Friday, November 10, 2017

The Mystical Court of the Witches

The Court of the Witches

Folklore tells us about the different magical courts that lead the world beyond the veil that separates the worlds, and that, moreover, is venerated by the spiritualists of the entire world in different ways and ways.

In much of Europe is venerated the "Court of witches" which is made up of the souls of witches burned at the stake and hanged in public for the practice of their magical art, the souls of these witches do not reach rest or can reincarnate for having been victims of tragic, ignoble and unjust deaths, for this reason the witches prevail trapped in the veil between the two worlds, as inhabitants of a magical infinite corridor that is virtually connected to all the trees and mirrors of the world, which they use to travel and communicate with our world.

These same witches, watch over the safety and learning of the youngest witches and sorcerers, trying to keep alive the honorable practice of nature in the hands of the living.

On the other hand, in Africa, the Yoruba people venerate the souls of the witches who have left, assuring that their presence prevails among us until their names fall into oblivion. Practitioners of the Yoruba faith, consider that the souls of witches are venerated and highly respected in the other world, from where they lead the births of new shamans and seers in the world.

The religions that descend culturally from Africa, as it is the case of the Santería, the Voodoo, the Hoodoo, the Candomblé, the Quimbanda, Umbanda, Palo Mayombe and Batuque, reunite very similar elements among themselves, venerating the souls of the ancestors that make up a magical court of animals that act through local mediums and the forces of nature.

In South America, the 'Court of Witches', which is composed entirely of the souls of the local witches of each country and whose names are venerated and passed down from generation to generation to keep their memory alive, is venerated in the mountains. magic and its essence among the new generations of practitioners.

The witches court leads the world of spirits and they have the power to exercise all kinds of changes in the life of living beings, influencing equally on love, money, health, and family. In the spiritualist tradition it is considered that a witch to die must be honored on the ground where he died (not where he lived) and it is there where he took the power to reconnect with his loved ones, old teachers and family, and from where he will start to undertake his path as a resident of the spiritual world.

In all Afro-Caribbean traditions, the witches court is conjured in the same way, with white candles where the written names of each of the dozens (or hundreds in some cases) of the names of those who make up the local court are burned. Once this is done by the practitioner, the witches court should be venerated and honored every Monday night, placing glasses with clean water, glasses with red wine, cups with hot coffee and a crystal ball, objects of divination, essential oils and perfumes, incense and candles that should remain lit all night in this magical spiritual vault.

The witches court will consecrate each and every one of these various objects in favor of the witch practitioner, and in exchange for their attentions, the practitioner will be respectfully served by the witches from the world of the veil.

Usually, and according to the magic tradition, the witches court is always attentive to every step that the witches make in their way, but they only act if they are called and invoked properly, because they can not interfere if they are not invoked from this side of the living, and that is through a due invocation clearly and loudly by an initiate in the occult arts.

On the other hand, working with the witches court is extremely easy, the promises made in his name must always be fulfilled before the next new moon and strongly punish those who forget to keep their promises in exchange for the favors granted, never grant nothing for free, no matter what you promise to the witches' court, the payment must first be given as a priority and then they will decide how to honor the deal.

Although the court of the witches is made up equally by men and women, by wizards, magicians, and initiated spiritualists, also only receive the name of Court of the Witches, because it is a more general term, the witches of certain countries can invoke separately to "the sorceress court", "the court of the magicians" or "the shamanic court", to refer to doing magical works with smaller groups that live within the same court.

The witches' court is independent of any pagan religion, neopagan or adverse to them, they also act independently to all the spiritual courts, deities and spirits, more like a huge group of local souls and animas than as a specific pantheon.

If you want to work with the witches court, it is always important to remember that their attentions are better received on Monday night than any other day, and they have no distinction of any kind towards groups or individuals who practice, but their veneration and practice must be constant and very serious.

I hope this Post will be very helpful in your daily magic practice.


Text: Elhoim Leafar
Pics: Александр Раскольников

November Renovator, New Moon in Scorpio

New moon of November
Congratulations my lover of the sky and the stars, if you have come this far, it is because fate has planted a series of "coincidences" in your path to allow you to be prepared for one of the last restarts of this year, 2017.
Next Saturday, November 18, we will find ourselves in front of one of the last renovating moons of 2017, and it is the moon in the hottest sign of the zodiac, moon in Scorpio, so any change you wish to make in your intimate and loving life before end 2017, this is the time to do it, unless you want to start a prosperous 2018 dragging feelings of guilt or something that makes you regret it.

