Thursday, March 30, 2017

The 12 Zodiacal Signs and their legends.


Hi my dear readers, I am here leaving you a brief introduction of the origin of the zodiac. This is a shorthand version of what I have read along with many different textbooks, to help you better understand the origin of each zodiacal signs on your future studies.

Signs of Fire


This Sign ruled by Mars represents the ram that accompanied him during his trip with Phrixus and Helle when they left their native country for Colchis, later this ram happened to become the famous Golden Fleece of Jason and Argonauts. Aries gets its name from Ares the Greek god of war that the Romans worshiped under the name of Mars, ruling planet of Aries.


This Sun-ruled Sign represents the Lion of Nemea, a creature of unknown origin whose skin was impenetrable, Hercules was sent by Hera to kill the Lion and had to strangle him and then skin him with his own hands to assassinate him. Hercules dressed the lion's skin as a shield and symbol of glory until the end of his days.


This Sign ruled by Jupiter represents the Centaur Chiron, known as the medic of the medics, tired of his condition of immortal, decided to change it by the salvation of Prometheus. When the deal was formalized, Prometheus asked, "Why did you do it? Now that you're dead, no matter how tired you are, you will not be able to change it ..."

Earth Signs


This Sign ruled by Venus represents the form adopted by God Zeus (a white bull with gold horns) to distract and abduct Europa, Zeus mingled with the cattle while Europa and her entourage picked flowers near the beach, she saw the Bull and caressed his sides and, noting that he was meek, she mounted on him. Zeus took advantage of this opportunity: he ran to the sea and swam to the island of Crete carrying Europe on his back. Already in Crete, Zeus revealed his true identity, and Europa became the first queen of the island. Zeus recreated the shape of the white bull in the stars that are now known as the constellation Taurus.


This Sign ruled by Mercury represents Astrea, the virgin Goddess, and daughter of Zeus and Themis. She helped her father as a bearer of lightning during the war with the Titans. In return for her loyalty, Zeus raised her to the sky and placed her among the stars, giving rise to this constellation and end to the presence of humans of the last immortal of the Golden Age.

* Curious note: Until 1970 it was believed that Virgo was ruled by the mythical and non-existent Vulcan planet.


This sign governed by Saturn is the representation of the Amalthea Goat, which nursed Zeus when his mother Rhea hid it from the sight of his father Cronus who wanted to devour him. After time passed, the now adult Zeus fought against the Titans wearing an armor made with the skin of this mythical goat, which later becomes the Aegis, the shield of Zeus forged by Hephaestus, god of fire. First Zeus donated this shield to Apollo, and then to his daughter Athena, goddess of war. The astrological sign presents a hybrid animal: a goat with the fish tail that symbolizes the nutritive waters where the being is born to raise to the highest degree of spirituality.

Air Signs


This Sign governed by Mercury represents the twins Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus. The tale is Zeus transformed into a swan seduced the Goddess Nemesis who, under the spell of the "King of the Gods", laid an egg from which the twins were born. Pollux was immortal, not so his brother Castor. When Castor died, Pollux offered his immortality to save his brother.


This Sign governed by Venus is the representation of the scale of Dikē, the Goddess of Justice who carried a balance of gold given to her by Zeus to judge the souls of the warriors, a myth is now diffused according to which the balance represents Julius Caesar carrying it together with his sword.

* Note: The Myth of Julius Caesar might consider wrong because by the time Greece was taken by the Romans and were very ancient representations carved temples with the constellation of Libra being represented by a balance was common.


This sign ruled by Uranus is the representation of the Greek legend of Ganymede, the cupbearer of the gods and pourer of Olympus. The young Ganymede was a hero and a Trojan prince (Not Greek) was prominent and renowned for his incredible beauty. Zeus impressed by the perfect male figure of the young man became an eagle and kidnapped him on Mount Ida in Phrygia (now Turkey) and took him to Olympus to become one of his lovers. The father of Ganymede missed his now immortal son so much that Zeus created the constellation of Aquarius in his honor.

Water Signs


This sign ruled by the Moon represents a giant desert sands crab that was sent by the same Goddess Hera to help the Lernaean Hydra in its task of murdering Heracles in a fierce battle that lasted 7 days and 7 Nights. It was so impressive the work of the monster invoked by the Goddess that she elevated it to the sky to turn him into the constellation.


This sign ruled by Pluto represents an old legend according to which the Goddess Artemis (The Moon) was hunting in the forests and, when she is seen by the giant Orion, this one chases her in the middle of the night trying to abuse of her. Artemis, to defend herself, claimed for the help of a small scorpion which was trampled by the gigantic hunter and immediately was poisoned, when they died both by Artemis, she asked her father Zeus to place them in the sky and him, placed them in front of another so that they no longer fight. When the constellation of Scorpio rises from the horizon, the constellation of Orion hides on the other side fleeing of the animal that caused his death.


This sign ruled by Neptune represents the gods Ares (God of War) and Aphrodite (Goddess of Love) fleeing the Olympus rivers transformed into fish during the war against the Titans. The Titan Typhoon chased them to the limits of Greece where a fisherman catches them in a small basket and they swim side by side in opposite directions. At the end of the Olympian war, Zeus drew this memory in the sky symbolizing what that humble man who helped the Gods saw in his basket.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Moon and Your Enterprise

The Moon and Your Enterprise

Hello Lover ❤ Thanks for entering here! This day I have decided to share with you a series of notes and tips of great importance to carry out in the day to day. Scientists have verified that the moon phases influence the hours of sleep, the movements of the waves, the periods of the woman and her fertility, and even on our own understanding of the passage of time.

That is why I have summarized in this Post a series of important tips for you, for you that you want to take the reins of your life, for you that you want to grow in the work environment and personal, for you that you want to grow, create and undertake, so I invite you to take into account what is here and join us to learn to use in our favor the phases of the moon and therefore to learn a new positive way to carry out our various personal projects.

The New Moon 🌑

This is the right moment to reflect on our new projects and market strategies, it is the lunar phase to meditate and negotiate all kinds of labor changes, office relocation, company changes, promotions and so on.

