It is no coincidence that Valentine's Day is celebrated every February 14, because the Lupercales and Februas were celebrated on the 15th day of the same month, which later became known as "Februarius ", Thus giving passage after the month of" February ".

This Month is especially dedicated to love, fecundity and purification, it is also the first month after the beginning of all annual cycles, we have left behind the celebration of the New Year, Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year, and we have recently received the first new moon of this year, this is definitely the perfect month to start new projects and undertake new paths, start courses and academic careers.

A Month Full of Good Vibes

February (or Februarius) is a magnificently charged month, we recently received the lunar new year and we are waiting for two magical eclipses, the penumbral eclipse of the moon and the annular eclipse of Sun, Oh and let's not forget that tiny detail that does not surprise us, the comet 45P/Honda will be located in the constellation of Hercules and will be visible to the naked eye, so it is my witches and wizards, experts and novices alike, we have a giant comet, an astrological and Magical event of those that come charged with a lot of vibes to channel. It is time to anoint ourcandles with our best oils, cleanse the house (a little local Feng Shui is never too much), clean the mirrors with Artemis and prepare out Best amulets, as a magical night is around the corner and if you have desires on the way, this is the time to ask for them.

The comet in question, the 45P/Honda, which for lack of a less epic name we will call "Magic February" (or at least I will), is on the way, will pass the point closest to Earth on February 11, ehen it may be visible with special binoculars and even presumed we will be able to spot it with the naked eye, as long as we are far from excessive light pollution and properly positioned in the constellation of Hercules, the protective warrior of humanity. Our Magic February will appear far away during the most convenient night of the month, as it falls just one night after the full moon in Leo. There will be no better time this weekend (February 10 and 11) to carry out those spells, potions, rituals and amulets that increase our character, our physical energy and our power over others.

Lunar Eclipse in Leo

The moon in Leo is a characteristically competitive and successful moon, perfect for those who seek to grow in the business world, especially for those who are linked to the world of art and entertainment. This is the perfect lunation to help raise funds and support all kinds of social and charitable works. Although the moon in Leo is also known to increase tendencies to drama, arrogance and vanity, it is also the moon that influences the generosity, warmth and creativity of people. This moon promises us a good dose of business creativity that will remain for several days.

The full moon usually gives us its strength, charisma and good vibes to follow, vibrations that usually go away in the later days due to the waning moon, but the full moon in oil is usually one of the most powerful, without leaving In oblivion a very important type, it is a penumbral eclipse, a perfect omen for all those who start business projects this year, a phase that augurs good news and contacts that arrive at the door in a very good faith, it is time to put to rest the vices that rob us of time and dedicate 100% to the wonderful task of creating, organizing and undertaking. The world belongs to dreamers and if you are one, welcome to one of the lunar phases that will leave you with a sweet taste in your mouth, but only as long as you have your documentation in order and you are willing to reveal yourself for your life projects.

The February full moon it is also known as the Wild Moon, Snow Moon, Corn Moon or hunger moon.

Moonstone: Amethyst.
Moon Flower: Iris.
Color: Violet, purple and white.
Animal: The otter and bear.
To bless stones: amethyst, pyrite, opal and tiger eye
Incense: Vanilla, coconut and rye.

A little Ritual for February

During any first day of February perform a magic circle of sea salt or coarse salt and proceeded to light a stick of incense of sage, a blue candle (attract success) and a purple candle (transmutation) on your magic circle.

Next, burn in the candle fire twelve (12) dried bay leaves. Proceed to mix in a bowl or cauldron the remains thereof with a bunch of sage spray or dry iris, a piece of amethyst and a few drops of essential oil of hyssop, carnation or bay.

Mix with both hands for several minutes, recite the following incantation two (2) times and collected the amethyst from the mix, save it in a corner of the house and burn the rest of the mixture, using the ashes to clean the halls of the house.

“Oh, Great avatars and spirits of progress and destiny, grant me joy and countless reasons to be happy, make me see them as nymphs dancing in the forest and make a prosperous and peaceful life possible.”


Soon I will be revealing more information in this same way. Meanwhile, if you want to receive a couple of rituals suitable for such a magical lunation, do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter with your email account and receive the rituals at the most appropriate time, if you also want Information about personalized rituals, I invite you to follow me in my social networks where I will always be willing to advise you.

Blessings & Happy Moon.

What do you celebrate on February 9th?

What do you celebrate on February 9th?

I do not know what you are celebrating that day, but that day I am in mourning for one of the greatest men that has walked on the earth, not to mention also that he has been the most noble and brave man of all time.

February 9: Eyvind Kinnrifa Day

Eyvind Kinnrifa was a viking chieftain of Trondheim, Norway in the tenth century. He was a pagan devotee and protagonist of one of the most sordid events related to forced conversion to Christianity headed by King Olaf Tryggvason.

Knowing the precedents of the royal visit to various provinces, two merchants called Hauk and Sigurd, they warned Eyvind to be careful with the king because they knew his pagan devotion and they had had problems for that in a previous encounter of which (for the moment) they had saved themselves. Eyvind went to visit Hårek av Tjøtta for advice that received him well and listened to his fears; but in the area were already the men of King Olaf who were watching Hårek and took Eyvind prisoner, taking him to the presence of the king in his ship that was in Nidaros because he was heading north in an expedition to solve the pagan dissidence in the zone .

After a short conversation, the king first petitioned Eyvind for his voluntary conversion and accepted the baptism, Eyvind refused. The king then offered gifts and proposed a fief, but Eyvind continued to reject the offer. Finally the king threatened him with death, but Eyvind did not yield. Olaf then ordered his men to place a grill full of burning coals on the viking's belly.

With tears of pain, Eyvind said to pull away   the grill with embers because he had to say something before he died.
The king thought that he would accept the conversion and asked if he accepted Christ, but Eyvind replied:

"No, I can not receive baptism even if I wish. My father and mother had no children before asking for help from the Finnish sorcerers. The last one told them that they would have a child, but they had to swear that their son would serve Odin and Thor until he died. And that is how I was born and consegrated to Odin, and as soon as I was able to swear vows of my own, I renewed his oath. I have become a mighty leader. Now, so many times I have dedicated myself to Odin that I can not now, nor will I disappoint him."

And with those words expired the one who had been one of the great sorcerers of the north.

Every February 9th, mourning for the great pagan martyr is celebrated.

Blessings... Elhoim Leafar.