Changes and Renewal
The new moon is the right time to reflect and meditate on all kinds of issues, it is also the time to initiate new processes and phases of change, it is not time to rest on the laurels or boast of "Believing" to be doing something right, On the contrary, it is the moon phase to meditate on our various processes and find exactly the mistakes and what can be improved.

The moon in Scorpio is a moon full of sensitivity, emotion and deep transformations, especially those transformations that imply our personal relationships if you want your relationship to evolve, grow or end, this is the moment.
The new moon in Scorpio is a good time to start all kinds of magical, astrological and esoteric studies, to carry out regressions and predictions, according to the old folklore of the Caribbean, the power of the new moon in scorpio, has such power of transformation that is capable of turning men into beasts and vice versa, in South America, it is said that this is the moon used by old witches to abandon their old skins, renew their youth, and even become owls to fly over the rooftops during the cold nights.

The alchemists of old Europe believed true that the moon positioned in Scorpio had the power to turn tin and copper into silver and gold, while in Brazil, the new moon of November represents the dream of Yemaya who will rest for a long period to wake up shortly before the last night of December.
Magic & Emotion The new moon in Scorpio is charged with strong emotions that must be controlled with great care, jealousy, envy, resentment, revenge, old grudges that were believed forgotten and deepest desires can intersperse and confuse us during this period. '
Light blue and indigo candles, mauve or wildflower incense, burn dried flowers and garlic husks at the door to renew energies, honor the spirits of water and practice different methods of astral projection are habitual forms of magic for this lunation.
It is a good time to start meditation processes in calm and tranquility, publicly manifest our good wishes, write very long letters where we place our frustrations and then let them burn in the fire, and seek and try new ways to make catharsis and achieve peace of mind.
The rituals linked to the water element and to invoke the protective avatars of the western side of the earth gain more strength especially during this night, it is also a perfect moment to develop those rituals that take away our enemies, dispel bad thoughts and diminish negative thoughts.
I hope to know what you will do with this magical renewal moon, follow me on my social networks and share your ideas with me. Kisses & Blessings.

Venus In Scorpio

Venus, the brightest planet we can easily see without the help of a telescope, one of the most famous and known since antiquity has always been associated with love, a universal feeling.

the resplendent beauty of this celestial body caused Venus - called Aphrodite by the Greeks - to be worshiped as the goddess of beauty and love, but its charm not only produced harmony but was the cause of the Trojan War.

Venus represents everything beautiful and desirable. His position in the astral chart reveals something about our need for harmony, our love life and capacity for surrender. The planet Venus is also considered the one that governs fine arts and singing, as well as our sense of aesthetics.

This Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Venus moved to the sign of Scorpio where it will be throughout the rest of the month. It is an extremely important transit because Scorpio, as a sign of water, communicates with its surroundings mainly through their feelings. The water element represents the world of unfathomable emotions, from compulsive passions and irrational fears to feelings of universal compassion and love, but also feelings of jealousy, possession and much more, depending on the nature of your sign develops.

Venus begins to provide solutions to the problems that have arisen so far, with the transparency issues that Jupiter in Scorpio is addressing to the scene, revealing motives, ethics, and intentions, as well as other issues that have been in the shadows.

With Venus in Scorpio, relationships are deeply passionate. The superficial flirtations and contacts do not satisfy us now, since we long for a fusion "body and soul" with someone special; contacts that break the taboos, which are extreme and intense and that are unforgettable.

This is a very emotional position for Venus. It is a passionate, sensual and intense energy. Our relationships are important to us, and we can even feel that they consume us. In fact, we tend to want to be consumed by them. Our unity is towards intense closeness, but blind faith in our partners is very difficult for us now. The fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up our own power for others are strong.

The transit of Venus in Scorpio. It brings passion and depth to our relationships. Venus in this sign is hyper-secret, and it is possible that it leads us to doubt if people are really sharing everything they know with us, when we are trying an authentic and deep connection. If we are in search of our soul mate and can get rid of players who do not commit, there are strong chances of finding love in the most unlikely places.

Elhoim Leafar