The Crescent Moon 🌔

There is no better time than the rising moon to seek the expansion of your enterprise or company, it is the lunar phase that gives us the right energy to improve our productivity in all aspects, it is time to make known those new projects that we are planning .

The Full Moon 🌕

Who said Advertising? With the full Moon our creativity flows better than ever, is the most appropriate time to start promotion and marketing plans, publicize that new commercial and convince the consumer that you have just what he is looking for.

Waning Moon 🌖

During the waning moon, that period when the moon begins to fade in the sky, dissipating some tempers and with them the energy, it's time for analysis, review market figures (sales) and correct any errors or details made above.

The Moon in Aries ♈

The moon in Aries inspires courage and enthusiasm, it is a good time to take on difficult projects and dare to make mistakes.

Moon in Taurus ♉

The moon in Taurus inspires this analytical facet of all, it is the time to process documents, memorize important figures and evaluate staff.

The Moon in Gemini ♊

It is well known that Gemini governs the landscape of communications and travel, is the lunar phase to conduct conversations for commercial purposes involving the foreign lands, plan trips, advertising campaigns and start short courses linked to work.

The Moon in Cancer ♋

It has always been linked to social work, NGOs and foundations working to provide any kind of humanitarian aid. It is time to contribute our bit and help those who need it.

The Moon in Leo ♌

The moon in Leo encourages all those who are linked to the world of art and entertainment, celebrity magazines, paparazzi, interpreters and people linked to theater and music. This Lunation gives them strength, character and elegance.

The Moon in Virgo ♍

It is the lunation related to human well-being in each of its aspects, this moon is suitable to inaugurate and promote gyms, odontological centers, esthetic clinics, beauty salons, saunas, hairdressers and barbershops, everything related to personal, physical care and emotional.

The Moon in Libra ♎

The moon of the balance is the moon in Libra, it's time to schedule appointments, schedules and meetings with the necessary calm that nothing can go wrong, it's time for accountants, lawyers and all those who work with figures and files .

The moon in Scorpio ♏

The moon in Scorpio favors the free development of creativity and imagination, it is not usually a good time to inaugurate or promote projects, as it tends to slightly decrease market strength, but it is the right moon to attract new customers and strengthen participation Of employees. The moon in Scorpio is not a good time for the products but it is one to publicize the services.

The Moon in Sagittarius ♐

Just as Aries & Leo is a moon of fire linked to the competitive spirit, this moon especially favors athletes and products that are promoted by artists, is a good time to sign promotional and marketing contracts, also favors new brands.

The Moon in Capricorn ♑

The moon in capricorn is a firm and solid moon, it is the moon suitable to close deals and consolidate projects, gives special luck to long-lived companies and helps to revive companies in possible bankruptcy, this moon invites us to be strong and constant.

The Moon in Aquarius ♒

The moons of air like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius dominate different aspects of the communications, this is the moon linked to modern communication, social media, visual marketing, telecommunications, meetings of work via Skype or Facebook Live, computer science and media interviews.

The Moon in Pisces ♓

The moon in the sign of pisces nourishes those companies and corporations of all the sectors that are changing, whether it is their market, their image before the public or their most important workforce, a company that changes its logo during the moon in Pisces will capture much more public, while a company that changes its manager out of this moon must be prepared in the circumstances that can lead to failure.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

What Is The Astral Journey?

What Is The Astral Journey?

Since ancient times, man has tried to define a strange phenomenon, of which almost all cultures speak to us, but of which even today, we hardly know the process. This phenomenon is known as "Astral Travel", astral splitting, astral projection or also OBE (Out-of-body experience, or extracorporeal experience).

Already in ancient Egypt, this phenomenon was represented as a bird, which had a human face, and which they called "Ba". But not only in ancient Egypt did we refer to the phenomenon of astral travel, since in ancient Hindu (Upanishad) writings, or religious passages of the Christian bible, as in Ecclesiastes 12, we can find clear references to astral travel.

Many ancient cultures have incorporated the phenomenon of astral travel into their religious beliefs, and even the Christian bible in the New Testament describes it in the "transfiguration of Jesus." In the case of the "Shamans" of the Siberian steppe, the "Nagual" of Mexico or the "Jibaros" of the Amazon jungle, these trips to the "spirit world" are carried out for therapeutic purposes or clairvoyance


In this respect, we should refer to the descriptions made by parapsychologists and scientific researchers of the subject, on the one hand, and the descriptions made by the esoteric connoisseurs, on the other, since while the former try to discover the physical and psychic mechanism that Produces, from the esoteric point of view acquires a spiritual dimension.

From the scientific point of view, there are many researchers who since the nineteenth century have dedicated their studies and efforts to discover a methodology that explains and demonstrates the phenomenon of astral travel, arriving at a definition generally accepted and that would come to Be a description similar to the following:

"The Astral Journey occurs when the astral or subtle body is separated from the physical body, without which intervention of the emotional body or mediation of the mental body is necessary, although the mental state becomes necessary for its interpretation."

The situation described is, in fact, similar to what would occur when a person dies, since there are many cases of people who have suffered a "clinical death" situation, that is, they have been clinically dead for a few minutes, and upon taking back the consciousness have manifested this type of experiences, where they have been elevated above their physical body, while they could see and hear everything that happened around them.

However, it is not necessary to reach a state of clinical death or pre-death to be able to experience an astral journey, in fact, the astral journey occurs naturally in each and every one of us during sleep, although in this case It is produced unconsciously.

But astral travel or astral projection can also be done in a conscious and controlled way, in this respect, there are people who even get to experience it spontaneously, even being completely awake and without an express desire to do it. Paradoxically, there are people who despite proposing and try it by various means, the only thing they achieve is to perform a "mental projection", something that we should not confuse with the astral travel, since while the astral travel is free, ie not There is no mental control where the mind or mental body can take any initiative, the mental projection is induced or provoked, directed towards clear and defined objectives, something that in principle, was reserved for spiritual masters, yogis, mystics and shamans.

When a mental projection occurs, the astral body is directed to very specific places of human symbology, where the fears, prejudices, religious precepts and all that the human mind has assumed as moral concepts, acquire a meaning that can determine the physical existence of the individual, since the body or mental state will always remain next to the physical body, reason why in the mental projection, the physical body will be at the mercy of the desires of the mental state.

This feature of the mental projection is what makes it used along with astral travel, by shamans and similar characters, in order to achieve a physical, psychic, medical, animal or material benefit for the person, since being originated from the physical mind, its effects can revert on the physical or material plane, while in the astral journey, the subtle or astral body will remain connected with the physical body only through a "silver cord" and until the Moment of return to the physical body or the moment of death.

From the point of view of parapsychology, astral travel is considered as the way that enables us to connect physical life with the afterlife, but which, however, can not interfere in the aspects of physical life, by not making it possible for us to acquire the Knowledge that could exist on the astral plane in a conscious way, that is to say, with the intervention of the mental body, that is why it is through mental projection that the resources adequate to our needs are obtained.

From the esoteric point of view, astral travel or astral splitting can be interpreted as a bilocation and acquires a totally mystical and spiritual concept, where the phenomenon is used for altruistic or spiritual elevation purposes, since in this case, the unfolding or bilocation, would consist of the faculty of projecting out of the body, being able to be in two places at the same time and in the same space of time. Such is the case of many religious mystics, were through history, we can see how they have projected their body in two places at a time, even being physically visualized.

One of the best documented cases is that of Santa Agueda, who could project her body from the convent of Segovia, where she was cloistered, and appear in Mexico, in order to evangelize the Indians, getting to give them physical delivery of the rosaries that had been guarded in the convent, or the case of Sant Josep Oriol, who was able to be in two churches of Barcelona giving Mass at the same time, as well as in the nearby city of Mataró.

In order for the experience to be considered purely as a bilocation, it is imperative that the subject in question be projected within the same space-time, since if the projection occurs within another space-time, for example, we see ourselves in the pyramids of Gizeh in ancient Egypt, we would be talking about an astral journey or astral projection.

As a conclusion, we will say that it will be an astral journey when it is performed totally independently of the mental body, since a mystical or spiritual experience would be conditioned by our moral and religious aspects, affecting the physical plane.

Monday, March 27, 2017

About the New Moon in Aries

Tonight, March 27/28 2017.

If you are a regular reader of my Blog, or you have read some of my published books, you will know that with each new moon it is time to decree our new intentions, each new moon that is framed in the sky is a point of integral renewal that invites us to Carry out a transformation.

Just as the moon governs the movements of the ocean, marine life, harvests and moods, and even influences our dreams, pregnancies and periods of the woman, month by month, the moon also transforms us internally into each Cycle, the moon goes through a varied number of phases in each cycle, and these, in turn, are represented by the cycle of the triple goddess, the young maiden (the crescent moon), the pregnant mother (the full moon pregnant with light ), And the wise old lady (the waning moon), these cycles are linked to our day to day and influence us in many ways.

Each new moon represents a Break, or rather a small reset on our inner being, when we do not know this, it is common to feel lost, distracted and even bored of routine and day to day, if instead, you know how this cycle works, You can take advantage of it, and induce it into your projects.

The new moon is a moment of interior renewal, it gives us an empty slate to frame and draws freely our thoughts and projects, the moon of Aries that we will witness tonight is the first new moon since the equinox, and as such, the first new moon of spring.

Channel the renewing energy of this moon by properly organizing your new projects, for this, I have left a beautiful ritual, very simple to do in addition, in my facebook page @ElhoimleafarOfficial enter, give "I like" my page and start this new Ritual of renewal.

Happy moon.

Elhoim Leafar

The Mighty Magic of Belladonna.

The Mighty Magic of Belladonna.

Atropa belladonna, the belladonna, is a plant popularly little used today because of its high toxicity. Its used is reserved for the pharmaceutical industry and they are considered a very dangerous poison or drug, but in other times it was a very used plant and have a great magical tradition.

Belladonna is a plant that grows in rain forests of Europe, Asia, and Africa. In northern Spain, you can also find this plant. It can measure up to 1 m approx height. It has some beautiful and colorful purple bell-shaped flowers and some berries that look like berries but they smell very bad. It is also known as black cherry, death herb, wall tobacco, devil cherry or witch berry.

Belladonna contains high amounts of tropic alkaloids, especially in its fruits and roots. Alkaloids, as we have explained on other occasions, are chemical compounds (nitrogenated) derived from vegetables (and some animals), which have different properties on our organism, especially on the central nervous system, so they are widely used in pharmacopeia. Some well-known alkaloids are cocaine, nicotine, amphetamine, morphine, codeine, heroin, atropine.

Belladonna alkaloids (including atropine) are very toxic and dangerous, as 10-15 berries of this plant can produce an immediate coma and kill an adult man within minutes.

Belladonna has hypnotic and anesthetic effects, decreases the secretion of mucous membranes, and can paralyze the digestive system, the respiratory system and produce strong hallucinations. Its toxicity causes dry mouth, nose and eyes, uncontrollable laughter, vomiting, paralysis, hypertension and migraine. It also eliminates sweating and lactation. The pharmaceutical industry uses some of its properties, for example for ophthalmology, the production of eye drops that dilate the pupil, or some drugs that relieve gastric problems, to treat Parkinson's or as a local analgesic.

During ancient Egypt, small doses of belladonna were consumed since it was believed that it had the power to allow you to see mysterious worlds. It has also been used as a narcotic until the Middle Ages. It is believed that hits popular "belladonna" name may be due to the fact that during the Roman Empire, women applied small amounts of its berry under the eyes, so that the pupils dilate and look more beautiful.

Another theory that may respond to the origin of the name explains that the Roman priests who worshiped Belona, who was the goddess of war, drank an infusion of this plant to invoke the goddess to help them succeed in the battles of their army.

Nowadays as we said, because of its great toxicity, it is not used in any format in phytotherapy or naturopathy, but until the 19th century, it was commonly used in witchcraft rituals to connect with spirits, relieve a toothache and travel to other worlds. It is believed that one of the ways in which witches consumed the belladonna was to anoint sticks with fruits of this plant and with others hallucinogens (like the mandrake), and put this stick between the legs, hence the myth that witches could "fly" mounted on broomsticks. Although in some cases, the flight and trip were only one way.

This shrub is of low tolerance to direct exposure to the sun. It usually grows on shady grounds and wooded and coal hills, can reach one and a half meters in height. Its active principles are mainly concentrated in the root of the fruit, which is a berry spherical and blackish, about the size of a cherry.

The belladonna is classified as one of the healing plants with more properties, it has been used for centuries for very diverse affections in which they emphasize the following ones:

Properties and applications of Belladonna in health

• It has active ingredients such as atropine, belladonna, choline, esculetin, hyoscyamine, nicotine, scopolamine, scopoletin and tannins.

• It has depressant action on the autonomic parasympathetic system, with decoagulant effects of the smooth muscle, and inhibitory secretions.

• It has been used successfully to treat neuralgias, asthma, nervous cough, seizures, epilepsy, some eye diseases and spasmodic constrictions, as well as headaches, irritable colon, symptoms of menstruation, peptic ulcers, inflammation and dizziness.

• It has diuretic, sedative, mild analgesic and antidote properties against fungal intoxication (on all those containing muscarinic alkaloids such as 'Amanita Muscaria').

• Contains active agents with anticholinergic properties, such as alkaloids derived from tropane atropine, hisocin (scopolamine) and hisosciamine.

• It has been used by some women of antiquity to dilate their pupils, thus obtaining a more erotic look (it is known that when a woman is sexually excited her pupils usually dilate).

• Its active ingredient, atropine has been used in conjunction with levadopa to treat Parkinson's disease.

Modes of use of the Belladonna

• In herbal medicine they usually prepare the facials with berries and root to treat various conditions.
• In modern medicine it is applied locally as a solution during ophthalmic interventions (the hood is a great help when eye surgery is required). Its effects begin between 15 and 30 minutes.
• It can also be administered in tablets, capsules, homeopathy or drops of oral administration.

Belladonna and homeopathy

Belladonna is used with great effectiveness in homeopathy to treat various conditions, it is used in homeopathic preparations, in combination with other agents, such as alkaloids derived from ergot or barbiturates.

Some history about Belladonna

This plant was conceived with magical properties in the Middle Ages, since it was used in secret practices of sorcery by witches of this time. It has been the object of many ancient legends and beliefs. Used as a narcotic by the ancient Egyptians, and by the Syrians as antidepressant or stimulant, to "keep away the sad thoughts." Its name refers to the domestic use of the ancient Italian ladies who have a belladonna fruit under their eyes to make them look beautiful.

Contraindications of the Belladonna

It is a plant classified as poisonous, can cause coma or death if it is poorly administered. The use of abuse of this plant can create a toxicity in the body that has the following effects: dry mouth (thirst), urinary retention, double vision, nausea, constipation, confusion and delirium, sweating increases pulse and respiratory rhythm, And the action of involuntary muscles decreases. Some of these effects sometimes occur with therapeutic doses. Belladonna does not cause physical or psychological addiction. Its suspension has no effect or supposes the occurrence of any withdrawal syndrome. It is recommended prudence for its use, the guidance of a professional is necessary for its therapeutic application.

New Moon in Aries

We start this magnificent and prosperous Monday with the moon in the astrological sign of Aries, we officially have the Sun and the moon in the same Sign, the new moon is the right time to reflect on a project, immerse yourself in a new process, it is time for Introspection and awakening.

This Monday is a good day to compete in sporting events, the moon in Aries is favorable to deal with matters where the action is required with the certain speed, to resolve situations where urgent decisions must be taken, begin diets to lose weight in a healthy way, to make complaints and To bring legal proceedings.

The moon in Aries also develops an unfavorable tendency to feel impatient and irritable, to behave abruptly, excessively authoritarian and aggressive, very attentive then with the character.

Remember that courage,  risks, challenges, vital energy, enthusiasm and freedom of speech are all topics to deal with during the moon's position in Aries. The moon in Aries is perfect to sow those projects that require an extra dose of courage, those that make you hesitate a little and shake your personal safety.

We also have this same day, the moon in #conjunction with Venus retrograde in Aries. Venus in Aries makes us consider and meditate on what is most appropriate and convenient for us, take into account that Venus retrograde and this will make visible those problems or difficulties of the couple that could not be overcome, "think about it but do not you say".

This lunation is governed by the planet Mars which at the moment is in the sign of Taurus and suggests us to use defense as the best attack, guard your forces behind your shield and do not act without thinking, it is time to properly analyze the steps Of the enemy and carefully evaluate every step we take.

Happy Moon

Thursday, March 23, 2017

But who did you put in the White House?

But who did you put in the White House?
Donald Trump

Would you trust a dog with an inflated ego that took the presidency in the middle of Scorpio moon?

The current President of the USA, "elected" not by majority, but rather by a vulgar technicality, was born on June 14, 1946, under the precise astrological influence of Gemini, a sign ruled by Mercury, those born under the solar sign of The twins are often stigmatized about an alleged "double personality," although we know that this refers more to their bipolar character and their always unexpected decisions, usually have a great capacity for adaptability and versatility, are also ingenious and creative , But all this leads to an ego difficult to manage and an adventurous spirit that unfortunately is usually bored quickly, because they like to make complex decisions and then abandon projects in half. Do you think that someone inconsistent is suitable to be the President of the greatest world power ?.

Mr. Trump has the moon sign of Sagittarius (subject previously covered in another post) and his ascending sign is Leo, has a double influence of fire sign on his peculiar character, which is governed by a sign of air, as Is the case of Geminis, if there is at least one earth or water sign in this equation, it would not be so worrying, this would indicate firmness and perseverance as in the case of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton or Bernie Sanders, but, in the case of Trump your regent signs are air + fire x2, such a person is able to make all kinds of decisions regardless of the results, just to have the power to make that decision, do you think it right that such a person handle the keys of nuclear missiles?.

But this does not end here, we still have more to analyze, because the president of the USA, in addition, was born in the year of the Chinese sign of the fire dog, dogs are faithful, upright and highly loyal, but have two very notorious defects that must Be taken into account, the first, that dogs never have fixed ideas, are changing and find it difficult to keep their projects and promises on the other hand, are loyal, yes, but loyal to themselves, their image before others already Their own beliefs.

Not only that, people born in years ending in number 6, are signs of fire, therefore the gentleman of whom we speak is a dog of fire, sign ruled by Mars the planet of war and conflict, are passionate, Fertile, dynamic and highly competitive, but not very good losers, can start a war only for a few words. And from this, the president has already shown us his bad character.

Dogs are Yang signs, a sign associated with the sun, diurnal forces and masculine energy, are not very spiritual persons, are much more earthly, and as they constantly change their opinion, they can also constantly change their religion, they often experience long periods of Religious fanaticism and once they live this period, they feel that everyone who thinks differently is against them, as an enemy to death, a subject that they are often taken very seriously, especially the Chinese signs of fire are usually Vindictive and very spiteful. May God bless our diplomatic relations in this situation!.

Returning to the western horoscope, the Lord in question, Donald Trump, was born with Sagittarius as a lunar sign. The people born under the lunar sign of the archer are enthusiastic, optimistic, restless, communicative and little vagabonds, love the comfort zone and have people around them, not precisely for social reasons, rather because they like to feel cared for.

But like everything on the moon, it has a dark side that is difficult to see, and once we see it, it becomes difficult to forget, people born with Sagittarius as a lunar sign, develop a certain tendency to exaggeration, lack Tact, recklessness and being excessively capricious people.

Double trending fire, Trump has a double fire tendency, this would represent a true innate leader, at least be balanced with the third sign of land or water, but instead we have a solar sign of air, And we know very well what causes the wind in the fires. People with fire signs can be highly intuitive, impetuous, vigorous and very warm to their family, but they also need someone to limit them and keep their feet on the ground because they can develop an indisputable tendency to arrogance and once they try The taste of revenge, may develop a certain addiction.

A complex presidency covered with poison

It is no secret that the current president of the United States will become part of the history books, as the worst president has had the country, nor are stealthy love affairs within the White House itself that will give much to talk about. But the truth is that we can not expect less from this cycle, this cycle that began the day that Trump was officially invested as President of the United States, we were under the lunar influence of the Scorpio sign, which, as you well know, the The only poisonous sign of the zodiac, and is usually the sign that is present during acts of state that are somehow cursed or destined to fail, as happened with the government of "Pedro Francisco Carmona Estanga", who was designated President Of Venezuela in a coup d'état and whose government prevailed less than 24 hours.

In general, the Western and Eastern signs, the truth have not told us anything new or that might be of surprise to someone, the truth, even I myself was somewhat bored during the conduct of this analysis, but there is nothing new to find , Do not expect this controversial individual to change his evil character, his inflamed ego and his ridiculous plans from one day to the next for "divine inspiration", do not expect him to leave early on the news tomorrow to announce his abandonment to the presidency, much less (Voluntarily) to back down some of its obscure plans that only seek to unbalance the economy of the country, on the contrary. It only remains for us (sadly) to sit down to witness the degrading spectacle, to pray for surviving these hard times that are just beginning, and to try to be united first of all, since leaders governed by air signs seldom repeat, and ruled leaders By fire signs, are never reelected, history has taught us this.

Similar case to the present, we live in my native Venezuela, where the addiction to power by a group led us to live the current Communist Dictatorship, remember that the President of Venezuela, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías and his current replacement were also attacked each One with the moon in Scorpio in each.

© Elhoim Leafar 2017 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Walking in the air

They are here and they are there, they are everywhere and in every corner, our ancestors and ancestors of others that inhabit each place, they miss you as much as you to them, do not hesitate to invite them home, to talk with them, to remember them They want to know what has happened since we hugged them for the last time, they want to know who won the last baseball game, who cheated at the Olympics, who made you laugh And who made you cry, what you did with your material belongings once you left and that is the life of your friends who are still here.

It is time to bless crystals, to make new amulets, to renew the altar and to honor those who left the other world during the cold winter and left us behind, in due time we will meet them and we will be able to talk about many subjects, it is not time to cry Let alone to be depressed, it is time to smile and thank for those who now take care of us from another perspective, pray for us from the hereafter and have been reunited with their ancestors and loved ones (and with the "not so dear" ones as well) .

Spring is a good time to perform all sorts of outdoor rituals, flower cleanings, aromatherapy, group meditations in open places and cleansing with herbs, the market will soon be saturated with fresh herbs, flowers and fruits to very good Price, take advantage of this moment to do those rituals that are usually accompanied by colorful flowers and herbs, esoteric cleanings linked to the home and vehicles, this also gives us the possibility to make a beautiful offering to our loved ones in the cemetery during the Winter was probably difficult to visit, but spring has arrived, we will find the florists full and varied, we have options to choose from.

At home we used to serve a cup of coffee next to the door that remains there until noon in the name of "the dead", which is our colloquial way of referring to them, glasses with water under the bed to keep their souls in a healthy state (Pure) as they watch over us, and to light white candles after sunset to honor them, to illuminate their path, and to help them to rise to a higher plane, a process which, as we know, does not happen overnight.

© Elhoim Leafar 2017 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Lunar apogee of March, Sun in Aries and Spring Equinox.

Today, Saturday, March 18, the "Apogee of March" takes place, when the Moon is further away from Earth, at a distance of 404.651 kilometers.

The Apogee is the moment when the Moon is further away from Earth and therefore reaches a greater separation from the center of the Moon to the center of our beautiful Gaia (Earth). This "Apogee" occurs about thirteen times a year, every lunar month.

Saturdays are governed by Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn (the astrological sign of loyalty and silence), Saturn is the God of agriculture and harvests, who represents the golden age of humanity, this apogee arrives Days before the Spring Equinox that will occur (as usual) with the entry of the Sun into the Aries Sign, and in this case, the moon will be in the Sign of Capricorn, clearly this spring comes loaded with real tasks and commitments that Bring our forces to the limit.

With the Sign of the ram and the Sign of the sea goat simultaneously escorting the sun and the moon, there is no doubt that this quarter come to test your survival skills, to see if you can climb the steep hill against all odds or If you prefer to stay stuck midway complaining about how difficult the path is, and trying unsuccessfully to follow the tracks of others who have already traveled the same way.

Is it time to doubt ?, Clearly it is, the Sign of the ram motivates us to persist unconsciously, take the "surprise" opportunities that appear halfway and boast of those minority achievements that really lack all firmness, while the Sign of The goat invites us to distrust the easy things and the opportunities that appear surprisingly, not everything that shines is gold and the most authoritarian signs of the Zodiac invite you to distrust a bit of the process.

Spring is saturated with small pocket projects and shooting stars, those that come, shine and suddenly disappear, it's time to channel as best you can that light to come, to order your projects conscientiously, to know that who to discard and choose properly Which is more convenient for us in the long term, do not forget that spring makes it bloom to the smallest garden, but we must learn from the squirrels, enjoy the spring without trusting us for a second, because at any moment will come Autumn that will make any branch Of the tree that is not strong enough, and a winter season will cover with its snow all trace of what has been done.

If you find yourself stuck somewhere, position or situation, it is time to reconsider why you are still there, do not forget that we are about to enter the Aries Sign, an honest but impulsive sign, it is not time to make hasty decisions or make quick decisions , There is no time to be diplomats, it is time to let go of what is nothing more than a waste of time and focus, not on the easy, but on what truly suits us as entrepreneurs, and as human beings.

We are emerging from the Sign of Pisces, the sign of adaptability, remember that the Olympic gods Ares and Aphrodite fled from Mount Olympus transformed into fish not to be devoured by the Titans in the mythological era, then Zeus saw the image of the fish swimming to Countercurrent and recorded it in the sky as the constellation of Pisces, a constellation that invites us to adapt to any situation, but also remember that later the gods were so adapted to live in this form that they did not want to abandon it as their new comfort zone, If you feel stuck or stuck, Pisces clearly made his treats with you.

But now the position of the Sun entering Aries gives us the strength to endure any difficult stage that seems to come out of it, if you do not take the strength of the ram to excel a situation during its first instants is your responsibility, he invites you to Emerge and flourish, but it is you who decide whether to do it or not.

This spring promises to be a true ally of karma and will come looking for guilty and complications, after all, it is not to forget that spring is moving the sun and the moon together at their convenience, nothing is hidden in the sunlight or much Less by the light of the moon.

The next thing we have to do is carry out the corresponding spring cleaning, move the furniture in the house to mobilize the energies and let the spirit of the home overtake some force, burn some of the holy stick and the grass of San Juan to remove those parasites Spiritual and astral larvae that take away our energy.

For those who are subscribed to my mailing list, as soon as possible I will be sending some tips and recommendations to carry out a good esoteric cleaning of the spirit of the home, we are also pending with the rituals of the moon that is to come and that gives us the Power to project the success we dream in reality.

And if you are not yet subscribed to my mailing list, well, RELAX!, you still have the opportunity to join by logging on to and leaving your information on my page.

We read soon, blessings.

Atte. Elhoim

Friday, March 17, 2017

The Red Thread on the Wrists.

The Red Thread on the Wrists, Do You Know What it Really Means?

Kabbalah is a kind of technology for the soul with more than 4,000 years of antiquity. This age-old wisdom for well-being provides us with a broad practical knowledge for everyday life. It also gives us an elaborate system of universal tools to transform us regardless of our race, religion, faith or sex.

"In the late 1990s the red string became popular with many celebrities in the United States, including many non-Jews. Led by Madonna and her children, those that have taken to wearing them have include: Aramayis Abgaryan, Michael Jackson, Rosie O'Donnell, Ashotik Eghiazaryan, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, Ariana Grande, Kyle Richards, Camila Cabello, Paris and Nicky Hilton, Britney Spears, Sienna Miller, Paulina Rubio, Gwyneth Paltrow, Chloe Bateman, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, Charlize Theron, Sarah Brightman, Mariah Carey, Lucy Liu, Kylie Minogue, Mick Jagger, David Paterson, Naomi Campbell, Camilla Parker-Bowles, Blake Anderson, Colin Haskins, Ansley Parks, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, Logan, David and Victoria Beckham, Avril Lavigne, Pedro Andrade, Sebastian Bøtcher Bonde, Sandra Bernhard, Reese Witherspoon, Sasha Cohen, Lauren Conrad, Billie Joe Armstrong, Harry Styles, Lisa Rinna, Anthony Kiedis, Alex Saunders, Kian Lawley and Leonardo DiCaprio. The popularity in the West is often linked to Philip Berg's controversial Kabbalah Centre. Vladimir Putin was seen wearing the red string on a meeting with the president of the Republic of Indonesia, although on his right hand instead of the left."

Have you seen those people in the street with a red thread on the left wrist?

According to Kabbalah, the mystic and famous red thread on the wrist protects us from an evil as old as Evil Eye, a form of negative energy that is nourished by envy and jealousy, and which many different people can handle and learn to use with constant practice (not recommended). It is not about old-age witchcraft, it is a force nourished by that feeling that arouses anger or resentment in many people when compared to the success or good luck of someone else. This can happen in a conscious or unconscious way and although you do not realize it, it has a negative effect on the life of the victim as of the one who uses it, even if done many times unconsciously.

For Kabbalah, one of the most powerful and effective tools that protects us against Evil Eye is the red thread bracelet. Many years ago this magical technology of the red thread was devised, which serves to protect you from envious looks and also to help you eliminate your own envy.

The Red Thread, unlike what is believed, is actually a thread of white wool. Why do we dye it then? Red is an important color because, in the light spectrum, it has the lowest frequency or the lowest brightness. According to this wisdom, two forces permeate the world: judgment and piety. When you combine the two; When white wool is dyed red, judgment becomes piety, or darkness into light. This is how the thread gives you its wonderful power of protection.

Following the principles of Kabbalah, and also of modern feng shui, the red thread bracelet protects us, nullifying in us the feelings of jealousy and envy, repressing the sense of inferiority that others may cause in us and diverting envy That others can have us.

In the conventional Voodoo is also very common the use of the bracelet of red thread, although combined with other elements like consecrated pendant amulets and essential oils prepared at home.

So you know, if you want to protect yourself against the envy and jealousy of others, or even yourself, look for a specialist of the subject so that you put your bracelet of red thread, because it carries with a ritual of conventional consecration which only they can perform.


Thursday, March 16, 2017

13 magical infusions that will help you sleep better


Magical Infusions

That will help you sleep better

When bedtime approaches, it is an ideal time to prepare a relaxing infusion that will prepare us to go to sleep and put us in "off mode." There is a great variety of plants that relax us and help us to fall asleep. These plants, taken as an infusion, can have a great flavor if we also add honey or lemon.

1. Valerian

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, Caprifoliaceae) is an infusion and a supplement that is used to reduce anxiety, but also sleep aid. It acts as a mild sedative, thanks to its phytochemicals that affect the brain and produce relaxation. According to scientific research, this drink reduces the amount of time the person takes to fall asleep, and promotes restful sleep.

2. Chamomile

Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) is a perfect infusion for when you get stressed after a long day at work. A cup of this hot drink with a little honey is one of the pleasures of life. Not only is it positive for relaxing and sleeping better, but it improves overall health, as it has many beneficial properties, for example, it helps to reduce inflammation or cholesterol.

3. Melissa

Melissa (Melissa officinalis) also known as melissa grass, is a very potent infusion for people who have difficulty sleeping. In fact, it is a very healthy drink that, in addition to improving sleep, helps reduce stress, indigestion, anxiety and can help cure cold sores more quickly. If combined with other infusions such as chamomile and valerian, it can improve its sleep-inducing properties.

4. Banana tea

A tea that surely many of you will not know but that is really effective for insomnia is banana tea. It is a wonderful remedy for those who have trouble falling asleep. By drinking this tea, blood vessels and muscles relax, allowing you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

5. Lavender

The medicinal properties of lavender (lavender officinalis) are fantastic. A single cup can help reassure your body and mind and help you fall asleep. It can also be used to relieve the effects of bronchitis, asthma and colds, because it reduces coughing and helps with other respiratory problems. It works very well for children and adults, and is beneficial to reduce fever and heal wounds, cuts and sores.

6. Turmeric tea

Turmeric tea or just turmeric (Curcuma longa) has anti-inflammatory properties plus anti-cancer, is anti-viral, has antibiotic agents and also helps to fall asleep. When mixed with ginger, honey and lemon, lemons will have a healthy infusion that you can use as a sleep remedy and as a beneficial beverage for health ... Why honey and lemons? Well, honey is a dream remedy and lemons are great for detoxification.

7. Ashwagandha Tea

(Withania somnifera) This Hindu infusion has been taking for centuries in India, because it clears the mind and treats hypertension, severe stress and fatigue. In addition, its relaxing properties help you sleep better.

8. The Luisa Grass

(Cymbopogon citratus) This infusion is perfect for calming the nerves because of its calming effect. It clears the mind and helps to go more relaxed to bed. However, it is not indicated for women who are in the period of pregnancy.

9. Pasionaria

Pasionaria or the blue passionflower (passiflora caerulea) An infusion that is ideal for treating insomnia, because it works as a natural relaxant, with sedative and analgesic properties. It is also useful in cases in which the person suffers migraine or tachycardia.

10. Tila

(Tilia) Without a doubt, one of the most popular infusions and rescued to calm the nerves. It is an oriental drink that, despite being less powerful than valerian, helps to sleep placidly and reassures. It is sold in any supermarket and has a great flavor if mixed with honey.

11. Hops

(Humulus lupulus) Another infusion that helps to fall asleep but perhaps more unknown is hop infusion. This plant is found in several regions of Europe and has a bitter taste. It has an effect on the nervous system that helps to sleep better, to treat nervousness, anxiety, stress and indigestion. It also acts as a muscle relaxant.

12. Poppy

(Eschscholzia californica) The poppy is a beautiful flower that also, consumed as an infusion, has beneficial effects to improve sleep. The reading found in leaves and on the stem helps fight insomnia, respiratory conditions, colds and sore throats.

13. Romero

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) has a strong odor and a characteristic aroma, which can be used in gastronomy because it combines very well with thyme, laurel, garlic or wine, and is a good substitute for salt. In addition, rosemary promotes muscle relaxation and helps sleep better.

I hope this helps you, as much as me, try them and tell me how. Blessings

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

RUDRAKSHA, the “Shiva's Tears”

RUDRAKSHA: “Shiva's Tears”

The ancient masters of India were the first to discover the powers of these seeds. In a constant quest to increase their spiritual power and deepen their practice, they found that when they incorporated in their practice the blue fruits of the trees that grew in the volcanic earth of the Himalayan mountains (Rudraksha), these seeds amplified, radiated and channeled greater peace, power and protection.

One of the most common seeds with which traditional japa-mala beads are built is Rudraksha, whose name means "the tears of Shiva." To create the mala beads, 108 seeds are traditionally joined with an additional one, for a total of 109. According to the Hindu astrological tradition, 108 is an auspicious number and its number is represented in many of the astrological symbols. The seeds have different sizes, textures and value; Being some easier to get than others.

The additional seed, number 109, represents the center of the world and the realization of God. In this seed the mantra is not pronounced, but thanks to those who have contributed to your spiritual path. The seeds of the Rudraksha have different spiritual channels, or spiritual purposes, which are reflected in the different "faces", called Mukhis, of each seed. The number of "faces" that a seed has can vary up to twenty-one.

Each seed is used for different spiritual purposes, so according to tradition, the spiritual master is the one who assigns the type of seed to each person according to their physical or spiritual need. These seeds create a lot of positive energy for the body, mind and soul and their spiritual use has been documented for more than 6,500 years. These seeds have a special vibration, which is determined by many factors, including soil quality and location.

These seeds are found in several species of trees in the Himalayan mountains, however unfortunately many of these trees were cut down, so in India there are fewer and fewer. Currently there are more in Nepal, Burma, Thailand and Indonesia.

In the ancient spiritual tradition of India, Shiva represents the divine power of transformation and enlightenment. It is said that after years of contemplating the suffering of man, the tears of compassion began to fall from the eyes of Shiva. As they fell, Shiva transformed them into seeds and guided them to the earth for the benefit of those who seek to free themselves from suffering and unite with their divinity.

These powerful seeds positively change the karma of the person who uses them, guiding the person naturally towards the path of truth and towards their Dharma. They are effective in controlling stress. They are also a natural way to bring more peace and tranquility to those who use them. They bring mental clarity, increase concentration and intuition. Create powerful protective circles, blocking negativity and removing obstacles along the way.

Rudraksha seeds create a more intimate connection with the positive forces in nature. They help heal the physical body and bring a balance in the energies.

Rudraksha seeds create a more intimate connection with the positive forces in nature. They help heal the physical body and bring a balance in the energies.

When you just get a mala beads done with Rudraksha seeds, you have to connect with your energy and it is recommended to use it followed by 40 days. You can even shower wearing the beads, while you do not use soaps or perfumes on it. You must remove the bad ones during the sexual relations or if you go to a cemetery.

It's important that you put your intention in the mala and the seeds, and that you use it in your practice of daily meditation. I recommend using a mantra with a specific intention and feel the energy of the Rudraksha on your body and your intention.

Use your mala beads and take care of it, usually when the Rudraksha are not used, they lose their energy. It is also recommended that you have one set of mala beads to pray or meditate and a different one to have in public. It is important that you do not share your Rudraksha as it will be contaminated with other energy that is not yours.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Thinking out loud

Preparing everything to celebrate Ostara in a little house a second time. (Thinking out loud)

I come from Venezuela, where paganism and Wicca, are not as conventional as here, in fact, we are culturally very different, in Venezuela the old beliefs are strolled by voodoo and conventional witchcraft, astrology is very popular, Astrologers from all over America Latina, I grew up in a family where the common practice was spiritism, santeria, Kimbanda, Candomble, and Umbanda.

We do not have four stations like the USA (in the North) and Argentina (in the South), in fact, Venezuela is in the middle of "tropical zone", between the equator of cancer, and the Equator of Capricorn, or as we say more colloquially "Where the sun burns you", we have all the Caribbean Sea right up, so we only have two seasons, hot and rainy, although we live there, we think there are really three seasons, warm, very, very hot, and rainy Only three days a year, no more than there).

As you understand, for me, spring is something new, much less winter, in Venezuela, tulips are usually imported, roses bloom all year and what we have more are sunflowers, chrysanthemums and cayenne flowers. Two botanical gardens, the botanical garden of Caracas (that truth has never seen the splendor of his days) and we have the Topotepuy Gardens, where he used to attend once a year to see the flowers.

Wicca and paganism are not practiced very commonly, there are many small "coven" there, even I belong to some, but it was rare to hold the solstices and the equinoxes, when they really do not occur, it also did not make much sense. To celebrate Samhain, we do not have We do not have pumpkins or pomegranates, our apples are imported, as well as grapes and most of the wines, because we do not have a good soil to harvest fruit, but vegetables and legumes, as a matter of fact Of temperature.

Our "summer" is much warmer than here, and also much longer, higher temperatures than California and New York lived until 2016, are usually the average temperature of a normal day in Venezuela for only ten years In certain areas Of the country we arrived The -2C and that for us is usually synonymous of catastrophe.

What we celebrate are the many birthdays of the different virgins, the virgin of the mercedes, the virgin of the rule, the virgin of the chiquinquira, the Virgin of Bethany (to whom largely my partner and I owe our present stay in Nueva York), Virgen De la Candelaria, Virgen del Valle, among many others.

Here in the United States we have the famous French Quarter of New Orleans and endless magical places and witch festivals, which in Venezuela do not have these festivals, in fact, we do not usually celebrate Walpurgis night, we have a "pocket version" Of the night Of San Juan, and colorful carnivals (which were much more colorful two decades before the corruption finished everything). But what we do have is the reservoir of butterflies, a kind of park-forest where the witches of the great city gather day and night to honor the spirits, the dead and the different spiritualist courts. We also have the famous Mountain of Luck "In Yaracuy, also known as Natural Monument" Cerro Maria Lionza "in honor of one of our most revered chthonic deities, here is celebrated the night of San Juan and several pagan festivals.

The Mariposa Reservoir is a small chain of mountains full of worship of the oldest, witches, spirits who walk the roads constantly asking for help and huge altars at every stop, rivers filled with offerings to the saints, and if you go in hours of At night, you will see the spirits descend to the moonlight by attending the witches.

On the other hand, the Mountain of Luck is our power mine, full of enchantments and trees older than the invention of the automobile, witches gathered in each path, in each way and next to each stream, carrying offerings to those who have left us When your family has forgotten you and prefers and does not remember you, when your spirit walks the confused and misunderstood land of the dead, it is there that good-hearted witches find you and help you to emerge. While the rest of the world cares about nonsense, asking the same absurd questions every day, from which makeup to use until shoes match best with the wallet, across the forest, in magical places of our world, such as New Orleans, Machu Picchu And the mountain of Luck, there are powerful and beautiful witches who assisted by wise shamans and sorcerers sacrifice their nights of sleep and rest by attending all those who have been forgotten.

The difference of our cultures is above all a geographic difference, we all see, we all believe and we are born, we die and we are born again, from one corner to another, we walk the world learning a little more each day, thanking those who listen On the other side of the veil, thanking for the opportunities and for each and every one of those wonderful people who put us on the road, thanking us for helping us to remove obstacles and negative or ill-intentioned people. We all move under the same lunar mantle and the same light as the king of the sun that inspires us every day to be better people.

Here I continue to hope to learn a little more, waiting for some of those who come to teach you.

Blessings and Happy day.